=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
=> Errors prevented startup:
While determining active plugins:
error: conflict: two packages included in the app (angular-templates and templating) are both trying to handle *.html
error: conflict: two packages included in the app (pbastowski:angular-babel and ecmascript) are both trying to handle *.js
While determining active plugins:
error: conflict: two packages included in the app (angular-templates and templating) are both trying to handle *.html
error: conflict: two packages included in the app (pbastowski:angular-babel and ecmascript) are both trying to handle *.js
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
형님, 저는 이전에 이 문제를 겪었고 나중에 해결했습니다. 제 블로그 게시물이나 SF의 자체 답변을 읽어보실 수 있습니다.
Meteor+angularjs는 라이트 포럼 시리즈 1을 구현합니다
Meteor1.2.1 버전은 이런 방식의angularjs 작성을 지원하지 않나요?
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