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- Windows 11 Build 22621.2506 official version update released, complete update log pushed!
- New news! Microsoft officially released the official version of win11 on the morning of October 26, with version number 22621.2506. This new system has added many new features, such as centralized AI-assisted preview, file manager updates, and the addition of modern file resources supported by WinUI. Manager homepage, etc., the detailed update log is provided below. Build 22621.2506 update log: [Emphasis] Copilot in Windows Preview is new! This update adds centralized AI-assisted previews, known as Copilot in Windows. This makes Windows 11 the first PC platform to add centralized AI assistance to help you get your work done. Start menu new! When you move the mouse
- Windows Series . kubernetes 1357 2024-02-12 14:00:14
- Top 10 Linux Server Distros of 2023
- Due to its various advantages, the Linux operating system is a popular choice among all types of servers. First, it is free (except for a few commercial distributions, such as RHEL and SLES) and open source. Its open source nature means that developers can view its source code and make modifications, and it can be redistributed under specified license terms. Secondly, Linux is generally considered stable, versatile, and more secure than Windows. Finally, Linux can be easily deployed on various platforms, such as bare metal, virtual machines and cloud environments. In this article, we highlight the top 10 Linux server distributions. 1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Red Hat Enterprise Linux? (R
- LINUX . kubernetes 1004 2024-02-12 11:12:20
- How does gRPC know the service IP address of a microservice?
- I started with Google Cloud Platform's microservices demo. I'm curious how grpc stubs work when the service is deployed in a container. From what I understand, the container for a specific service is addressed by the service ip specified in the yaml configuration file. So does the grpc server of the service have to listen to the service IP? But I encountered the following code snippet: l,err:=net.Listen("tcp",fmt.Sprintf(":%s",port))iferr!=nil{log.Fatal(err)} I want to know about the server How to monitor an address without ip?
- Golang . kubernetes 791 2024-02-11 18:09:08
- Update status of custom Kubernetes controller in golang
- I'm building a gokubernetes operator. I use kubebuilder to create it. I want to store some internal details in crd state. I've tried: update the whole resource: ifr=r.client.update(ctx,upcrd);err!=nil{returnctrl.result{},client.ignorenotfound(err)} and update only the status: ifr=r.status ().update(ctx,upcrd);err!=ni
- Golang . kubernetes 405 2024-02-11 08:57:08
- Equivalent to 'kubectl get crds' in golang
- If I want to list the namespaces on the cluster using client-go, I can do this with a simple command: clientset.CoreV1().Namespaces().List(context.TODO(),metav1.ListOptions{} ) What is the equivalent command to the kubectlgetcrd command? is it possible? I tried to find a solution but most of the answers I found answered how to query for specific crds rather than getting a list of them.
- Golang . kubernetes 518 2024-02-10 21:30:22
- Remove metric unable to run kubernetes operator controller
- I've been working on my operator in which I have some custom indicator setting values and it works fine (registering and displaying indicator values). The problem is that indicator deletion is not happening. I tried to declare a separate function to remove the indicator. My operator is starting stateful sets and services, but after deleting my cr, the subresources are deleted but the metrics don't get any updates/removals. func(r*cr)reconcile(ctxcontext.context,reqctrl.request)(ctrl.result,error){............iferrors.isnotfound(
- Golang . kubernetes 948 2024-02-10 14:33:08
- Convert dot-separated values to Go struct using Python
- This is a specific requirement for applications where the configuration can be changed (especially wso2identityserver, since I'm writing a kubernetes operator for it using go). But it's really not relevant here. I want to create a solution that allows easy management of large number of configuration maps to generate go structures. These config maps are linked in .csv to .csv-my_configs.csv I want, to write a python script that automatically generates go structures so that any changes to the application configuration can be created by simply executing the python script to create the corresponding go structure to update. I'm referring to the configuration of the application itself. example
- Golang . kubernetes 989 2024-02-10 13:33:08
- helm : Error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line xx: Expected key not found
- I have a json encoded string in my values.yaml file ->values.yamlnetwork:cidrs:"[\"\",\"\"]" Now, I want to This value is used as a list of strings in my network policy exit ipblock. But I can't convert it to a list. Currently I am following this approach to achieve the requirement but it fails with - errorconvertingyamltojson:yaml:linexx:didnotfindexpect
- Golang . kubernetes 771 2024-02-10 12:30:10
- How do I make an authorization request from cronjobs to a secure API endpoint?
- I have a golang application that does API key authorization via JWT tokens and I'm using Kubernetes. So, this golang application is in a pod. Now I want to create another application for cronjobs to access the golang endpoint once a week. What I need: How to perform/skip authorization? Skip: Ingress is not needed here as I can simply call it internally. Will this help the case? What I've tried: I've tried keeping the cronjobs and api in the same application so I can simply call the service instead of the endpoint, but this
- Golang . kubernetes 847 2024-02-09 23:50:14
- Building a Kubernetes Operator for rolling updates
- I have created a Kubernetes application (e.g. deploy D1, using docker image I1) which will run on the client cluster. Requirement 1: Now, I want to do a rolling update every time I update my docker image I1 without any effort from the client (somehow the client cluster should automatically pull the latest docker image) Requirement 2: Whenever I When a specific configMap is updated, the client cluster should all automatically start using the new configMap. How should I achieve this? Using Kubernetes Cronjobs? Kubernetes operator? or something else
- Golang . kubernetes 445 2024-02-09 22:18:19
- systemd: A super toolbox on Linux
- systemd is a modern initialization system on Linux. It is responsible for managing system startup, service running, user login, etc. The goal of systemd is to provide a fast, flexible, and scalable system management framework. However, systemd is not just an initialization system, it also provides many other functions and tools, allowing you to manage and monitor your Linux system more conveniently. In this article, we will introduce three amazing things you can do with systemd, they are: Simplify Linuxps: Use the systemd-cgtop command to view the system load based on control groups Linux scheduled tasks: Use systemd timers to schedule periodic execution of
- LINUX . kubernetes 965 2024-02-09 17:42:20
- Kubernetes Watch returns empty results (empty type, empty object)
- I'm using Kubernetesclient-go to monitor some resources. funcwatchGVR(ctxcontext.Context,args*Arguments,dynClient*dynamic.DynamicClient,gvrschema.GroupVersionResource)error{//ifgvr.Group==""&&gvr.Resource==fmt.Printf("Watching%q% q\n",gvr
- Golang . kubernetes 714 2024-02-09 12:06:08
- Unable to execute shell on K8S pod
- Use rancher-2.6.6 to install k8s (v1.23.7+rke2r2). Related questions are here. I cannot execute shell on any container in k8s (v1.23.7+rke2r2). The log is a bit long, I don't know if it will be helpful. I'm new to go and it took me a few hours and I don't know how to solve it. Any help would be very happy. [root@123~]#/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/kubectl--kubeconfigrke2.yaml-nminio--v=9exec--stdin--ttyconsol
- Golang . kubernetes 1044 2024-02-09 12:00:12
- Set up Kubernetes Pods with API calls using Go and the Operator SDK
- I'm trying to create a controller that can create and delete Pods via API calls using operator-sdk and Go. The controller should be able to accept a POST call with information like {imageTag:"",namespace:""} to set up a Pod that can return the podId, and also be able to delete the Pod via an API call using the podId. I've looked at some tutorials, But it's not clear to me how Go operators intercept API calls. is it possible? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
- Golang . kubernetes 837 2024-02-09 11:00:18
- Exit after the container is finished running
- My golangfiber server automatically exits with the following message when running on googlecloudrun: containercalledexit(0). I run it using the following dockerfile #usetheofficalgolangimagetocreateabinary.fromgolang:busterasbuilder#createandchangetotheappdirectory.workdir/app#retrieveap
- Golang . kubernetes 1113 2024-02-09 09:50:19