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- 3 Fixes for External Microphone Not Working on Mac
- Quick Fixes Check USB Port: The USB port of your Mac used for connecting the external mic might be faulty. Check if your microphone is working on another device: Plug in your microphone with other devices and see if it is wor
- MAC 1038 2024-09-18 11:33:02
- mac vmware set up network
- This guide provides comprehensive instructions on configuring network settings in VMware on a Mac, establishing network connections, and setting up VMware network preferences. It covers essential steps for successful virtual machine networking, targe
- MAC 764 2024-08-15 15:52:20
- Analysis of causes of power consumption of ios app
- This article explores the common sources of battery drain in iOS apps, including background activity, location services, push notifications, heavy graphics, and inefficient code. It provides a troubleshooting guide to help app developers identify and
- MAC 656 2024-08-15 15:41:32
- How to change the mouse wheel direction on mac
- This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to reverse the scrolling direction of your mouse wheel on a Mac. It also covers how to adjust other mouse wheel scroll settings, such as scroll speed and zoom while scrolling.
- MAC 804 2024-08-15 15:36:17
- mac zsh configuration installation
- This guide provides comprehensive instructions on installing, configuring, and optimizing ZSH on macOS. It covers essential commands for autocomplete, syntax highlighting, and theme selection. Additionally, the optimization section explores customizi
- MAC 1326 2024-08-15 12:01:17
- How to Stop iPhone Verification When Installing Free Apps
- Seeing the "Verification Required" prompt every time you want to install an app from the App Store can be frustrating, especially when it's free. Here's how you can stop those annoying verification prompts on your iPhone.
- MAC 1374 2024-07-29 12:45:21
- iPhone Storage Full? How to Create Free Space on iOS
- Photos, videos, and apps take up an iPhone's storage space quickly. Even though you can't increase your internal storage space with an SD card, there are still several ways to free up space on your iPhone. 1. Offload or Delete Unused
- MAC 1114 2024-07-21 22:48:10
- How to Reset Siri on Your iPhone, iPad, or Mac
- Unfortunately, Apple doesn't offer a "Reset" button just for Siri. However, you can use a simple toggle in the iOS/iPadOS Settings app to reset Siri when needed. Follow these steps: Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Sc
- MAC 1333 2024-07-19 11:50:08
- What to Do If Your iPhone Takes Low Megapixel Photos
- Ifyouknowwhataspectratioisinphotography,thenyoumostlikelydon'tneedthisguide.Simplyput,theaspectratioisessentiallytheratioofthewidthtotheheightofanimage.ThedefaultaspectratioontheiPhoneis4:3sincethecamera
- MAC 923 2024-06-15 11:49:23
- 6 Reasons Visual Look Up Might Not Be Working on Your iPhone
- So,ifyou'rehavingtroubleusingtheVisualLookUpfeatureonyouriPhone,herearesomereasonswhyitmightnotbeworkingandwhatyoucandotofixit.iPhoneModelsSupportingVisualLookUpFirstoff,besuretocheckifyourdeviceisrun
- MAC 1093 2024-06-15 10:31:18
- Safari Too Slow on Your iPhone? 4 Ways to Speed It Up
- Ifyou'renoticingthatSafariisrunningslowonyouriPhone,thereareseveralthingsyoucandotospeeditupagain.Givethesetipsatry,andhopefully,Safariwillbeatfullspeedinnotime.CheckYourInternetSpeedBeforepassingthebla
- MAC 1027 2024-06-14 22:47:29
- 7 Ways to Fix an iPhone Stuck on the Apple Logo
- Here,we'llcoverthereasonswhyyouriPhonemightbestuckontheApplelogoandthenshowyouthedifferentwaystofixthisissueyourself.WhyYouriPhoneWon'tTurnOnandGetsStuckontheAppleLogoThereareseveralreasonswhyyour
- MAC 701 2024-06-14 22:28:09
- iCloud Not Syncing? How to Solve iCloud Sync Issues
- Fortunately,therearemanyfixesyoucantrytogetyourmacOS,iPadOS,andiOSappstosyncwithApple'sservers.Don'tbeafraidtotrythemallifthefirstfewdon'tworkout.1.RestartandWaitiCloudcantakesometimetokickinwh
- MAC 1224 2024-06-14 22:26:17
- 6 Fixes to Try if Apple Declines Your Payment Method
- OrperhapsyouwanttoaddapaymentmethodtoyourAppleID,butitgetsdeclined.Whatdoyoudoineithersituation?Below,we'lllistafewstepsyoucantakewhenAppledeclinesyourpaymentmethod.1.CheckYourPaymentInformationWhenApple
- MAC 1902 2024-06-14 21:30:00
- 10 Fixes for When You Can't Make Phone Calls on Your iPhone
- Whateverthecause,hereareallthedifferentwaystofixyouriPhonewhenit'snotallowingyoutomakephonecalls.1.ToggleOffAirplaneModeWhenAirplaneModeisenabledonyouriPhone,thefeaturedisablesbothincomingandoutgoingtexts
- MAC 1042 2024-06-14 21:22:57