directory search
Smarty模板编译引擎 I.开始 第一章. 什么是Smarty? 第二章. 安装 要求 基本安装 扩展设置 II.模板设计者篇 第三章.基本语法 注释 函数 属性 第四章.变量 从PHP分配的变量 Associative arrays Array indexes Objects 从配置文件读取的变量 {$smarty}保留变量 Request variables {$} {$smarty.const} {$smarty.capture} {$smarty.config} {$smarty.section} {$smarty.template} 第五章.变量调节器 capitalize count_characters cat count_paragraphs count_sentences count_words date_format default escape indent lower nl2br regex_replace replace spacify string_format strip strip_tags truncate upper wordwrap 第六章.组合修改器 第七章.内建函数 capture config_load foreach include include_php insert if ldelim literal php section index index_prev index_next iteration first last rownum loop show total strip 第八章.自定义函数 assign counter cycle debug eval fetch html_checkboxes html_image html_options html_radios html_select_date html_select_time html_table math mailto popup_init popup textformat 第九章.配置文件 第十章.调试控制台 III.模板程序员篇 第十一章 常量 SMARTY_DIR 第十二章 变量 $template_dir $compile_dir $config_dir $plugins_dir $debugging $debug_tpl $debugging_ctrl $global_assign $undefined $autoload_filters $compile_check $force_compile $caching $cache_dir $cache_lifetime $cache_handler_func $cache_modified_check $config_overwrite $config_booleanize $config_read_hidden $config_fix_newlines $default_template_handler_func $php_handling $security $secure_dir $security_settings $trusted_dir $left_delimiter $right_delimiter $compiler_class $request_vars_order $compile_id $use_sub_dirs $default_modifiers $default_resource_type 第十三章.方法 append append_by_ref assign assign_by_ref clear_all_assign clear_all_cache clear_assign clear_cache clear_compiled_tpl clear_config config_load display fetch get_config_vars get_registered_object get_template_vars is_cached load_filter register_block register_compiler_function register_function register_modifier register_object register_outputfilter register_postfilter register_prefilter register_resource trigger_error template_exists unregister_block unregister_compiler_function unregister_function unregister_modifier unregister_object unregister_outputfilter unregister_postfilter unregister_prefilter unregister_resource 第十四章.缓存 Setting Up Caching Multiple Caches Per Page Cache Groups Controlling Cacheability of Plugins' Output 第十五章.高级特点 Objects Prefilters Postfilters Output Filters Cache Handler Function Resources Templates from $template_dir Templates from any directory Templates from other sources Default template handler function 第十六章.以插件扩展Smarty How Plugins Work Naming Conventions Writing Plugins Template Functions Modifiers Block Functions Compiler Functions Prefilters/Postfilters Output Filters Resources Inserts Ⅳ.高级特点 第十七章.疑难解答 Smarty/PHP errors 第18章.使用技巧和经验 Blank Variable Handling Default Variable Handling Passing variable title to header template Dates WAP/WML Componentized Templates Obfuscating E-mail Addresses 第十九章. 相关资源 第二十章. 漏洞


Upon each invocation of the PHP application, Smarty tests to see if the current template has changed (different time stamp) since the last time it was compiled. If it has changed, it recompiles that template. If the template has not been compiled, it will compile regardless of this setting. By default this variable is set to true. Once an application is put into production (templates won't be changing), the compile_check step is no longer needed. Be sure to set $compile_check to "false" for maximal performance. Note that if you change this to "false" and a template file is changed, you will *not* see the change since the template will not get recompiled. If caching is enabled and compile_check is enabled, then the cache files will get regenerated if an involved template file or config file was updated. See $force_compile or clear_compiled_tpl.
每次调用PHP应用程序,Smarty 会试着查看自上次编译时间以来,当前模板是否被修改过.如果修改过了,她会重新编译那个模板.如果模板还没有被编译过,她将编译模板而不管编译检查如何设置.默认情况下编译检查这个变量设置为true.一旦一个应用程序投入产品中(模板将不会修改了),就不再需要编译检查这一步了.为了最大性能,确定将$compile_check设为"false".注意:如果设为了"false",虽然模板文件被修改,但你不会看到修改结果,因为模板没有得到重新编译.如果启动了缓存和编译检查,一旦有关模板文件或配置文件被更新,缓存文件将会重建.

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