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This appendix is normative.
This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL for the SVG Document Object Model definitions. The IDL is also available at:
The SVG IDL defines the model for the SVG DOM. Note that the SVG IDL is defined such that some interfaces have more than one base class. The different standard language bindings for the SVG DOM are responsible for defining how to map all aspects of the SVG DOM into the given language, including how the language should implement interfaces with more than one base class.
module smil { interface ElementTimeControl { void beginElement(); void beginElementAt(in float offset); void endElement(); void endElementAt(in float offset); }; interface TimeEvent : Event { readonly attribute AbstractView view; readonly attribute long detail; void initTimeEvent(in DOMString typeArg, in AbstractView viewArg, in long detailArg); }; }; module svg { exception SVGException { unsigned short code; }; // SVGException code const unsigned short SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR = 0; const unsigned short SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR = 1; const unsigned short SVG_MATRIX_NOT_INVERTABLE = 2; interface SVGElement : Element { attribute DOMString id setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString xmlbase setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute SVGSVGElement ownerSVGElement; readonly attribute SVGElement viewportElement; }; interface SVGAnimatedBoolean { attribute boolean baseVal setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute boolean animVal; }; interface SVGAnimatedString { attribute DOMString baseVal setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute DOMString animVal; }; interface SVGStringList { readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems; void clear() raises(DOMException); DOMString initialize(in DOMString newItem) raises(DOMException); DOMString getItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); DOMString insertItemBefore(in DOMString newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); DOMString replaceItem(in DOMString newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); DOMString removeItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); DOMString appendItem(in DOMString newItem) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedEnumeration { attribute unsigned short baseVal setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute unsigned short animVal; }; interface SVGAnimatedInteger { attribute long baseVal setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute long animVal; }; interface SVGNumber { attribute float value setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedNumber { attribute float baseVal setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute float animVal; }; interface SVGNumberList { readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems; void clear() raises(DOMException); SVGNumber initialize(in SVGNumber newItem) raises(DOMException); SVGNumber getItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGNumber insertItemBefore(in SVGNumber newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGNumber replaceItem(in SVGNumber newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGNumber removeItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGNumber appendItem(in SVGNumber newItem) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedNumberList { readonly attribute SVGNumberList baseVal; readonly attribute SVGNumberList animVal; }; interface SVGLength { // Length Unit Types const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER = 1; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE = 2; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS = 3; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS = 4; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX = 5; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM = 6; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM = 7; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN = 8; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT = 9; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC = 10; readonly attribute unsigned short unitType; attribute float value setraises(DOMException); attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString valueAsString setraises(DOMException); void newValueSpecifiedUnits(in unsigned short unitType, in float valueInSpecifiedUnits) raises(DOMException); void convertToSpecifiedUnits(in unsigned short unitType) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedLength { readonly attribute SVGLength baseVal; readonly attribute SVGLength animVal; }; interface SVGLengthList { readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems; void clear() raises(DOMException); SVGLength initialize(in SVGLength newItem) raises(DOMException); SVGLength getItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGLength insertItemBefore(in SVGLength newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGLength replaceItem(in SVGLength newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGLength removeItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGLength appendItem(in SVGLength newItem) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedLengthList { readonly attribute SVGLengthList baseVal; readonly attribute SVGLengthList animVal; }; interface SVGAngle { // Angle Unit Types const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 1; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG = 2; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD = 3; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD = 4; readonly attribute unsigned short unitType; attribute float value setraises(DOMException); attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString valueAsString setraises(DOMException); void newValueSpecifiedUnits(in unsigned short unitType, in float valueInSpecifiedUnits) raises(DOMException); void convertToSpecifiedUnits(in unsigned short unitType) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedAngle { readonly attribute SVGAngle baseVal; readonly attribute SVGAngle animVal; }; interface SVGColor : CSSValue { // Color Types const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR = 1; const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_RGBCOLOR_ICCCOLOR = 2; const unsigned short SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR = 3; readonly attribute unsigned short colorType; readonly attribute RGBColor rgbColor; readonly attribute SVGICCColor iccColor; void setRGBColor(in DOMString rgbColor) raises(SVGException); void setRGBColorICCColor(in DOMString rgbColor, in DOMString iccColor) raises(SVGException); void setColor(in unsigned short colorType, in DOMString rgbColor, in DOMString iccColor) raises(SVGException); }; interface SVGICCColor { attribute DOMString colorProfile setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute SVGNumberList colors; }; interface SVGRect { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float width setraises(DOMException); attribute float height setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedRect { readonly attribute SVGRect baseVal; readonly attribute SVGRect animVal; }; interface SVGUnitTypes { // Unit Types const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX = 2; }; interface SVGStylable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString className; readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style; CSSValue getPresentationAttribute(in DOMString name); }; interface SVGLocatable { readonly attribute SVGElement nearestViewportElement; readonly attribute SVGElement farthestViewportElement; SVGRect getBBox(); SVGMatrix getCTM(); SVGMatrix getScreenCTM(); SVGMatrix getTransformToElement(in SVGElement element) raises(SVGException); }; interface SVGTransformable : SVGLocatable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedTransformList transform; }; interface SVGTests { readonly attribute SVGStringList requiredFeatures; readonly attribute SVGStringList requiredExtensions; readonly attribute SVGStringList systemLanguage; boolean hasExtension(in DOMString extension); }; interface SVGLangSpace { attribute DOMString xmllang setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString xmlspace setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGExternalResourcesRequired { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedBoolean externalResourcesRequired; }; interface SVGFitToViewBox { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedRect viewBox; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio; }; interface SVGZoomAndPan { // Zoom and Pan Types const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_DISABLE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_ZOOMANDPAN_MAGNIFY = 2; attribute unsigned short zoomAndPan setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGViewSpec : SVGZoomAndPan, SVGFitToViewBox { readonly attribute SVGTransformList transform; readonly attribute SVGElement viewTarget; readonly attribute DOMString viewBoxString; readonly attribute DOMString preserveAspectRatioString; readonly attribute DOMString transformString; readonly attribute DOMString viewTargetString; }; interface SVGURIReference { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString href; }; interface SVGCSSRule : CSSRule { const unsigned short COLOR_PROFILE_RULE = 7; }; interface SVGRenderingIntent { // Rendering Intent Types const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_AUTO = 1; const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL = 2; const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC = 3; const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_SATURATION = 4; const unsigned short RENDERING_INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC = 5; }; interface SVGDocument : Document, DocumentEvent { readonly attribute DOMString title; readonly attribute DOMString referrer; readonly attribute DOMString domain; readonly attribute DOMString URL; readonly attribute SVGSVGElement rootElement; }; interface SVGSVGElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGLocatable, SVGFitToViewBox, SVGZoomAndPan, DocumentEvent, ViewCSS, DocumentCSS { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; attribute DOMString contentScriptType setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString contentStyleType setraises(DOMException); readonly attribute SVGRect viewport; readonly attribute float pixelUnitToMillimeterX; readonly attribute float pixelUnitToMillimeterY; readonly attribute float screenPixelToMillimeterX; readonly attribute float screenPixelToMillimeterY; readonly attribute boolean useCurrentView; readonly attribute SVGViewSpec currentView; attribute float currentScale; readonly attribute SVGPoint currentTranslate; unsigned long suspendRedraw(in unsigned long maxWaitMilliseconds); void unsuspendRedraw(in unsigned long suspendHandleID); void unsuspendRedrawAll(); void forceRedraw(); void pauseAnimations(); void unpauseAnimations(); boolean animationsPaused(); float getCurrentTime(); void setCurrentTime(in float seconds); NodeList getIntersectionList(in SVGRect rect, in SVGElement referenceElement); NodeList getEnclosureList(in SVGRect rect, in SVGElement referenceElement); boolean checkIntersection(in SVGElement element, in SVGRect rect); boolean checkEnclosure(in SVGElement element, in SVGRect rect); void deselectAll(); SVGNumber createSVGNumber(); SVGLength createSVGLength(); SVGAngle createSVGAngle(); SVGPoint createSVGPoint(); SVGMatrix createSVGMatrix(); SVGRect createSVGRect(); SVGTransform createSVGTransform(); SVGTransform createSVGTransformFromMatrix(in SVGMatrix matrix); Element getElementById(in DOMString elementId); }; interface SVGGElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { }; interface SVGDefsElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { }; interface SVGDescElement : SVGElement, SVGLangSpace, SVGStylable { }; interface SVGTitleElement : SVGElement, SVGLangSpace, SVGStylable { }; interface SVGSymbolElement : SVGElement, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGFitToViewBox { }; interface SVGUseElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; readonly attribute SVGElementInstance instanceRoot; readonly attribute SVGElementInstance animatedInstanceRoot; }; interface SVGElementInstance : EventTarget { readonly attribute SVGElement correspondingElement; readonly attribute SVGUseElement correspondingUseElement; readonly attribute SVGElementInstance parentNode; readonly attribute SVGElementInstanceList childNodes; readonly attribute SVGElementInstance firstChild; readonly attribute SVGElementInstance lastChild; readonly attribute SVGElementInstance previousSibling; readonly attribute SVGElementInstance nextSibling; }; interface SVGElementInstanceList { readonly attribute unsigned long length; SVGElementInstance item(in unsigned long index); }; interface SVGImageElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio; }; interface SVGSwitchElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { }; interface GetSVGDocument { SVGDocument getSVGDocument(); }; interface SVGStyleElement : SVGElement, SVGLangSpace { attribute DOMString type setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString media setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString title setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPoint { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); SVGPoint matrixTransform(in SVGMatrix matrix); }; interface SVGPointList { readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems; void clear() raises(DOMException); SVGPoint initialize(in SVGPoint newItem) raises(DOMException); SVGPoint getItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPoint insertItemBefore(in SVGPoint newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPoint replaceItem(in SVGPoint newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPoint removeItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPoint appendItem(in SVGPoint newItem) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGMatrix { attribute float a setraises(DOMException); attribute float b setraises(DOMException); attribute float c setraises(DOMException); attribute float d setraises(DOMException); attribute float e setraises(DOMException); attribute float f setraises(DOMException); SVGMatrix multiply(in SVGMatrix secondMatrix); SVGMatrix inverse() raises(SVGException); SVGMatrix translate(in float x, in float y); SVGMatrix scale(in float scaleFactor); SVGMatrix scaleNonUniform(in float scaleFactorX, in float scaleFactorY); SVGMatrix rotate(in float angle); SVGMatrix rotateFromVector(in float x, in float y) raises(SVGException); SVGMatrix flipX(); SVGMatrix flipY(); SVGMatrix skewX(in float angle); SVGMatrix skewY(in float angle); }; interface SVGTransform { // Transform Types const unsigned short SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX = 1; const unsigned short SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE = 2; const unsigned short SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE = 3; const unsigned short SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE = 4; const unsigned short SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX = 5; const unsigned short SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY = 6; readonly attribute unsigned short type; readonly attribute SVGMatrix matrix; readonly attribute float angle; void setMatrix(in SVGMatrix matrix) raises(DOMException); void setTranslate(in float tx, in float ty) raises(DOMException); void setScale(in float sx, in float sy) raises(DOMException); void setRotate(in float angle, in float cx, in float cy) raises(DOMException); void setSkewX(in float angle) raises(DOMException); void setSkewY(in float angle) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGTransformList { readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems; void clear() raises(DOMException); SVGTransform initialize(in SVGTransform newItem) raises(DOMException); SVGTransform getItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGTransform insertItemBefore(in SVGTransform newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGTransform replaceItem(in SVGTransform newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGTransform removeItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGTransform appendItem(in SVGTransform newItem) raises(DOMException); SVGTransform createSVGTransformFromMatrix(in SVGMatrix matrix); SVGTransform consolidate() raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedTransformList { readonly attribute SVGTransformList baseVal; readonly attribute SVGTransformList animVal; }; interface SVGPreserveAspectRatio { // Alignment Types const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_NONE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMIN = 2; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMIN = 3; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMIN = 4; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMID = 5; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMID = 6; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMID = 7; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMINYMAX = 8; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMIDYMAX = 9; const unsigned short SVG_PRESERVEASPECTRATIO_XMAXYMAX = 10; // Meet-or-slice Types const unsigned short SVG_MEETORSLICE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_MEETORSLICE_MEET = 1; const unsigned short SVG_MEETORSLICE_SLICE = 2; attribute unsigned short align setraises(DOMException); attribute unsigned short meetOrSlice setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio { readonly attribute SVGPreserveAspectRatio baseVal; readonly attribute SVGPreserveAspectRatio animVal; }; interface SVGPathSeg { // Path Segment Types const unsigned short PATHSEG_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CLOSEPATH = 1; const unsigned short PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS = 2; const unsigned short PATHSEG_MOVETO_REL = 3; const unsigned short PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS = 4; const unsigned short PATHSEG_LINETO_REL = 5; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_ABS = 6; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_REL = 7; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_ABS = 8; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_REL = 9; const unsigned short PATHSEG_ARC_ABS = 10; const unsigned short PATHSEG_ARC_REL = 11; const unsigned short PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_ABS = 12; const unsigned short PATHSEG_LINETO_HORIZONTAL_REL = 13; const unsigned short PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_ABS = 14; const unsigned short PATHSEG_LINETO_VERTICAL_REL = 15; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_ABS = 16; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_CUBIC_SMOOTH_REL = 17; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_ABS = 18; const unsigned short PATHSEG_CURVETO_QUADRATIC_SMOOTH_REL = 19; readonly attribute unsigned short pathSegType; readonly attribute DOMString pathSegTypeAsLetter; }; interface SVGPathSegClosePath : SVGPathSeg { }; interface SVGPathSegMovetoAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegMovetoRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegLinetoAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegLinetoRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float x1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float x2 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y2 setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float x1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float x2 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y2 setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float x1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y1 setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float x1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y1 setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegArcAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float r1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float r2 setraises(DOMException); attribute float angle setraises(DOMException); attribute boolean largeArcFlag setraises(DOMException); attribute boolean sweepFlag setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegArcRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float r1 setraises(DOMException); attribute float r2 setraises(DOMException); attribute float angle setraises(DOMException); attribute boolean largeArcFlag setraises(DOMException); attribute boolean sweepFlag setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float x2 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y2 setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float x2 setraises(DOMException); attribute float y2 setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel : SVGPathSeg { attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPathSegList { readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems; void clear() raises(DOMException); SVGPathSeg initialize(in SVGPathSeg newItem) raises(DOMException); SVGPathSeg getItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPathSeg insertItemBefore(in SVGPathSeg newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPathSeg replaceItem(in SVGPathSeg newItem, in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPathSeg removeItem(in unsigned long index) raises(DOMException); SVGPathSeg appendItem(in SVGPathSeg newItem) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimatedPathData { readonly attribute SVGPathSegList pathSegList; readonly attribute SVGPathSegList normalizedPathSegList; readonly attribute SVGPathSegList animatedPathSegList; readonly attribute SVGPathSegList animatedNormalizedPathSegList; }; interface SVGPathElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable, SVGAnimatedPathData { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber pathLength; float getTotalLength(); SVGPoint getPointAtLength(in float distance); unsigned long getPathSegAtLength(in float distance); SVGPathSegClosePath createSVGPathSegClosePath(); SVGPathSegMovetoAbs createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs(in float x, in float y); SVGPathSegMovetoRel createSVGPathSegMovetoRel(in float x, in float y); SVGPathSegLinetoAbs createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(in float x, in float y); SVGPathSegLinetoRel createSVGPathSegLinetoRel(in float x, in float y); SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(in float x, in float y, in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2); SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel(in float x, in float y, in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2); SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs(in float x, in float y, in float x1, in float y1); SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel(in float x, in float y, in float x1, in float y1); SVGPathSegArcAbs createSVGPathSegArcAbs(in float x, in float y, in float r1, in float r2, in float angle, in boolean largeArcFlag, in boolean sweepFlag); SVGPathSegArcRel createSVGPathSegArcRel(in float x, in float y, in float r1, in float r2, in float angle, in boolean largeArcFlag, in boolean sweepFlag); SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs(in float x); SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel(in float x); SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs(in float y); SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel(in float y); SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs(in float x, in float y, in float x2, in float y2); SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel(in float x, in float y, in float x2, in float y2); SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(in float x, in float y); SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(in float x, in float y); }; interface SVGRectElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength rx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength ry; }; interface SVGCircleElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength cx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength cy; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength r; }; interface SVGEllipseElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength cx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength cy; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength rx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength ry; }; interface SVGLineElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y2; }; interface SVGAnimatedPoints { readonly attribute SVGPointList points; readonly attribute SVGPointList animatedPoints; }; interface SVGPolylineElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable, SVGAnimatedPoints { }; interface SVGPolygonElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable, SVGAnimatedPoints { }; interface SVGTextContentElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable { // lengthAdjust Types const unsigned short LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short LENGTHADJUST_SPACING = 1; const unsigned short LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS = 2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength textLength; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration lengthAdjust; long getNumberOfChars(); float getComputedTextLength(); float getSubStringLength(in unsigned long charnum, in unsigned long nchars) raises(DOMException); SVGPoint getStartPositionOfChar(in unsigned long charnum) raises(DOMException); SVGPoint getEndPositionOfChar(in unsigned long charnum) raises(DOMException); SVGRect getExtentOfChar(in unsigned long charnum) raises(DOMException); float getRotationOfChar(in unsigned long charnum) raises(DOMException); long getCharNumAtPosition(in SVGPoint point); void selectSubString(in unsigned long charnum, in unsigned long nchars) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGTextPositioningElement : SVGTextContentElement { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLengthList x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLengthList y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLengthList dx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLengthList dy; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumberList rotate; }; interface SVGTextElement : SVGTextPositioningElement, SVGTransformable { }; interface SVGTSpanElement : SVGTextPositioningElement { }; interface SVGTRefElement : SVGTextPositioningElement, SVGURIReference { }; interface SVGTextPathElement : SVGTextContentElement, SVGURIReference { // textPath Method Types const unsigned short TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_ALIGN = 1; const unsigned short TEXTPATH_METHODTYPE_STRETCH = 2; // textPath Spacing Types const unsigned short TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_AUTO = 1; const unsigned short TEXTPATH_SPACINGTYPE_EXACT = 2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength startOffset; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration method; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration spacing; }; interface SVGAltGlyphElement : SVGTextPositioningElement, SVGURIReference { attribute DOMString glyphRef setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString format setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAltGlyphDefElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGAltGlyphItemElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGGlyphRefElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGStylable { attribute DOMString glyphRef setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString format setraises(DOMException); attribute float x setraises(DOMException); attribute float y setraises(DOMException); attribute float dx setraises(DOMException); attribute float dy setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGPaint : SVGColor { // Paint Types const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_RGBCOLOR = 1; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_RGBCOLOR_ICCCOLOR = 2; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONE = 101; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR = 102; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_NONE = 103; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_CURRENTCOLOR = 104; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_RGBCOLOR = 105; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI_RGBCOLOR_ICCCOLOR = 106; const unsigned short SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI = 107; readonly attribute unsigned short paintType; readonly attribute DOMString uri; void setUri(in DOMString uri); void setPaint(in unsigned short paintType, in DOMString uri, in DOMString rgbColor, in DOMString iccColor) raises(SVGException); }; interface SVGMarkerElement : SVGElement, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGFitToViewBox { // Marker Unit Types const unsigned short SVG_MARKERUNITS_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_MARKERUNITS_USERSPACEONUSE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_MARKERUNITS_STROKEWIDTH = 2; // Marker Orientation Types const unsigned short SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_AUTO = 1; const unsigned short SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_ANGLE = 2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength refX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength refY; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration markerUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength markerWidth; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength markerHeight; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration orientType; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedAngle orientAngle; void setOrientToAuto() raises(DOMException); void setOrientToAngle(in SVGAngle angle) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGColorProfileElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGRenderingIntent { attribute DOMString local; attribute DOMString name; attribute unsigned short renderingIntent; }; interface SVGColorProfileRule : SVGCSSRule, SVGRenderingIntent { attribute DOMString src setraises(DOMException); attribute DOMString name setraises(DOMException); attribute unsigned short renderingIntent setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGGradientElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGUnitTypes { // Spread Method Types const unsigned short SVG_SPREADMETHOD_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_SPREADMETHOD_PAD = 1; const unsigned short SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT = 2; const unsigned short SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT = 3; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration gradientUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedTransformList gradientTransform; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration spreadMethod; }; interface SVGLinearGradientElement : SVGGradientElement { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y2; }; interface SVGRadialGradientElement : SVGGradientElement { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength cx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength cy; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength r; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength fx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength fy; }; interface SVGStopElement : SVGElement, SVGStylable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber offset; }; interface SVGPatternElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGFitToViewBox, SVGUnitTypes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration patternUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration patternContentUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedTransformList patternTransform; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; }; interface SVGClipPathElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable, SVGUnitTypes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration clipPathUnits; }; interface SVGMaskElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGUnitTypes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration maskUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration maskContentUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; }; interface SVGFilterElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGUnitTypes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration filterUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration primitiveUnits; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedInteger filterResX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedInteger filterResY; void setFilterRes(in unsigned long filterResX, in unsigned long filterResY) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes : SVGStylable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString result; }; interface SVGFEBlendElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { // Blend Mode Types const unsigned short SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_NORMAL = 1; const unsigned short SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY = 2; const unsigned short SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_SCREEN = 3; const unsigned short SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_DARKEN = 4; const unsigned short SVG_FEBLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN = 5; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration mode; }; interface SVGFEColorMatrixElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { // Color Matrix Types const unsigned short SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_MATRIX = 1; const unsigned short SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_SATURATE = 2; const unsigned short SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_HUEROTATE = 3; const unsigned short SVG_FECOLORMATRIX_TYPE_LUMINANCETOALPHA = 4; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration type; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumberList values; }; interface SVGFEComponentTransferElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; }; interface SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement : SVGElement { // Component Transfer Types const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_IDENTITY = 1; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_TABLE = 2; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_DISCRETE = 3; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_LINEAR = 4; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER_TYPE_GAMMA = 5; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration type; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumberList tableValues; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber slope; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber intercept; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber amplitude; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber exponent; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber offset; }; interface SVGFEFuncRElement : SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement { }; interface SVGFEFuncGElement : SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement { }; interface SVGFEFuncBElement : SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement { }; interface SVGFEFuncAElement : SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement { }; interface SVGFECompositeElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { // Composite Operators const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OVER = 1; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_IN = 2; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_OUT = 3; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ATOP = 4; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_XOR = 5; const unsigned short SVG_FECOMPOSITE_OPERATOR_ARITHMETIC = 6; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration operator; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber k1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber k2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber k3; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber k4; }; interface SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { // Edge Mode Values const unsigned short SVG_EDGEMODE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_EDGEMODE_DUPLICATE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_EDGEMODE_WRAP = 2; const unsigned short SVG_EDGEMODE_NONE = 3; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedInteger orderX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedInteger orderY; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumberList kernelMatrix; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber divisor; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber bias; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedInteger targetX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedInteger targetY; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration edgeMode; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthY; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedBoolean preserveAlpha; }; interface SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber surfaceScale; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber diffuseConstant; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthY; }; interface SVGFEDistantLightElement : SVGElement { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber azimuth; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber elevation; }; interface SVGFEPointLightElement : SVGElement { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber z; }; interface SVGFESpotLightElement : SVGElement { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber z; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber pointsAtX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber pointsAtY; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber pointsAtZ; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber specularExponent; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber limitingConeAngle; }; interface SVGFEDisplacementMapElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { // Channel Selectors const unsigned short SVG_CHANNEL_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_CHANNEL_R = 1; const unsigned short SVG_CHANNEL_G = 2; const unsigned short SVG_CHANNEL_B = 3; const unsigned short SVG_CHANNEL_A = 4; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber scale; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration xChannelSelector; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration yChannelSelector; }; interface SVGFEFloodElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { }; interface SVGFEGaussianBlurElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber stdDeviationX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber stdDeviationY; void setStdDeviation(in float stdDeviationX, in float stdDeviationY) raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGFEImageElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio; }; interface SVGFEMergeElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { }; interface SVGFEMergeNodeElement : SVGElement { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; }; interface SVGFEMorphologyElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { // Morphology Operators const unsigned short SVG_MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_ERODE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_MORPHOLOGY_OPERATOR_DILATE = 2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration operator; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber radiusX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber radiusY; }; interface SVGFEOffsetElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber dx; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber dy; }; interface SVGFESpecularLightingElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber surfaceScale; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber specularConstant; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber specularExponent; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber kernelUnitLengthY; }; interface SVGFETileElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString in1; }; interface SVGFETurbulenceElement : SVGElement, SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes { // Turbulence Types const unsigned short SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_FRACTALNOISE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_TURBULENCE_TYPE_TURBULENCE = 2; // Stitch Options const unsigned short SVG_STITCHTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_STITCHTYPE_STITCH = 1; const unsigned short SVG_STITCHTYPE_NOSTITCH = 2; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber baseFrequencyX; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber baseFrequencyY; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedInteger numOctaves; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber seed; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration stitchTiles; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedEnumeration type; }; interface SVGCursorElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGTests, SVGExternalResourcesRequired { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; }; interface SVGAElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString target; }; interface SVGViewElement : SVGElement, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGFitToViewBox, SVGZoomAndPan { readonly attribute SVGStringList viewTarget; }; interface SVGScriptElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGExternalResourcesRequired { attribute DOMString type setraises(DOMException); }; interface SVGZoomEvent : UIEvent { readonly attribute SVGRect zoomRectScreen; readonly attribute float previousScale; readonly attribute SVGPoint previousTranslate; readonly attribute float newScale; readonly attribute SVGPoint newTranslate; }; interface SVGAnimationElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, ElementTimeControl { readonly attribute SVGElement targetElement; float getStartTime() raises(DOMException); float getCurrentTime(); float getSimpleDuration() raises(DOMException); }; interface SVGAnimateElement : SVGAnimationElement, SVGStylable { }; interface SVGSetElement : SVGAnimationElement { }; interface SVGAnimateMotionElement : SVGAnimationElement { }; interface SVGMPathElement : SVGElement, SVGURIReference, SVGExternalResourcesRequired { }; interface SVGAnimateColorElement : SVGAnimationElement, SVGStylable { }; interface SVGAnimateTransformElement : SVGAnimationElement { }; interface SVGFontElement : SVGElement, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable { }; interface SVGGlyphElement : SVGElement, SVGStylable { }; interface SVGMissingGlyphElement : SVGElement, SVGStylable { }; interface SVGHKernElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGVKernElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGFontFaceElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGFontFaceSrcElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGFontFaceUriElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGFontFaceFormatElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGFontFaceNameElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGMetadataElement : SVGElement { }; interface SVGForeignObjectElement : SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGLangSpace, SVGExternalResourcesRequired, SVGStylable, SVGTransformable { readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength x; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength y; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength width; readonly attribute SVGAnimatedLength height; }; };