directory search
Compose About versions and upgrading (Compose) ASP.NET Core + SQL Server on Linux (Compose) CLI environment variables (Compose) Command-line completion (Compose) Compose(组成) Compose command-line reference(组合命令行参考) Control startup order (Compose) Django and PostgreSQL (Compose) Docker stacks and distributed application bundles (Compose) docker-compose build(docker-compose构建) docker-compose bundle docker-compose config docker-compose create docker-compose down docker-compose events docker-compose exec docker-compose help docker-compose images docker-compose kill docker-compose logs docker-compose pause docker-compose port docker-compose ps docker-compose pull docker-compose push docker-compose restart docker-compose rm docker-compose run docker-compose scale docker-compose start docker-compose stop docker-compose top docker-compose unpause docker-compose up Environment file (Compose) Environment variables in Compose Extend services in Compose Frequently asked questions (Compose) Getting started (Compose) Install Compose Link environment variables (deprecated) (Compose) Networking in Compose Overview of Docker Compose Overview of docker-compose CLI Quickstart: Compose and WordPress Rails and PostgreSQL (Compose) Sample apps with Compose Using Compose in production Using Compose with Swarm Engine .NET Core application (Engine) About images, containers, and storage drivers (Engine) Add nodes to the swarm (Engine) Apply custom metadata (Engine) Apply rolling updates (Engine) apt-cacher-ng Best practices for writing Dockerfiles (Engine) Binaries (Engine) Bind container ports to the host (Engine) Breaking changes (Engine) Build your own bridge (Engine) Configure container DNS (Engine) Configure container DNS in user-defined networks (Engine) CouchDB (Engine) Create a base image (Engine) Create a swarm (Engine) Customize the docker0 bridge (Engine) Debian (Engine) Default bridge network Delete the service (Engine) Deploy a service (Engine) Deploy services to a swarm (Engine) Deprecated Engine features Docker container networking (Engine) Docker overview (Engine) Docker run reference (Engine) Dockerfile reference (Engine) Dockerize an application Drain a node (Engine) Engine FAQ (Engine) Fedora (Engine) Get started (Engine) Get started with macvlan network driver (Engine) Get started with multi-host networking (Engine) How nodes work (Engine) How services work (Engine) Image management (Engine) Inspect the service (Engine) Install Docker (Engine) IPv6 with Docker (Engine) Join nodes to a swarm (Engine) Legacy container links (Engine) Lock your swarm (Engine) Manage nodes in a swarm (Engine) Manage sensitive data with Docker secrets (Engine) Manage swarm security with PKI (Engine) Manage swarm service networks (Engine) Migrate to Engine 1.10 Optional Linux post-installation steps (Engine) Overview (Engine) PostgreSQL (Engine) Raft consensus in swarm mode (Engine) Riak (Engine) Run Docker Engine in swarm mode Scale the service (Engine) SDKs (Engine) Select a storage driver (Engine) Set up for the tutorial (Engine) SSHd (Engine) Storage driver overview (Engine) Store service configuration data (Engine) Swarm administration guide (Engine) Swarm mode key concepts (Engine) Swarm mode overlay network security model (Engine) Swarm mode overview (Engine) Understand container communication (Engine) Use multi-stage builds (Engine) Use swarm mode routing mesh (Engine) Use the AUFS storage driver (Engine) Use the Btrfs storage driver (Engine) Use the Device mapper storage driver (Engine) Use the OverlayFS storage driver (Engine) Use the VFS storage driver (Engine) Use the ZFS storage driver (Engine) Engine: Admin Guide Amazon CloudWatch logs logging driver (Engine) Bind mounts (Engine) Collect Docker metrics with Prometheus (Engine) Configuring and running Docker (Engine) Configuring logging drivers (Engine) Control and configure Docker with systemd (Engine) ETW logging driver (Engine) Fluentd logging driver (Engine) Format command and log output (Engine) Google Cloud logging driver (Engine) Graylog Extended Format (GELF) logging driver (Engine) Journald logging driver (Engine) JSON File logging driver (Engine) Keep containers alive during daemon downtime (Engine) Limit a container's resources (Engine) Link via an ambassador container (Engine) Log tags for logging driver (Engine) Logentries logging driver (Engine) PowerShell DSC usage (Engine) Prune unused Docker objects (Engine) Run multiple services in a container (Engine) Runtime metrics (Engine) Splunk logging driver (Engine) Start containers automatically (Engine) Storage overview (Engine) Syslog logging driver (Engine) tmpfs mounts Troubleshoot volume problems (Engine) Use a logging driver plugin (Engine) Using Ansible (Engine) Using Chef (Engine) Using Puppet (Engine) View a container's logs (Engine) Volumes (Engine) Engine: CLI Daemon CLI reference (dockerd) (Engine) docker docker attach docker build docker checkpoint docker checkpoint create docker checkpoint ls docker checkpoint rm docker commit docker config docker config create docker config inspect docker config ls docker config rm docker container docker container attach docker container commit docker container cp docker container create docker container diff docker container exec docker container export docker container inspect docker container kill docker container logs docker container ls docker container pause docker container port docker container prune docker container rename docker container restart docker container rm docker container run docker container start docker container stats docker container stop docker container top docker container unpause docker container update docker container wait docker cp docker create docker deploy docker diff docker events docker exec docker export docker history docker image docker image build docker image history docker image import docker image inspect docker image load docker image ls docker image prune docker image pull docker image push docker image rm docker image save docker image tag docker images docker import docker info docker inspect docker kill docker load docker login docker logout docker logs docker network docker network connect docker network create docker network disconnect docker network inspect docker network ls docker network prune docker network rm docker node docker node demote docker node inspect docker node ls docker node promote docker node ps docker node rm docker node update docker pause docker plugin docker plugin create docker plugin disable docker plugin enable docker plugin inspect docker plugin install docker plugin ls docker plugin push docker plugin rm docker plugin set docker plugin upgrade docker port docker ps docker pull docker push docker rename docker restart docker rm docker rmi docker run docker save docker search docker secret docker secret create docker secret inspect docker secret ls docker secret rm docker service docker service create docker service inspect docker service logs docker service ls docker service ps docker service rm docker service scale docker service update docker stack docker stack deploy docker stack ls docker stack ps docker stack rm docker stack services docker start docker stats docker stop docker swarm docker swarm ca docker swarm init docker swarm join docker swarm join-token docker swarm leave docker swarm unlock docker swarm unlock-key docker swarm update docker system docker system df docker system events docker system info docker system prune docker tag docker top docker unpause docker update docker version docker volume docker volume create docker volume inspect docker volume ls docker volume prune docker volume rm docker wait Use the Docker command line (Engine) Engine: Extend Access authorization plugin (Engine) Docker log driver plugins Docker network driver plugins (Engine) Extending Engine with plugins Managed plugin system (Engine) Plugin configuration (Engine) Plugins API (Engine) Volume plugins (Engine) Engine: Security AppArmor security profiles for Docker (Engine) Automation with content trust (Engine) Content trust in Docker (Engine) Delegations for content trust (Engine) Deploying Notary (Engine) Docker security (Engine) Docker security non-events (Engine) Isolate containers with a user namespace (Engine) Manage keys for content trust (Engine) Play in a content trust sandbox (Engine) Protect the Docker daemon socket (Engine) Seccomp security profiles for Docker (Engine) Secure Engine Use trusted images Using certificates for repository client verification (Engine) Engine: Tutorials Engine tutorials Network containers (Engine) Get Started Part 1: Orientation Part 2: Containers Part 3: Services Part 4: Swarms Part 5: Stacks Part 6: Deploy your app Machine Amazon Web Services (Machine) Digital Ocean (Machine) docker-machine active docker-machine config docker-machine create docker-machine env docker-machine help docker-machine inspect docker-machine ip docker-machine kill docker-machine ls docker-machine provision docker-machine regenerate-certs docker-machine restart docker-machine rm docker-machine scp docker-machine ssh docker-machine start docker-machine status docker-machine stop docker-machine upgrade docker-machine url Driver options and operating system defaults (Machine) Drivers overview (Machine) Exoscale (Machine) Generic (Machine) Get started with a local VM (Machine) Google Compute Engine (Machine) IBM Softlayer (Machine) Install Machine Machine Machine CLI overview Machine command-line completion Machine concepts and help Machine overview Microsoft Azure (Machine) Microsoft Hyper-V (Machine) Migrate from Boot2Docker to Machine OpenStack (Machine) Oracle VirtualBox (Machine) Provision AWS EC2 instances (Machine) Provision Digital Ocean Droplets (Machine) Provision hosts in the cloud (Machine) Rackspace (Machine) VMware Fusion (Machine) VMware vCloud Air (Machine) VMware vSphere (Machine) Notary Client configuration (Notary) Common Server and signer configurations (Notary) Getting started with Notary Notary changelog Notary configuration files Running a Notary service Server configuration (Notary) Signer configuration (Notary) Understand the service architecture (Notary) Use the Notary client





$ docker-machine create --driver azure --azure-subscription-id <subs-id> <machine-name>Running pre-create checks...Microsoft Azure: To sign in, use a web browser to open the page the code [...] to authenticate.


已知问题:Azure Active Directory存在一个已知问题,导致存储的认证在用户登录到个微软帐户(之前的ID)而不是ActiveDirectory帐户,之内的几个小时内而不是14天内过期。目前,没有ETA可供解决,但同时您可以创建AAD帐户然后用它登录作为解决办法。




  • --azure-subscription-id*(需要)您的Azure订阅ID。任选:

  • --azure-image::Azure虚拟机映像的开发者格式:报价:单品:版本。[?]

  • --azure-location:创建虚拟机的Azure域。[?]

  • --azure-resource-group:Azure资源组名称,用于在其中创建资源。

  • --azure-size:Azure虚拟机的大小。[?]

  • --azure-ssh-user:SSH登录的用户名。

  • --azure-vnet:Azure虚拟网络名称,用于连接虚拟机。[?]若要从其他资源组指定虚拟网络,请使用resourcegroup:vnet-name格式。

  • --azure-subnetAzure子网名称将在虚拟网络中使用。

  • --azure-subnet-prefix:私人CIDR区块。用于在不存在子网的情况下创建子网。在子网确实存在的情况下必须匹配。

  • --azure-availability-set:Azure可用性设置为将虚拟机放置到。[?]

  • --azure-open-port:让其他端口号(s)可从因特网访问。[?]

  • --azure-private-ip-address:指定机器的静态专用IP地址。

  • --azure-use-private-ip:使用机器的专用IP地址进行连接。它对于管理来自同一网络上的另一台计算机的Docker机器很有用,例如,在部署Swarn时。

  • --azure-no-public-ip不要为机器创建公共IP地址(包含--azure-use-private-ip)。只应在同一子网中从Azure VM创建机器时使用。

  • --azure-static-public-ip:为机器分配静态公共IP地址。

  • --azure-docker-port:Docker引擎的端口号。

  • --azure-environmentAzure环境(例如AzurePublicCloudAzureChinaCloud)。


CLI 选项























































  • 一个虚拟网络并在其下创建一个子网,将您的机器放置到。这将在您的码头机器之间建立本地网络。

  • 一个可用性集是为了最大化您的机器的可用性而创建的。




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