This document uses PHP Chinese website manual Release
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0)
SQLite3::prepare — Prepares an SQL statement for execution
)Prepares an SQL statement for execution and returns an SQLite3Stmt object.
The SQL query to prepare.
Returns an SQLite3Stmt object on success 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 SQLite3::prepare() example
unlink ( 'mysqlitedb.db' );
$db = new SQLite3 ( 'mysqlitedb.db' );
$db -> exec ( 'CREATE TABLE foo (id INTEGER, bar STRING)' );
$db -> exec ( "INSERT INTO foo (id, bar) VALUES (1, 'This is a test')" );
$stmt = $db -> prepare ( 'SELECT bar FROM foo WHERE id=:id' );
$stmt -> bindValue ( ':id' , 1 , SQLITE3_INTEGER );
$result = $stmt -> execute ();
var_dump ( $result -> fetchArray ());
[#1] pavel dot lisa at centrum dot cz [2010-10-12 02:20:12]
SQLite3::prepare() will fail, if you pass in a WHERE clause (in the $query) referring to a non-existent column.