2023 大前端开发(Vue方向)

目前,Web新开发的项目有80%以上都采用前后端分离的模式,不管后端使用哪一种语言开发, 前端都是一样的技术, 现在能熟练使用Vue, 在一线城市起步薪资基本上最少10000元起!本课程零基础开始,闯关式学习,死磕Vue3,大前端程序员速成必学!

First push price 880 yuan/year

¥3199 Support for spending74 yuan/month × Phase 12

This course is a must-studyThree main reasons

A brand new model, learning while practicing, ultimately reaching the level of independent development

Learning Path


duration: 06 hours 40 minutes 51 seconds 3 courses
夯实基础,玩透HTML5、CSS3 让你真正学会JavaScript 用自己的前端框架布局各种页面


duration: 11 hours 37 minutes 21 seconds 5 courses


duration: 25 minutes 04 seconds 2 courses
一点不落,死磕Vue3的每个细节 组件化开发思想用到你怀疑人生 能轻松开发前端项目这就是目标

Other routes

  • PHP快速入坑

    3 Step·10 courses

    27019 people are interested
  • PHP框架开发

    2 Step·9 courses

    13620 people are interested
  • PHP实战开发

    2 Step·7 courses

    11106 people are interested
  • WEB前端快速入门

    4 Step·11 courses

    9959 people are interested


Core practical projects


The brand-new “Challenge-based + Oversight-based” Learning Mode


Core Lecturer Group

Help and Frequently Asked Questions

Q:Can I sign up without any prior knowledge?
Hello! This course is suitable for any foundation. If you are interested in front-end development or are a programmer who wants to switch to front-end development, you can learn it.
Q:What teaching method is used for the course?
This course adopts a recording+Q&A+supervised+challenge learning approach. You can freely choose the time to study, but the total time remains the same. We use countdown methods to force you to complete and complete all project courses within the total time!
Q:What can I do after studying?
PC web development+mobile web development, management platform functional interface development, H5 interface development, public platform secondary development, WeChat mini program development, APP development
Q:How much can I earn per month to work at the company?
Usually, the starting salary for being proficient in using Vue in first tier cities is above 10000 yuan, while in second and third tier cities, there are significant changes, mostly between 7K and 15K, and there are also those above 20K. The specific situation depends on your technical level and company benefits
Q:What if I can't learn?
As long as you watch all the videos and complete all the challenge questions, there is no problem of learning, and we will do everything possible to force you to learn!