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From PHP
What is the password for admin 74be16979710d4c4e7c6647856088456
2018-04-183 answers
Actually, what I want to ask him is that there are at least two errors in the video above. Why can it be run every time?
2018-04-150 answers
I used the error found in the query log. When I entered everything correctly and clicked POST /thinkphp/public/index.php/index/user/checklogin.html [ error ] [8] Undefined array index: scheme
Everything was running normally before, but in the last step when I enter the correct account number, password and verification code and click the button, an error appears. How do I change the ajax submission address to /index/user/checklogin.html?
2018-04-154 answers
The reason why there is no response when you press the button may be because the () and {} positions near the asynchronously submitted function are wrongly matched. This is how I wrote it.
2018-04-151 answers
I defined and used the configuration config according to your method, but the following error appeared on the web page.
2018-04-110 answers