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- Collection.find() always returns all fields in MongoDB?
- You can use the following syntax to return specific fields from collection.find(). Case 1 - The syntax is as follows - db.yourCollectionName.find({},{"yourFieldName":1}).pretty(); The above field name set to 1 means it will return only that field. If set to 0, it will return all fields except the field set to 0. Case 2 - The syntax is as follows - db.yourCollectionName.find({},{"yourFieldName":0}).pretty(); in order to understand the above syntax
- MongoDB 1234 2023-09-08 09:13:03
- How to insert Python objects in Mongodb?
- You can use the pymongo library in Python to connect to a MongoDB database and use it to insert, update, delete, etc. objects in Python. The library supports Python datetime objects out of the box and you don't need to do anything special to insert dates in Mongo using PyMongo. For example, example frompymongoimportMongoClient#ThiswilltrytoconnecttoMongoDBonthedefaultportandhostclient=MongoClient()db=client.test_database#Insert
- MongoDB 1402 2023-09-02 21:37:02
- 5 Useful Tools for Monitoring MongoDB Performance
- As more and more businesses turn to MongoDB for database management, it's important to keep a close eye on its performance. Monitoring MongoDB performance can help you identify any potential issues, prevent downtime, and improve the overall efficiency of your database. Here are 5 useful tools for monitoring MongoDB performance - MongoDB Compass MongoDBCompass is a visualization tool that provides a comprehensive view of your MongoDB database. It allows you to monitor the performance of your MongoDB instance in real time, including metrics such as disk usage, memory usage, and network traffic. Using MongoDBCompass, you can also identify slow-running queries and optimize them for better performance. It provides query
- MongoDB 1591 2023-09-02 16:05:06
- How to sort documents and display only a single field in MongoDB 4?
- To sort documents in MongoDB4, use sort(). To display only a single sorted field, set this to 1. Let's create a collection containing documents ->db.demo611.insertOne({"Name":"Chris"});{ "acknowledged":true,"insertedId":ObjectId("5e987110f6b89257f5584d83")}&
- MongoDB 1569 2023-09-01 14:41:15
- How to clear the console in MongoDB?
- To clear the console in MongoDB, you can use either of the following two syntaxes. The first syntax is as follows, this is the usage of the keyboard shortcut - Ctrl+L After pressing the above keys, you can clear the console in MongoDB. The second syntax is as follows - cls To understand the above syntax, let us implement them one by one. Here is a snapshot of my console. Looking at the sample output above, the console has been cleared. Let's check the console again.
- MongoDB 1668 2023-09-01 08:21:09
- How to update the _id of a MongoDB document?
- You cannot update it, but you can save the new ID and delete the old ID. Please follow some steps to update MongoDB's _id. The steps are as follows: Step 1: In the first step, you need to store the ObjectId into a variable. anyVariableName=db.yourCollectionName.findOne({_id:yourObjectIdValue)}); Step 2: In the second step, you need to set a new id. yourDeclaredVariableName._id=yourNewObjectIdValue;Step 3: In the third step, you need to insert the new ID in the document. db.yourC
- MongoDB 1721 2023-08-31 22:29:02
- Install MongoDB Community Edition 4.0 on Linux
- Introduction MongoDB is a popular open source NoSQL database management system known for its scalability, flexibility, and ease of use. If you are using a Linux operating system and wish to install MongoDB Community Edition 4.0, this article will provide you with a detailed guide with examples and corresponding command output. Prerequisites Before proceeding with the installation, make sure you meet the following prerequisites - Linux-based operating system (such as Ubuntu, CentOS or Debian). root or sudo permissions. Active internet connection. Step 1: Import the MongoDBGPG key To start the installation process, we first need to import the MongoDBGPG key
- MongoDB 961 2023-08-29 11:29:05
- Avoid duplicate entries in MongoDB?
- To avoid duplicate entries in MongoDB, you can use createIndex(). The syntax is as follows - db.yourCollectionName.createIndex({"yourFieldName":1},{unique:true}); Let us implement the above syntax. The query to avoid duplicate entries in MongoDB is as follows ->db.avoidDuplicateEntriesDemo.createIndex({"UserName":1},{unique:true});{ &a
- MongoDB 1706 2023-08-29 08:29:13
- What to do when MongoDB takes too long to look up records?
- To reduce the time of finding records in MongoDB, you can use indexes. Following is the syntax - db.yourCollectionName.createIndex({yourFieldName:1}); You can follow the following method to create index for field name based on number, text, hash, etc. The first method lets us create an index. The following is the query->db.takeLessTimeToSearchDemo.createIndex({"EmployeeName":1});{ "createdCol
- MongoDB 1514 2023-08-28 21:21:02
- Best way to store date/time in MongoDB?
- Date/time can be stored in MongoDB in two different ways. In the first approach, you can use the Date object just like JavaScript. Date objects are the best way to store date/time in MongoDB. The syntax is as follows: newDate(); In the second method, you can use ISODate(). The syntax is as follows: newISODate(); In order to understand the above syntax, let us follow the first method to create a collection containing documents. The query to create a collection using documents is as follows: The first method: >db.ProductsInformation.insertOne({"ProductId&
- MongoDB 1246 2023-08-28 18:57:02
- How to restart a NoSQL database service like MongoDB?
- If we're going to use a NoSQL database for our application, then we need something fast and easy to use. We learned that "NoSQL" doesn't necessarily mean "no maintenance." We considered using a managed hosting service like MongoDB's Atlas or Amazon's DynamoDB, but we chose to host it ourselves, either on our premises or in our own cloud instance. We evaluated several NoSQL options, including Redis and Cassandra, and chose MongoDB. We can install it by installing from a Linux distribution, using Mongo’s repository, or using snap. But if something goes wrong, we may need to restart it. us
- MongoDB 1440 2023-08-28 08:01:17
- How to install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04
- MongoDB is a cross-platform, document-oriented database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. MongoDB is dedicated to the concepts of collections and documents. MongoDB maintainers have not yet released official Ubuntu 16.04 MongoDB packages. This article explains "How to install MongoDB on Ubuntu and start the MongoDB service at boot time" Adding MongoDB Repository MongoDB is usually included in the Ubuntu package repository. However, legitimate MongoDB repositories provide the latest version changes in an approved manner. To perform this process, we first have to import the key of the legitimate MongoDB repository using the following command - $sud
- MongoDB 1034 2023-08-27 22:13:05
- Show database in MongoDB
- To display the number of databases in MongoDB, you need to create at least one document in the database. Suppose you have created a database but have not added any documents to it. Then that particular database will not be visible in the database list. Following is the query to create database->useapp;switchedtodbapp Here is the query to show all databases->showdbs;This will produce the following output. The new database "app" will not be visible because we have not added at least one document in it - admin
- MongoDB 1159 2023-08-26 20:45:02
- How to generate ObjectID in MongoDB?
- To generate ObjectID, use the following syntax in MonogDBshell − newObjectId() Let us implement the above syntax to generate ObjectID in MongoDB −> newObjectId() ObjectId("5cd7bf2f6d78f205348bc646")>newObjectId()ObjectId("5cd7bf316d78f205348bc647")>newObjectId( )ObjectId(&
- MongoDB 1998 2023-08-24 12:01:07
- Connect MongoDB with NodeJS
- mongodb.connect introduces this method for connecting the MongoDB server to our Node application. This is an asynchronous method in the MongoDB module. Syntax mongodb.connect(path[,callback]) Parameters • path – The server path and port where the MongoDB server is actually running. •callback – This function will provide a callback if any error occurs. Install Mongo-DB Before trying to connect the application with Nodejs, we first need to setup the MongoDB service
- MongoDB 1854 2023-08-23 18:21:02