HDFS在设计上仿照Linux下的文件操作命令,所以对Linux文件命令熟悉的小伙伴在这里很好上手。另外在Hadoop DFS中没有pwd概念,所有都需要全路径。(本文基于版本2.5 CDH 5.2.1) 列出命令列表、格式和帮助,以及选择一个非参数文件配置的namenode。 hdfs dfs -
HDFS在设计上仿照Linux下的文件操作命令,所以对Linux文件命令熟悉的小伙伴在这里很好上手。另外在Hadoop DFS中没有pwd概念,所有都需要全路径。(本文基于版本2.5 CDH 5.2.1)
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-df [-h] [path …] :
Shows the capacity, free and used space of the filesystem. If the filesystem has
multiple partitions, and no path to a particular partition is specified, then
the status of the root partitions will be shown.
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-mkdir [-p] path … :
Create a directory in specified location.
-p Do not fail if the directory already exists
-rmdir dir … :
Removes the directory entry specified by each directory argument, provided it is
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-copyFromLocal [-f] [-p] localsrc … dst :
Identical to the -put command.
-copyToLocal [-p] [-ignoreCrc] [-crc] src … localdst :
Identical to the -get command.
-moveFromLocal localsrc …
Same as -put, except that the source is deleted after it’s copied.
-put [-f] [-p] localsrc …
Copy files from the local file system into fs. Copying fails if the file already
exists, unless the -f flag is given. Passing -p preserves access and
modification times, ownership and the mode. Passing -f overwrites the
destination if it already exists.
-get [-p] [-ignoreCrc] [-crc] src … localdst :
Copy files that match the file pattern src to the local name. src is kept.
When copying multiple files, the destination must b/e a directory. Passing -p
preserves access and modification times, ownership and the mode.
-getmerge [-nl] src localdst :
Get all the files in the directories that match the source file pattern and
merge and sort them to only one file on local fs. src is kept.
-nl Add a newline character at the end of each file.
-cat [-ignoreCrc] src … :
Fetch all files that match the file pattern src and display their content on
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-ls [-d] [-h] [-R] [path …] :
List the contents that match the specified file pattern. If path is not
specified, the contents of /user/currentUser will be listed. Directory entries
are of the form:
permissions – userId groupId sizeOfDirectory(in bytes)
modificationDate(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) directoryName
and file entries are of the form:
permissions numberOfReplicas userId groupId sizeOfFile(in bytes)
modificationDate(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm) fileName
-d Directories are listed as plain files.
-h Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable fashion rather than a number
of bytes.
-R Recursively list the contents of directories.
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-checksum src … :
Dump checksum information for files that match the file pattern src to stdout.
Note that this requires a round-trip to a datanode storing each block of the
file, and thus is not efficient to run on a large number of files. The checksum
of a file depends on its content, block size and the checksum algorithm and
parameters used for creating the file.
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-appendToFile localsrc … dst :
Appends the contents of all the given local files to the given dst file. The dst
file will be created if it does not exist. If localSrc is -, then the input is
read from stdin.
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-tail [-f] file :
Show the last 1KB of the file.
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-cp [-f] [-p | -p[topax]] src …
Copy files that match the file pattern src to a destination. When copying
multiple files, the destination must be a directory. Passing -p preserves status
[topax] (timestamps, ownership, permission, ACLs, XAttr). If -p is specified
with no arg, then preserves timestamps, ownership, permission. If -pa is
permission. Passing -f overwrites the destination if it already exists. raw
namespace extended attributes are preserved if (1) they are supported (HDFS
only) and, (2) all of the source and target pathnames are in the /.reserved/raw
hierarchy. raw namespace xattr preservation is determined solely by the presence
(or absence) of the /.reserved/raw prefix and not by the -p option.
-mv src … dst :
Move files that match the specified file pattern src to a destination dst.
When moving multiple files, the destination must be a directory.
-rm [-f] [-r|-R] [-skipTrash] src … :
Delete all files that match the specified file pattern. Equivalent to the Unix
command “rm src”
-skipTrash option bypasses trash, if enabled, and immediately deletes src
-f If the file does not exist, do not display a diagnostic message or
modify the exit status to reflect an error.
-[rR] Recursively deletes directories
-stat [format] path … :
Print statistics about the file/directory at path in the specified format.
Format accepts filesize in blocks (%b), group name of owner(%g), filename (%n),
block size (%o), replication (%r), user name of owner(%u), modification date
(%y, %Y)
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-count [-q] path … :
Count the number of directories, files and bytes under the paths
that match the specified file pattern. The output columns are:
-du [-s] [-h] path … :
Show the amount of space, in bytes, used by the files that match the specified
file pattern. The following flags are optional:
-s Rather than showing the size of each individual file that matches the
pattern, shows the total (summary) size.
-h Formats the sizes of files in a human-readable fashion rather than a number
of bytes.
Note that, even without the -s option, this only shows size summaries one level
deep into a directory.
The output is in the form
size name(full path)
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-chgrp [-R] GROUP PATH… :
This is equivalent to -chown … :GROUP …
-chmod [-R] MODE[,MODE]… | OCTALMODE PATH… :
Changes permissions of a file. This works similar to the shell’s chmod command
with a few exceptions.
-R modifies the files recursively. This is the only option currently
MODE Mode is the same as mode used for the shell’s command. The only
letters recognized are ‘rwxXt’, e.g. +t,a+r,g-w,+rwx,o=r.
OCTALMODE Mode specifed in 3 or 4 digits. If 4 digits, the first may be 1 or
0 to turn the sticky bit on or off, respectively. Unlike the
shell command, it is not possible to specify only part of the
mode, e.g. 754 is same as u=rwx,g=rx,o=r.
If none of ‘augo’ is specified, ‘a’ is assumed and unlike the shell command, no
umask is applied.
-chown [-R] [OWNER][:[GROUP]] PATH… :
Changes owner and group of a file. This is similar to the shell’s chown command
with a few exceptions.
-R modifies the files recursively. This is the only option currently
If only the owner or group is specified, then only the owner or group is
modified. The owner and group names may only consist of digits, alphabet, and
any of [-_./@a-zA-Z0-9]. The names are case sensitive.
WARNING: Avoid using ‘.’ to separate user name and group though Linux allows it.
If user names have dots in them and you are using local file system, you might
see surprising results since the shell command ‘chown’ is used for local files.
-touchz path … :
Creates a file of zero length at path with current time as the timestamp of
that path. An error is returned if the file exists with non-zero length
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-test -[defsz] path :
Answer various questions about path, with result via exit status.
-d return 0 if path is a directory.
-e return 0 if path exists.
-f return 0 if path is a file.
-s return 0 if file path is greater than zero bytes in size.
-z return 0 if file path is zero bytes in size, else return 1.
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-setrep [-R] [-w] rep path … :
Set the replication level of a file. If path is a directory then the command
recursively changes the replication factor of all files under the directory tree
rooted at path.
-w It requests that the command waits for the replication to complete. This
can potentially take a very long time.
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本文出自:http://debugo.com, 原文地址:http://debugo.com/hdfs-cmd1/, 感谢原作者分享。