Rumah > pembangunan bahagian belakang > tutorial php > [原创]让FCKeditor的File manager支持”删除” (php),该怎么处理

[原创]让FCKeditor的File manager支持”删除” (php),该怎么处理

Lepaskan: 2016-06-13 10:10:29
993 orang telah melayarinya

[原创]让FCKeditor的File manager支持”删除” (php)
FCKeditor是一款很好用的所见即所得编辑器, 内置的File manager也实现了基本的文件管理功能, 唯一遗憾的是, 不支持删除…

没关系, 其实只需以下几步就可以实现删除文件和文件夹:

1, fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\frmresourceslist.html, 编辑:

PHP code
<!--Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>oListManager.GetFolderRowHtml = function( folderName, folderPath, folderUrl ){// Build the link to view the folder.var sLink = '<a href="#" onclick="OpenFolder(\'' + ProtectPath( folderPath ) + '\');return false;">' ;return '<tr>' +'<td width="16">' +sLink +'<img src="/static/imghw/default1.png" data-src="images/Folder.gif" class="lazy" alt=""    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" border="0">' +'</td>
<td nowrap colspan="2"> ' +sLink +folderName +'' +'</td>
<td align="right" width="45">- <a href="#" onclick="DeleteFolder(\''+folderName+'\',\''+ folderUrl.replace( /'/g, '\\\'') + '\');return false;">Delete</a>
</td>' ;}<br>2,  fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\frmresourceslist.html, 编辑:<br><dl class="code">PHP code<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><!--Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>oListManager.GetFileRowHtml = function( fileName, fileUrl, fileSize ){// Build the link to view the folder.var sLink = '<a href="#" onclick="OpenFile(\'' + ProtectPath( fileUrl ) + '\');return false;">' ;// Get the file icon.var sIcon = oIcons.GetIcon( fileName ) ;return '<tr>' +'<td width="16">' +sLink +'<img alt="" src="images/icons/'%20+%20sIcon%20+%20'.gif"    style="max-width:90%"  style="max-width:90%" border="0">' +'</td>
<td> ' +sLink +fileName +'' +'</td>
<td align="right" nowrap> ' +fileSize +' KB' +'</td>
<td align="right" width="45">- <a href="#" onclick="DeleteFile(\''+fileName+'\',\'' + fileUrl.replace( /'/g, '\\\'') + '\');return false;">Delete</a>
</td>' ;}<br>3,  fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\frmresourceslist.html, 增加:<br><dl class="code">PHP code<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"><!--Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>function DeleteFile( fileName, fileUrl ){if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete ' + fileName + '?')) {oConnector.SendCommand( 'DeleteFile', "FileUrl=" + escape( fileUrl ), Refresh ) ;}}function DeleteFolder( folderName, folderPath ){if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete \'' + folderName + '\' and all files in it?')) {oConnector.SendCommand( 'DeleteFolder', "FolderName=" + escape( folderPath + folderName ), Refresh ) ;}}
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4, fckeditor\editor\filemanager\browser\default\frmresourceslist.html, 编辑:
PHP code
<!--Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>oHtml.Append( oListManager.GetFolderRowHtml( sFolderName, sCurrentFolderPath + sFolderName + "/", sCurrentFolderUrl ) ) ;
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5, fckeditor\editor\filemanager\connectors\php\commands.php, 添加:
PHP code
<!--Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware)>function DeleteFile( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) {$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_GET['FileUrl'];if (is_file($file)) {unlink($file);} else {echo '<error number="1? originaldescription=”unable to locate file">';}}function DeleteFolder( $resourceType, $currentFolder ) {$folder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_GET['FolderName'];if (is_dir($folder) ) {DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($folder);} else {echo '<error number="2? originaldescription=" unable to locate folder>';}}function DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($dirname) { // recursive function to delete// all subdirectories and contents:if(is_dir($dirname))$dir_handle=opendir($dirname);while($file=readdir($dir_handle)) {if($file!="." && $file!="..") {if(!is_dir($dirname."/".$file)) {unlink ($dirname."/".$file);} else {DELETE_RECURSIVE_DIRS($dirname."/".$file);}}}closedir($dir_handle);rmdir($dirname);}<div class="clear">
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