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Meningkatkan Prestasi Aplikasi Web dengan API Tugas Latar Belakang (RequestIdleCallback)

Lepaskan: 2024-07-26 11:47:23
912 orang telah melayarinya

Mengenai prestasi aplikasi web, setiap milisaat penting. Untuk memastikan pengalaman pengguna yang lancar dan responsif, pembangun perlu mengoptimumkan pelaksanaan kod mereka dan menggunakan sumber yang ada dengan cekap. Dalam catatan blog ini, kami akan menyelidiki API requestIdleCallback() dan potensinya untuk meningkatkan prestasi web. Kami akan meneroka contoh praktikal menggunakan API requestIdleCallback() dalam Penjana Kod Siri, mempamerkan cara API berkuasa ini boleh mengoptimumkan pelaksanaan kod dan meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna.

Boosting Web Application Performance with Background Task API (RequestIdleCallback)

Apakah requestIdleCallback?

requestIdleCallback ialah API JavaScript yang membolehkan pembangun menjadualkan tugasan untuk dilaksanakan apabila gelung acara penyemak imbas melahu. Gelung peristiwa bertanggungjawab untuk memproses interaksi pengguna, memberikan kemas kini dan melaksanakan kod JavaScript. Dengan memanfaatkan requestIdleCallback, pembangun boleh memastikan bahawa tugas yang tidak penting atau memakan masa dilaksanakan semasa tempoh masa terbiar, mengurangkan kesan ke atas operasi kritikal dan meningkatkan prestasi aplikasi keseluruhan.

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Gambaran Keseluruhan Penjana Kod Siri:

Penjana Kod Siri ialah aplikasi web yang menjana bilangan kod bersiri tertentu. Ia menggunakan API requestIdleCallback() untuk melaksanakan pelaksanaan kod semasa tempoh penyemak imbas terbiar, memastikan pengalaman pengguna yang lancar. Mari terokai komponen dan fungsi utama kod yang disediakan.

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Menjana Kod Siri dengan requestIdleCallback():

Logik JavaScript dalam Penjana Kod Siri menggunakan API requestIdleCallback() untuk menjana kod bersiri dengan cekap. Begini cara ia berfungsi:

// Function to generate a chunk of serial codes
function generateCodeChunk(deadline) {
    while ((deadline.timeRemaining() > 0 || deadline.didTimeout) && codeChunkLength < lengthText.value && !Taskend) {
        let code = '';
        for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length);
            code += characters.charAt(randomIndex);

        // If the desired number of codes is reached, start generating background tasks
        if (codeChunkLength >= lengthText.value) {
            logElem.innerText = null;
            taskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateBackgroundTasks, { timeout: 1000 });

    // Continue generating code chunks if more codes are needed
    if (codeChunkLength < lengthText.value && !Taskend) {
        chunktaskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateCodeChunk, { timeout: 1000 });
    } else {
        chunktaskHandler = null;
        taskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateBackgroundTasks, { timeout: 1000 });

// Function to initiate the serial code generation process
function generateSerialCode() {
    const value = lengthText.value.trim();

    if (!validateNumber(value)) {
        alert('Please enter a valid number greater than zero.');

    logElem.innerText = 'Processing Data....';
    currentTaskNumber = 0;
    codeChunkLength = 0;
    lengthText.disabled = true;
    start.disabled = true;
    Taskend = false;

    chunktaskHandler = requestIdleCallback(generateCodeChunk, { timeout: 1000 });
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Dalam fungsi generateCodeChunk(), kami menggunakan API requestIdleCallback() untuk menjana sebahagian daripada kod bersiri dengan cekap. Ia berulang sehingga sama ada masa melahu penyemak imbas tamat tempoh atau bilangan kod yang dikehendaki dijana. Pendekatan ini menghalang urutan utama dan membolehkan pengalaman pengguna yang responsif.

Fungsi generateSerialCode() bertanggungjawab untuk memulakan proses penjanaan kod bersiri. Ia mengesahkan input pengguna, melumpuhkan medan input dan butang mula dan memulakan penjanaan kod dengan menjadualkan requestIdleCallback() menggunakan generateCodeChunk().

Dengan menggunakan API requestIdleCallback(), Penjana Kod Bersiri memastikan bahawa tugas penjanaan kod dilaksanakan semasa tempoh terbiar, meningkatkan prestasi aplikasi web keseluruhan dan pengalaman pengguna.

Benefits of Using requestIdleCallback

  1. Improved Responsiveness: By deferring non-critical tasks to idle periods, web applications can maintain a responsive user interface. This is particularly important when dealing with tasks that require significant processing time, such as complex calculations, data manipulation, or rendering updates. By executing these tasks during idle periods, the main thread remains available for handling user interactions, resulting in a smoother and more interactive experience.
  2. Optimal Resource Utilization: The requestIdleCallback API helps in optimizing resource utilization by ensuring that tasks are executed when system resources are available. By avoiding resource contention, web applications can efficiently utilize the CPU, memory, and other system resources, leading to improved overall performance.
  3. Reduced Jank and Stutter: Jank refers to the visible stutter or jerkiness experienced by users when interacting with a web application. By using requestIdleCallback to schedule tasks, developers can minimize jank by distributing the workload evenly across idle periods. This results in a more consistent frame rate and a smoother visual experience.
  4. Progressive Loading and Rendering: requestIdleCallback is particularly useful for progressive loading and rendering techniques. Instead of loading and rendering all the content at once, developers can leverage idle periods to load and render content incrementally, improving perceived performance and allowing users to start interacting with the application sooner.

Implementing requestIdleCallback involves the following steps:

  • Task Scheduling: Identify tasks that can be deferred and executed during idle periods. These tasks should be non-critical and not impact the immediate user experience.
  • Registering the Callback: Use the requestIdleCallback() function to register a callback function that will be invoked when the browser's event loop is idle. This function takes a callback function as an argument, which will be executed when idle time is available.
function performIdleTasks(deadline) {
  // Task execution logic

  // Check if there are more tasks remaining
  if (moreTasks()) {
    // Reschedule the callback to continue executing tasks in the next idle period

// Initiate the first requestIdleCallback
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  • Task Execution: Within the callback function, perform the desired tasks that were identified for idle execution. These tasks could include data processing, optimizing performance, lazy-loading resources, or any other operation that can be deferred without affecting immediate user interactions.
function performIdleTasks(deadline) {
  while (deadline.timeRemaining() > 0) {
    // Perform idle tasks here
    // These tasks should be non-critical and time-consuming

  // Check if there are more tasks remaining
  if (moreTasks()) {
    // Reschedule the callback to continue executing tasks in the next idle period

// Initiate the first requestIdleCallback
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  • Task Prioritization: Prioritize tasks within the callback function based on their importance and impact on the user experience. Ensure that critical tasks are executed first, while less critical or time-consuming tasks can be executed later during subsequent idle periods.
function performIdleTasks(deadline) {
  while (deadline.timeRemaining() > 0) {
    // Check if there are critical tasks that need to be executed immediately
    if (hasCriticalTasks()) {
      // Execute critical tasks
      return; // Exit the callback to prioritize critical tasks

    // Perform less critical or time-consuming tasks here

  // Check if there are more tasks remaining
  if (moreTasks()) {
    // Reschedule the callback to continue executing tasks in the next idle period

// Initiate the first requestIdleCallback
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By following these steps and incorporating requestIdleCallback into your code, you can effectively schedule non-critical tasks to be executed during idle periods, optimizing performance and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Web performance optimization is a crucial aspect of delivering exceptional user experiences. The requestIdleCallback() API offers a powerful tool to schedule non-critical tasks during idle periods, ensuring smooth performance and responsiveness. The Serial Code Generator example showcased how this API can be effectively utilized, enabling background code execution without disrupting critical tasks.

By incorporating the requestIdleCallback() API into your web development workflow, you can optimize resource usage, prioritize essential tasks, and enhance overall performance. Whether it’s generating codes, performing complex calculations, or updating large data sets, leveraging idle periods with requestIdleCallback() can lead to significant performance gains.

As you embark on your web development journey, consider integrating the requestIdleCallback() API to unlock the full potential of your applications. By optimizing code execution and leveraging idle periods efficiently, you can provide users with exceptional experiences and set your web applications apart from the competition.

Keep exploring and experimenting with the requestIdleCallback() API to make your web applications faster, smoother, and more enjoyable for your users.

Happy optimizing!

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