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Pembangunan bekalan kuasa komputer

Lepaskan: 2024-07-28 10:32:50
848 orang telah melayarinya

Dengan perkembangan teknologi komputer moden, bekalan kuasa komputer telah menjadi bahagian penting. Cara memilih bekalan kuasa komputer yang sesuai untuk memenuhi keperluan yang berbeza sentiasa menjadi masalah yang menyusahkan ramai pengguna. Editor PHP Youzi akan memberikan anda analisis mendalam tentang perkembangan bekalan kuasa komputer kali ini, daripada kepentingannya kepada cadangan pembelian, dan menjawab soalan anda satu demi satu. Teruskan membaca dengan cepat untuk menguasai pengetahuan bekalan kuasa komputer dan melindungi komputer anda!

Pembangunan bekalan kuasa komputer

1. Pembangunan bekalan kuasa komputer

Pembangunan bekalan kuasa komputer

Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang berterusan, bekalan kuasa komputer juga sentiasa bertambah baik. Sebagai salah satu komponen teras komputer, proses pembangunan bekalan kuasa komputer juga merupakan sejarah perkembangan teknologi. Artikel ini akan membawa anda menyemak sejarah pembangunan bekalan kuasa komputer, membincangkan ciri teknikal dan senario aplikasinya serta arah aliran pembangunan masa hadapan. 1. Perkembangan awal bekalan kuasa komputer Perkembangan bekalan kuasa komputer awal boleh dikesan sejak tahun 1950-an. Pada masa itu, bekalan kuasa komputer agak mudah untuk mereka bentuk dan mengeluarkan, biasanya terdiri daripada transformer, kapasitor dan penerus. Dengan perkembangan teknologi elektronik, bekalan kuasa komputer secara beransur-ansur menjadi lebih kompleks, menggunakan lebih banyak komponen dan teknologi elektronik. Bekalan kuasa komputer awal digunakan terutamanya untuk hos komputer dan peranti luaran, seperti pencetak, pengimbas, dsb. 2. Ciri-ciri dan senario aplikasi bekalan kuasa komputer moden Ciri-ciri bekalan kuasa komputer moden dicerminkan terutamanya dalam aspek seperti kecekapan tinggi, keselamatan, kestabilan dan perlindungan alam sekitar. Dengan pembangunan teknologi semikonduktor, kecekapan penukaran kuasa bekalan kuasa komputer semakin tinggi dan lebih tinggi, menjadikan penggunaan tenaga yang lebih baik dan mengurangkan sisa tenaga. Pada masa yang sama, bekalan kuasa komputer juga memberi lebih perhatian kepada keselamatan dan kestabilan, dan menggunakan lebih banyak langkah perlindungan dan teknologi pengesanan untuk memastikan operasi normal komputer dan keselamatan pengguna. Selain itu, reka bentuk bekalan kuasa komputer juga memberi lebih perhatian kepada perlindungan alam sekitar, menggunakan bahan yang lebih mesra alam dan proses pembuatan untuk mengurangkan kesan terhadap alam sekitar. Bekalan kuasa komputer moden mempunyai pelbagai senario aplikasi, termasuk komputer peribadi, pelayan, superkomputer, peranti mudah alih dan peranti Internet of Things. Kemajuan bekalan kuasa komputer bukan sahaja meningkatkan prestasi dan kebolehpercayaan peralatan, tetapi juga menggalakkan pembangunan industri berkaitan. 3. Trend pembangunan masa depan bekalan kuasa komputer Pada masa hadapan, bekalan kuasa komputer akan terus berkembang ke arah kecekapan tinggi, keselamatan, perlindungan alam sekitar dan kecerdasan. Dengan pembangunan teknologi tenaga hijau, bekalan kuasa komputer akan semakin menggunakan sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui seperti tenaga suria dan tenaga angin, mengurangkan pergantungan kepada sumber tenaga tradisional. Pada masa yang sama, kecerdasan bekalan kuasa komputer juga akan menjadi trend pembangunan masa depan, mencapai pengurusan dan kawalan yang lebih pintar melalui kecerdasan buatan dan teknologi data besar. Di samping itu, dengan pembangunan pengkomputeran awan dan pengkomputeran tepi, bekalan kuasa komputer akan semakin digunakan dalam platform pengkomputeran awan dan tepi untuk mencapai pengurusan dan penggunaan yang lebih fleksibel dan cekap. Kesimpulannya, proses pembangunan bekalan kuasa komputer adalah sejarah perkembangan teknologi. Dalam masyarakat moden, bekalan kuasa komputer telah menjadi salah satu teknologi yang sangat diperlukan. Pada masa hadapan, bekalan kuasa komputer akan terus berkembang ke arah kecekapan tinggi, keselamatan, perlindungan alam sekitar dan kecerdasan, memberikan sumbangan yang lebih besar kepada pembangunan masyarakat manusia.

2. Analisis bekalan kuasa komputer

Analisis bekalan kuasa komputer

Bekalan kuasa komputer adalah bahagian penting komputer, dan prestasinya secara langsung mempengaruhi prestasi dan kestabilan keseluruhan komputer. Artikel ini akan menjalankan analisis terperinci bekalan kuasa komputer untuk membantu pengguna memahami dengan lebih baik prestasi dan ciri bekalan kuasa komputer, supaya memilih produk bekalan kuasa yang sesuai untuk komputer mereka.

Jenis dan ciri bekalan kuasa komputer

Bekalan kuasa komputer boleh dibahagikan kepada tahap yang berbeza mengikut saiz kuasa, seperti 300W, 400W, 500W, dll. Tahap bekalan kuasa yang berbeza mempunyai harga dan prestasi yang berbeza Pengguna perlu memilih tahap kuasa yang sesuai mengikut konfigurasi komputer mereka. Di samping itu, beberapa produk bekalan kuasa termaju juga mempunyai pelbagai fungsi perlindungan, seperti perlindungan lebihan arus, perlindungan lebihan voltan, perlindungan lebihan kuasa, dsb., yang boleh melindungi perkakasan komputer daripada kerosakan dengan lebih baik.

Cara memilih bekalan kuasa komputer yang sesuai

Apabila memilih bekalan kuasa komputer yang sesuai, pengguna perlu mengambil kira faktor berikut:

Bekalan kuasa: Pilih kuasa bekalan kuasa yang sesuai mengikut konfigurasi komputer untuk mengelakkan kuasa terlalu tinggi atau rendah yang akan menjejaskan prestasi komputer menurun atau kerosakan perkakasan. Jenama dan reputasi: Memilih jenama terkenal dan produk bekalan kuasa dengan reputasi yang baik boleh memastikan kualiti dan kestabilan produk dengan lebih baik. Pelesapan haba dan prestasi senyap: Untuk beberapa konfigurasi komputer berprestasi tinggi, adalah sangat penting untuk memilih produk bekalan kuasa dengan pelesapan haba yang baik dan prestasi senyap, yang boleh memastikan operasi komputer yang stabil dan mengurangkan gangguan bunyi. Antara muka dan keupayaan pengembangan: Untuk sesetengah konfigurasi komputer yang memerlukan pengembangan tambahan, adalah sangat penting untuk memilih produk bekalan kuasa dengan antara muka yang kaya dan keupayaan pengembangan.


Sebagai bahagian penting komputer, prestasi dan ciri bekalan kuasa komputer secara langsung berkaitan dengan prestasi keseluruhan dan kestabilan komputer. Apabila memilih bekalan kuasa komputer yang sesuai, pengguna perlu mempertimbangkan secara menyeluruh faktor seperti kuasa bekalan kuasa, jenama, pelesapan haba dan prestasi senyap, antara muka dan prestasi pengembangan. Pada masa yang sama, bagi sesetengah produk bekalan kuasa termaju, fungsi perlindungan berbilang mereka boleh melindungi perkakasan komputer daripada kerosakan dengan lebih baik. Oleh itu, memilih bekalan kuasa komputer yang sesuai adalah penting untuk memastikan prestasi dan kestabilan komputer anda.

3. Original computer power supply - understand the key components in computer power supply



Power supply is a vital component of computer hardware. It provides stable power to the computer and ensures that various hardware components can operate normally. To understand how a computer power supply works, we need to first understand some of its core components.


Capacitor is one of the important components in computer power supply. It is mainly responsible for storing electrical energy and releasing it to other electronic components when needed. The quality and capacitance of the capacitor determine the stability of the power supply. Common capacitors include solid electrolytic capacitors and aluminum electrolytic capacitors.

Rectifier bridge

The rectifier bridge of the computer power supply is a component that converts alternating current into direct current. It consists of four diodes that convert the bidirectional flow of alternating current into unidirectional flow. The normal operation of the rectifier bridge ensures that the power supply can provide stable DC power to the computer.


The transformer in the computer power supply is mainly responsible for converting electrical energy from alternating current to direct current of different voltages. It consists of a winding and an iron core, and the voltage is changed by the ratio of the turns of the winding. The stability and efficiency of the transformer have an important impact on the safety and performance of the computer.

Voltage stabilizing circuit

The voltage stabilizing circuit is one of the key components in the computer power supply. It is responsible for converting the unstable DC power from the transformer into a stable supply voltage. The voltage stabilizing circuit adjusts the size and stability of the output voltage by controlling the switching status of transistors, diodes and other components in the circuit.

Protection circuit

In computer power supply, the protection circuit is mainly responsible for monitoring and protecting the entire power system. It can detect abnormal conditions such as current overload, short circuit, and overvoltage, and take appropriate measures to protect the computer and power supply. The protection circuit is the safety guarantee in the power supply and provides guarantee for the stable operation of the computer.


Computer power supply is an important part of the computer, and its original components work together to ensure stable power supply and protect computer safety. By understanding key components such as capacitors, rectifier bridges, transformers, voltage stabilizing circuits and protection circuits, we can better understand the working principle of computer power supplies and how to choose a computer power supply that suits our needs.

Thank you for reading this article about original computer power supplies, I hope it will be helpful to you!

4. Computer power supply problem?

Thanks for the invitation

There is probably something wrong with your power supply. It may be an internal short circuit. It is recommended that you replace the power supply.

If the case you are talking about is static electricity, it’s not a big problem; if it’s not static electricity... then it’s leakage, which is a serious problem.

5. IBM computer power supply: How to choose the IBM computer power supply that suits you

The importance of IBM computer power supply


For users of IBM computers, it is crucial to choose the power supply that suits their computers. As an important part of the computer, the power supply directly affects the stability and performance of the entire machine. Therefore, it is important to understand how to choose an IBM computer power supply.

Types of IBM computer power supplies

IBM computer power supplies usually come in two types: desktop power supply and laptop power supply. Desktop power supplies are usually ATX power supplies, while laptop power supplies have their own specifications and interfaces depending on the model.

How to choose an IBM computer power supply that suits you

1. Power: First, choose the appropriate power according to your IBM computer configuration to ensure that the power supply can provide stable power supply.

2. Interfaces and specifications: For desktop power supplies, pay attention to the interface specifications of the motherboard and graphics card; for laptop power supplies, pay attention to the size and shape of the plug.

3. Brand and quality: Choose a well-known brand and reliable quality IBM computer power supply to ensure stable operation of the computer.

4. Cooling system: The cooling system of the power supply also needs to be considered, especially when using high-performance IBM computers.

IBM computer power supply maintenance and care

Once you select a suitable IBM computer power supply, correct maintenance and upkeep is equally important. Clean the fan and heat sink of the power supply regularly to ensure that the ventilation openings are clear. Avoiding the accumulation of dust and debris can extend the life of the power supply.


Choose a power supply suitable for your IBM computer and perform correct use and maintenance, which can effectively ensure the stability and reliability of the computer, and also protect your hardware investment.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope the above content can help you better understand and choose IBM computer power supplies.

6. Computer power supply selection?

Depending on the hardware configuration of your computer, a brand power supply rated at 400W will definitely be enough. It's just Delta's NX450 power supply, which uses dual 12V output power supplies. Although its rated power is 450W, its +12V1 output current is only 20A (a reminder, for this kind of power supply with dual +12V output, its +12V1 is used to power the graphics card), so it is paired with GTX1060 For this kind of mid-to-high-end graphics card, there is absolutely no guarantee that it can work stably for a long time. I suggest you take a look at Huntkey JUMPER 450B, Gaming Blade 50 AK450, Cooler Master GX-450W, and FSP Classic PLUS 450W. They all have good performance and can definitely meet the power supply needs of your computer. .

This is the information on the label of the Delta NX450 power supply, you can take a look. In short, this power supply definitely cannot meet the power supply needs of the i5 8500+GTX1060 platform.

Let me show you the nameplate information of several different brands of rated 450W power supplies.

Huntjia JUMPER 450B

FSP Classic PLUS 450

Nowadays, even the brand power supplies rated at 400W have adopted a single 12V output. For this kind of single-output power supply, its +12 output terminal is used to power the CPU and graphics card at the same time. Therefore, when purchasing a power supply, you must combine the actual power consumption of the CPU and graphics card so that it can Buy a suitable power supply.

The following is the approximate power consumption of the i5 8400+GTX1060 platform when it is fully loaded, you can refer to it. A little reminder, the actual power consumption of different brands of GTX1060 graphics cards is also slightly different.

7. How to choose a computer power supply?

Calculate the size of the power supply using special power calculation software, and then multiply the excess by 115%. For example, if the multiplication is 425w, buy a 450w one. If you use AMD graphics card or CPU, it is recommended to add 10%.

As for the brand of power supply, I currently use Haiyun, but Zhenhua is also acceptable. Taiwanese power supplies are more conscientious and have no love for the mainland.

It is best to have energy consumption certification (80plus), which is divided into white, bronze, silver, gold and platinum.

Load 20% 50% 80%

Conversion rate Conversion rate Conversion rate

White card 80% 80% 80%

Bronze medal 82% 85% 82%

Silver medal 85% 88% 85%

Gold medal 87% 90% 87%

Platinum 90% 94% 91%

I think it is good for ordinary users to have a white or bronze power supply. For those who are a little more luxurious, they can get a gold power supply. Platinum enthusiasts prefer it.

But don’t be superstitious about the 80plus certification of the power supply. Some manufacturers are very serious about the power supply they send for certification. After obtaining the certification, the mass production is reduced.

So the market price is the ultimate criterion for measuring a power supply. Of course it cannot be the price when being ripped off by JS.

In short, a power supply of 1w/0.8 yuan or more is more reliable, 80plus is more reliable than nothing, and Taiwan’s major brands are more reliable. Also, I am the little tail of Chen Socks upstairs. Because I follow her, I pick a few of the questions she answers that I know how to answer. (๑• . •๑)

8. How much is the appropriate power supply for a computer?

550w or above. Note that it is a standard power supply that is not falsely reported. For example, do you dare to use a 650w power supply that costs more than 100 yuan? The best is 0.7 yuan 1w. For example, a 550w power supply sells for about 385 on Jingdong. It is generally a relatively good power supply. 9. Ask for help in estimating computer power supply? , don’t buy any other brands, I recommend Great Wall, Haiyun, FSP, and Zhenhua. There is no need to pursue gold medals and full modules, the difference is not big

10. Computer power supply purchasing guide: How to choose a computer power supply that suits you

Computer power supply is one of the indispensable and important components in the computer system. It is responsible for providing stable and reliable power supply to the entire computer system and is the basis for the normal operation of the computer. Choosing the right computer power supply can not only ensure the stability of the computer system, but also extend the service life of the computer hardware. So, how to choose a computer power supply that suits you?

The importance of computer power supply

The main function of a computer power supply is to provide the required DC voltage for the entire computer system, including various hardware components such as CPU, graphics card, and hard disk. A high-quality power supply can not only provide sufficient power for the computer, but also ensure voltage stability and current balance, thereby protecting the computer hardware from damage.

In addition, the power supply is also responsible for converting AC power into DC power and providing multiple output voltages to meet the power supply needs of different hardware components. A high-quality power supply can also provide overvoltage, overcurrent, overheating and other protection functions to ensure the safe operation of the computer system.

Things to note when purchasing a computer power supply

When purchasing a computer power supply, you need to consider the following aspects:

Power requirements: Choose the appropriate power supply based on the power consumption requirements of the computer configuration. Generally speaking, more power is better, but over-configuration should also be avoided. Power supply efficiency: Choosing a high-efficiency power supply can effectively reduce electricity bills and power supply heating. 80 PLUS certification is a good selection criterion. Power interface: Ensure that the power interface can meet the power supply needs of motherboard, graphics card, hard disk and other hardware. Mainstream interfaces include SATA, PCI-E, etc. Power supply reliability: Choose brand power supplies, such as Corsair, Antec, etc., to ensure the stability and safety of the power supply. Power supply noise: Choosing a low-noise power supply can bring a better experience to the use environment.

How to choose a suitable computer power supply

When purchasing a computer power supply, you must first determine the total power consumption requirements of the computer system. It can be estimated by looking at the power parameters of hardware such as motherboards and graphics cards. Generally speaking, for computers with power consumption below 300W, it is enough to choose a 450-550W power supply. A high-performance gaming computer requires a power supply of more than 600W.

Secondly, pay attention to the conversion efficiency of the power supply. 80 PLUS certified power supply conversion efficiency is generally above 80%, which can effectively reduce electricity bills and power supply heating.

Furthermore, pay attention to the type and number of power supply interfaces. Ensure that the power supply needs of hardware such as motherboards, graphics cards, and hard drives can be met. Mainstream interfaces include SATA, PCI-E, etc.

Finally, choose a well-known brand of power supply, such as Corsair, Antec, etc., to ensure the stability and safety of the power supply. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the noise of the power supply. Choosing a low-noise power supply can bring a better experience to the use environment.

Through the above considerations, I believe you will be able to choose a high-quality power supply suitable for your computer. Wish you a happy purchase!

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