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Sila bebas! percuma! percuma! Komputer awan?

Lepaskan: 2024-07-31 08:26:19
958 orang telah melayarinya

Untuk pembaca yang bermasalah dengan konfigurasi komputer yang lemah dan ketinggalan semasa menjalankan perisian yang besar, editor PHP Xiaoxin membawakan berita baik kepada anda! Cloud PC, penyelesaian yang menghapuskan kos perkakasan yang tinggi dan membolehkan anda bermain pelbagai permainan pada bila-bila masa dan di mana-mana sahaja, kini tersedia secara percuma! Cepat dan baca di bawah untuk mengetahui tentang kelebihan komputer awan dan cara mendapatkannya secara percuma!

Sila bebas! percuma! percuma! Komputer awan?

1. Sila bebas! percuma! percuma! Komputer awan?

Saya kini menggunakan Komputer Awan Pocket Magic Box, yang percuma selama satu jam setiap hari Masa lapang yang diberikan adalah banyak, cukup untuk bermain permainan dalam talian yang besar. Sekarang saya juga ahli keluarganya, dan saya mendapat syiling emas apabila saya mengecas semula, yang merupakan diskaun yang hebat.

2. Kesalahan biasa optometri komputer?

Situasi berikut mungkin berlaku. Optometris mungkin tidak berfungsi. Pakar optometris domestik sangat lemah dan sering mengalami masalah. Mungkin juga terdapat masalah dengan medium biasan anda, seperti kesan kornea, kekeruhan kanta, kekeruhan vitreous, dsb. Adalah disyorkan bahawa anda pergi ke hospital untuk optometri pada masa hadapan. Dalam kes ini, anda boleh melakukan retinoskopi pada dasarnya tidak boleh menguasai teknologi ini. Lagipun optometri di hospital tak mahal lepas optometri boleh ke kedai optik biasa untuk dapatkan cermin mata. Sekiranya hospital tidak dapat mengujinya, maka anda perlu berjumpa pakar mata.

3. Bagaimana untuk membaiki kerosakan peti sejuk komputer yang biasa?

1. Tiada penyejukan

Sama ada palam kuasa peti sejuk disambungkan ke dalam; Periksa sama ada lampu pintu peti sejuk dihidupkan untuk menentukan sama ada peti sejuk disambungkan kepada kuasa. Periksa sama ada termostat berada dalam gear kerja Termostat mempunyai gear henti (gear 0) Pemampat tidak akan berfungsi jika ia diletakkan dalam gear henti. Jika perkara di atas adalah perkara biasa, sila hubungi kakitangan penyelenggaraan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

 2. Badan pintu tidak lurus

 Dalam kes ini, hanya laraskan engsel pintu untuk meluruskan pintu. Longgarkan skru engsel bawah peti sejuk, laraskan kedudukan pintu, dan kemudian ketatkan skru. Longgarkan skru engsel tengah peti sejuk, gerakkan pintu ke kiri dan kanan, dan ketatkan skru selepas pelarasan.

 3. Lampu tak menyala

 Kalau mentol rosak, baru tukar. Di samping itu, suis lampu pintu mempunyai kegagalan mekanikal yang tidak muncul dan tidak boleh dihidupkan. Ia boleh dipulihkan dengan menariknya perlahan-lahan dengan tangan anda. Kesalahan yang disebabkan oleh burr yang menghalang tepi butang pada suis lampu pintu boleh dihapuskan dengan mengikis burr tepi dengan bilah kecil. Suis lampu pintu peti sejuk diaktifkan oleh sekeping menekan kecil, yang memerlukan menanggalkan penutup plastik. Selepas mengeluarkan bahagian penekan dan suis lampu pintu, mula-mula pasang bahagian penekan ke tempatnya, kemudian pasang suis lampu pintu Selepas memasang penutup plastik, kesalahan akan dihapuskan.

4. Kesalahan biasa papan komputer Fox?

Kesalahan biasa termasuk yang berikut:

1 Papan komputer tidak boleh dimulakan atau skrin hitam muncul semasa but. Ini biasanya disebabkan oleh modul memori yang buruk, kegagalan cakera keras, kerosakan motherboard, dll. Anda boleh cuba pasang semula modul memori, gantikan cakera keras atau semak sama ada terdapat masalah dengan papan induk.

2. Blue Screen of Death mungkin disebabkan oleh isu perisian, kerosakan perkakasan, ketidakserasian pemandu, dsb. Anda boleh cuba menyelesaikan masalah dengan membaiki sistem, mengemas kini pemacu atau menggantikan perkakasan.

3. Komputer berjalan perlahan. Ia mungkin disebabkan oleh virus komputer, memori tidak mencukupi, konflik aplikasi, dsb. Anda boleh cuba menggunakan perisian anti-virus untuk membersihkan virus, meningkatkan memori, menutup aplikasi yang tidak penting, dsb. untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

4. Papan komputer mengeluarkan bunyi yang tidak normal. Ia mungkin disebabkan oleh kegagalan kuasa, kegagalan kipas, dsb. Anda boleh cuba menggantikan bekalan kuasa atau kipas untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

5 Antara muka USB tidak boleh dikenali. Ia mungkin disebabkan oleh isu pemacu USB atau voltan keluaran kuasa yang tidak stabil. Anda boleh cuba mengemas kini pemacu USB, menggantikan bekalan kuasa, dsb. untuk menyelesaikan masalah.

Ini adalah kerosakan biasa papan komputer Fox Jika anda menghadapi masalah ini, anda boleh menyelesaikan masalah dan menyelesaikannya mengikut kaedah di atas. Jika ia tidak boleh dibaiki sendiri, adalah disyorkan untuk menghubungi kakitangan penyelenggaraan profesional.

5. Kerosakan biasa dalam pembaikan bekalan kuasa komputer?

Kegagalan kuasa komputer secara amnya mempunyai fenomena berikut:

Kerosakan 1. Terdapat output kuasa tetapi tiada paparan apabila dihidupkan

Fenomena kerosakan: Terdapat output kuasa dalam komputer, tetapi tiada paparan apabila dihidupkan.

Analisis dan penyelesaian: Sebab yang mungkin untuk kegagalan ini ialah masa tunda input isyarat RESET oleh POWERGOOD tidak mencukupi, atau POWERGOOD tidak mempunyai output Selepas memulakan, gunakan voltmeter untuk mengukur terminal output POWERGOOD tiada keluaran +5V, periksa semula elemen kelewatan Jika peranti mempunyai +5V, gantikan sahaja kapasitor kelewatan litar kelewatan.

Ralat 2. Ia akan dimulakan semula secara automatik setiap kali ia dihidupkan

Fenomena ralat: Komputer akan dimulakan semula secara automatik sekali setiap kali ia dihidupkan, tetapi kini ia perlu mengulangi ujian kendiri sebelum memasuki sistem pengendalian.

Analisis dan penyelesaian: But semula pada permulaan biasanya disebabkan oleh kegagalan papan induk yang juga boleh menyebabkan perkara ini.

Kerosakan 3. Terdapat pencucuhan di dalam bekas dan lampu penunjuk bekalan kuasa monitor berkelip pada masa yang sama

Fenomena kerosakan: Terdapat pencucuhan dalam bekas dan lampu penunjuk bekalan kuasa monitor berkelip.

Analisis dan penyelesaian: Kemungkinan besar adalah masalah dengan bekalan kuasa, kerana aksesori lain dalam casis sukar untuk menyebabkan masalah ini. Ini bermakna komponen di dalam bekalan kuasa rosak atau litar pintas, jadi pergi ke seorang profesional untuk pembaikan atau penggantian Bekalan kuasa baharu.

Ralat 4. Komputer akan ditutup secara automatik selepas hanya beberapa minit but

Fenomena ralat: Komputer dikonfigurasikan dengan PENTUM3 700, papan induk MSI, 128MB moden dan pemacu keras MAZTOR Baru-baru ini, komputer akan ditutup secara automatik mati selepas hanya beberapa minit boot Lampu penunjuk pada hos, pemacu optik dan monitor semuanya menyala dan kipas sedang menyala, tetapi tiada tindak balas Hanya dengan mematikan kuasa dan memulakan semula ia boleh berfungsi seperti biasa.

Analisis dan penyelesaian: Selepas bekalan kuasa berfungsi untuk satu tempoh masa, haba akan menjadi lebih besar, dan beberapa komponen akan berfungsi tidak stabil, menyebabkan arus keluaran terputus, jadi bekalan kuasa perlu dibaiki.

Ralat 5. Kuasa hos dihidupkan secara automatik apabila suis kuasa dihidupkan

Fenomena ralat: Urutan but komputer diterbalikkan Biasanya, monitor dan hos harus dimulakan secara manual satu demi satu, tetapi kuasa hos adalah dihidupkan secara automatik apabila suis kuasa dihidupkan.

Analisis dan penyelesaian: Kemungkinan besar masalah ini disebabkan oleh tetapan dalam BIOS Dengan cara ini, mula-mula masukkan BIOS papan induk untuk menyediakan, dan dengarkan fungsi pilihan PWERON AFRER POWERFALL dalam POSERMANAGERMENT. untuk mematikan masalah.

Ralat 6. Anda perlu menanggalkan palam kuasa dan pasangkannya sebelum memulakan semula

Fenomena ralat: Dalam keadaan luar talian, apabila menyemak mesej dan surat QQ dalam FOXMAIL, komputer akan mati secara tiba-tiba dimatikan secara tiba-tiba. Tiada tindak balas daripada suis kuasa. Dan pastikan anda mengeluarkan palam kuasa dan pasangkannya semula sebelum memulakan semula.

Analisis dan penyelesaian: Berkemungkinan terdapat masalah dengan litar perlindungan automatik bekalan kuasa Periksa sama ada kuasa sesalur stabil Di samping itu, anda boleh menggunakan bekalan kuasa lain terlebih dahulu untuk melihat sama ada ia disebabkan oleh bekalan kuasa itu sendiri.

Kesalahan 7. Dimulakan semula semasa proses penutupan

Fenomena kesalahan: Baru-baru ini, setiap kali penutupan sedang dijalankan, selepas skrin menunjukkan bahawa ia sedang dimatikan, ia akan dimulakan semula secara automatik Selain itu, kadangkala ia akan dimulakan semula secara automatik selepas masuk WINDOWS98 selepas but.

Analisis dan penyelesaian: Ini disebabkan oleh pepijat dalam fungsi kawalan tenaga WINDOWS98 Jika ya, anda perlu memasang patch penutupan WINDOWS98 yang berkaitan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini Jika anda memulakan semula hanya selepas memasuki WINDOWS98, papan induk rosak atau Ia disebabkan oleh output arus yang tidak betul bagi bekalan kuasa Anda boleh mematikan pengurusan lanjutan bekalan kuasa dalam panel kawalan sistem WINDOWS.

6. What are the common faults of computer power supply?

  1. Fault type: No output from the power supply This type of fault is the most common, and the main manifestation is that the power supply does not work. When the host confirms that the power cord is connected (some power supplies with AC switches need to be turned on), there is no response when turning on the computer, and there is no display on the monitor (the monitor indicator light flashes). No output faults are divided into the following types: ① +5VSB has no output. As mentioned before, +5VSB should have a normal 5V output as soon as the host power supply is connected to AC power and supply power to the motherboard startup circuit. Therefore, there is no output from +5VSB, the motherboard startup circuit cannot operate, and the computer cannot be started. The method to determine this fault is: remove the power supply from the host, connect the host power AC input line, and use a multimeter to measure the voltage of the purple line (+5VSB) output from the power supply to the 20-pin plug on the motherboard. If there is no output voltage, it means The +5VSB line is damaged and the power supply needs to be replaced. For some motherboards with a standby indicator light, if there is no multimeter, you can also use whether the indicator light is on to determine whether there is output from +5VSB. This kind of fault indicates that there is damage to the internal components of the power supply, and the fuse is probably blown. ②+5VSB has output, but the main power supply has no output. In this case, the standby indicator light is on, but there is no response after pressing the power button, and the power supply fan does not move. This phenomenon shows that the fuse is not blown, but the main power supply is not working. The fault determination method is: remove the power supply from the host, short-circuit the 20-core green wire (PSON/OFF) to the ground or connect a small resistor to the ground to make the voltage below 0.8V. At this time, the power supply still has no output and If there is no sign of the fan rotating, it means that the main power supply is damaged and needs to be replaced. ③+5VSB has output, but the main power supply is protected. There are many such situations. This phenomenon can be caused by the manufacturing process or early failure of the device. The difference between this phenomenon and ② is that the fan will vibrate when the power is turned on, that is, the power supply has output, but protection occurs due to a fault or external factors. In order to rule out short circuit or other factors due to damage to the power load (motherboard, etc.), you can remove the power supply from the host and short-circuit the 20-pin green wire to ground. If the power output is normal, it may be: I. The power load is damaged, causing the power supply to be damaged. To protect, replace the damaged power supply load; II. The internal abnormality of the power supply causes protection and the power supply needs to be replaced; III. The power supply and load have poor compatibility, resulting in protection under a specific load. This situation requires further analysis. ④The power supply is normal, but the motherboard does not give a power-on signal. In this case, the power supply has no output. You can use a multimeter to measure whether the voltage of the 20-pin green line to ground drops below 0.8V after the host is turned on. If it does not drop or does not Below 0.8V, the power supply may fail to turn on. 2. Fault type: The power supply has output, but the host does not display it. Tip: This situation is more complicated and difficult to determine, but you can consider the following aspects: 1) One or more of the output voltages of the power supply are abnormal, which can be tested with a multimeter; 2) There is no P.G signal , that is, measure whether the gray line in the 20-core wire is high level. If it is low level, the host will always be in reset state and cannot be started. 3) The rising edge or timing of the power supply output is abnormal, or the compatibility with the motherboard is not good, which can also cause the host to not display. However, this situation is more complicated and needs to be analyzed with the help of a storage oscilloscope.

7. Is computer mining free?

Electricity is quite expensive, and any computer can mine.

But you have to know that mining is not just about electricity bills.

When mining, the computer needs to consume a lot of power and perform massive calculations to finally gain something.

Even if your electricity is free, there is still a problem of computing power. Ordinary home computers have a lot of computing power. You can mine at zero cost without electricity bills, but it will take a long time to mine. If you don't care about time, you can certainly hang there and dig slowly, but don't expect to make a fortune from this.

8. Is computer split-screen software free?

The computer cannot be split-screen, and there is no split-screen software library fee

9. Lenovo computer repair: How to quickly solve common Lenovo computer faults

Lenovo computer repair: How to quickly solve common Lenovo computer faults

As a well-known Computer brand, Lenovo computers are favored by consumers for their stability and performance. However, during use, Lenovo computers will also encounter various malfunctions. This article will introduce you to some common Lenovo computer failures and provide corresponding repair solutions to help you quickly solve the problem and restore normal use.

FAQ 1: The Lenovo computer has a black screen when it starts up

When you try to start up your Lenovo computer, you find that the screen is black. This may be caused by a problem with the monitor connection or a system failure. First, you can try reconnecting the monitor's data cable to make sure the connection is secure. If the problem persists, you can try to enter safe mode to repair the system. If safe mode cannot solve the problem, you may need to consider system reinstallation.

FAQ 2: Lenovo computer suddenly crashes

During use, Lenovo computer suddenly crashes is a relatively common problem. This could be due to a hardware protection mechanism being triggered due to overheating, or it could be a software conflict causing the system to crash. For this problem, you can try cleaning the radiator, replacing thermal grease, and optimizing system startup items to solve the overheating problem. You can also solve the software conflict problem by uninstalling conflicting software and updating drivers.

FAQ 3: Lenovo computer blue screen or system crash

Blue screen or system crash is one of the problems that users often encounter when using Lenovo computers. This may be due to hardware failure, driver issues, or corrupted system files. To deal with this problem, you can try to solve it by checking the hardware connection, updating or rolling back the driver, repairing the system file, etc. If the problem persists, you may want to consider contacting professional maintenance personnel or official Lenovo customer service for help.


When using Lenovo computers, the faults described above are only some of the problems that may be encountered, and the solutions are only a common way. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, it is recommended that you contact Lenovo customer service or seek professional repair services in time to avoid more serious damage caused by improper personal repairs. I hope this article can help you better understand Lenovo computer repair related knowledge and ensure that your Lenovo computer can run efficiently and stably.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article can provide you with some help when solving Lenovo computer problems.

10. Common computer faults and solutions

Classification of computer faults

With the widespread use of computers in our lives and work, encountering computer faults has become the norm. Computer failures can be divided into two types: hardware failures and software failures.

Hardware failure

Black screen: nothing is displayed on the screen after the computer starts.

Check if the power connection is loose. Try unplugging and reinserting the graphics card. Check whether the memory is plugged in tightly.

Blue screen: The computer displays a blue screen prompt and automatically restarts.

Check whether the memory is damaged and try to replace the memory module. Check the hard drive for errors and run a disk detection tool to fix them. Check to see if new hardware or software has been installed recently, and if so, try uninstalling or disabling them.

Software Failure

System Crash: The computer operating system cannot run properly.

Try to start the computer in safe mode and perform system repairs. Reinstall the operating system. Make sure your computer has the latest system updates installed.

Slowdown: The computer's running speed drops significantly.

Clean unnecessary files and programs from your computer. Run anti-virus software to check the system. Add memory modules to improve computer performance.


Computer faults are common problems we encounter when using computers, but with some simple methods we can solve most common faults by ourselves. I hope that the methods I provide can help readers solve computer problems and improve work and life efficiency.

Thank you for reading this article. I believe that the methods provided in this article can help you better deal with computer failure problems.

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