Menganggap pemahaman tatatanda Big O. Contohnya adalah dalam JavaScript. Rujukan maklumat "Cracking the Coding Interview" oleh Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Senarai double linked sangat serupa dengan senarai terpaut tunggal, kecuali untuk struktur nod dan cara kami menambah/mengalih keluar nod.
Nod dalam senarai terpaut dua kali mengandungi penuding sebelumnya, penunjuk seterusnya dan nilai. Penunjuk sebelumnya menghala ke nod sebelumnya dan penunjuk seterusnya menghala ke nod seterusnya. Secara semula jadi, senarai ini berjalan dua arah pada setiap nod.
Untuk memasukkan nod baharu (nod baharu) pada indeks tertentu:
Simpan nod pada masa ini pada indeks sisipan dalam pembolehubah sementara nextNode.
Kemas kini sambungan untuk nod sebelumnya dan nod baharu:
Sambungkan nod baharu ke nod seterusnya:
Untuk mengalih keluar nod pada indeks tertentu:
Ini secara berkesan "merapatkan" jurang yang dicipta dengan mengalih keluar nod, mengekalkan integriti senarai.
Menambah/Mengalih keluar dalam senarai terpaut berganda → O(n)
Menambah/Mengalih keluar di kepala atau ekor senarai berganda → O(1)
class ListNode { constructor(value, prev = null, next = null) { this.value = value; this.prev = prev; = next; } } class DoublyLinkedList { constructor() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.size = 0; } // add a node to the head of the list addHead(value) { const newNode = new ListNode(value, null, this.head); if (this.head) { this.head.prev = newNode; } else { this.tail = newNode; // If list was empty, new node is also the tail } this.head = newNode; this.size++; } // Add a node to the tail of the list addTail(value) { const newNode = new ListNode(value, this.tail, null); if (this.tail) { = newNode; } else { this.head = newNode; // If list was empty, new node is also the head } this.tail = newNode; this.size++; } // Remove a node from the head of the list removeHead() { if (!this.head) return null; // List is empty const removedValue = this.head.value; this.head =; if (this.head) { this.head.prev = null; } else { this.tail = null; // List became empty } this.size--; return removedValue; } // Remove a node from the tail of the list removeTail() { if (!this.tail) return null; // List is empty const removedValue = this.tail.value; this.tail = this.tail.prev; if (this.tail) { = null; } else { this.head = null; // List became empty } this.size--; return removedValue; } // Remove a node at a specific index removeAt(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.size) return null; let current; if (index < this.size / 2) { current = this.head; for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) { current =; } } else { current = this.tail; for (let i = this.size - 1; i > index; i--) { current = current.prev; } } if (current.prev) =; if ( = current.prev; if (index === 0) this.head =; if (index === this.size - 1) this.tail = current.prev; this.size--; return current.value; } // Get the size of the list getSize() { return this.size; } // Get the values in the list getValues() { const values = []; let current = this.head; while (current) { values.push(current.value); current =; } return values; } }
function ListNode(value, prev = null, next = null) { this.value = value; this.prev = prev; = next; } function DoublyLinkedList() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.size = 0; } // Add a node to the head of the list DoublyLinkedList.prototype.addHead = function(value) { const newNode = new ListNode(value, null, this.head); if (this.head) { this.head.prev = newNode; } else { this.tail = newNode; } this.head = newNode; this.size++; }; // Add a node to the tail of the list DoublyLinkedList.prototype.addTail = function(value) { const newNode = new ListNode(value, this.tail, null); if (this.tail) { = newNode; } else { this.head = newNode; } this.tail = newNode; this.size++; }; // Remove a node from the head of the list DoublyLinkedList.prototype.removeHead = function() { if (!this.head) return null; const removedValue = this.head.value; this.head =; if (this.head) { this.head.prev = null; } else { this.tail = null; } this.size--; return removedValue; }; // Remove a node from the tail of the list DoublyLinkedList.prototype.removeTail = function() { if (!this.tail) return null; const removedValue = this.tail.value; this.tail = this.tail.prev; if (this.tail) { = null; } else { this.head = null; } this.size--; return removedValue; }; // Remove a node at a specific index DoublyLinkedList.prototype.removeAt = function(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.size) return null; let current; if (index < this.size / 2) { current = this.head; for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) { current =; } } else { current = this.tail; for (let i = this.size - 1; i > index; i--) { current = current.prev; } } if (current.prev) =; if ( = current.prev; if (index === 0) this.head =; if (index === this.size - 1) this.tail = current.prev; this.size--; return current.value; }; // Get the size of the list DoublyLinkedList.prototype.getSize = function() { return this.size; }; // Get the values in the list DoublyLinkedList.prototype.getValues = function() { const values = []; let current = this.head; while (current) { values.push(current.value); current =; } return values; };
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