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Ciri Tetapan Semula Kata Laluan: Menggunakan OTP untuk Tetapkan Semula Kata Laluan

Linda Hamilton
Lepaskan: 2024-10-01 18:09:03
1097 orang telah melayarinya

Password Reset Feature: Using OTP to Reset Password


2. Resetting Password

Moving onto the next API.

PUT on /api/reset-password, req -> otp, email, new password, res -> nocontent

// controllers/passwordReset.go
func ResetPassword(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    type Input struct {
        OTP         string `json:"otp"`
        Email       string `json:"email"`
        NewPassword string `json:"new_password"`

    var input Input

    err := c.BodyParser(&input)
    if err != nil {
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(fiber.Map{
            "error": "invalid data",

    // no input field should be empty
    if input.OTP == "" || input.Email == "" || input.NewPassword == "" {
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(fiber.Map{
            "error": "invalid data",

    // TODO: check redis for otp and update password

    return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusNoContent)
Salin selepas log masuk

Adding route for it

// routes/routes.go
api.Put("/reset-password", controllers.ResetPassword)
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Now I need two functions:

  1. VerifyOTP -> input = otp, email; output = error (if any)
  2. UpdatePassword -> input = email, password; output = error (if any)
// utils/passwordReset.go
func VerifyOTP(otp string, email string, c context.Context) (error, bool) {
    key := otpKeyPrefix + email

    // get the value for the key
    value, err := config.RedisClient.Get(c, key).Result()
    if err != nil {
        // the following states that the key was not found
        if err == redis.Nil {
            return errors.New("otp expired / incorrect email"), false

        // for other errors
        return err, true

    // compare received otp's hash with value in redis
    err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(value), []byte(otp))
    if err != nil {
        return errors.New("incorrect otp"), false

    // delete redis key to prevent abuse of otp
    err = config.RedisClient.Del(c, key).Err()
    if err != nil {
        return err, true

    return nil, false

func UpdatePassword(email string, password string, c context.Context) error {
    users := config.DB.Collection("users")

    // hash the password
    hashedPassword, _ := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), 10)

    // update the password
    update := bson.M{
        "$set": bson.M{
            "password": hashedPassword,
    _, err := users.UpdateByID(c, email, update)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil
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Now I need to put them both together in the controller. I'm using the bool from VerifyOTP function to denote whether the error is an internal error or is it because of the input.

// controllers/passwordReset.go
func ResetPassword(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
    type Input struct {
        OTP         string `json:"otp"`
        Email       string `json:"email"`
        NewPassword string `json:"new_password"`

    var input Input

    err := c.BodyParser(&input)
    if err != nil {
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(fiber.Map{
            "error": "invalid data",

    // no input field should be empty
    if input.OTP == "" || input.Email == "" || input.NewPassword == "" {
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(fiber.Map{
            "error": "invalid data",

    // check redis for otp
    err, isInternalErr := utils.VerifyOTP(input.OTP, input.Email, c.Context())
    if err != nil {
        var code int
        if isInternalErr {
            code = fiber.StatusInternalServerError
        } else {
            code = fiber.StatusUnauthorized

        return c.Status(code).JSON(fiber.Map{
            "error": err.Error(),

    err = utils.UpdatePassword(input.Email, input.NewPassword, c.Context())
    if err != nil {
        return c.Status(fiber.StatusInternalServerError).JSON(fiber.Map{
            "error": err.Error(),

    return c.SendStatus(fiber.StatusNoContent)
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The API is now built, and the testing can be done using the following cURL command

curl --location --request PUT 'localhost:3000/api/reset-password' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "",
    "new_password": "tester123",
    "otp": "DM4RDNF07B"
Salin selepas log masuk

In the next part, I'll start with the frontend

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