Ini akan melingkari senarai dan setiap elemen senarai akan tersedia sebagai pembolehubah dalam setiap lelaran. Ini digunakan secara meluas apabila terdapat keperluan untuk menyemak semua elemen senarai.
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] for os in operating_systems: print(os)`
# Output windows mac linux
Apabila terdapat keperluan untuk mengakses berdasarkan indeks dan nilai indeks diperlukan.
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] for i in range(len(operating_systems)): print(f"Index {i}: {operating_systems[i]}")
# Output Index 0: windows Index 1: mac Index 2: linux
Ini adalah cara yang elegan, jika anda memerlukan kedua-dua indeks dan nilai
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] for index, os in enumerate(operating_systems): print(f"Index is {index} and value is {os}")
# Output Index is 0 and value is windows Index is 1 and value is mac Index is 2 and value is linux
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] i = 0 # Inital condition, required to start while i < len(operating_systems): print(f"While looping {i} got the value {operating_systems[i]}") i = i + 1 # This is very important, dont forget about infinite loops
# Output While looping 0 got the value windows While looping 1 got the value mac While looping 2 got the value linux
Memberi kawalan yang baik ke atas masa untuk menggerakkan iterator ke hadapan, walaupun kita perlu bergantung pada StopLelaran untuk menyemak sama ada penghujungnya telah dicapai.
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] iterator = iter(operating_systems) while True: try: os = next(iterator) print(f"Consumed form iterator {os}") except StopIteration: print("Consumed all from iterator") break
# Output Consumed form iterator windows Consumed form iterator mac Consumed form iterator linux Consumed all from iterator
# Hack to avoid StopIteration iterator = iter(operating_systems) end_of_list = object() reached_end = False while not reached_end: os = next(iterator, end_of_list)# a predefined object as end of the list if os != end_of_list: print(os) else: reached_end = True
Apabila transformasi diperlukan
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] os_uppercase = [os.upper() for os in operating_systems] print(os_uppercase)
# Output ['WINDOWS', 'MAC', 'LINUX']
Apabila berbasikal melalui senarai diperlukan. Gunakan dengan keadaan sempadan yang betul untuk memecahkan gelung
import itertools operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] for item in itertools.cycle(operating_systems): print(item) # Infinite cycling loopmake sure to have proper boundary condition to break
# Output windows mac linux windows mac linux windows mac linux windows mac linux windows ....... Infinite loop
Gelung serentak pada berbilang senarai. Perhatikan output jika saiz senarai berbeza.
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] mobile_operating_systems = ["android", "ios"] for os, mobile_os in zip(operating_systems,mobile_operating_systems): print(os, mobile_os)
# Output windows android mac ios
operating_systems = ["windows", "mac", "linux"] for reversed_os in reversed(operating_systems): print(reversed_os)
# Output linux mac windows
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