Skema MySQL boleh dieksport ke format penurunan harga GitHub dengan bantuan prosedur tersimpan. Berikut ialah contoh menggunakan dua prosedur tersimpan, yang boleh dirantai bersama untuk mencapai output yang diingini.
Rantaian Prosedur Tersimpan
Prosedur tersimpan pertama menyediakan data untuk pelaporan dan berikan nombor sesi untuk memastikan output diasingkan.
CREATE PROCEDURE `Reporting101a`.`describeTables_v2a`( IN dbName varchar(100), -- the dbname to report table structures OUT theSession int, -- OUT parameter for session# assigned IN deleteSessionRows BOOL, -- true for delete rows when done from main reporting table for this session# IN callTheSecondStoredProc BOOL -- TRUE = output is from Pretty output in Second Stored Proc. FALSE= not so pretty output ) BEGIN DECLARE thisTable CHAR(100); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS Reporting101a.tOutput; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Reporting101a.tOutput ( id int auto_increment primary key, tblName varchar(100) not null, ordVal int not null, cField varchar(100) not null, cType varchar(100) not null, cNull varchar(100) not null, cKey varchar(100) not null, cDefault varchar(100) null, cExtra varchar(100) null ); INSERT Reporting101a.tOutput(tblName,ordVal,cField,cType,cNull,cKey,cDefault,cExtra) SELECT TABLE_NAME,ORDINAL_POSITION,COLUMN_NAME AS Field, COLUMN_TYPE AS TYPE, RPAD(IS_NULLABLE,4,' ') AS 'Null', RPAD(COLUMN_KEY,3,' ') AS 'Key',RPAD(COLUMN_DEFAULT,7,' ') AS 'DEFAULT',EXTRA AS Extra FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = dbName ORDER BY table_name,ordinal_position; -- select * from information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '57security' order by table_name,ordinal_position; ... END$$
Prosedur tersimpan kedua menggunakan kursor dan jadual khas untuk menghasilkan output yang cantik, menyerupai perintah DESCRIBE MySQL.
CREATE PROCEDURE `Reporting101a`.`Print_Tables_Like_Describe`( pSessionId INT ) BEGIN DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; ... CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Reporting101a.reportOutput ( lineNum INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, sessionId INT NOT NULL, lineOut varchar(100) NOT NULL ); ... END$$
Panggil prosedur tersimpan pertama dengan yang diperlukan parameter.
SET @theOutVar =-1; -- A variable used as the OUT variable below -- See **Note3** -- Note: with `TRUE` as the 4th parameter, this is a one call deal. Meaning, you are done. call Reporting101a.describeTables_v2a('stackoverflow',@theOutVar,false,true); -- See **Note4** -- Primarily used if the 4th parameter above is false call Reporting101a.Print_Tables_Like_Describe(@theOutVar); -- loads data for prettier results in chunk format.
Output akan dijana dalam jadual reportOutput dan boleh diambil seperti berikut:
select lineOut as '' from Reporting101a.reportOutput where sessionId=pSessionId order by lineNum;
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