var $w = $("#events-test"); $w.validate({ errorClass: "ui-state-error-text" }); $w .jWizard({ buttons: { cancelType: "reset", // 点击”Cancel“按钮的时候 触发的动作,比如我在项目中,是跳到第一页 重新开始。 finishType: "submit" // 在最后一步点击”finish“的时候,出发的动作,也就是提交。 }, // 点击”Cancel“按钮的时候 触发的动作,比如我在项目中,是跳到第一页 重新开始。 cancel: function(event, ui) { $w.jWizard("firstStep"); }, // 点击previous的时候触发的动作。比如在我项目中,因为当把所有的邮件都发送完毕的时候,就不能让用户上一页了,所以我要把上一页的功能给进禁止掉。很简单,如下; previous: function(event, ui) { // if(ui.currentStepIndex==7){return false;} 就可以了。7 指的是你的div的顺序数字,从0开始,哈这个会数吧。 }, next: function(event, ui) { // 这里同理哦,就是控制下一页的情况,也是上面一样。比如,在我项目中,有一个上传数据的,要是没有就不能让它上传。这种情况 你可以先设定一个bool值,然后, if(fileUploadComplete){ $.get("@Url.Action("VerificationSchema", "Home")", // 这里学习MVC的童鞋们应该很熟悉 其实也就是在action home 下面的方法 VerificationSchema function (data) { // 获取成功后返回的数据 var newData = eval(data); // 因为用的json 所以用eval 进行转换 schemaVerification=newData.HasErrors; if(newData.HasErrors) { var listing1 = document.getElementById("listing1"); listing1.innerHTML = "Congruations.Please go on."; } else { document.getElementById("ErrorNotification").innerHTML="Sorry.Your Schema wrong,please check it."; var listing1 = document.getElementById("listing1"); listing1.innerHTML = newData.Result; } },"json");} else { //这里主要是当没有选择数据的时候 进行提示 alert("Please firstly Upload the Excel File you need"); return false; } break; }, finish: function(event, ui) { alert("Thank you!"); } }) /** The bindings below are event handlers, they will all be executed before proceeding to the callback */ /** ui = { type: "previous|next|first|last|manual", currentStepIndex: [int], nextStepIndex: [int] }; */ // This event handler is specifically used for form validation .bind("jwizardchangestep", function (event, ui) { // "manual" is always triggered by the user, never jWizard itself if (ui.type !== "manual") { var $currentStep = $w.find(".jw-step:eq(" + ui.currentStepIndex + ")"), $inputs = $currentStep.find("input:text"); /** I am assuming you have `jquery.validate.js` running in this callback */ if ($inputs.length > 0 && !$inputs.valid()) { $currentStep.find("label.error").effect("highlight"); return false; } } }) // This event handler is for handling custom navigation through the wizard .bind("jwizardchangestep", function (event, ui) { // "manual" is always triggered by the user, never jWizard itself if (ui.type !== "manual") { // 这里其实是比较重要的,因为这里就是选择对应div的实现方式的,你只需要把相应模块的javascript代码集成到这里就可以了。 switch (ui.currentStepIndex) { // on the first step, the user must agree to the terms and conditions case 0: if ($("#agree").is(":not(:checked)")) { // use this effect to give the user feedback $("#agree").parent().effect("pulsate"); return false; } break; // on the 3rd step, (zero-index) the username being filled means we are skipping the openid step case 2: if ($("#username").val() != "") { // by setting this value on the event object, I am telling jWizard to override the nextStepIndex event.nextStepIndex = 4; // you must at least call event.preventDefault(); in order for this to work return false; } break; } } // by using nextStepIndex, we can intercept the user when they are *about to start* on a particular step switch (ui.nextStepIndex) { // in this case, I am displaying a summary on the last step of the wizard case 4: var oFormValues = { name: $("#name").val(), email: $("#email").val(), username: $("#username").val(), openid: undefined }; $("#summary-name").children("td").text(; $("#summary-email").children("td").text(; if (oFormValues.username != "") { $("#summary-username").show().children("td").text(oFormValues.username); $("#summary-openid").hide().children("td").text(""); } else { var $openid = $w.find("input:radio:checked[name=openid]"); oFormValues.openid = ($openid.length === 1) ? $openid.val() : $("#openid-other").val(); $("#summary-username").hide().children("td").text(""); $("#summary-openid").show().children("td").text(oFormValues.openid); } break; } }); // if the user clicks the openid link on step 3, (zero-index) cause the wizard to jump to the openid step $("#openid").click(function () { $w.jWizard("changeStep", 3); return false; }); // if an openid radio button is checked, blank out the `other` textbox $w.find("input:radio[name=openid]").change(function (event) { $("#openid-other").val(""); }); // if the `other` openid textbox is used, blank out the radio buttons $("#openid-other").change(function (event) { if (this.value != "") { $w.find("input:radio[name=openid]").removeAttr("checked"); } });
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