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使用 PHP 7 给 Web 应用加速

Lepaskan: 2016-06-20 12:44:13
1189 orang telah melayarinya

##PHP 20周年了!??**PHP 首发通告,1995年6月8日****发布于 COMP.INFOSYSTEMS.WWW.AUTHORING.CGI**        主题:正式宣布:个人主页工具(Personal Home Page Tools)        正式宣布个人主页工具(PHP 工具)1.0 版本        此工具是一组用 C 语言写的轻量的 cgi 二进制文件。他们能运行许多功能,包括:        - 在你的私有日志文件记录页面访问情况    - 实时查看日志信息    - 提供查看日志信息的友好接口    - 在你的页面展示最近一次的访问信息    - 完整的每天及总体访问统计    - 依据用户的域名限制其访问    - 依据用户的域名为页面提供密码保护    - 依据用户的电子邮箱地址追踪其访问情况    - 支持追踪引荐 URL 的 HTTP_REFERER    - 无需服务器支持即可运行 SSI (server-side includes)    - 支持不记录特定域名(比如,你自己的)的访问信息    - 轻易地创建并展示表格    - 支持在后续的文档中使用表格信息        使用该工具,你不需要:        - 你不需要访问根目录??工具安装在 ~/public_html 目录    - 你不需要在服务器启用 SSI (server-side includes)    - 你不需要使用 Perl 或 Tcl 或其他任何脚本解释器    - 你不需要访问 httpd 日志文件            使用该工具的唯一条件是你能够运行自己的 cgi 程序。如果你不知道这是什么意思,可以询问系统管理员。        借助该工具,你还可以在两分钟内实现留言板,或其他任何用于写入信息并向访客展示的表格。        该工具不受版权限制,遵循 GNU 公共许可证。是的!该工具完全免费!        查看该工具的完整演示,请访问:。        --    Rasmus Lerdorf 用于 Web 应用的 C API    void Cos(void) {    Stack *s;    char temp[64];    s = Pop();    if(!s) {        Error("Stack error in cos");        return;    }    sprintf(temp,"%f",cos(s->douval));    Push(temp,DNUMBER);    }###于是乎,你可以这样使用它:    <html><head><title>Cos Example</title></head>    <body><h1>Cos Example</h1>    <?echo Cos($input)>    </body></html>##PHP7#####? 引擎提升- 现实世界中的大多数应用程序都能获得 100% 以上的性能提升- 内存使用量更低- 原生线程本地储存#####? 持久的以文件为基础的二级缓存 OPCache![](```    ; --enable-opcache-file    ; php.ini    opcache.file_cache=/var/tmp        ; php-cli.ini    opcache.enable_cli=1    opcache.file_cache=/var/tmp    opcache.file_cache_only=1``````    $ time composer >/dev/null    real	0m0.040s    user	0m0.032s    sys	0m0.004s        $ time composer >/dev/null    real	0m0.019s    user	0m0.016s    sys	0m0.000s        $ time php -d opcache.enable=0 /usr/local/bin/composer >/dev/null    real	0m0.033s    user	0m0.032s    sys	0m0.000s``````        /var/tmp    ├── 7eeb6fe88104116c27c5650ddd83abf0    │   └── usr    │      └── local    │         └── bin    │             └── composer.bin    └── 7eeb6fe88104116c27c5650ddd83abf0phar:    └── usr        └── local            └── bin                └── composer                    ├── bin                    │   └── composer.bin                    ├── src                    │   ├── bootstrap.php.bin                    │   └── Composer                    │       ├── Command                    │       │   ├── AboutCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── ArchiveCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── ClearCacheCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── Command.php.bin                    │       │   ├── ConfigCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── CreateProjectCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── DependsCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── DiagnoseCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── DumpAutoloadCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── GlobalCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── Helper                    │       │   │   └── DialogHelper.php.bin                    │       │   ├── HomeCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── InitCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── InstallCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── LicensesCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── RemoveCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── RequireCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── RunScriptCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── SearchCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── SelfUpdateCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── ShowCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── StatusCommand.php.bin                    │       │   ├── UpdateCommand.php.bin                    │       │   └── ValidateCommand.php.bin                    │       ├── Composer.php.bin                    │       ├── Console                    │       │   └── Application.php.bin                    │       ├── Factory.php.bin                    │       ├── IO                    │       │   ├── BaseIO.php.bin                    │       │   ├── ConsoleIO.php.bin                    │       │   └── IOInterface.php.bin                    │       ├── Package                    │       │   ├── BasePackage.php.bin                    │       │   └── PackageInterface.php.bin                    │       ├── Script                    │       │   └── ScriptEvents.php.bin                    │       └── Util                    │           └── ErrorHandler.php.bin                    └── vendor                        ├── autoload.php.bin                        ├── composer                        │   ├── autoload_classmap.php.bin                        │   ├── autoload_namespaces.php.bin                        │   ├── autoload_psr4.php.bin                        │   ├── autoload_real.php.bin                        │   └── ClassLoader.php.bin                        └── symfony                            └── console                                └── Symfony                                    └── Component                                        └── Console                                            ├── Application.php.bin                                            ├── Command                                            │   ├── Command.php.bin                                            │   ├── HelpCommand.php.bin                                            │   └── ListCommand.php.bin                                            ├── Descriptor                                            │   ├── ApplicationDescription.php.bin                                            │   ├── DescriptorInterface.php.bin                                            │   ├── Descriptor.php.bin                                            │   ├── JsonDescriptor.php.bin                                            │   ├── MarkdownDescriptor.php.bin                                            │   ├── TextDescriptor.php.bin                                            │   └── XmlDescriptor.php.bin                                            ├── Formatter                                            │   ├── OutputFormatterInterface.php.bin                                            │   ├── OutputFormatter.php.bin                                            │   ├── OutputFormatterStyleInterface.php.bin                                            │   ├── OutputFormatterStyle.php.bin                                            │   └── OutputFormatterStyleStack.php.bin                                            ├── Helper                                            │   ├── DebugFormatterHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── DescriptorHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── DialogHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── FormatterHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── HelperInterface.php.bin                                            │   ├── Helper.php.bin                                            │   ├── HelperSet.php.bin                                            │   ├── InputAwareHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── ProcessHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── ProgressHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── QuestionHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── TableHelper.php.bin                                            │   ├── Table.php.bin                                            │   └── TableStyle.php.bin                                            ├── Input                                            │   ├── ArgvInput.php.bin                                            │   ├── ArrayInput.php.bin                                            │   ├── InputArgument.php.bin                                            │   ├── InputAwareInterface.php.bin                                            │   ├── InputDefinition.php.bin                                            │   ├── InputInterface.php.bin                                            │   ├── InputOption.php.bin                                            │   └── Input.php.bin                                            └── Output                                                ├── ConsoleOutputInterface.php.bin                                                ├── ConsoleOutput.php.bin                                                ├── NullOutput.php.bin                                                ├── OutputInterface.php.bin                                                ├── Output.php.bin                                                └── StreamOutput.php.bin32 级目录, 87 个文件```#####? 抽象语法树!!```    echo substr("abc", [1,2]);``````    % phan -a test.php    AST_STMT_LIST @ 1      0: AST_STMT_LIST @ 2        0: AST_ECHO @ 2            0: AST_CALL @ 2                0: AST_NAME @ 2                    flags: NAME_NOT_FQ (1)                    0: "substr"                1: AST_ARG_LIST @ 2                    0: "abc"                    1: AST_ARRAY @ 2                        0: AST_ARRAY_ELEM @ 2                            flags: 0                            0: 1                            1: null                        1: AST_ARRAY_ELEM @ 2                            flags: 0                            0: 2                            1: null``````    % phan -a test.php    test.php:2 TypeError arg#2(start) is int[] but substr() takes int```#####? 返回类型    function get_config(): array {         return 42;    }    get_config();          // 可捕获的致命错误:get_config() 的返回值必须是数组类型,此处返回了整数。#####? 强制标量类型```function logmsg(string $msg, int $level, float $severity) {    var_dump($msg);      // string(1) "1"    var_dump($level);    // int(2)    var_dump($severity); // float(3)}logmsg(1, "2.5", 3);```#####? 严格标量类型```declare(strict_types=1);logmsg(1, "2.5", 3);``````致命错误:传给 logmsg() 的首个参数必须是字符串类型,此处是整型。```#####? 匿名类```return new class($controller) implements Page {    public function __construct($controller) {        /* ... */    }    /* ... */};class MyObject extends MyStuff {    public function getInterface() {        return new class implements MyInterface {            /* ... */        };    }}```#####? Null 合并操作符```$a = NULL;$b = 1;$c = 2;echo $a ?? $b; // 1echo $c ?? $b; // 2echo $a ?? $b ?? $c; // 1echo $a ?? $x ?? $c; // 2```#####? 飞船操作符 (Spaceship Operator)```|=|  Tie Fighterk=k  Tie Interceptor<==> Tie Bomber  <=>  Tie Advanced X1 ?``````function cmp_php5($a, $b) {    return ($a < $b) ? -1 : (($a >$b) ? 1 : 0);}function cmp_php7($a, $b) {    return $a <=> $b;}```#####? 致命错误中的特例```function call_method($obj) {    $obj->method();}call_method(null);// 致命错误:非对象调用了成员函数 method()``````try {    call_method(null);} catch (EngineException $e) {    echo "Exception: {$e->getMessage()}\n";}// Exception: Call to a member function method() on a non-object//特例:非对象调用了成员函数 method()```#####? 零成本断言```function test($arg) {    assert($arg > 20 && $arg < 110, "$arg is invalid");}ini_set('zend.assertions',0); test(16);ini_set('zend.assertions',1); test(17);ini_set('assert.exception',1); test(18);``````Warning: assert(): 17 is invalid failed in /home/rasmus/assert.php on line 3Fatal error: Uncaught AssertionError: 18 is invalid in /home/rasmus/assert.php:3Stack trace:#0 /home/rasmus/assert.php(3): assert(false, '18 is invalid')#1 /home/rasmus/assert.php(13): test(18)#2 {main}  thrown in /home/rasmus/assert.php on line 3	``````; Completely skip compiling assert() calls; (can only be set in php.ini)zend.assertions = -1```#####? 新增 Closure::call()```$f = function () {    return $this->n;};class MyClass {    private $n = 42;}$myC = new MyClass;$c = $f->bindTo($myC, "MyClass");$c();``````$f = function () {    return $this->n;};class MyClass {    private $n = 42;}$myC = new MyClass;$f->call($myC);```#####? 移除诸多弃用功能     (PHP 4 代码将会崩溃!)```- ext/ereg (use ext/pcre instead)- preg_replace() eval modifier (use preg_replace_callback() instead)- ext/mysql (use ext/mysqli or ext/pdo_mysql instead)- Assignment of new by reference- Scoped calls of non-static methods from incompatible $this context- dl() in php-fpm- set_magic_quotes_runtime() and magic_quotes_runtime()- set_socket_blocking() (use stream_set_blocking() instead)- mcrypt_generic_end() (use mcrypt_generic_deinit() instead)- mcrypt_ecb, mcrypt_cbc, mcrypt_cfb and mcrypt_ofb   (use mcrypt_encrypt() and mcrypt_decrypt() instead)- datefmt_set_timezone_id() and IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID()   (use datefmt_set_timezone() or IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() instead)- xsl.security_prefs (use XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs() instead)- iconv.input_encoding, iconv.output_encoding, iconv.internal_encoding,  mbstring.http_input, mbstring.http_output and mbstring.internal_encoding  (use php.input_encoding, php.internal_encoding and php.output_encoding instead)- $is_dst parameter of the mktime() and gmmktime() functions- # style comments in ini files (use ; style comments instead)- String category names in setlocale() (use LC_* constants instead)- Unsafe curl file uploads (use CurlFile instead)- PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_NATIVE_PREPARED_STATEMENT driver option   (use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES instead)- CN_match and SNI_server_name stream context option (use peer_name instead)```#####? 新的保留字:+ bool+ int+ float+ string+ null+ false+ true+ resource+ object+ mixed+ numeric#####? Windows 系统下支持64位整数#####? 清除边缘情况下整型溢出/下溢、#####? 在64位版本中支持长度大于 2^31 字节的字符串#####? 无效数值型解析错误```$mask = 0855;  // 解析错误:无效的数值型```#####? 统一变量语法```// 从左到右$this->$belongs_to['column']// 从右到左$this->{$belongs_to['column']}// 支持缺失的操作组合$foo()['bar']()[$obj1, $obj2][0]->propgetStr(){0} // 支持嵌套的 ::$foo['bar']::$baz$foo::$bar::$baz$foo->bar()::baz() // 支持嵌套的 ()foo()()$foo->bar()()Foo::bar()()$foo()() // 支持对任意(...)表达式的操作(...)['foo'](...)->foo(...)->foo()(...)::$foo(...)::foo()(...)() // 针对上一点,两个更加实用的例子(function() { ... })()($obj->closure)() // 支持对 dereferencable 标量的所有操作// (用处不是很大)"string"->toLower()[$obj, 'method']()'Foo'::$bar``````echo preg_replace('/:-:(.*?):-:/e', '$this->pres->\\1', $text);``````echo preg_replace_callback(    '/:-:(.*?):-:/',     function($matches) {      return $this->pres->$matches[1]; // Oops!    },    $text);``````% phan -b display.phpFiles scanned: 1Time:		0.13sClasses:	8Methods:	55Functions:	5Closures:	5Traits:		0Conditionals:	307Issues found:	1display.php:416 CompatError expression may not be PHP 7 compatible``````echo preg_replace_callback(    '/:-:(.*?):-:/',     function($matches) {      return $this->pres->{$matches[1]}; // Ok    },    $text);```####? Unicode 码点转义语法```echo "\u{202E}Right-to-left text";echo "\u{1F602}";```>?Right-to-left text?####? ICU IntlChar 类加入 intl 扩展<br>####通用版本预计在2015年10月发布<br>##针对 Wordpress-3.6.0 首页100次请求的耗时与机器指令数量![]( zval 的大小从24字节减小到16字节+ 哈希表大小从72字节减小到56字节+ 哈希表 bucket 大小从72字节减小到32字节+ 定长数组优化```$a = [];for($i=0; $i < 100000;$i++) $a[] = ['abc'];echo memory_get_usage(true);// PHP 5.x  43M// PHP 7.0  6M```+ CPU 缓存更大更友好+ 与 jemalloc 相似的内存分配器+ 更快的哈希表迭代 API+ 数组复制优化+ 默认启用 PCRE JIT+ 快速的 ZPP (ZendParseParameters) 执行+ 更快的栈分配 zvals(而不是堆)+ 优化的 VM 调用+ gcc 4.8+ 中的全局寄存器变量+ 加上数百处微优化##运行时编译执行(JIT)?##谎话,弥天大谎,还有基准测试##测试箱规格+ Gigabyte Z87X-UD3H i7-4771 4 cores @ 3.50GHz w/ 16G of Ram @ 1600MHz+ 启用超线程的八个虚拟核+ Toshiba THNSNHH256GBST SSD+ Linux debian 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt9-2 (2015-04-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux+ MySQL 5.6.24+ 如无特别指出,所有测试使用 nginx-1.6.2 + php-fpm + 本地 100Mbps 网络连接+ 对独立机器进行围攻基准测试(siege benchmark)####所有 PHP 版本均在本地使用 gcc-4.9.2 -O2 编译####配置标志```./configure --disable-debug       --with-apxs2=/usr/bin/apxs2 \            --enable-zend-signals --with-gd \            --without-pear        --with-jpeg-dir=/usr \            --with-png-dir=/usr   --with-vpx-dir=/usr \            --with-t1lib=/usr     --with-freetype-dir=/usr \            --enable-exif         --enable-gd-native-ttf \            --with-zlib           --with-mysql=/usr \            --with-gmp            --with-zlib-dir=/usr \            --with-gettext        --with-kerberos \            --with-imap-ssl       --with-mcrypt=/usr/local \            --with-iconv          --enable-sockets \            --with-openssl        --with-pspell \            --with-pdo-sqlite     --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \            --enable-soap         --enable-xmlreader \            --enable-phar=shared  --with-xsl \            --enable-ftp          --enable-cgi \            --with-curl=/usr      --with-tidy \            --with-xmlrpc         --enable-mbstring \            --enable-sysvsem      --enable-sysvshm \            --enable-shmop        --with-readline \            --enable-pcntl        --enable-fpm \            --enable-intl         --enable-zip \            --with-imap           --with-mysqli=mysqlnd \            --enable-calendar     --prefix=/usr/local \            --with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock \            --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php7/conf.d \            --with-config-file-path=/etc/php7```####php.ini```[PHP]zend.multibyte=Ondate.timezone="America/Los_Angeles"display_startup_errors=Onzend.enable_gc=Offinclude_path="/usr/local/lib/php"default_charset="UTF-8"error_reporting=-1variables_order=GPCSsendmail_path=""max_execution_time=60memory_limit=512Mpost_max_size=1024Mcgi.force_redirect=0cgi.fix_pathinfo=1magic_quotes=0magic_quotes_gpc=0user_ini.filename=realpath_cache_size=2Mcgi.check_shebang_line=0max_input_vars=1000max_file_uploads=50zend_extension=opcache.soopcache.enable=1opcache.memory_consumption=256opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8opcache.max_accelerated_files=10000opcache.revalidate_freq=60opcache.fast_shutdown=1opcache.enable_cli=1```####php-fpm.d/www.conf```[www]user = www-datagroup = www-datalisten = /var/run/php-fpm.socklisten.owner = = www-datalisten.mode = 0660pm = staticpm.max_children = 10pm.status_path = /statusping.path = /pingping.response = pong```####nginx.conf```user www-data;worker_processes 4;pid /var/run/;events {        worker_connections 768;}http {        sendfile on;        tcp_nopush on;        tcp_nodelay on;        keepalive_timeout 65;        types_hash_max_size 2048;        include /etc/nginx/mime.types;        default_type application/octet-stream;        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;        error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;        gzip on;        gzip_disable "msie6";        include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;        include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;}```####php.conf```location ~ \.php {  include                  fastcgi_params;  fastcgi_keep_conn        on;  fastcgi_index            index.php;  fastcgi_split_path_info  ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;  fastcgi_param PATH_INFO  $fastcgi_path_info;  fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;  fastcgi_intercept_errors on;  fastcgi_pass             unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock;}```####hhvm.conf```location ~ \.php$ {  include           fastcgi_params;  fastcgi_keep_conn on;  fastcgi_pass      unix:/var/run/hhvm/server.sock;  fastcgi_index     index.php;  fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;}```####sites-enabled/wordpress```server {    listen 80;    server_name wordpress;    root /var/www/wordpress;    access_log /var/log/nginx/wordpress-access.log;    error_log /var/log/nginx/wordpress-error.log;    location / {        index     index.html index.htm index.php;        autoindex on;    }    location ~ /\.  { return 403; }    include backend.conf;}```####HipHop VM 3.7.0 (rel) from```pid = /var/run/hhvm/pidhhvm.server.file_socket = /var/run/hhvm/server.sockhhvm.server.type = fastcgihhvm.server.default_document = index.phphhvm.log.use_log_file = truehhvm.log.file = /var/log/hhvm/error.loghhvm.repo.central.path = /var/run/hhvm/hhvm.hhbc```#####php.ini```session.save_handler = filessession.save_path = /var/lib/php5session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440hhvm.log.level = Warninghhvm.log.always_log_unhandled_exceptions = truehhvm.log.runtime_error_reporting_level = 8191hhvm.mysql.typed_results = false```##Drupal 8-git![](![]( 反馈制导优化(Feedback-Directed Optimization, FDO)```$ make clean$ make -j8 prof-gen...$ sapi/cgi/php-cgi -T 1000 /var/www/wordpress/index.php > /dev/null$ make prof-clean$ make -j8 prof-use```##Wordpress-4.1.1####http://wordpress/?p=1![]( 3.1.3####http://phpbb/viewforum.php?f=2![]( 1.24.1####默认首页![](默认安装下的首页![]( 1.2.0####包含一篇短文的首页![]( 2.1.0####默认首页![]( (sample data)![]( 3.5.2####http://traq/test/tickets/1![]( to fix one line of code in the Avalon database library:```diff --git a/database/model.php b/database/model.phpindex 6c5f7da..c93e726 100644--- a/database/model.php+++ b/database/model.php@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public function __get($var) {           $belongs_to['column'] = $var . '_id';       }       $model = $belongs_to['model'];-      return $this->$var = $model::find($belongs_to['foreign_key'], $this->$belongs_to['column']);+      return $this->$var = $model::find($belongs_to['foreign_key'], $this->{$belongs_to['column']});   } else {       $val = $this->$var;```##Cachet####包含一件事件的首页![](点击默认的首页![]( 1.5.4####包含演示数据的首页![](**[OneAPM for PHP]( 能够深入到所有 PHP 应用内部完成[应用性能管理](和监控,包括代码级别性能问题的可见性、性能瓶颈的快速识别与追溯、真实用户体验监控、服务器监控和端到端的应用性能管理。**##帮我们一起测试!##它真的简单易用!##安装 Vagrant 与 Virtualbox之后:```$ git clone$ cd php7dev$ vagrant up... (takes a bit - it is downloading 1.5G)$ vagrant ssh```它会 NAT, DHCP 并产生固定的地址 会展示 PHP 7 的 phpinfo() 页面。现在,你的开发环境就部署好啦。切换 PHP 版本比较繁杂:```vagrant@php7dev:~$ newphp 56Activating PHP 5.6.6-dev and restarting php-fpmvagrant@php7dev:~$ newphp 7 debugActivating PHP 7.0.0-dev and restarting php-fpm```20 个预编译的版本```/usr/local/php53            /usr/local/php54-zts        /usr/local/php56-debug-zts/usr/local/php53-debug      /usr/local/php55            /usr/local/php56-zts/usr/local/php53-debug-zts  /usr/local/php55-debug      /usr/local/php70/usr/local/php53-zts        /usr/local/php55-debug-zts  /usr/local/php70-debug/usr/local/php54            /usr/local/php55-zts        /usr/local/php70-debug-zts/usr/local/php54-debug      /usr/local/php56            /usr/local/php70-zts/usr/local/php54-debug-zts  /usr/local/php56-debug```构建任意版本:```$ makephp 7Build log in /tmp/build.logBuilding PHP 7.0configuring...compiling...installing...doneBuilding PHP 7.0-debugconfiguring...compiling...installing...done```或手动地```$ cd php-src$ git checkout PHP-5.6$ git pull -r$ make distclean$ ./buildconf -f$ ./cn56$ make$ sudo make install```[](请向我们提交 bug!原文链接
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