EasyPhpThumbnail PHP图片处理类

Lepaskan: 2016-06-20 13:05:09
1713 orang telah melayarinya





<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br /> include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br /> // Your full path to the images<br /> $dir = str_replace(chr(92),chr(47),getcwd()) . '/gfx/';<br /> // Create the thumbnail<br /> $thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br /> $thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;<br /> $thumb -> Createthumb($dir . 'img.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />    // Your full path to the images<br />    $dir = str_replace(chr(92),chr(47),getcwd()) . '/gfx/';<br />$dir_thumbs = str_replace(chr(92),chr(47),getcwd()) . '/thumbs/';<br />if(!is_dir($dir_thumbs)) mkdir($dir_thumbs,0777);<br />    // Create the thumbnail<br />    $thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />    $thumb -> Thumbsize = 600;<br />    $thumb -> Copyrighttext = 'SCUTEPHP.COM';<br />    $thumb -> Copyrightposition = '50% 90%';<br />    $thumb -> Copyrightfonttype = $dir . 'handwriting.ttf';<br />    $thumb -> Copyrightfontsize = 30;<br />    $thumb -> Copyrighttextcolor = '#FFFFFF';<br />   $thumb -> Chmodlevel = '0755';<br />$thumb -> Thumblocation = $dir_thumbs;<br />$thumb -> Thumbsaveas = 'jpg';<br />$thumb -> Thumbprefix = '120px_thumb_';<br />$thumb -> Createthumb(array($dir . '69.jpg', $dir . '70.jpg'), 'file');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Thumbsize = 50;<br />$thumb -> Rotate = 90;//指定度数旋转<br />//$thumb -> Fliphorizontal = true; //水平轴旋转<br />//$thumb -> Flipvertical = true; //垂直轴旋转<br />$thumb -> Percentage = true;<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';<br />$thumb -> Shadow = true;<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';<br />$thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,15,0,0,1,1,0);<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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[0]: 0=关闭 1=直角 2=圆角
[1]: 裁剪比例
[2]: 随机 - 0=关闭 1=开启
[3]: 左上 - 0=关闭 1=开启
[4]: 左下 - 0=关闭 1=开启
[5]: 右上 - 0=关闭 1=开启
[6]: 右下 - 0=关闭 1=开启


<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#0000FF';<br />$thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,15,0,1,1,1,1);<br />$thumb -> Maketransparent = array(1,1,'#0000FF',30);<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Framewidth = 10;<br />$thumb -> Framecolor = '#FFFFFF';<br />$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';<br />$thumb -> Shadow = true;<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Framewidth = 10;<br />$thumb -> Framecolor = '#FFFFFF';<br />$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';<br />$thumb -> Shadow = true;<br />$thumb -> Binder = true;<br />$thumb -> Binderspacing = 8;<br />$thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,15,0,1,1,1,0);<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;<br />$thumb -> Framewidth = 10;<br />$thumb -> Framecolor = '#00000';<br />$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#000000';<br />$thumb -> Clipcorner = array(2,15,0,1,1,1,1);<br />$thumb -> Watermarkpng = 'watermark.png';<br />$thumb -> Watermarkposition = '50% 50%';<br />$thumb -> Watermarktransparency = 70;<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;<br />$thumb -> Framewidth = 10;<br />$thumb -> Framecolor = '#00000';<br />$thumb -> Borderpng = 'border.png';<br />$thumb -> Copyrighttext = 'MYWEBMYMAIL.COM';<br />$thumb -> Copyrightposition = '50% 80%';<br />$thumb -> Copyrightfonttype = 'handwriting.ttf';<br />$thumb -> Copyrightfontsize = 30;<br />$thumb -> Copyrighttextcolor = '#FFFFFF';<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;<br />$thumb -> Borderpng = 'cloud.png';<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;<br />$thumb -> Cropimage = array(2,0,20,20,35,35);<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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[0]: 0=disable 1=enable free crop 2=enable center crop
[1]: 0=percentage 1=pixels
[2]: Crop left
[3]: Crop right
[4]: Crop top
[5]: Crop bottom


<?php<br />include_once('inc/easyphpthumbnail.class.php');<br />$thumb = new easyphpthumbnail;<br />$thumb -> Thumbsize = 300;<br />$thumb -> Shadow = true;<br />$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = '#D0DEEE';<br />$thumb -> Cropimage = array(2,0,20,20,35,35);<br />$thumb -> Ageimage = array(1,10,80);<br />$thumb -> Createthumb('gfx/image.jpg');<br />?>
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$thumb -> Addtext = array()// 对原始图像添加文字


[0]: 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: The text to add

[2]: The position of the text '50% 50%' is the center

[3]: Path to the TTF font (standard systemfont will be used)

[4]: The fontsize to use

[5]: The copyright text color in web format '#000000'

$thumb -> Ageimage = (array) // 应用灰度 array(1,0,0) 或者旧照片效果 array(1,10,80)


[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Add noise 0-100, 0=disable

[2]: Sephia depth 0-100, 0=disable (greyscale)

$thumb -> Applyfilter = (boolean)// 应用用户自定义3x3过滤器


$thumb -> Backgroundcolor = (string)// Web格式的背景 '#FFFFFF'

$thumb -> Binder = (boolean) // 在缩略图左边画一粘合剂

$thumb -> Binderspacing = (int) // 以像素为单位的空间

$thumb -> Blur = (boolean) // 模糊过滤器

$thumb -> Borderpng = (string) // 边框PNG图片路径

$thumb -> Brightness = (array) // 改变图片亮度


[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Brightness -100 to 100


$thumb -> Chmodlevel = (string) // 设置保存图片的权限 '0755'

$thumb -> Clipcorner = (array) // 设置圆角 array(2,15,0,1,1,1,0)


[0]: 0=disable 1=straight 2=rounded

[1]: Percentage of clipping

[2]: Clip randomly Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[3]: Clip top left Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[4]: Clip bottom left Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[5]: Clip top right Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[6]: Clip bottom right Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

$thumb -> Colorreplace = (array)// 颜色替换 array(1,'#FFFFFF','#FF6600',60)


[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Color to replace in web format: '#00FF00'

[2]: Replacement color in web format: '#FF0000'

[3]: RGB tolerance 0 - 100

$thumb -> Colorize = (array) // 合并图像中的颜色 array(1,0,0,125,0)


[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Red component 0 - 255

[2]: Green component 0 - 255

[3]: Blue component 0 - 255

[4]: Opacity level 0 - 127

$thumb -> Contrast = (array)// 改变图像的对比度 array(1,30)


[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Contrast -100 to 100

$thumb -> Copyrighttext = (string) // 增加版权文本

$thumb -> Copyrightposition = (string) // 版权文本位置 '50% 50%' is the center

$thumb -> Copyrightfonttype = (string)// TTF文字字体路径 (standard systemfont will be used)

$thumb -> Copyrightfontsize = (int)// 字体大小

$thumb -> Copyrighttextcolor = (string) // 文字Web格式颜色值 '#000000'

$thumb -> Createthumb('imagepath'[,'output']) // 创建或者输出缩略图


[string/array]: 原图片完整路径字符串或数组

[string]: Output to the 'screen' (standard) or 'file' (option)

$thumb -> Createbase64('imagepath')// 以base64数据输出图片


[string]: Filename for image to convert

$thumb -> Createcanvas(i,i,i,s,b)// 创建一个画布图像 - use with Createthumb()


[int]: Canvas width in pixels

[int]: Canvas height in pixels


[string]: Fill color

[boolean]: Transparent (boolean)

$thumb -> Create_apng(array, string, int)// 创建APNG缩略图


[array]: Array with filenames of PNG images (frames)

[string]: Filename for APNG: 'animation.png'

[int]: Delay between frames in milliseconds

$thumb -> Cropimage = (array)// 裁剪 array(0,0,20,20,20,20)


[0]: 0=disable 1=free crop 2=center crop 3=square crop

[1]: 0=percentage 1=pixels

[2]: Crop left

[3]: Crop right

[4]: Crop top

[5]: Crop bottom

$thumb -> Croprotate = (boolean)// 裁剪图片到同样大小的画布并旋转


$thumb -> Displacementmap = (array) // 变形

数组有7个参数: array(1,'gfx/displacementmap.jpg',0,0,0,50,50)

[0]: 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Path to displacement image (grey #808080 is neutral)

[2]: 0=resize the map to fit the image 1=keep original map size

[3]: X coordinate for map position in px

[4]: Y coordinate for map position in px

[5]: X displacement scale in px

[6]: Y displacement scale in px

$thumb -> Displacementmapthumb = (array) // 缩略图变形

数组有七个参数: array(1,'gfx/displacementmap.jpg',0,0,0,50,50)

[0]: 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Path to displacement image (grey #808080 is neutral)

[2]: 0=resize the map to fit the image 1=keep original map size

[3]: X coordinate for map position in px

[4]: Y coordinate for map position in px

[5]: X displacement scale in px

[6]: Y displacement scale in px

$thumb -> Divisor = (int)// The divisor for the 3x3 filter


$thumb -> Edge = (boolean)// 边缘过滤器

$thumb -> Emboss = (boolean) // 浮雕过滤器


$thumb -> Fliphorizontal = (boolean)// 在水平轴翻转图像

$thumb -> Flipvertical = (boolean) // 在垂直轴翻转图像

$thumb -> Filter = (array)// 3x3矩阵 array(-1,-1,-1,-1,8,-1,-1,-1,-1)


[0]: a1,1

[1]: a1,2

[2]: a1,3

[3]: a2,1

[4]: a2,2

[5]: a2,3

[6]: a3,1

[7]: a3,2

[8]: a3,3

$thumb -> Framewidth = (int)// 添加缩略图框架(像素)

$thumb -> Framecolor = (string) // 框架颜色 '#FFFFFF'


$thumb -> Gamma = (array) // Change the gamma of the image array(1,0.5)

Array with 2 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Gamma correction factor

$thumb -> Greyscale = (boolean) // 真彩色灰度转换


$thumb -> Inflate = (boolean) // 允许图片放大

$thumb -> insert_exif('source','exifdata')// 插入二进制数据到JPG图片

Function with 2 values

[string]: Source filename for JPG image

[string]: Binary EXIF data to insert in JPG image


$thumb -> Keeptransparency = (boolean) //保持原始图像的透明度


$thumb -> Lakefx = (array)// 应用一个湖变形图像 array(1,15,80)

Array with 3 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Density of the waves

[2]: Lake area measured from bottom 0 - 100


$thumb -> Maketransparent = (array)// 使图像的透明 array(1,0,'#171915',30)

Array with 4 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: 0=PNG 1=GIF

[2]: Replacement color in web format: '#FF0000'

[3]: RGB tolerance 0 - 100

$thumb -> Mean = (boolean) // Auto-filter: Mean

$thumb -> Medianfilter = (boolean) // 采用中值滤波器降噪

$thumb -> Mirror = (array)// 滤镜效果 array(1,10,70,40,2)

Array with 5 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Mirror transparency gradient starting strength 0 - 100

[2]: Mirror transparency gradient ending strength 0 - 100

[3]: Mirror area 0 - 100

[4]: Mirror 'gap' between original image and reflection in px

$thumb -> Mirrorcolor = (string) // The Mirror gradient color in web format '#000000'


$thumb -> Negative = (boolean) // Create image negative


$thumb -> Offset = (int) // The color offset for the filter


$thumb -> Palette = (array) // Change the palette of the image array(1,32)

Array with 2 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Amount of colors for the palette

$thumb -> Percentage = (boolean) // Use percentage instead of pixels

$thumb -> Perspective = (array) // Apply a perspective to the image array(1,0,20)

Array with 3 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Direction 0=left 1=right 2=top 3=bottom

[2]: Perspective strength 0 - 100

$thumb -> Perspectivethumb = (array)// Apply a perspective to the thumbnail array(1,0,20)

Array with 3 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Direction 0=left 1=right 2=top 3=bottom

[2]: Perspective strength 0 - 100

$thumb -> Pixelscramble = (array) // Scramble pixels in the image array(1,4,2)

Array with 3 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Pixel range

[2]: Repeats (use with care!)

$thumb -> Pixelate = (array)// Pixelate the image array(1,10)

Array with 2 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Block size in px

$thumb -> Polaroid = (boolean) // Convert the thumbnail to a polaroid look

$thumb -> Polaroidtext = (string) // Write a text on the polaroid

$thumb -> Polaroidfonttype = (string)// The path to the TTF font

$thumb -> Polaroidfontsize = (int) // The fontsize to use

$thumb -> Polaroidtextcolor = (string) // The polaroid text color in web format '#000000'

$thumb -> Polaroidframecolor = (string)// The polaroid frame color in web format '#FFFFFF'


$thumb -> Quality = (int)// The output quality of JPG images


$thumb -> Ripplefx = (array) // Apply a ripple deformation to the image array(1,5,15,5,5)

Array with 5 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Amount of horizontal waves

[2]: Amplitude of horizontal waves in px

[3]: Amount of vertical waves

[4]: Amplitude of vertical waves in px

$thumb -> Rotate = (int)// Rotate the image in degrees

$thumb -> read_exif('source') // Read EXIF information from JPG image

Function with 1 value, returns EXIF binary data

[string]: Filename for image with EXIF information


$thumb -> Shadow = (boolean) // Add a shadow around the thumbnail

$thumb -> Shading = (array)// Apply shading to the image array(1,70,80,0)

Array with 4 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Shading strength 0 - 100

[2]: Shading area 0 - 100

[3]: Shading direction 0=right 1=left 2=top 3=bottom

$thumb -> Shadingcolor = (string) // The shading gradient color in web format '#000000'

$thumb -> Sharpen = (boolean) // Auto-filter: Sharpen

$thumb -> Square = (boolean) // Draw thumbnail on a square canvas


$thumb -> Thumbfilename = (string) // New filename (with extension)

$thumb -> Thumbheight = (int) // Height of the thumbnail in pixels

$thumb -> Thumblocation = (string)// The path to the thumbnail directory

$thumb -> Thumbprefix = (string) // The prefix for the thumb filename

$thumb -> Thumbsaveas = (string)// Convert the thumbnail to a different format, JPG, GIF or PNG

$thumb -> Thumbsize = (int)// Thumbnailsize in pixels for width (landscape) or height (portrait)

$thumb -> Thumbwidth = (int) // Width of the thumbnail in pixels

$thumb -> Twirlfx = (array) // Apply a twirl deformation to the image array(1,20,0)

Array with 3 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Effect strength 0 to 100

[2]: Direction of twirl 0=clockwise 1=anti-clockwise


$thumb -> Waterdropfx = (array)// Apply a waterdrop deformation to the image array(1,1.2,400,40)

Array with 4 values

[0]: Boolean 0=disable 1=enable

[1]: Amplitude in px

[2]: Radius in px

[3]: Wavelength in px

$thumb -> Watermarkpng = (string) // The path to the watermark PNG image

$thumb -> Watermarkposition = (string) // The position of the watermark '50% 50%' is the center

$thumb -> Watermarktransparency = (int)// The transparency of the watermark 0 to 100

$thumb -> wipe_exif('source','destination')// Delete EXIF information from JPG image

Function with 2 values

[string]: Source filename for image with EXIF information

[string]: Filename for image without EXIF information


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