Lepaskan: 2016-06-23 13:57:00
897 orang telah melayarinya







第一部分 简介

1. 什么是SPL?

2. 什么是Iterator?

第二部分 SPL Interfaces

3. Iterator界面

4. ArrayAccess界面

5. IteratorAggregate界面

6. RecursiveIterator界面

7. SeekableIterator界面

8. Countable界面

第三部分 SPL Classes

9. SPL的内置类

10. DirectoryIterator类

11. ArrayObject类

12. ArrayIterator类

13. RecursiveArrayIterator类和RecursiveIteratorIterator类

14. FilterIterator类

15. SimpleXMLIterator类

16. CachingIterator类

17. LimitIterator类

18. SplFileObject类

第一部 简介

1. 什么是SPL?

SPL是Standard PHP Library(PHP标准库)的缩写。

根据官方定义,它是"a collection of interfaces and classes that are meant to solve standard problems"。但是,目前在使用中,SPL更多地被看作是一种使object(物体)模仿array(数组)行为的interfaces和classes。

2. 什么是Iterator?

SPL的核心概念就是Iterator。这指的是一种Design Pattern,根据《Design Patterns》一书的定义,Iterator的作用是"provide an object which traverses some aggregate structure, abstracting away assumptions about the implementation of that structure."

wikipedia中说,"an iterator is an object which allows a programmer to traverse through all the elements of a collection, regardless of its specific implementation"......."the iterator pattern is a design pattern in which iterators are used to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation".



// Fetch the "aggregate structure"$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");// Iterate over the structurewhile ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) {   // do stuff with the row here}
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// Fetch the "aggregate structure"$dh = opendir('/home/harryf/files');// Iterate over the structurewhile ( $file = readdir($dh) ) {   // do stuff with the file here}
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// Fetch the "aggregate structure"$fh = fopen("/home/hfuecks/files/results.txt", "r");// Iterate over the structurewhile (!feof($fh)) {   $line = fgets($fh);   // do stuff with the line here}
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上面三段代码,虽然处理的是不同的resource(资源),但是功能都是遍历结果集(loop over contents),因此Iterator的基本思想,就是将这三种不同的操作统一起来,用同样的命令界面,处理不同的资源。

第二部分 SPL Interfaces

3. Iterator界面

SPL规定,所有部署了Iterator界面的class,都可以用在foreach Loop中。Iterator界面中包含5个必须部署的方法:

    * current()      This method returns the current index's value. You are solely      responsible for tracking what the current index is as the      interface does not do this for you.    * key()      This method returns the value of the current index's key. For       foreach loops this is extremely important so that the key       value can be populated.    * next()      This method moves the internal index forward one entry.    * rewind()      This method should reset the internal index to the first element.    * valid()      This method should return true or false if there is a current       element. It is called after rewind() or next().
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/*** An iterator for native PHP arrays, re-inventing the wheel** Notice the "implements Iterator" - important!*/class ArrayReloaded implements Iterator {   /**   * A native PHP array to iterate over   */ private $array = array();   /**   * A switch to keep track of the end of the array   */ private $valid = FALSE;   /**   * Constructor   * @param array native PHP array to iterate over   */ function __construct($array) {   $this->array = $array; }   /**   * Return the array "pointer" to the first element   * PHP's reset() returns false if the array has no elements   */ function rewind(){   $this->valid = (FALSE !== reset($this->array)); }   /**   * Return the current array element   */ function current(){   return current($this->array); }   /**   * Return the key of the current array element   */ function key(){   return key($this->array); }   /**   * Move forward by one   * PHP's next() returns false if there are no more elements   */ function next(){   $this->valid = (FALSE !== next($this->array)); }   /**   * Is the current element valid?   */ function valid(){   return $this->valid; }}
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// Create iterator object$colors = new ArrayReloaded(array ('red','green','blue',));// Iterate away!foreach ( $colors as $color ) { echo $color."<br>";}
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// Display the keys as wellforeach ( $colors as $key => $color ) { echo "$key: $color<br>";}
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// Reset the iterator - foreach does this automatically$colors->rewind();// Loop while validwhile ( $colors->valid() ) {   echo $colors->key().": ".$colors->current()."";   $colors->next();}
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4. ArrayAccess界面


    * offsetExists($offset)      This method is used to tell php if there is a value      for the key specified by offset. It should return       true or false.    * offsetGet($offset)      This method is used to return the value specified       by the key offset.    * offsetSet($offset, $value)      This method is used to set a value within the object,       you can throw an exception from this function for a       read-only collection.    * offsetUnset($offset)      This method is used when a value is removed from       an array either through unset() or assigning the key       a value of null. In the case of numerical arrays, this       offset should not be deleted and the array should       not be reindexed unless that is specifically the       behavior you want.
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/*** A class that can be used like an array*/class Article implements ArrayAccess { public $title; public $author; public $category;   function __construct($title,$author,$category) {   $this->title = $title;   $this->author = $author;   $this->category = $category; } /** * Defined by ArrayAccess interface * Set a value given it's key e.g. $A['title'] = 'foo'; * @param mixed key (string or integer) * @param mixed value * @return void */ function offsetSet($key, $value) {   if ( array_key_exists($key,get_object_vars($this)) ) {     $this->{$key} = $value;   } } /** * Defined by ArrayAccess interface * Return a value given it's key e.g. echo $A['title']; * @param mixed key (string or integer) * @return mixed value */ function offsetGet($key) {   if ( array_key_exists($key,get_object_vars($this)) ) {     return $this->{$key};   } } /** * Defined by ArrayAccess interface * Unset a value by it's key e.g. unset($A['title']); * @param mixed key (string or integer) * @return void */ function offsetUnset($key) {   if ( array_key_exists($key,get_object_vars($this)) ) {     unset($this->{$key});   } } /** * Defined by ArrayAccess interface * Check value exists, given it's key e.g. isset($A['title']) * @param mixed key (string or integer) * @return boolean */ function offsetExists($offset) {   return array_key_exists($offset,get_object_vars($this)); }}
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// Create the object$A = new Article('SPL Rocks','Joe Bloggs', 'PHP');// Check what it looks likeecho 'Initial State:<div>';print_r($A);echo '</div>';// Change the title using array syntax$A['title'] = 'SPL _really_ rocks';// Try setting a non existent property (ignored)$A['not found'] = 1;// Unset the author fieldunset($A['author']);// Check what it looks like againecho 'Final State:<div>';print_r($A);echo '</div>';
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Initial State:Article Object(   [title] => SPL Rocks   [author] => Joe Bloggs   [category] => PHP)Final State:Article Object(   [title] => SPL _really_ rocks   [category] => PHP)
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function offsetGet($key) {   if ( array_key_exists($key,get_object_vars($this)) ) {     return strtolower($this->{$key});   } }
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5. IteratorAggregate界面




class Article implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate {/** * Defined by IteratorAggregate interface * Returns an iterator for for this object, for use with foreach * @return ArrayIterator */ function getIterator() {   return new ArrayIterator($this); }
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$A = new Article('SPL Rocks','Joe Bloggs', 'PHP');// Loop (getIterator will be called automatically)echo 'Looping with foreach:<div>';foreach ( $A as $field => $value ) { echo "$field : $value<br>";}echo '</div>';// Get the size of the iterator (see how many properties are left)echo "Object has ".sizeof($A->getIterator())." elements";
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Looping with foreach:title : SPL Rocksauthor : Joe Bloggscategory : PHPObject has 3 elements
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6. RecursiveIterator界面

这个界面用于遍历多层数据,它继承了Iterator界面,因而也具有标准的current()、key()、next()、 rewind()和valid()方法。同时,它自己还规定了getChildren()和hasChildren()方法。The getChildren() method must return an object that implements RecursiveIterator.

7. SeekableIterator界面



<?phpclass PartyMemberIterator implements SeekableIterator{    public function __construct(PartyMember $member)    {        // Store $member locally for iteration    }    public function seek($index)    {        $this->rewind();        $position = 0;        while ($position valid()) {            $this->next();            $position++;        }        if (!$this->valid()) {            throw new OutOfBoundsException('Invalid position');        }    }    // Implement current(), key(), next(), rewind()    // and valid() to iterate over data in $member}?>
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8. Countable界面


第三部分 SPL Classes

9. SPL的内置类



<?php // a simple foreach() to traverse the SPL class namesforeach(spl_classes() as $key=>$value)        {        echo $key.' -> '.$value.'<br>';        }?>
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10. DirectoryIterator类


<?phptry {  /*** class create new DirectoryIterator Object ***/    foreach ( new DirectoryIterator('./') as $Item )        {        echo $Item.'<br />';        }    }/*** if an exception is thrown, catch it here ***/catch(Exception $e){    echo 'No files Found!<br>';}?>
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getFilename() == 'foo.txt' ) { echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; }}?>
getFilename() '; var_dump($file->getFilename()); echo '
getBasename() '; var_dump($file->getBasename()); echo '
isDot() '; var_dump($file->isDot()); echo '
__toString() '; var_dump($file->__toString()); echo '
getPath() '; var_dump($file->getPath()); echo '
getPathname() '; var_dump($file->getPathname()); echo '
getPerms() '; var_dump($file->getPerms()); echo '
getInode() '; var_dump($file->getInode()); echo '
getSize() '; var_dump($file->getSize()); echo '
getOwner() '; var_dump($file->getOwner()); echo '
$file->getGroup() '; var_dump($file->getGroup()); echo '
getATime() '; var_dump($file->getATime()); echo '
getMTime() '; var_dump($file->getMTime()); echo '
getCTime() '; var_dump($file->getCTime()); echo '
getType() '; var_dump($file->getType()); echo '
isWritable() '; var_dump($file->isWritable()); echo '
isReadable() '; var_dump($file->isReadable()); echo '
isExecutable( '; var_dump($file->isExecutable()); echo '
isFile() '; var_dump($file->isFile()); echo '
isDir() '; var_dump($file->isDir()); echo '
isLink() '; var_dump($file->isLink()); echo '
getFileInfo() '; var_dump($file->getFileInfo()); echo '
getPathInfo() '; var_dump($file->getPathInfo()); echo '
openFile() '; var_dump($file->openFile()); echo '
setFileClass() '; var_dump($file->setFileClass()); echo '
setInfoClass() '; var_dump($file->setInfoClass()); echo '


<?php /*** create a new iterator object ***/$it = new DirectoryIterator('./');/*** loop directly over the object ***/while($it->valid())    {    echo $it->key().' -- '.$it->current().'<br>';    /*** move to the next iteration ***/    $it->next();    }?>
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<?php /*** create a new iterator object ***/$it = new DirectoryIterator('./');/*** loop directly over the object ***/while($it->valid())        {        /*** check if value is a directory ***/        if($it->isDir())                {                /*** echo the key and current value ***/                echo $it->key().' -- '.$it->current().'<br>';                }        /*** move to the next iteration ***/        $it->next();        }?>
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11. ArrayObject类


<?php /*** a simple array ***/$array = array('koala', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wallaby', 'emu', 'kiwi', 'kookaburra', 'platypus');/*** create the array object ***/$arrayObj = new ArrayObject($array);/*** iterate over the array ***/for($iterator = $arrayObj->getIterator();   /*** check if valid ***/   $iterator->valid();   /*** move to the next array member ***/   $iterator->next())    {    /*** output the key and current array value ***/    echo $iterator->key() . ' => ' . $iterator->current() . '<br>';    }?>
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echo $arrayObj->count();
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 if ($arrayObj->offsetExists(3))    {       echo 'Offset Exists<br>';    }
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 $arrayObj->offsetSet(5, "galah");
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echo $arrayObj->offsetGet(4);
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12. ArrayIterator类



<?php /*** a simple array ***/$array = array('koala', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wallaby', 'emu', 'kiwi', 'kookaburra', 'platypus');try {    $object = new ArrayIterator($array);    foreach($object as $key=>$value)        {        echo $key.' => '.$value.'<br>';        }    }catch (Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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    offSetExists(2)) { /*** set the offset of 2 to a new value ***/ $object->offSetSet(2, 'Goanna'); } /*** unset the kiwi ***/ foreach($object as $key=>$value) { /*** check the value of the key ***/ if($object->offSetGet($key) === 'kiwi') { /*** unset the current key ***/ $object->offSetUnset($key); } echo '
  • '.$key.' - '.$value.'
  • '."\n"; } }catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }?>

13. RecursiveArrayIterator类和RecursiveIteratorIterator类


<?php $array = array(    array('name'=>'butch', 'sex'=>'m', 'breed'=>'boxer'),    array('name'=>'fido', 'sex'=>'m', 'breed'=>'doberman'),    array('name'=>'girly','sex'=>'f', 'breed'=>'poodle'));foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($array)) as $key=>$value)    {    echo $key.' -- '.$value.'<br>';    }?>
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14. FilterIterator类



<?php /*** a simple array ***/$animals = array('koala', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wallaby', 'emu', 'NZ'=>'kiwi', 'kookaburra', 'platypus');class CullingIterator extends FilterIterator{/*** The filteriterator takes  a iterator as param: ***/public function __construct( Iterator $it ){  parent::__construct( $it );}/*** check if key is numeric ***/function accept(){  return is_numeric($this->key());}}/*** end of class ***/$cull = new CullingIterator(new ArrayIterator($animals));foreach($cull as $key=>$value)    {    echo $key.' == '.$value.'<br>';    }?>
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<?phpclass PrimeFilter extends FilterIterator{/*** The filteriterator takes  a iterator as param: ***/public function __construct(Iterator $it){  parent::__construct($it);}/*** check if current value is prime ***/function accept(){if($this->current() % 2 != 1)    {    return false;    }$d = 3;$x = sqrt($this->current());while ($this->current() % $d != 0 && $d current() % $d == 0 && $this->current() != $d) * 1) == 0 ? true : false;}}/*** end of class ***//*** an array of numbers ***/$numbers = range(212345,212456);/*** create a new FilterIterator object ***/$primes = new primeFilter(new ArrayIterator($numbers));foreach($primes as $value)    {    echo $value.' is prime.<br>';    }?>
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15. SimpleXMLIterator类



<?php /*** a simple xml tree ***/ $xmlstring = <<<XML<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><document>  <animal>    <category id="26">      <species>Phascolarctidae</species>      <type>koala</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="27">      <species>macropod</species>      <type>kangaroo</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="28">      <species>diprotodon</species>      <type>wombat</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="31">      <species>macropod</species>      <type>wallaby</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="21">      <species>dromaius</species>      <type>emu</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="22">      <species>Apteryx</species>      <type>kiwi</type>      <name>Troy</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="23">      <species>kingfisher</species>      <type>kookaburra</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="48">      <species>monotremes</species>      <type>platypus</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="4">      <species>arachnid</species>      <type>funnel web</type>      <name>Bruce</name>      <legs>8</legs>    </category>  </animal></document>XML;/*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/try    {       /*** a new simple xml iterator ***/       $it = new SimpleXMLIterator($xmlstring);       /*** a new limitIterator object ***/       foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it,1) as $name => $data)          {          echo $name.' -- '.$data.'<br>';          }    }catch(Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it,1)表示显示所有包括父元素在内的子元素。


<?phptry {    /*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/    $sxi =  new SimpleXMLIterator($xmlstring);    foreach ( $sxi as $node )        {        foreach($node as $k=>$v)            {            echo $v->species.'<br>';            }        }    }catch(Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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<?phptry {$sxe = simplexml_load_string($xmlstring, 'SimpleXMLIterator');for ($sxe->rewind(); $sxe->valid(); $sxe->next())    {    if($sxe->hasChildren())        {        foreach($sxe->getChildren() as $element=>$value)          {          echo $value->species.'<br>';          }        }     }   }catch(Exception $e)   {   echo $e->getMessage();   }?>
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<?phptry {    /*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/    $sxi =  new SimpleXMLIterator($xmlstring);    /*** set the xpath ***/    $foo = $sxi->xpath('animal/category/species');    /*** iterate over the xpath ***/    foreach ($foo as $k=>$v)        {        echo $v.'<br>';        }    }catch(Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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<?php /*** a simple xml tree ***/ $xmlstring = <<<XML<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><document xmlns:spec="">  <animal>    <category id="26">      <species>Phascolarctidae</species>      <name>Speed Hump</name>      <type>koala</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="27">      <species>macropod</species>      <name>Boonga</name>      <type>kangaroo</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="28">      <species>diprotodon</species>      <name>pot holer</name>      <type>wombat</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="31">      <species>macropod</species>      <name>Target</name>      <type>wallaby</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="21">      <species>dromaius</species>      <name>Road Runner</name>      <type>emu</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="22">      <species>Apteryx</species>      <name>Football</name>      <type>kiwi</type>      <name>Troy</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="23">      <species>kingfisher</species>      <name>snaker</name>      <type>kookaburra</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="48">      <species>monotremes</species>      <name>Swamp Rat</name>      <type>platypus</type>      <name>Bruce</name>    </category>  </animal>  <animal>    <category id="4">      <species>arachnid</species>      <name>Killer</name>      <type>funnel web</type>      <name>Bruce</name>      <legs>8</legs>    </category>  </animal></document>XML;/*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/try {    /*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/    $sxi =  new SimpleXMLIterator($xmlstring);    $sxi-> registerXPathNamespace('spec', '');    /*** set the xpath ***/    $result = $sxi->xpath('//spec:name');    /*** get all declared namespaces ***/   foreach($sxi->getDocNamespaces('animal') as $ns)        {        echo $ns.'<br>';        }    /*** iterate over the xpath ***/    foreach ($result as $k=>$v)        {        echo $v.'<br>';        }    }catch(Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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<?php $xmlstring = <<<XML<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><document>  <animal>koala</animal>  <animal>kangaroo</animal>  <animal>wombat</animal>  <animal>wallaby</animal>  <animal>emu</animal>  <animal>kiwi</animal>  <animal>kookaburra</animal>  <animal>platypus</animal>  <animal>funnel web</animal></document>XML;try {    /*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/    $sxi =  new SimpleXMLIterator($xmlstring);    /*** add a child ***/    $sxi->addChild('animal', 'Tiger');    /*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/    $new = new SimpleXmlIterator($sxi->saveXML());    /*** iterate over the new tree ***/    foreach($new as $val)        {        echo $val.'<br>';        }    }catch(Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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<?php $xmlstring =<<<XML<?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><document>  <animal>koala</animal>  <animal>kangaroo</animal>  <animal>wombat</animal>  <animal>wallaby</animal>  <animal>emu</animal>  <animal>kiwi</animal>  <animal>kookaburra</animal>  <animal>platypus</animal>  <animal>funnel web</animal></document>XML;try {    /*** a new simpleXML iterator object ***/    $sxi =  new SimpleXMLIterator($xmlstring);    /*** add an attribute with a namespace ***/    $sxi->addAttribute('id:att1', 'good things', 'urn::test-foo');    /*** add an attribute without a  namespace ***/    $sxi->addAttribute('att2', 'no-ns');    echo htmlentities($sxi->saveXML());    }catch(Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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16. CachingIterator类



<?php /*** a simple array ***/$array = array('koala', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wallaby', 'emu', 'kiwi', 'kookaburra', 'platypus');try {    /*** create a new object ***/    $object = new CachingIterator(new ArrayIterator($array));    foreach($object as $value)        {        echo $value;        if($object->hasNext())            {            echo ',';            }        }    }catch (Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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17. LimitIterator类



<?php /*** the offset value ***/$offset = 3;/*** the limit of records to show ***/$limit = 2;$array = array('koala', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wallaby', 'emu', 'kiwi', 'kookaburra', 'platypus');$it = new LimitIterator(new ArrayIterator($array), $offset, $limit);foreach($it as $k=>$v)    {    echo $it->getPosition().'<br>';    }?>
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<?php /*** a simple array ***/$array = array('koala', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wallaby', 'emu', 'kiwi', 'kookaburra', 'platypus');$it = new LimitIterator(new ArrayIterator($array));try    {    $it->seek(5);    echo $it->current();    }catch(OutOfBoundsException $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage() . "<br>";    }?>
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18. SplFileObject类



<?phptry {    // iterate directly over the object    foreach( new SplFileObject("/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log") as $line)    // and echo each line of the file    echo $line.'<br />';}catch (Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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<?phptry {    $file = new SplFileObject("/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log");    $file->seek(3);    echo $file->current();        }catch (Exception $e)    {    echo $e->getMessage();    }?>
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1. Introduction to Standard PHP Library (SPL), By Kevin Waterson

2. Introducing PHP 5's Standard Library, By Harry Fuecks

3. The Standard PHP Library (SPL), By Ben Ramsey

4. SPL - Standard PHP Library Documentation


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