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Rumah pembangunan bahagian belakang tutorial php 该怎么去调用这个类?


Jun 23, 2016 pm 02:22 PM

<?php/*图片处理类:缩略,裁剪,圆角,倾斜*/class resizeimage{   //图片类型   var $type;   //实际宽度   var $width;   //实际高度   var $height;   //改变后的宽度   var $resize_width;   //改变后的高度   var $resize_height;   //是否裁图   var $cut;   //源图象   var $srcimg;   //目标图象地址   var $dstimg;   //圆角源   var $corner;   var $im;function resizeimage($img, $corner, $wid, $hei,$c, $corner_radius, $angle)   {       $this->srcimg = $img;    $this->corner = $corner;       $this->resize_width = $wid;       $this->resize_height = $hei;       $this->cut = $c;    $this->corner_radius = $corner_radius;    $this->angle = $angle;       //图片的类型       $this->type = substr(strrchr($this->srcimg,"."),1);       //初始化图象       $this->initi_img();       //目标图象地址       $this -> dst_img();       //--       $this->width = imagesx($this->im);       $this->height = imagesy($this->im);       //生成图象       $this->newimg();       ImageDestroy ($this->im);   }   function newimg()   {       //改变后的图象的比例       $resize_ratio = ($this->resize_width)/($this->resize_height);       //实际图象的比例       $ratio = ($this->width)/($this->height);       if(($this->cut)=="1")       //裁图       {           if($ratio>=$resize_ratio)           //高度优先           {               $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($this->resize_width,$this->resize_height);               imagecopyresampled($newimg, $this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->resize_width,$this->resize_height, (($this->height)*$resize_ratio), $this->height);      $tmp = $this->rounded_corner($newimg,$this->resize_width);               imagepng ($tmp,$this->dstimg);           }           if($ratio<$resize_ratio)           //宽度优先           {               $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($this->resize_width,$this->resize_height);               imagecopyresampled($newimg, $this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->resize_width, $this->resize_height, $this->width, (($this->width)/$resize_ratio));      $tmp = $this->rounded_corner($newimg);               imagepng ($tmp,$this->dstimg);           }       }       else       //不裁图       {           if($ratio>=$resize_ratio)           {               $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor($this->resize_width,($this->resize_width)/$ratio);               imagecopyresampled($newimg, $this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->resize_width, ($this->resize_width)/$ratio, $this->width, $this->height);               ImageJpeg ($newimg,$this->dstimg);           }           if($ratio<$resize_ratio)           {               $newimg = imagecreatetruecolor(($this->resize_height)*$ratio,$this->resize_height);               imagecopyresampled($newimg, $this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, ($this->resize_height)*$ratio, $this->resize_height, $this->width, $this->height);               ImageJpeg ($newimg,$this->dstimg);           }       }   }   //初始化图象   function initi_img()   {       if($this->type=="jpg")       {           $this->im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->srcimg);       }       if($this->type=="gif")       {           $this->im = imagecreatefromgif($this->srcimg);       }       if($this->type=="png")       {           $this->im = imagecreatefrompng($this->srcimg);       }   }   //处理圆角   function rounded_corner($image,$size)   {   $this->angle = 0;   $topleft = true;   $bottomleft = true;   $bottomright = true;   $topright = true;   $corner_source = imagecreatefrompng('rounded_corner.png');   $corner_width = imagesx($corner_source);    $corner_height = imagesy($corner_source);    $corner_resized = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->corner_radius, $this->corner_radius);   ImageCopyResampled($corner_resized, $corner_source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->corner_radius, $this->corner_radius, $corner_width, $corner_height);   $corner_width = imagesx($corner_resized);    $corner_height = imagesy($corner_resized);    $white = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,255,255);   $black = ImageColorAllocate($image,0,0,0);   //顶部左圆角   if ($topleft == true) {    $dest_x = 0;     $dest_y = 0;     imagecolortransparent($corner_resized, $black);     imagecopymerge($image, $corner_resized, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $corner_width, $corner_height, 100);   }   //下部左圆角   if ($bottomleft == true) {    $dest_x = 0;     $dest_y = $size - $corner_height;     $rotated = imagerotate($corner_resized, 90, 0);    imagecolortransparent($rotated, $black);     imagecopymerge($image, $rotated, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $corner_width, $corner_height, 100);    }   //下部右圆角   if ($bottomright == true) {    $dest_x = $size - $corner_width;     $dest_y = $size - $corner_height;     $rotated = imagerotate($corner_resized, 180, 0);    imagecolortransparent($rotated, $black);     imagecopymerge($image, $rotated, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $corner_width, $corner_height, 100);    }   //顶部右圆角   if ($topright == true) {    $dest_x = $size - $corner_width;     $dest_y = 0;    $rotated = imagerotate($corner_resized, 270, 0);    imagecolortransparent($rotated, $black);     imagecopymerge($image, $rotated, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0, $corner_width, $corner_height, 100);    }   $image = imagerotate($image, $this->angle, $white);   return $image;    }   //图象目标地址   function dst_img()   {       $full_length = strlen($this->srcimg);       $type_length = strlen($this->type);       $name_length = $full_length-$type_length;       $name         = substr($this->srcimg,0,$name_length-1);       $this->dstimg = $name."_small.png";   }}//resizeimage("图片地址", "处理后的宽度", "处理后的高度", "是否裁剪", "圆角度数", "倾斜度");$img_file = 'Sunset.jpg';$corner = 'rounded_corner.png';$resizeimage = new resizeimage($img_file, $corner, "80", "80", "1", "6", "0");?><img  src="/static/imghw/default1.png"  data-src="small.png"  class="lazy"   border="0" alt="该怎么去调用这个类?" >
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不是说了非常清楚了,resizeimage("图片地址", "处理后的宽度", "处理后的高度", "是否裁剪", "圆角度数", "倾斜度");

$resizeimage = new resizeimage(“ 你上传图片的地址”,"处理后的宽度", "处理后的高度", "是否裁剪", " 圆角度数", "倾斜度");



$resizeimage = new resizeimage();
$resizeimage->resizeimage("图片地址", "处理后的宽度", "处理后的高度", "是否裁剪", "圆角度数", "倾斜度");



function resizeimage($img, $corner, $wid, $hei,$c, $corner_radius, $angle){}

function resizeimage($img, $corner, $wid, $hei,$c, $corner_radius, $angle){}


不是说了非常清楚了,resizeimage("图片地址", "处理后的宽度", "处理后的高度", "是否裁剪", "圆角度数", "倾斜度");

$resizeimage = new resizeimage(“ 你上传图片的地址”,"处理后的宽度", "处理后的高度", "是否裁剪", " 圆角度数", "倾斜度");

把具体参数赋进去就可以了 运行代码出错呢,你运行试试?

Warning: imagecreatefrompng(33.png): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\xampp\htdocs\resizeimage.php on line 115

Warning: imagesx() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in D:\xampp\htdocs\resizeimage.php on line 116

Warning: imagesy() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in D:\xampp\htdocs\resizeimage.php on line 117

Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in D:\xampp\htdocs\resizeimage.php on line 119







<?phpclass RoundedCorner {	private $_r;	private $_g;	private $_b;	private $_image_path;	private $_radius;		function __construct($image_path, $radius, $r = 255, $g = 0, $b = 0) {		$this->_image_path = $image_path;		$this->_radius = $radius;		$this->_r = (int)$r;		$this->_g = (int)$g;		$this->_b = (int)$b;	}		private function _get_lt_rounder_corner() {		$radius = $this->_radius;		$img = imagecreatetruecolor($radius, $radius);		$bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $this->_r, $this->_g, $this->_b);		$fgcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);		imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bgcolor);		imagefilledarc($img, $radius, $radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 180, 270, $fgcolor, IMG_ARC_PIE);		imagecolortransparent($img, $fgcolor);		return $img;	}		private function _load_source_image() {		$ext = substr($this->_image_path, strrpos($this->_image_path, '.'));		if (empty($ext)) {			return false;			}		switch(strtolower($ext)) {			case '.jpg':				$img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->_image_path);				break;			case '.gif':				$img = @imagecreatefromgif($this->_image_path);				break;			case '.png':				$img = @imagecreatefrompng($this->_image_path);				break;			default:				return false;		}		return $img;			}		public function round_it() {		// load the source image		$src_image = $this->_load_source_image();		if ($src_image === false) {			die('图片没有上传成功!'); 		}		$image_width = imagesx($src_image);		$image_height = imagesy($src_image);				// create a new image, with src_width, src_height, and fill it with transparent color		$image = imagecreatetruecolor($image_width, $image_height);		$trans_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $this->_r, $this->_g, $this->_b);		imagefill($image, 0, 0, $trans_color);				// then overwirte the source image to the new created image		imagecopymerge($image, $src_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_width, $image_height, 100);				// then just copy all the rounded corner images to the 4 corners		$radius = $this->_radius;		// lt		$lt_corner = $this->_get_lt_rounder_corner();		imagecopymerge($image, $lt_corner, 0, 0, 0, 0, $radius, $radius, 100);		// lb		$lb_corner = imagerotate($lt_corner, 90, $trans_color);		imagecopymerge($image, $lb_corner, 0, $image_height - $radius, 0, 0, $radius, $radius, 100);		// rb		$rb_corner = imagerotate($lt_corner, 180, $trans_color);		imagecopymerge($image, $rb_corner, $image_width - $radius, $image_height - $radius, 0, 0, $radius, $radius, 100);		// rt		$rt_corner = imagerotate($lt_corner, 270, $trans_color);		imagecopymerge($image, $rt_corner, $image_width - $radius, 0, 0, 0, $radius, $radius, 100);				// set the transparency		imagecolortransparent($image, $trans_color);		// display it		//header('Content-Type: image/png');				imagepng ($image,"images_png/images_png.png");								imagedestroy($src_image);		imagedestroy($image);		imagedestroy($lt_corner);		imagedestroy($lb_corner);		imagedestroy($rb_corner);		imagedestroy($rt_corner);	}}$rounder = new RoundedCorner('33.jpg',60);$rounder->round_it();?>
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生成的png透明图片边缘有锯齿,这个有办法消除吗? 人呢???

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