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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

Lepaskan: 2017-02-13 10:19:14
2233 orang telah melayarinya




1、本文的软件是Photoshop CS5版本







For start open a new document and fill the background with the following color: #2b2b2b

首先,新建文档,尺寸:1100px*720px,并用颜色: #2b2b2b填充背景

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

The next step is to fill the background with a pattern. You can add the patter via layer styles. Please note that this patter can be found in the following pack of 815 Photoshop Pixel Patterns

接下来的步骤是给背景填充一个图案。你可以添加图案叠加样式。请注意这个图案能在815 Photoshop Pixel Patterns中找到。


if you don’t have a UDT membership you can create this pattern alone. Create a new document: 2px by 2px with a transparent background. With Pencil tool add a small 1 pixel dot. Then go to Edit > Define pattern. Choose a name and click OK. Then you can use the pattern in your layer style panel.

如果你没有UDT的帐号,你可以自己创建该图案。新建文档:2px*2px,背景透明。用铅笔工具添加一个1px的点。然后点击:编辑 > 定义图案。给一个名字然后点确定。然后,你可以在你的图层样式面板中用到这个图案

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

With Rounded Rectangle Tool please make a shape like in the following image. Click on the following image to see better.

圆角矩形工具按照下图创建一个圆角矩形(80,123,940,226),颜色: #000000。点击下图看得更加清楚

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


On the left side i will create another small shape with the same tool.



Then i will add the following layer styles.


PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

渐变编辑器的颜色: #010101,#b8b8b8,#4c4c4c

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


With the same tool i will create a new shape, then i will use perspective tool to modify the look. You can find the perspective tool in Edit > Transform > Perspective.

用同样的工具创建一个新的圆角矩形(91,182,70,85),然后用透视工具修改它的外观。你可以通过点击:编辑 > 变换 > 透视,来找到透视工具。


PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

渐变编辑器的颜色: #000000,#343434

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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


Duplicate the first shape, and please go to Filter > Noise. Make sure you change the blending mode for this layer to Overlay. ( you can find the overlay blending mode on the top of your layer palette – You will probably see Normal. If you use the drop down menu you can find the overlay )

复制之前的圆角矩形,转换为智能对象,然后点击:滤镜 > 杂色。把该图层的混合选项改成叠加。(你可以在你的图层面板的顶部找到混合选项——你一般看到的是正常。当你点击下拉菜单时你可以看到叠加)

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


With Line tool i will create two thin lines.


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Then i will duplicate both lines, and i will go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. You can play around with settings until you have the same result like mine. I can give you the exact values for the blur filter, but in this way you will not learn what this tool does.

然后复制这些直线,并点击:滤镜 > 模糊 > 高斯模糊。你可以参照下面的设置,直到和我类似的效果。我给你一些合适的模糊滤镜的参数,不过这一步你并不一定严格按照这一步



PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

合并后面两条粗直线的图层,并栅格化。并点击:滤镜 > 模糊 > 高斯模糊。并将新图层置于原来两条细直线图层的下方

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

将这三个图层合并为一组,选中组,点击:图层 > 图层蒙板 > 显示全部,添加图层蒙版。选择渐变工具,按照下图设置渐变,对该组添加渐变

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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


On the left side i will create a indented button. I will use Rounded rectangle Tool, and then i will add some layer styles.

在左边我要创建一个内嵌的按钮。我用的是圆角矩形按钮(45,212,22,25)颜色: #d7d7d7,并给它添加一些图层样式

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站



Bellow you can see the layer styles. Please note that you can download here almost 18.000 Photosho Layer Styles. You can find included also this layer style.

在你看到图层样式之后。请注意你可以在这儿下载18.000 Photosho Layer Styles。你可以在其中找到这些图层样式


Here is my result so far.


PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


With pen tool i will create a simple white shape.


PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


I will use the Blur Filter, and then i will drag the layer under the previous ones.


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I will duplicate all the layer for the slideshow navigator, and i will place them n the right side.


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In the middle i will crate a simple shape. Click on the image to see the image full size.

在中间我要创建一个基本形状(矩形(142,165,816,136),颜色: #2a2a2a。单击图片查看完整尺寸

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


With pen tool i will create a shape like this.




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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


For this layer i will add the following layer styles.


PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

渐变编辑器的颜色: #707070和#262626

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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


With Rounded Rectangle Tool i will create a shape like the following one.

圆角矩形工具创建如下的一个圆角矩形(102,41,896,126),半径设置为10px,颜色: #707070

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


Right click on the layer inside your layer palette, and choose Rasterize Shape, and then delete the bottom part of the shape.


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Duplicate this shape and go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. In this window ad as much noise you want, but make sure it is not to much.

复制这个图层,并点击:滤镜 > 杂色 > 添加杂色。在窗口中设置你想设置杂色的参数,不过不要设置的太多

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


With Line tool you can add a simple 1 pixel horizontal line. I will use the following color: #8d8d8d

用直线工具你可以添加一条1px的水平直线(102,134,896,1),我用的颜色: #8d8d8d

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On the bottom of this slide show i will add another shape. It was made with Pen tool.



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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


Then i will create a new shape. This last one was created with rectangle Tool.

然后我要用矩形工具创建一个新的矩形(102,331,896,6),颜色: #707070并用直线工具再次添加一条水平线(102,331,896,1),颜色: #8d8d8d

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


On the top i will add a simple text logo.

在顶部要创建一个简单的文本LOGO,原文中也没介绍是什么字体,故找了一个接近的字体,颜色: #383838

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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


On the right side of the header i will add a simple menu.


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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


Under each text menu i will add some simple lines.

在每个文字菜单的下方添加一些垂直的直线,直线的颜色还是: #383838

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


Then with Ellipse tool i will create a small circle on top of each line.

然后用椭圆工具在顶部每个直线的顶部添加一个小圆,颜色: #383838,图层样式和菜单文字一致

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Also under the logo i will add a nice round shape. This was made with Rounded rectangle Tool, and i have used the indented layer style which i have used several times on this iPhone related layout.


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With a few lines i will try to combine all vertical lines.



打开信息面板(按F8调出信息面板),用直线工具画一条倾斜的直线,颜色: #383838,直线的ΔX=24,ΔY=18,并将直线移到合适的位置。给直线添加菜单文字相同的图层样式

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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

直线工具画一条水平直线,连接这些直线,颜色: #383838,并添加和倾斜直线相同的图层样式

PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


Now i will add some iPhone Icons made by JackieTran


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Under each icon i have placed a simple shadow. To create the shadow is very simple. Select Rounded Rectangle Tool and create a dark shape, and then add a blur filter.


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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站



I will use one more time Rounded Rectangle Tool to create a simple dark shape.

我用圆角矩形工具再次创建一个深色的圆角矩形(80,358,940,30),半径设置为6px,颜色: #010101

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I will use Pen tool to create a shape with a nice perspective look.




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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


Bellow you can find the layer styles i have used.

颜色改为: #555555,接下来添加一些用过的图层样式

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渐变编辑器的颜色: #8b8b8b,#262626

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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


I will create another shape like in the following image. Click on the image to see the result better.


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Here is the layer style i have used for the last shape.


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渐变编辑器的颜色: #242424,#b8b8b8,#4c4c4c

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I will duplicate this layer and i will add one more time some noise


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Then i with Pen tool i will create the following shape. Please use the same layer style as above.




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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

给它添加和上个圆角矩形一样的图层样式,把渐变样式中的反向勾去,并修改渐变编辑器的右侧的颜色为: #828282

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Duplicate this shape, and select both layers in your layer palette. Once you have both layer selected press on CTRL+E to merge the layer into a single one. With Eraser tool delete the bottom part of the shape. make sure you have a smooth round brush selected.




With Rounded Rectangle Tool i will create a new shape. I will use the same indented layer styles


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Here you have the layer styles one more time.


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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站

颜色叠加的颜色: #3e3c3d

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PS网页设计教程XXIII——创建一个售卖iPhone 5应用程序的网站


I will create a simple shadow. To create this shadow i recommend you to create a new layer, place it under the big shape, and then with Brush tool start drawing very smoothly until you are happy with the result.


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I will add some dark shape, and some text.


第一行的圆角矩形颜色: #191919,第一行的文字的颜色: #b0b0b0

第二行的圆角矩形颜色: #222222,第二行的文字的颜色: #b7b7b7

第三行的圆角矩形颜色: #292929,第三行的文字的颜色: #bcbcbc


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Then i will add some icons.


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Bellow you can see the icons placed on the right side, and in the same time you can see some lines between each category.


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Bellow you can see the final result. I hope you like this layout.


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