Rumah > hujung hadapan web > tutorial js > JavaScript图片裁剪的无变形的示例代码分享(图)


Lepaskan: 2017-03-13 16:51:14
1897 orang telah melayarinya




  1. 裁切框的宽高与跟实际使用的处宽高比一致,防止出现图片变形问题

  2. 不限制图片的显示大小,保证图片原始比例,通过缩放可得到原始尺寸

  3. 对于局部的裁切更加友好,比如截取一张高清图片中很小的一个部位,我们只需将图片放大并拖动到裁切框内即可,而其他方式需要将裁切框调整的非常小,不利于用户操作



<p class="jimu-crop-image" data-dojo-attach-point="cropSection">
    <p class="viewer-box" data-dojo-attach-point="viewerBox">
        <p class="viewer-content" data-dojo-attach-point="viewerContent">
            <img class="viewer-image hide-image" data-dojo-attach-point="viewerImage" src="">
        <img class="base-image hide-image" data-dojo-attach-point="baseImage" data-dojo-attach-event="mousedown:_onViewerMouseDown,mouseup:_onViewerMouseUp">

        <p class="controller">
            <p class="zoom-out" data-dojo-attach-event="click:_onZoomOutClick">-</p>
            <p class="slider" data-dojo-attach-point="sliderNode">
                <p class="button" data-dojo-attach-point="sliderButton" data-dojo-attach-event="mousedown:_onSliderMouseDown,mouseup:_onSliderMouseUp"></p>
                <p class="horizontal"></p>
            <p class="zoom-in" data-dojo-attach-event="click:_onZoomInClick">+</p>
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startup: function() {
                var timeOut = /data:image\/(.*);base64/.test(this.imageSrc) ? 50 : 500;
                var tic = lang.hitch(this, function() {
                    var imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage);
                    var imageWidth = parseFloat(imageStyle.width);
                    console.log(&#39;image width&#39;, imageWidth);
                    if (isFinite(imageWidth) && imageWidth > 0) {
                    } else {
                        setTimeout(tic, timeOut);

                setTimeout(tic, timeOut);

_init: function() {
                var cropSectionStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.cropSection);
                var cropSectionContentBox = html.getContentBox(this.cropSection);
                var imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage);
                var imageWidth = parseFloat(imageStyle.width);
                var imageHeight = parseFloat(imageStyle.height);
                var imageRadio = imageWidth / imageHeight;

                this._maxImageWidth = imageWidth;
                this._maxImageHeight = imageHeight;

                if (imageHeight < this.realHeight && imageWidth < this.realWidth) {
                    alert(&#39;image is too smaller to display&#39;);

                //create a box which keep the ratio of width and height to full fill the content of popup
                this.idealWidth = this.realWidth;
                this.idealHeight = this.realHeight;

                this.ratio = this.ratio ? this.ratio : this.realWidth / this.realHeight;
                if (this.ratio >= 1) {
                    if (this.realWidth <= cropSectionContentBox.w) {
                        this.idealWidth += (cropSectionContentBox.w - this.realWidth) / 2;
                    } else {
                        this.idealWidth = cropSectionContentBox.w;
                    this.idealHeight = this.idealWidth / this.ratio;
                } else {
                    if (this.realHeight <= cropSectionContentBox.h) {
                        this.idealHeight += (cropSectionContentBox.h - this.idealHeight) / 2;
                    } else {
                        this.idealHeight = cropSectionContentBox.h;
                    this.idealWidth = this.idealHeight * this.ratio;

                html.setStyle(this.viewerBox, {
                    width: this.idealWidth + &#39;px&#39;,
                    height: this.idealHeight + &#39;px&#39;

                var paddingTop = Math.abs((parseFloat(cropSectionStyle.height) - this.idealHeight) / 2);
                html.setStyle(this.cropSection, {
                    &#39;paddingTop&#39;: paddingTop + &#39;px&#39;,
                    &#39;paddingBottom&#39;: paddingTop + &#39;px&#39;

                // keep original ratio of image
                if (imageRadio >= 1) {
                    if (this.idealHeight * imageRadio >= this.idealWidth) {
                        html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;height&#39;, this.idealHeight + &#39;px&#39;);
                        html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;height&#39;, this.idealHeight + &#39;px&#39;);
                    } else {
                        var properlyHeight = this._findProperlyValue(0, this.idealWidth, this.idealWidth, function(p) {
                            return p * imageRadio;
                        html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;height&#39;, properlyHeight + &#39;px&#39;);
                        html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;height&#39;, properlyHeight + &#39;px&#39;);
                } else {
                    if (this.idealWidth / imageRadio >= this.idealHeight) {
                        html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;width&#39;, this.idealWidth + &#39;px&#39;);
                        html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;width&#39;, this.idealWidth + &#39;px&#39;);
                    } else {
                        var properlyWidth = this._findProperlyValue(0, this.idealHeight, this.idealHeight, function(p) {
                            return p / imageRadio;
                        html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;width&#39;, properlyWidth + &#39;px&#39;);
                        html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;width&#39;, properlyWidth + &#39;px&#39;);

                query(&#39;.hide-image&#39;, this.domNode).removeClass(&#39;hide-image&#39;);

                imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage);
                imageWidth = parseFloat(imageStyle.width);
                imageHeight = parseFloat(imageStyle.height);
                this._minImageWidth = imageWidth;
                this._minImageHeight = imageHeight;

                this._currentImageWidth = imageWidth;
                this._currentImageHeight = imageHeight;

                this._currentTop = -(imageHeight - this.idealHeight) / 2;
                this._currentLeft = -(imageWidth - this.idealWidth) / 2;
                html.setStyle(this.baseImage, {
                    top: this._currentTop + &#39;px&#39;,
                    left: this._currentLeft + &#39;px&#39;
                html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, {
                    top: this._currentTop + &#39;px&#39;,
                    left: this._currentLeft + &#39;px&#39;
                //sometimes zoomratio < 1; it&#39;s should be not allowed to zoom
                this._zoomRatio = this._maxImageWidth / this._minImageWidth;

                if (!this._latestPercentage) {
                    this._latestPercentage = 0;
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  1. 等待图片加载完毕,获取图片的原始尺寸,后续计算缩放因子时会用到

  2. 在保证裁切区域宽高比的情况下,让裁切区域尽量的填满工作区。这里裁切工作最重要的就是防止图片变形,所以只要保证宽高比一致可以将裁切区域适当放大。

  3. 保持图片原始宽高比的前提下,让图片尽量接近裁切框

  4. 机上计算完成后设置图片初始位置,让裁切框相对图片居中


_resetImagePosition: function(clientX, clientY) {
                var delX = clientX - this._currentX;
                var delY = clientY - this._currentY;

                if (this._currentTop + delY >= 0) {
                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;top&#39;, 0);
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;top&#39;, 0);
                    this._currentY = clientY;
                    this._currentTop = 0;
                } else if (this._currentTop + delY <= this._maxOffsetTop) {
                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;top&#39;, this._maxOffsetTop + &#39;px&#39;);
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;top&#39;, this._maxOffsetTop + &#39;px&#39;);
                    this._currentY = clientY;
                    this._currentTop = this._maxOffsetTop;
                } else {
                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;top&#39;, this._currentTop + delY + &#39;px&#39;);
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;top&#39;, this._currentTop + delY + &#39;px&#39;);
                    this._currentY = clientY;
                    this._currentTop += delY;

                if (this._currentLeft + delX >= 0) {
                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;left&#39;, 0);
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;left&#39;, 0);
                    this._currentX = clientX;
                    this._currentLeft = 0;
                } else if (this._currentLeft + delX <= this._maxOffsetLeft) {
                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;left&#39;, this._maxOffsetLeft + &#39;px&#39;);
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;left&#39;, this._maxOffsetLeft + &#39;px&#39;);
                    this._currentX = clientX;
                    this._currentLeft = this._maxOffsetLeft;
                } else {
                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, &#39;left&#39;, this._currentLeft + delX + &#39;px&#39;);
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, &#39;left&#39;, this._currentLeft + delX + &#39;px&#39;);
                    this._currentX = clientX;
                    this._currentLeft += delX;
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var delImageWidth = this._minImageWidth * (this._zoomRatio - 1) * leftPercentage / 100;
var delImageHeight = this._minImageHeight * (this._zoomRatio - 1) * leftPercentage / 100;

var imageStyle = html.getComputedStyle(this.baseImage);
                this._currentLeft = parseFloat(imageStyle.left);
                this._currentTop = parseFloat(;
var delImageLeft = (Math.abs(this._currentLeft) + this.idealWidth / 2) *
                    ((this._minImageWidth + delImageWidth) / this._currentImageWidth - 1);
var delImageTop = (Math.abs(this._currentTop) + this.idealHeight / 2) *
                    ((this._minImageWidth + delImageWidth) / this._currentImageWidth - 1);
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其中_zoomRatio = _maxImageWidth / _minImageWidth; _maxImageWidth为图片原始大小,_minImageWidth是让图片接近裁切框的最小宽度。







//prevent image out the crop box
                if (leftPercentage - _latestPercentage >= 0) {
                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, {
                        top: this._currentTop -delImageTop + &#39;px&#39;,
                        left: this._currentLeft -delImageLeft + &#39;px&#39;
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, {
                        top: this._currentTop -delImageTop + &#39;px&#39;,
                        left: this._currentLeft -delImageLeft + &#39;px&#39;
                } else {
                    var top = 0;
                    var left = 0;
                    if (this._currentTop - delImageTop >= 0) {
                        top = 0;
                    } else if (this._currentTop - delImageTop +
                        this._minImageHeight + delImageHeight <=
                        this.idealHeight) {
                        top = this.idealHeight - this._minImageHeight - delImageHeight;
                    } else {
                        top = this._currentTop - delImageTop;
                    console.log(this._currentLeft, delImageLeft);
                    if (this._currentLeft - delImageLeft >= 0) {
                        left = 0;
                    } else if (this._currentLeft - delImageLeft +
                        this._minImageWidth + delImageWidth <=
                        this.idealWidth) {
                        left =this.idealWidth - this._minImageWidth - delImageWidth;
                    } else {
                        left = this._currentLeft - delImageLeft;

                    html.setStyle(this.baseImage, {
                        top: top + &#39;px&#39;,
                        left: left + &#39;px&#39;
                    html.setStyle(this.viewerImage, {
                        top: top + &#39;px&#39;,
                        left: left + &#39;px&#39;
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body: {
  imageString: base64 code
  maxSize: w,h
  cropOptions: w,h,t,l
exports.cropImage = function(req, res) {
  var base64Img = req.body.imageString;
      success: false,
      message: &#39;Bad base64 code format&#39;
  var fileFormat = base64Img.match(/^data:image\/(.*);base64,/)[1];
  var base64Data = base64Img.replace(/^data:image\/.*;base64,/, "");
  var maxSize = req.body.maxSize;
  maxSize = maxSize.split(&#39;,&#39;);
  var cropOptions = req.body.cropOptions;
  cropOptions = cropOptions.split(&#39;,&#39;);

    var buf = new Buffer(base64Data, &#39;base64&#39;);
    var jimp = new Jimp(buf, &#39;image/&#39; + fileFormat, function() {
      var maxW = parseInt(maxSize[0], 10);
      var maxH = parseInt(maxSize[1], 10);
      var cropW = parseInt(cropOptions[0], 10);
      var cropH = parseInt(cropOptions[1], 10);
      var cropT = parseInt(cropOptions[2], 10);
      var cropL = parseInt(cropOptions[3], 10);
      this.resize(maxW, maxH)
      .crop(cropT, cropL, cropW, cropH);

    jimp.getBuffer(&#39;image/&#39; + fileFormat, function(b) {
      var base64String = "data:image/" + fileFormat + ";base64," + b.toString(&#39;base64&#39;);
        success: true,
        source: base64String
  }catch(err) {
      success: false,
      message: &#39;unable to complete operations&#39;
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