回滚分为2个命令:第一个命令 分析binglog并存储进入数据库;第二个命令 执行回滚操作;
回滚的时候,可以把执行脚本跟回滚脚本统一存放到数据库中,可以查看 更新内容以及回滚内容;
单个事务涉及到行修改SQL操作了 max_allow
行记录的列名配对,binlog file存储的列序号,不能直接使用
WHERE部分 跟 SET部分 之间并无关键字或者符号,需要添加 AND 或者 逗号
黄色区域:这6个参数,提供的是 分析并存储binlog file的相关值,说明存储分析结果的数据库的链接方式、binlog文件的位置以及存储结果的表格名字;
蓝色区域:这4个参数,提供 与线上数据库表结构一致的DB实例连接方式,仅需跟线上一模一样的表结构,不一定需要是主从库;
绿色区域:最最重要的选项 -a,0代表仅分析binlog文件,1代表仅执行回滚操作,必须先执行0才可以执行1;
但是这个脚本也可以满足,但请勿直接在线上操作,先 -a=0,看下分析结果,是否符合,符合的话,停掉某个从库,再在从库上执行,最后开发业务接入检查是否恢复到指定时间点,数据是否正常。
比如,开发提交了一个批量更新脚本,各个测试层面验证没有问题,提交线上执行,但是执行后,发现有个业务漏测试,导致某些字段更新后影响到其他业务,现在需要紧急 把被批量更新的表格回滚到原先的行记录
这种情况下,如何回顾tab A表格的修改操作呢?
个人觉得,这种方式比较行得通,dump tabA表格的数据到测试环境,然后再分析 binlog file 从11点-12点的undo sql,接着在测试环境回滚该表格到11点这个时刻,紧接着,由开发跟业务对比测试环境11点的数据跟线上现有的数据中,看下是哪些行哪些列需要在线上进行回滚,哪些是不需要的,然后开发再提交SQL脚本,再在线上执行。其实,这里边,DBA仅提供一个角色,就是把 表格 tab A 在一个新的环境上,回滚到某个时间点,但是不提供直接线上回滚SQL的处理。
测试环境修改set global max_allowed_packet = 1073741824
线上测试环境修改set global max_allowed_packet = 1073741824
线上测试环境修改set global max_allowed_packet = 4194304
1 --测试环境(请安装pymysql):IP:,PORT:3310 ,数据库:flashback,表格:tbevent 2 --具有线上表结构的db:IP: PORT:3310 3 4 5 mysql> show global variables like 'max_allowed_packet'; 6 +--------------------+----------+ 7 | Variable_name | Value | 8 +--------------------+----------+ 9 | max_allowed_packet | 16777216 |10 +--------------------+----------+11 1 row in set (0.00 sec)12 13 mysql> set global max_allowed_packet = 1073741824;14 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)15 16 [root@sutest244 ~]# mysqlbinlog --start-datetime='2017-06-19 09:00:00' --stop-datetime='2017-06-19 10:00:00' --base64-output=decode-rows -v ~/data/mysql/data/mysql-bin.007335 > /tmp/binlog.log17 18 [root@sutest242 pycharm]# python su_flashback.py -h= -P=3310 -u=root -p=**** -f=/tmp/binlog.log -t=flashback.tbevent -oh= -oP=3310 -u=root -op=**** -a=019 2017-06-19 10:59:39,041 INFO begin to assign values to parameters20 2017-06-19 10:59:39,041 INFO assign values to parameters is done:host=,user=root,password=***,port=3310,fpath=/tmp/binlog.log,tbevent=flashback.tbevent21 2017-06-19 10:59:39,049 INFO MySQL which userd to store binlog event connection is ok22 2017-06-19 10:59:39,050 INFO assign values to online mysql parameters is done:host=,user=,password=***,port=331023 2017-06-19 10:59:39,054 INFO MySQL which userd to analyse online table schema connection is ok24 2017-06-19 10:59:39,054 INFO MySQL connection is ok25 2017-06-19 10:59:39,055 INFO creating table flashback.tbevent to store binlog event26 2017-06-19 10:59:39,058 INFO created table flashback.tbevent 27 2017-06-19 10:59:39,060 INFO begining to analyze the binlog file ,this may be take a long time !!!28 2017-06-19 10:59:39,061 INFO analyzing...29 2017-06-19 11:49:53,781 INFO finished to analyze the binlog file !!!30 2017-06-19 11:49:53,782 INFO release all db connections31 2017-06-19 11:49:53,782 INFO All done,check the flashback.tbevent which stored binlog event on host , port 3310 32 33 34 [root@sutest242 pycharm]# python su_flashback.py -h= -P=3310 -u=root -p=**** -f=/tmp/binlog.log -t=flashback.tbevent -oh= -oP=3310 -u=root -op=**** -a=135 2017-06-19 16:30:20,633 INFO begin to assign values to parameters36 2017-06-19 16:30:20,635 INFO assign values to parameters is done:host=,user=root,password=***,port=3310,fpath=/tmp/binlog.log,tbevent=flashback.tbevent37 2017-06-19 16:30:20,865 INFO MySQL which userd to store binlog event connection is ok38 2017-06-19 16:30:20,866 INFO assign values to online mysql parameters is done:host=,user=,password=***,port=331039 2017-06-19 16:30:20,871 INFO MySQL which userd to analyse online table schema connection is ok40 2017-06-19 16:30:20,871 INFO MySQL connection is ok41 2017-06-19 16:30:21,243 INFO There has 347868 transactions ,need 35 batchs ,each batche doing 10000 transactions 42 2017-06-19 16:30:21,243 INFO doing batch : 1 43 2017-06-19 16:31:01,182 INFO doing batch : 2 44 2017-06-19 16:31:16,909 INFO doing batch : 3 45 -------省空间忽略不截图--------------46 2017-06-19 16:41:11,287 INFO doing batch : 34 47 2017-06-19 16:41:25,577 INFO doing batch : 35 48 2017-06-19 16:41:44,629 INFO release all db connections49 2017-06-19 16:41:44,630 INFO All done,check the flashback.tbevent which stored binlog event on host , port 3310
测试环境修改set global max_allowed_packet = 1073741824
dump 对应的表格到测试环境
测试环境修改set global max_allowed_packet = 1073741824
dump 对应的表格到测试环境
脚本会不定期修复bug,若是感兴趣,可以往github下载: 中的 mysql_xinysu_flashback 。
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 __author__ = 'xinysu' 3 __date__ = '2017/6/15 10:30' 4 5 6 7 import re 8 import os 9 import sys 10 import datetime 11 import time 12 import logging 13 import importlib 14 importlib.reload(logging) 15 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s ') 16 17 import pymysql 18 from pymysql.cursors import DictCursor 19 20 usage='''\nusage: python [script's path] [option] 21 ALL options need to assign: 22 \033[1;33;40m 23 -h : host, the database host,which database will store the results after analysis 24 -u : user, the db user 25 -p : password, the db user's password 26 -P : port, the db port 27 28 -f : file path, the binlog file 29 -t : table name, the table name to store the results after analysis , {dbname}.{tbname}, 30 when you want to store in `test` db and the table name is `tbevent`,then this parameter 31 is test.tbevent 32 \033[1;34;40m 33 -oh : online host, the database host,which database have the online table schema 34 -ou : online user, the db user 35 -op : online password, the db user's password 36 -oP : online port, the db port 37 \033[1;32;40m 38 -a : action, 39 0 just analyse the binlog file ,and store sql in table; 40 1 after execute self.dotype=0, execute the undo_sql in the table 41 \033[0m 42 --help: help document 43 \033[1;35;40m 44 Example: 45 analysize binlog: 46 python su_flashback.py -h= -P=3310 -u=root -p=*** -f=/tmp/binlog.log -t=flashback.tbevent 47 -oh= -oP=3310 -u=root -op=*** 48 -a=0 49 50 flash back: 51 python su_flashback.py -h= -P=3310 -u=root -p=*** -f=/tmp/binlog.log -t=flashback.tbevent 52 -oh= -oP=3310 -u=root -op=*** 53 -a=1 54 \033[0m 55 ''' 56 57 class flashback: 58 def __init__(self): 59 self.host='' 60 self.user='' 61 self.password='' 62 self.port='3306' 63 self.fpath='' 64 self.tbevent='' 65 66 self.on_host='' 67 self.on_user='' 68 self.on_password='' 69 self.on_port='3306' 70 71 self.action=0 # 0 just analyse the binlog file ,and store sql in table;1 after execute self.dotype=0, execute the undo_sql in the table 72 73 self._get_db() # 从输入参数获取连接数据库的相关参数值 74 75 # 连接数据库,该数据库是用来存储binlog文件分析后的内容 76 logging.info('assign values to parameters is done:host={},user={},password=***,port={},fpath={},tbevent={}'.format(self.host,self.user,self.port,self.fpath,self.tbevent)) 77 self.mysqlconn = pymysql.connect(host=self.host, user=self.user, password=self.password, port=self.port,charset='utf8') 78 self.cur = self.mysqlconn.cursor(cursor=DictCursor) 79 logging.info('MySQL which userd to store binlog event connection is ok') 80 81 # 连接数据库,该数据库的表结构必须跟binlogfile基于对数据库表结构一致 82 # 该数据库用于提供 binlog file 文件中涉及到表结构分析 83 logging.info('assign values to online mysql parameters is done:host={},user={},password=***,port={}'.format(self.on_host, self.on_user, self.on_port)) 84 self.on_mysqlconn = pymysql.connect(host=self.on_host, user=self.on_user, password=self.on_password, port=self.on_port,charset='utf8') 85 self.on_cur = self.on_mysqlconn.cursor(cursor=DictCursor) 86 logging.info('MySQL which userd to analyse online table schema connection is ok') 87 88 logging.info('\033[33mMySQL connection is ok\033[0m') 89 90 self.dml_sql='' 91 self.undo_sql='' 92 93 self.tbfield_where = [] 94 self.tbfield_set = [] 95 96 self.begin_time='' 97 self.db_name='' 98 self.tb_name='' 99 self.end_time=''100 self.end_pos=''101 self.sqltype=0102 103 #_get_db用于获取执行命令的输入参数104 def _get_db(self):105 logging.info('begin to assign values to parameters')106 if len(sys.argv) == 1:107 print(usage)108 sys.exit(1)109 elif sys.argv[1] == '--help':110 print(usage)111 sys.exit()112 elif len(sys.argv) > 2:113 for i in sys.argv[1:]:114 _argv = i.split('=')115 if _argv[0] == '-h':116 self.host = _argv[1]117 elif _argv[0] == '-u':118 self.user = _argv[1]119 elif _argv[0] == '-P':120 self.port = int(_argv[1])121 elif _argv[0] == '-f':122 self.fpath = _argv[1]123 elif _argv[0] == '-t':124 self.tbevent = _argv[1]125 elif _argv[0] == '-p':126 self.password = _argv[1]127 128 elif _argv[0] == '-oh':129 self.on_host = _argv[1]130 elif _argv[0] == '-ou':131 self.on_user = _argv[1]132 elif _argv[0] == '-oP':133 self.on_port = int(_argv[1])134 elif _argv[0] == '-op':135 self.on_password = _argv[1]136 137 elif _argv[0] == '-a':138 self.action = _argv[1]139 140 else:141 print(usage)142 143 #创建表格,用于存储分析后的BINLOG内容144 def create_tab(self):145 logging.info('creating table {} to store binlog event'.format(self.tbevent))146 create_tb_sql ='''147 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {}(148 auto_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,149 binlog_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the binlog file path and name',150 dml_start_time DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT 'when to start this transaction ',151 dml_end_time DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT 'when to finish this transaction ',152 end_log_pos BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'the log position for finish this transaction',153 db_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'which database happened this transaction ',154 table_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL COMMENT 'which table happened this transaction ',155 sqltype INT NOT NULL COMMENT '1 is insert,2 is update,3 is delete',156 dml_sql LONGTEXT NULL COMMENT 'what sql excuted',157 undo_sql LONGTEXT NULL COMMENT 'rollback sql, this sql used for flashback',158 PRIMARY KEY (auto_id),159 INDEX sqltype(sqltype),160 INDEX dml_start_time (dml_start_time),161 INDEX dml_end_time (dml_end_time),162 INDEX end_log_pos (end_log_pos),163 INDEX db_name (db_name),164 INDEX table_name (table_name)165 )166 COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB;167 TRUNCATE TABLE {};168 169 '''.format(self.tbevent,self.tbevent)170 self.cur.execute(create_tb_sql)171 logging.info('created table {} '.format(self.tbevent))172 173 #获取表格的列顺序对应的列名,并处理where set的时候,列与列之间的连接字符串是逗号还是 and174 def tbschema(self,dbname,tbname):175 self.tbfield_where = []176 self.tbfield_set = []177 178 sql_tb='desc {}.{}'.format(self.db_name,self.tb_name)179 180 self.on_cur.execute(sql_tb)181 tbcol=self.on_cur.fetchall()182 183 i = 0184 for l in tbcol:185 #self.tbfield.append(l['Field'])186 if i==0:187 self.tbfield_where.append('`'+l['Field']+'`')188 self.tbfield_set.append('`'+l['Field']+'`')189 i+=1190 else:191 self.tbfield_where.append('/*where*/ and /*where*/' + '`'+l['Field']+'`')192 self.tbfield_set.append( '/*set*/ , /*set*/'+'`'+l['Field']+'`' )193 194 # 一个事务记录一行,若binlog file中的行记录包含 Table_map,则为事务的开始记录195 def rowrecord(self,bl_line):196 try:197 if bl_line.find('Table_map:') != -1:198 l = bl_line.index('server')199 m = bl_line.index('end_log_pos')200 n = bl_line.index('Table_map')201 begin_time = bl_line[:l:].rstrip(' ').replace('#', '20')202 203 self.begin_time = begin_time[0:4] + '-' + begin_time[4:6] + '-' + begin_time[6:]204 self.db_name = bl_line[n::].split(' ')[1].replace('`', '').split('.')[0]205 self.tb_name = bl_line[n::].split(' ')[1].replace('`', '').split('.')[1]206 207 self.tbschema(self.db_name,self.tb_name)208 except Exception:209 return 'funtion rowrecord error'210 211 def dml_tran(self,bl_line):212 try:213 214 215 if bl_line.find('Xid =') != -1:216 217 l = bl_line.index('server')218 m = bl_line.index('end_log_pos')219 end_time = bl_line[:l:].rstrip(' ').replace('#', '20')220 self.end_time = end_time[0:4] + '-' + end_time[4:6] + '-' + end_time[6:]221 self.end_pos = int(bl_line[m::].split(' ')[1])222 223 224 225 self.undo_sql = self.dml_sql.replace(' INSERT INTO', ';DELETE FROM_su').replace(' UPDATE ',';UPDATE').replace(' DELETE FROM', ';INSERT INTO').replace(';DELETE FROM_su', ';DELETE FROM').replace('WHERE', 'WHERE_marksu').replace('SET', 'WHERE').replace('WHERE_marksu', 'SET').replace('/*set*/ , /*set*/', ' and ').replace('/*where*/ and /*where*/',' , ')226 self.dml_sql=self.dml_sql.replace('/*set*/ , /*set*/', ' , ').replace('/*where*/ and /*where*/',' and ')227 228 if self.dml_sql.startswith(' INSERT INTO '):229 self.sqltype=1230 elif self.dml_sql.startswith(' UPDATE '):231 self.sqltype=2232 elif self.dml_sql.startswith(' DELETE '):233 self.sqltype=3234 235 record_sql = ''236 undosql_desc = ''237 238 #同个事务内部的行记录修改SQL,反序存储239 for l in self.undo_sql.splitlines():240 if l.startswith(' ;UPDATE') or l.startswith(' ;INSERT') or l.startswith(' ;DELETE'):241 undosql_desc = record_sql + undosql_desc242 record_sql = ''243 record_sql = record_sql + l244 else:245 record_sql = record_sql + l246 247 self.undo_sql = record_sql + undosql_desc248 self.undo_sql = self.undo_sql.lstrip()[1:]+';'249 250 #处理非空格的空白特殊字符251 self.dml_sql = self.esc_code(self.dml_sql)252 self.undo_sql = self.esc_code(self.undo_sql)253 254 #单独处理 转移字符: \'255 self.dml_sql = self.dml_sql.replace("'", "''").replace('\\x27',"''''") # + ';'256 self.undo_sql = self.undo_sql.replace("'", "''").replace('\\x27',"''''") # + ';'257 258 if len(self.dml_sql)>500000000:259 with open('/tmp/flashback_undosql/'+str(self.end_pos)+'.sql', 'w') as w_f:260 w_f.write('begin;' + '\n')261 w_f.write(self.undo_sql)262 w_f.write('commit;' + '\n')263 self.dml_sql=''264 self.undo_sql='/tmp/flashback_undosql/'+str(self.end_pos)+'.sql'265 logging.info("the size of this transaction is more than 500Mb ,the file location : {}".format(self.undo_file))266 267 insert_sql = "INSERT INTO {}(binlog_name,dml_start_time,dml_end_time,end_log_pos,db_name,table_name,sqltype,dml_sql,undo_sql) select '{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}',{},'{}','{}'".format(268 self.tbevent, self.fpath, self.begin_time, self.end_time, self.end_pos,269 self.db_name, self.tb_name, self.sqltype, self.dml_sql, self.undo_sql)270 271 self.cur.execute(insert_sql)272 self.mysqlconn.commit()273 274 self.dml_sql = ''275 self.undo_sql = ''276 except Exception:277 print( 'funtion dml_tran error')278 279 280 def analyse_binlog(self):281 try:282 sqlcomma=0283 self.create_tab()284 285 with open(self.fpath,'r') as binlog_file:286 logging.info('\033[36mbegining to analyze the binlog file ,this may be take a long time !!!\033[0m')287 logging.info('\033[36manalyzing...\033[0m')288 for bline in binlog_file:289 if bline.find('Table_map:') != -1:290 self.rowrecord(bline)291 bline=''292 elif bline.rstrip()=='### SET':293 bline = bline[3:]294 sqlcomma=1295 elif bline.rstrip()=='### WHERE':296 bline = bline[3:]297 sqlcomma = 2298 elif bline.startswith('### @'):299 len_f=len('### @')300 i=bline[len_f:].split('=')[0]301 302 #处理timestamp类型303 if bline[8+len(i):].split(' ')[2] == 'TIMESTAMP(0)':304 stop_pos = bline.find(' /* TIMESTAMP(0) meta=')305 bline = bline.split('=')[0] + '=from_unixtime(' + bline[:stop_pos].split('=')[1] + ')'306 307 #处理负数存储方式308 if bline.split('=')[1].startswith('-'):309 stop_pos = bline.find(' /* TIMESTAMP(0) meta=')310 bline = bline.split('=')[0] + '=' + bline.split('=')[1].split(' ')[0]+'\n'311 312 if sqlcomma==1:313 bline = self.tbfield_set[int(i) - 1]+bline[(len_f+len(i)):]314 elif sqlcomma==2:315 bline = self.tbfield_where[int(i) - 1] + bline[(len_f+len(i)):]316 317 elif bline.startswith('### DELETE') or bline.startswith('### INSERT') or bline.startswith('### UPDATE'):318 bline = bline[3:]319 320 elif bline.find('Xid =') != -1:321 self.dml_tran(bline)322 bline=''323 else:324 bline = ''325 326 if bline.rstrip('\n') != '':327 self.dml_sql = self.dml_sql + bline + ' '328 except Exception:329 return 'function do error'330 331 def esc_code(self,sql):332 esc={333 '\\x07':'\a','\\x08':'\b','\\x0c':'\f','\\x0a':'\n','\\x0d':'\r','\\x09':'\t','\\x0b':'\v','\\x5c':'\\',334 #'\\x27':'\'',335 '\\x22':'\"','\\x3f':'\?','\\x00':'\0'336 }337 338 for k,v in esc.items():339 sql=sql.replace(k,v)340 return sql341 342 def binlogdesc(self):343 344 countsql='select sqltype , count(*) numbers from {} group by sqltype order by sqltype '.format(self.tbevent)345 print(countsql)346 self.cur.execute(countsql)347 count_row=self.cur.fetchall()348 349 update_count=0350 insert_couont=0351 delete_count=0352 for row in count_row:353 if row['sqltype']==1:354 insert_couont=row['numbers']355 elif row['sqltype']==2:356 update_count=row['numbers']357 elif row['sqltype']==3:358 delete_count=row['numbers']359 logging.info('\033[1;35mTotal transactions number is {}: {} inserts, {} updates, {} deletes !\033[0m(all number is accurate, the other is approximate value) \033[0m'.format(insert_couont+update_count+delete_count,insert_couont,update_count,delete_count))360 361 def undosql(self,number):362 #这里会有几个问题:363 #1 如果一共有几十万甚至更多的事务操作,那么这个python脚本,极为占用内存,有可能执行错误;364 #2 如果单个事务中,涉及修改的行数高达几十万行,其binlog file 达好几G,这里也会有内存损耗问题;365 #所以,针对第一点,这里考虑对超多事务进行一个分批执行处理,每个批次处理number个事务,避免一次性把所有事务放到python中;但是第2点,目前暂未处理366 367 tran_num=1368 id=0369 370 tran_num_sql="select count(*) table_rows from {}".format(self.tbevent)371 372 self.cur.execute(tran_num_sql)373 tran_rows=self.cur.fetchall()374 375 for num in tran_rows:376 tran_num=num['table_rows']377 378 logging.info('\033[32mThere has {} transactions ,need {} batchs ,each batche doing {} transactions \033[0m'.format(tran_num,int(tran_num/number)+1,number))379 380 while id<=tran_num:381 logging.info('doing batch : {} '.format(int(id/number)+1))382 undo_sql='select auto_id,undo_sql from {} where auto_id > {} and auto_id <= {} order by auto_id desc;'.format(self.tbevent,tran_num-(id+number),tran_num-id)383 self.cur.execute(undo_sql)384 385 undo_rows=self.cur.fetchall()386 f_sql=''387 388 for u_row in undo_rows:389 try:390 self.on_cur.execute(u_row['undo_sql'])391 self.on_mysqlconn.commit()392 except Exception:393 print('auto_id:',u_row['auto_id'])394 id+=number395 396 397 def undo_file(self,number):398 # 也可以选择私用undo_file将undo_sql导入到文件中,然后再source399 400 tran_num=1401 id=0402 403 tran_num_sql="select count(*) table_rows from {}".format(self.tbevent)404 405 self.cur.execute(tran_num_sql)406 tran_rows=self.cur.fetchall()407 408 for num in tran_rows:409 tran_num=num['table_rows']410 411 logging.info('copy undo_sql to undo file on : /tmp/flashback_undosql/undo_file_flashback.sql')412 logging.info('\033[32mThere has {} transactions ,need {} batchs to copy ,each batche doing {} transactions \033[0m'.format(tran_num,int(tran_num/number)+1,number))413 414 with open('/tmp/flashback_undosql/undo_file_flashback.sql', 'w') as w_f:415 while id<=tran_num:416 logging.info('doing batch : {} '.format(int(id/number)+1))417 undo_sql='select auto_id,undo_sql from {} where auto_id > {} and auto_id <= {} order by auto_id desc;'.format(self.tbevent,tran_num-(id+number),tran_num-id)418 self.cur.execute(undo_sql)419 420 undo_rows=self.cur.fetchall()421 for u_row in undo_rows:422 try:423 w_f.write('begin;' + '\n')424 w_f.write('# auto_id'+str(u_row['auto_id']) + '\n')425 w_f.write(u_row['undo_sql'] + '\n')426 w_f.write('commit;' + '\n')427 except Exception:428 print('auto_id',u_row['auto_id'])429 #time.sleep(2)430 id+=number431 432 def do(self):433 if self.action=='0':434 self.analyse_binlog()435 logging.info('\033[36mfinished to analyze the binlog file !!!\033[0m')436 #self.binlogdesc()437 elif self.action=='1':438 self.undosql(10000)439 440 def closeconn(self):441 self.cur.close()442 self.on_cur.close()443 logging.info('release all db connections')444 logging.info('\033[33mAll done,check the {} which stored binlog event on host {} , port {} \033[0m'.format(self.tbevent,self.host,self.port))445 446 def main():447 p = flashback()448 p.do()449 p.closeconn()450 451 if __name__ == "__main__":452 main()
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