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asm.js & webassembly-WEB的高性能计算

Lepaskan: 2017-11-18 14:46:04
2363 orang telah melayarinya

之前给大家介绍过WebWorkers-WEB的高性能计算,关于javascript的知识都很有意思,那么今天给大家说一说asm.js & webassembly与WEB高性能计算的关系,之前我们说过要解决高性能计算的两个方法,一个是并发用WebWorkers,另一个就是用更底层的静态语言。

2012年,Mozilla的工程师Alon Zakai在研究LLVM编译器时突发奇想:能不能把C/C++编译成Javascript,并且尽量达到Native代码的速度呢?于是他开发了Emscripten编译器,用于将C/C++代码编译成Javascript的一个子集asm.js,性能差不多是原生代码的50%。大家可以看看这个PPT。

之后Google开发了Portable Native Client,也是一种能让浏览器运行C/C++代码的技术。 后来估计大家都觉得各搞各的不行啊,居然Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple等几家大公司一起合作开发了一个面向Web的通用二进制和文本格式的项目,那就是WebAssembly,官网上的介绍是:

WebAssembly or wasm is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

WebAssembly is currently being designed as an open standard by a W3C Community Group that includes representatives from all major browsers.


asm.js & webassembly-WEB的高性能计算



1. 下载对应平台版本的SDK

2. 通过emsdk获取最新版工具

# Fetch the latest registry of available tools.
./emsdk update
# Download and install the latest SDK tools.
./emsdk install latest
# Make the "latest" SDK "active" for the current user. (writes ~/.emscripten file)
./emsdk activate latest
# Activate PATH and other environment variables in the current terminal
source ./
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3. 将下列添加到环境变量PATH中

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4. 其他


LLVM_ROOT = os.path.expanduser(os.getenv('LLVM', '/home/ubuntu/a-path/emscripten-fastcomp/build/bin'))
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5. 验证是否安装好

执行emcc -v,如果安装好会出现如下信息:

emcc (Emscripten gcc/clang-like replacement + linker emulating GNU ld) 1.37.21
clang version 4.0.0 ( 974b55fd84ca447c4297fc3b00cefb6394571d18) ( 9e4ee9a67c3b67239bd1438e31263e2e86653db5) (emscripten 1.37.21 : 1.37.21)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.5.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Users/magicly/emsdk-portable/clang/fastcomp/build_incoming_64/bin
INFO:root:(Emscripten: Running sanity checks)
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Hello, WebAssembly!


#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  printf("Hello, WebAssembly!\n");
  return 0;
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emcc hello.c
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node a.out.js
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Hello, WebAssembly!
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emcc hello.c -o hello.html<code>
➜  webasm-study md5 a.out.js
MD5 (a.out.js) = d7397f44f817526a4d0f94bc85e46429
➜  webasm-study md5 hello.js
MD5 (hello.js) = d7397f44f817526a4d0f94bc85e46429
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asm.js & webassembly-WEB的高性能计算

前面生成的代码都是asm.js,毕竟Emscripten是人家作者Alon Zakai最早用来生成asm.js的,默认输出asm.js也就不足为奇了。当然,可以通过option生成wasm,会生成三个文件:hello-wasm.html, hello-wasm.js, hello-wasm.wasm。

emcc hello.c -s WASM=1 -o hello-wasm.html
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然后浏览器打开hello-wasm.html,发现报错TypeError: Failed to fetch。原因是wasm文件是通过XHR异步加载的,用file:////访问会报错,所以我们需要启一个服务器。

npm install -g serve
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前面的Hello, WebAssembly!都是main函数直接打出来的,而我们使用WebAssembly的目的是为了高性能计算,做法多半是用C/C++实现某个函数进行耗时的计算,然后编译成wasm,暴露给js去调用。


#include <stdio.h>
int add(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;
int main() {
  printf("a + b: %d", add(1, 2));
  return 0;
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emcc -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="[&#39;_add&#39;]" add.c -o add.js
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注意方法名add前必须加_。 然后我们可以在Node.js里面这样使用:

// file node-add.js
const add_module = require(&#39;./add.js&#39;);
console.log(add_module.ccall(&#39;add&#39;, &#39;number&#39;, [&#39;number&#39;, &#39;number&#39;], [2, 3]));
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执行node node-add.js会输出5。 如果需要在web页面使用的话,执行:

emcc -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="[&#39;_add&#39;]" add.c -o add.html
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<button onclick="nativeAdd()">click</button>
  <script type=&#39;text/javascript&#39;>
    function nativeAdd() {
      const result = Module.ccall(&#39;add&#39;, &#39;number&#39;, [&#39;number&#39;, &#39;number&#39;], [2, 3]);
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const cAdd = add_module.cwrap(&#39;add&#39;, &#39;number&#39;, [&#39;number&#39;, &#39;number&#39;]);
console.log(cAdd(2, 3));
console.log(cAdd(2, 4));
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
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int EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE add(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;
int main() {
  printf("a + b: %d", add(1, 2));
  return 0;
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emcc add2.c -o add2.html
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<button onclick="nativeAdd()">click</button>
  <script type=&#39;text/javascript&#39;>
    function nativeAdd() {
      const result = Module.ccall(&#39;add&#39;, &#39;number&#39;, [&#39;number&#39;, &#39;number&#39;], [2, 3]);
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Assertion failed: the runtime was exited (use NO_EXIT_RUNTIME to keep it alive after main() exits)
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
int EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE add(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;
int main() {
  printf("a + b: %d", add(1, 2));
  return 0;
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或者也可以直接在命令行中添加-s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1来解决,

emcc add2.c -o add2.js -s NO_EXIT_RUNTIME=1
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exit(0) implicitly called by end of main(), but noExitRuntime, so not exiting the runtime (you can use emscripten_force_exit, if you want to force a true shutdown)exit(0) implicitly called by end of main(), but noExitRuntime, so not exiting the runtime (you can use emscripten_force_exit, if you want to force a true shutdown)
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上述生成的代码都是asm.js,只需要在编译参数中添加-s WASM=1中就可以生成wasm,然后使用方法都一样。


前面准备工作都做完了, 现在我们来试一下用C代码来优化前一篇中提过的问题。代码很简单:

// file sum.c
#include <stdio.h>
// #include <emscripten.h>
long sum(long start, long end) {
  long total = 0;
  for (long i = start; i <= end; i += 3) {
    total += i;
  for (long i = start; i <= end; i += 3) {
    total -= i;
  return total;
int main() {
  printf("sum(0, 1000000000): %ld", sum(0, 1000000000));
  // emscripten_exit_with_live_runtime();
  return 0;
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注意用gcc编译的时候需要把跟emscriten相关的两行代码注释掉,否则编译不过。 我们先直接用gcc编译成native code看看代码运行多块呢?

➜  webasm-study gcc sum.c
➜  webasm-study time ./a.out
sum(0, 1000000000): 0./a.out  5.70s user 0.02s system 99% cpu 5.746 total
➜  webasm-study gcc -O1 sum.c
➜  webasm-study time ./a.out
sum(0, 1000000000): 0./a.out  0.00s user 0.00s system 64% cpu 0.003 total
➜  webasm-study gcc -O2 sum.c
➜  webasm-study time ./a.out
sum(0, 1000000000): 0./a.out  0.00s user 0.00s system 64% cpu 0.003 total
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可以看到有没有优化差别还是很大的,优化过的代码执行时间是3ms!。really?仔细想想,我for循环了10亿次啊,每次for执行大概是两次加法,两次赋值,一次比较,而我总共做了两次for循环,也就是说至少是100亿次操作,而我的mac pro是2.5 GHz Intel Core i7,所以1s应该也就执行25亿次CPU指令操作吧,怎么可能逆天到这种程度,肯定是哪里错了。想起之前看到的一篇rust测试性能的文章,说rust直接在编译的时候算出了答案, 然后把结果直接写到了编译出来的代码里, 不知道gcc是不是也做了类似的事情。在知乎上GCC中-O1 -O2 -O3 优化的原理是什么?这篇文章里, 还真有loop-invariant code motion(LICM)针对for的优化,所以我把代码增加了一些if判断,希望能“糊弄”得了gcc的优化。

#include <stdio.h>
// #include <emscripten.h>
// long EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE sum(long start, long end) {
long sum(long start, long end) {
  long total = 0;
  for (long i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
    if (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 == 1) {
      total += i;
    } else if (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 1) {
      total += i / 2;
  for (long i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
    if (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 == 1) {
      total -= i;
    } else if (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 1) {
      total -= i / 2;
  return total;
int main() {
  printf("sum(0, 1000000000): %ld", sum(0, 100000000));
  // emscripten_exit_with_live_runtime();
  return 0;
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➜  webasm-study gcc -O2 sum.c
➜  webasm-study time ./a.out
sum(0, 1000000000): 0./a.out  0.32s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 0.324 total
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
long EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE sum(long start, long end) {
// long sum(long start, long end) {
  long total = 0;
  for (long i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
    if (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 == 1) {
      total += i;
    } else if (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 1) {
      total += i / 2;
  for (long i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
    if (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 == 1) {
      total -= i;
    } else if (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 1) {
      total -= i / 2;
  return total;
int main() {
  printf("sum(0, 1000000000): %ld", sum(0, 100000000));
  return 0;
emcc sum.c -o sum.html
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<button onclick="nativeSum()">NativeSum</button>
  <button onclick="jsSumCalc()">JSSum</button>
  <script type=&#39;text/javascript&#39;>
    function nativeSum() {
      t1 =;
      const result = Module.ccall(&#39;sum&#39;, &#39;number&#39;, [&#39;number&#39;, &#39;number&#39;], [0, 100000000]);
      t2 =;
      console.log(`result: ${result}, cost time: ${t2 - t1}`);
  <script type=&#39;text/javascript&#39;>
    function jsSum(start, end) {
      let total = 0;
      for (let i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
        if (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 == 1) {
          total += i;
        } else if (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 1) {
          total += i / 2;
      for (let i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
        if (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 == 1) {
          total -= i;
        } else if (i % 5 == 0 || i % 7 == 1) {
          total -= i / 2;
      return total;
    function jsSumCalc() {
      const N = 100000000;// 总次数1亿
      t1 =;
      result = jsSum(0, N);
      t2 =;
      console.log(`result: ${result}, cost time: ${t2 - t1}`);
emcc sum.c -o sum.js -s WASM=1
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感觉Firefox有点不合理啊, 默认的JS太强了吧。然后觉得webassembly也没有特别强啊,突然发现emcc编译的时候没有指定优化选项-O2。再来一次:

emcc -O2 sum.c -o sum.js # for asm.js
emcc -O2 sum.c -o sum.js -s WASM=1 # for webassembly
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居然没什么变化, 大失所望。号称asm.js可以达到native的50%速度么,这个倒是好像达到了。但是今年Compiling for the Web with WebAssembly (Google I/O ‘17)里说WebAssembly是1.2x slower than native code,感觉不对呢。asm.js还有一个好处是,它就是js,所以即使浏览器不支持,也能当成不同的js执行,只是没有加速效果。当然WebAssembly受到各大厂商一致推崇,作为一个新的标准,肯定前景会更好,期待会有更好的表现。

这就是asm.js & webassembly与web高性能计算的关系了,之后还有想法写一份结合Rust做WebAssembly的文章,有兴趣的朋友可以持续关注。

Atas ialah kandungan terperinci asm.js & webassembly-WEB的高性能计算. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!

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