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Lepaskan: 2023-03-25 06:18:02
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php与ethereum rpc server通信

一、Json RPC

Json RPC就是基于json的远程过程调用,这么解释比较抽象。简单来说,就是post一个json格式的数据调用rpc server中的方法. 而这个json格式是固定的, 总的来说有这么几项:

  "method": "",
  "params": [],
  "id": idNumber
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  • method: 方法名

  • params: 参数列表

  • id: 对过程调用的唯一标识号

二、构建一个Json RPC客户端


class jsonRPCClient {
   * Debug state
   * @var boolean
  private $debug;
   * The server URL
   * @var string
  private $url;
   * The request id
   * @var integer
  private $id;
   * If true, notifications are performed instead of requests
   * @var boolean
  private $notification = false;
   * Takes the connection parameters
   * @param string $url
   * @param boolean $debug
  public function __construct($url,$debug = false) {
    // server URL
    $this->url = $url;
    // proxy
    empty($proxy) ? $this->proxy = &#39;&#39; : $this->proxy = $proxy;
    // debug state
    empty($debug) ? $this->debug = false : $this->debug = true;
    // message id
    $this->id = 1;
   * Sets the notification state of the object. In this state, notifications are performed, instead of requests.
   * @param boolean $notification
  public function setRPCNotification($notification) {
    empty($notification) ?
              $this->notification = false
              $this->notification = true;
   * Performs a jsonRCP request and gets the results as an array
   * @param string $method
   * @param array $params
   * @return array
  public function __call($method,$params) {
    // check
    if (!is_scalar($method)) {
      throw new Exception(&#39;Method name has no scalar value&#39;);
    // check
    if (is_array($params)) {
      // no keys
      $params = $params[0];
    } else {
      throw new Exception(&#39;Params must be given as array&#39;);
    // sets notification or request task
    if ($this->notification) {
      $currentId = NULL;
    } else {
      $currentId = $this->id;
    // prepares the request
    $request = array(
            &#39;method&#39; => $method,
            &#39;params&#39; => $params,
            &#39;id&#39; => $currentId
    $request = json_encode($request);
    $this->debug && $this->debug.=&#39;***** Request *****&#39;."\n".$request."\n".&#39;***** End Of request *****&#39;."\n\n";

    // performs the HTTP POST
    $opts = array (&#39;http&#39; => array (
              &#39;method&#39; => &#39;POST&#39;,
              &#39;header&#39; => &#39;Content-type: application/json&#39;,
              &#39;content&#39; => $request
    $context = stream_context_create($opts);
    if ($fp = fopen($this->url, &#39;r&#39;, false, $context)) {
      $response = &#39;&#39;;
      while($row = fgets($fp)) {
        $response.= trim($row)."\n";
      $this->debug && $this->debug.=&#39;***** Server response *****&#39;."\n".$response.&#39;***** End of server response *****&#39;."\n";
      $response = json_decode($response,true);
    } else {
      throw new Exception(&#39;Unable to connect to &#39;.$this->url);
    // debug output
    if ($this->debug) {
      echo nl2br($debug);
    // final checks and return
    if (!$this->notification) {
      // check
      if ($response[&#39;id&#39;] != $currentId) {
        throw new Exception(&#39;Incorrect response id (request id: &#39;.$currentId.&#39;, response id: &#39;.$response[&#39;id&#39;].&#39;)&#39;);
      if (!is_null($response[&#39;error&#39;])) {
        throw new Exception(&#39;Request error: &#39;. var_export($response[&#39;error&#39;], true));
      return $response[&#39;result&#39;];
    } else {
      return true;
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比较简单的代码,如果比较懒,拿过去用就行了。也可以上packagist.org自己找一个rpc client.


有两类方法需要调用. 一类是RPC server自带方法,另一类就是合约方法.

RPC server方法调用json格式

  "method": "eth_accounts",
  "params": [],
  "id": 1
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RPC Server自带方法的列表



调用合约方法必须使用自带方法中的eth_call. 而合约方法名称和合约方法参数列表则使用params进行体现, 比如: 我们要调用合约中的balanceOf方法, 则json数据应该如何构造呢?


function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance)
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web3.sha3("balanceOf(address)").substring(0, 10)
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得到函数hash "0x70a08231"

假设待查询的地址 address _owner = "0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750", 则去掉前面的"0x", 并在左边补24个零(一般地址长度为42位, 去掉'0x'后为40位),构成64位十六进制参数.

最终得到的参数为 "0x70a0823100000000000000000000000038aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750"

假设我们的合约地址为 "0xaeab4084194B2a425096fb583Fbcd67385210ac3".


  "method": "eth_call",
  "params": [{"from": "0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750", "to": "0xaeab4084194B2a425096fb583Fbcd67385210ac3", "data": "0x70a0823100000000000000000000000038aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750"}, "latest"],
  "id": 1
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把以上json数据以post方式发送给服务器,就可以调用合约方法"balanceOf", 查询给定的地址中的代币余额.

调用合约中的其他方法也要新遵循上面的方式, 我们再分析一下transfer方法, 加深印象:

首先, 看看代码中的函数实现:

function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool)
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其次, 提炼出函数原型:

transfer(address,uint256) //注意逗号后面不能有空格
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再次, 在控制台运行sha3函数:

web3.sha3("transfer(address,uint256)").substring(0, 10)
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得到函数hash "0xa9059cbb"

第一个参数假设 address _to = "0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750", 则去"0x", 补零到64位.

第二个参数假设 uint256 _value = 43776, 则化为十六进制"0xab00"后, 去"0x", 补零到64位.




  "method": "eth_call",
  "params": [{"from": "0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750", "to": "0xaeab4084194B2a425096fb583Fbcd67385210ac3", "data": "0xa9059cbb00000000000000000000000038aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ab00"}, "latest"],
  "id": 1
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  • from 转出者地址

  • to 合约地址

  • data 上述操作得到的十六进制数


构建一个以太坊RPC client


require &#39;./jsonRPCClient.php&#39;;

function bc_dechex($decimal)
  $result = [];

  while ($decimal != 0) {
    $mod = $decimal % 16;
    $decimal = floor($decimal / 16);
    array_push($result, dechex($mod));    

  return join(array_reverse($result));

class EthereumRPCClient
  public static $client = null;
  const COINBASE = &#39;0x38aabef4cd283ccd5091298dedc88d27c5ec5750&#39;;
  const CONTRACT = &#39;0xaeab4084194B2a425096fb583Fbcd67385210ac3&#39;;

  public static function __callStatic($method, $params)
    $params = count($params) < 1 ? [] : $params[0];

    try {
      if (is_null(self::$client)) {
        self::$client = new jsonRPCClient(&#39;;, true);  
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      echo $e->getMessage();

    return call_user_func([self::$client, $method], $params);


  public static function getBalance($address)
    $method_hash = &#39;0x70a08231&#39;;
    $method_param1_hex = str_pad(substr($address, 2), 64, &#39;0&#39;, STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $data = $method_hash . $method_param1_hex;

    $params = [&#39;from&#39; => $address, &#39;to&#39; => self::CONTRACT, &#39;data&#39; => $data];

    $total_balance = self::eth_call([$params, "latest"]);

    return hexdec($total_balance) / (pow(10, 18));

  public static function transfer($to, $value)
    self::personal_unlockAccount([self::COINBASE, "123456", 3600]);

    $value = bcpow(10, 18) * $value;

    $method_hash = &#39;0xa9059cbb&#39;;
    $method_param1_hex =str_pad(substr($to, 2), 64, &#39;0&#39;, STR_PAD_LEFT);  
    $method_param2_hex = str_pad(strval(bc_dechex($value)), 64, &#39;0&#39;, STR_PAD_LEFT);

    $data = $method_hash . $method_param1_hex . $method_param2_hex;
    $params = [&#39;from&#39; => self::COINBASE, &#39;to&#39; => self::CONTRACT, &#39;data&#39; => $data];

    return self::eth_sendTransaction([$params]);


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代码比较简单, 要注意几点:

  • transfer函数的value单位很小, 是 10 ^ -18, 所以如果你想转1000个,其实是要乘于 10的18次方, 这里的18是decimals.

  • 由于第1点, 应该使用bcpow代替pow函数.

  • 不能使用php自带的dechex函数. 因为dechex要求整型不能大于 PHP_INT_MAX, 而这个数在32位机上为4294967295。由于第1 点, 所有的数都要乘于10的18次方, 所以得到的数要远远大于PHP_INT_MAX. 建议自己实现10进制转16进制,如果你不知道如何实现,参考上述代码。

  • 在运行某些合约方法, 比如transfer时, 要先unlock用户.

  • 发送交易之后, 一定要在服务器端启动挖矿, 这样交易才会真的写入到区块, 比如你调用transfer之后,却发现对方没有到账,先别吃惊,启动挖矿试试。如果想启用自动挖码, 在geth --rpc ...最后加上 --mine.


var_dump(EthereumRPCClient::personal_unlockAccount([EthereumRPCClient::COINBASE, "password", 3600]);
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