Rumah > php教程 > PHP源码 > 在线短地址服务


Lepaskan: 2016-05-25 17:08:32
1984 orang telah melayarinya



define(&#39;Txpath&#39;, dirname(__FILE__).&#39;/aytemp/&#39;);  //缓存目录

define(&#39;URL&#39;,&#39;;); //程序主域名


$pageb = mima(&#39;当前页码&#39;);

$mbox = &#39;压缩后的网址:&#39;;

$MUM = new Mem();

$dangqian = $MUM -> g( $pageb);

if( !$dangqian ){
  $dangqian = 1 ;$MUM -> s( $pageb,1);
}  //当前url

$wz = mima($_POST[&#39;url&#39;]);

if($MUM -> g($wz)){ $zhi =  $MUM -> g($wz); echo  $mbox.URL.$zhi; 
else{$danzhi =   dechex($dangqian); $url = mima(&#39;@&#39;.$danzhi); $MUM -> s($url,$_POST[&#39;url&#39;]);
 $MUM -> s($wz,   $danzhi); 
$MUM -> j( $pageb,1);  echo   $mbox.URL.$danzhi;


$urlv = $MUM -> g(mima(&#39;@&#39;.$_POST[&#39;yuan&#39;]));
$urlv = str_replace("script",&#39;&#39;,strtolower($urlv));
	echo &#39;还原后的网址:&#39;.$urlv ;

  echo &#39;网址没有压缩&#39;;


function arr2file($filename, $arr=&#39;&#39;){
		$con = var_export($arr,true);
	} else{
		$con = $arr;
	$con = "<?php \nreturn $con;\n";
        file_put_contents($filename, $con);

function mima($var){  

   $varstr = strlen($var);
   $hash = md5(md5(base64_encode($var.&#39;13yd~!@#$%^&*(){}[1500]&#39;).$varstr));
   return substr($hash,6,16);

function p(){
	 if(count($args)<1) return;
	 echo &#39;<p style="width:100%;text-align:left"><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">&#39;;

	foreach($args as $arg){
			  echo &#39;<br>&#39;;
		  }else if(is_string($arg)){
			echo $arg.&#39;<br>&#39;;
			echo &#39;<br>&#39;;
		    echo &#39;

'; } class Mem{ //Memcache //r(名,值) 替换值 //s(名,值,时间) 设置值 //g(名) 获取值 //a(名,值,时间) 新建立值 没有就新建 有就返回 false; //d(名);删除值 //f(); 清空 //ja(名,数量);//减的数量 //j(名,数量);//加的数量 //gS();获取统计值 //gV();获得版本 private $md = null; function __construct(){ $md = new Pxhc; $this->md=$md; } public function r($key, $value){ //获取对象 return $this -> md -> replace( $key, $value); } public function s($key,$value,$time=0){ //设置值 return $this -> md -> set( $key, $value, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $time); } public function g($key){ //获取值 return $this -> md -> get( $key); } public function a( $key, $value, $time=0){ return $this -> md -> add( $key, $value, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, $time); } public function d( $key){ //删除一个值 return $this -> md -> delete( $key); //删除一个值 } public function f(){ //清空全部flush return $this -> md -> flush(); } public function ja( $key, $num=1){ //加法运算 return $this -> md -> decrement( $key, $num); } public function j( $key, $num=1){ //减法预算 return $this -> md -> increment( $key, $num); } public function gS(){ //获取进程池中所有进程的运行系统统计 return $this -> md -> getExtendedStats(); } public function gV(){ //版本 return $this -> md -> getVersion(); } public function error(){ //判断是否开启 $stats = $this -> md -> getStats(); if( empty( $stats )) return false; else return true; } } class Pxhc{ //文本缓存 public function replace($key, $value){ //替换规则 $pat = Txpath.$key.'.php'; if(file_exists( $pat)){ arr2file( $pat,$value); return $value; } else return false; } public function add($key, $value, $num='', $time){ //如果存在 $pat = Txpath.($key).'.php'; if(file_exists( $pat)) return false; else{ arr2file( $pat,$value); return $value;} } public function increment($key,$num){ //加 条目 $pat = Txpath.urlencode($key).'.php'; if(file_exists($pat)){ $value = include $pat; $value = $value*1+$num; arr2file($pat,$value); return $value; }else return false; } public function getExtendedStats(){ $zzz = Txpath; $nums = 0; $mydir = dir($zzz); //读取配置文件 while($file = $mydir->read()){ if(($file != ".") and ($file != "..") and (strstr($file,".php"))){ $file = str_replace(".php",'',$file); $files[] = $file; $nums++; } } $mydir -> close(); $files['Nums'] = '变量数:'.$nums.'个'; return $files; } public function decrement($key,$num){ //减 条目 $pat = Txpath.$key.'.php'; if(file_exists( $pat)){ $value = include $pat; $value = $value*1-$num; arr2file($pat,$value); return $value; }else return false; } public function get($key){ //获取值 $pat = Txpath.$key.'.php'; if(file_exists($pat)){ return include $pat; }else return false; } public function delete($key){ //删除值 $pat = Txpath.urlencode($key).'.php'; if(file_exists($pat)){ unlink($pat); return true; }else return false; } public function flush(){ //删除全部 $zzz = Txpath; $mydir = dir($zzz); //读取配置文件 while($file = $mydir -> read()){ if(($file!=".") and ($file!="..")){ $files=$zzz.$file; unlink($files); } } $mydir->close(); return true; } public function set($key, $value, $ss, $time){ //设置值 $pat = Txpath.$key.'.php'; if(!is_array($value))$value="'".$value."'"; arr2file($pat,$value); return $value; } public function getVersion(){ return '0.0.1'; } } $PATHINFOS = ltrim(strtolower($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']),'/'); $urlv = $MUM -> g(mima('@'.$PATHINFOS)); if($urlv){ header('HTTP/1.1 302 Found'); header("Location: $urlv"); die; } ?>
以压缩个网址 网址压缩: 网址还原:
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