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Lepaskan: 2021-08-26 09:00:30
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1. 定义服务类


declare (strict_types=1);

namespace app\api\service\common;

use think\facade\Cache;

 * 缓存服务
 * Class RedisService
 * @package app\api\service\common
class RedisService
    private $expire;
    private $expire_at;

     * 获取redis句柄
     * @return object|null
    public function client(): ?object
        return Cache::store(&#39;redis&#39;)->handler();

     * 处理缓存key(添加前缀...)
     * @param string $key  key
     * @return string
    private function cacheKey(string $key): string
        return Cache::getCacheKey($key);

     * 缓存程序运行结果
     * @param          $key
     * @param callable $callback
     * @param int      $expire
     * @return mixed
    public function cache($key, callable $callback, int $expire = 3600)
        $cache = $this->client()->get($key);
        if (! $cache || ! unserialize($cache)) {
            $data = $callback();
            $this->client()->set($key, $cache = serialize($data), $expire);

        return unserialize($cache);

     * 程序运行锁
     * @param          $key
     * @param callable $callback
     * @param int      $timeout
     * @return array
    public function lock($key, callable $callback, int $timeout = 10): array
        $lock = $this->client()->get($key);
        if ($lock) return ['code' => 0, 'data' => null];
        $this->client()->setex($key, $timeout, 1);
        $data = $callback();

        return ['code' => 1, 'data' => $data];

     * 设置有效时间
     * @param $ttl
     * @return $this|false
     * @throws \Exception
    public function setExpire($ttl)
        if ($this->expire_at) throw new \Exception('setExpire and setExpireAt can not set both');
        $this->expire = $ttl;

        return $this;

     * 设置到期时间
     * @param $timestamp
     * @return $this|false
     * @throws \Exception
    public function setExpireAt($timestamp)
        if ($this->expire > 0) throw new \Exception('setExpire and setExpireAt can not set both');
        $this->expire_at = $timestamp;

        return $this;

     * 调用原生redis方法
     * @return mixed
    public function __call($name, $arguments)
        $cache_key = $this->cacheKey($arguments[0]);

        $result = $this->client()->{$name}(...$arguments);

        // 设置过期时间
        $this->expire && $this->client()->expire($cache_key, $this->expire);
        $this->expire_at && $this->client()->expireAt($cache_key, $this->expire_at);

        return $result;
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2. 定义门面Facade


namespace app\api\facade;

use app\api\service\common\RedisService;
use think\Facade;

 * Class Redis
 * @package app\api\facade
 * @method static \Redis client()
 * @method static \Redis setExpire($ttl)
 * @method static \Redis setExpireAt($timestamp)
 * @method static mixed cache($key, callable $callback, int $expire = 3600)
 * @method static array lock($key, callable $callback, int $timeout = 10)
class Redis extends Facade
    protected static function getFacadeClass()
        return RedisService::class;
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3. 如何使用

3.1 程序锁

public function test()
        $a = 1;
        $b = 2;
        $result = Redis::lock(&#39;lock:demo&#39;, function () use ($a, $b) {
            return $a + $b;
        }, 5);
        if ($result[&#39;code&#39;] == 0) return &#39;操作频繁,请稍后再试&#39;;
        return $result[&#39;data&#39;]; // 成功返回数据 3
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3.2 方法数据缓存

public function test()
    $a = 1;
    $b = 2;
    $result = Redis::cache(&#39;cache:demo&#39;, function () use ($a, $b) {
        return $a + $b;
    }, 5);

    return $result; // 成功返回数据 3,有效时长5秒
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3.3 简化过期时间设置

// 24小时到期
Redis::setExpire(86400)->hSet('expire:demo', 'hash-key', 'hash-value');
// 2021-08-24 23:59:59到期
Redis::setExpireAt(strtotime('2021-08-24 23:59:59'))->hSet('expireAt:demo', 'hash-key', 'hash-value');
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3.4 普通调用

// 普通调用,直接跟redis方法名
Redis::set('set:demo', 132456);
// idea支持代码提示调用
Redis::client()->set('set:demo', 132456);
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