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Getting Django Started on Windows 7 with Python 3 and MySQL_MySQL

Lepaskan: 2016-05-31 08:48:35
2195 orang telah melayarinya

pythonDjango 07.03.2014|6 views|

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Django is a Python web framework library and it works on both Python 2 or 3. I will show you how to get python 3 set up in Cygwin environment.

If you're on a Windows OS, the best experience I have when working with Django on Windows is to use Cygwin, a Unix emulator shell that runs on Windows. The pip and django commands would automatically setup in Cygwin's PATH after installed. The default python package on Cygwin is only 2.7 though, so you have to search for "python3" package to get the latest python version. And you can have both versions installed without problem, but the executable are named "python" and "python3" respectively.

1. Install Cygwin python3 package. Verify "python3 -V" is working.

2. Install "pip" by downloading this "" file from then run "python3". Verify "pip3 --version" is working.

(NOTE: If you are running Windows 7, you might run into this issue: pip exit without a warning. In this case the workaround is install Cygwin "binutils" and "libuuid-devel"packages, and that fixed the problem for me.)

3. Install "django" by running "pip3 install django"

4. Finally install the MySQL driver with "pip3 install mysql-connector-python --allow-external mysql-connector-python" command.

Now to get a django project started, try these: startproject myapp
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The "" script should automatically in your PATH. and this create a new project with initial settings. To switch default database from SQLite3 to MySQL, change the "myapp/" with the following:

DATABASES = {	'default': {		'NAME': 'mydb',		'ENGINE': 'mysql.connector.django',		'USER': 'root',		'PASSWORD': 'secret',	}}
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Now I assume you have MySQL 5.6+ installed on your Windows already. Change the root password to match yours or using different DB user. You can now have django app setup the initial database schema tables for this specif myapp with this commad:

cd myapp
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python3 syncdb
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Follow the prompt and setup your admin user. Now you can start django web app:

python3 runserver
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Open browser to http://localhost:8000/admin. Now try to login and enjoy!


Published at DZone with permission ofZemian Deng, author and DZone MVB. (source)

(Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone, Inc.)

  • cygwin
  • django
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Python
  • Tools & Methods
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