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Apakah kitaran hayat Bean dalam kod sumber SpringBoot?

Lepaskan: 2023-05-11 12:43:12
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Kaedah kemasukan ialah SpringApplication#run()


	 * Run the Spring application, creating and refreshing a new
	 * {@link ApplicationContext}.
	 * @param args the application arguments (usually passed from a Java main method)
	 * @return a running {@link ApplicationContext}
	public ConfigurableApplicationContext run(String... args) {
		long startTime = System.nanoTime();
		DefaultBootstrapContext bootstrapContext = createBootstrapContext();
		ConfigurableApplicationContext context = null;
		SpringApplicationRunListeners listeners = getRunListeners(args);
		listeners.starting(bootstrapContext, this.mainApplicationClass);
		try {
			ApplicationArguments applicationArguments = new DefaultApplicationArguments(args);
			ConfigurableEnvironment environment = prepareEnvironment(listeners, bootstrapContext, applicationArguments);
			Banner printedBanner = printBanner(environment);
			context = createApplicationContext();
			prepareContext(bootstrapContext, context, environment, listeners, applicationArguments, printedBanner);
			afterRefresh(context, applicationArguments);
			Duration timeTakenToStartup = Duration.ofNanos(System.nanoTime() - startTime);
			if (this.logStartupInfo) {
				new StartupInfoLogger(this.mainApplicationClass).logStarted(getApplicationLog(), timeTakenToStartup);
			listeners.started(context, timeTakenToStartup);
			callRunners(context, applicationArguments);
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			if (ex instanceof AbandonedRunException) {
				throw ex;
			handleRunFailure(context, ex, listeners);
			throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
		try {
			if (context.isRunning()) {
				Duration timeTakenToReady = Duration.ofNanos(System.nanoTime() - startTime);
				listeners.ready(context, timeTakenToReady);
		catch (Throwable ex) {
			if (ex instanceof AbandonedRunException) {
				throw ex;
			handleRunFailure(context, ex, null);
			throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
		return context;
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2.SpringApplication#run()=> SpringApplication#refreshContext(context)=> SpringApplication#refresh(context)=>ConfigurableApplicationContext#refresh()=>AbstractApplicationContext#refresh()

	public void refresh() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException {
		synchronized (this.startupShutdownMonitor) {
			StartupStep contextRefresh = this.applicationStartup.start("spring.context.refresh");

			// Prepare this context for refreshing.

			// Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.
			ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = obtainFreshBeanFactory();

			// Prepare the bean factory for use in this context.

			try {
				// Allows post-processing of the bean factory in context subclasses.

				StartupStep beanPostProcess = this.applicationStartup.start("");
				// Invoke factory processors registered as beans in the context.

				// Register bean processors that intercept bean creation.

				// Initialize message source for this context.

				// Initialize event multicaster for this context.

				// Initialize other special beans in specific context subclasses.

				// Check for listener beans and register them.

				// Instantiate all remaining (non-lazy-init) singletons.

				// Last step: publish corresponding event.

			catch (BeansException ex) {
				if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
					logger.warn("Exception encountered during context initialization - " +
							"cancelling refresh attempt: " + ex);

				// Destroy already created singletons to avoid dangling resources.

				// Reset 'active' flag.

				// Propagate exception to caller.
				throw ex;

			finally {
				// Reset common introspection caches in Spring's core, since we
				// might not ever need metadata for singleton beans anymore...
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3. SpringApplication#run()=> SpringApplication#refreshContext(context)=> SpringApplication#refresh(context)=>ConfigurableApplicationContext#refresh()=>AbstractApplicationContext#refresh()=>AbstractApplicationContext#finishBeanFactoryInitialization()=>ConfigurableListableBeanFactory#preInstantiateSingletons()=>DefaultListableBeanFactory#preInstantiateSingletons()

	public void preInstantiateSingletons() throws BeansException {
		if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
			logger.trace("Pre-instantiating singletons in " + this);

		// Iterate over a copy to allow for init methods which in turn register new bean definitions.
		// While this may not be part of the regular factory bootstrap, it does otherwise work fine.
		List<String> beanNames = new ArrayList<>(this.beanDefinitionNames);

		// Trigger initialization of all non-lazy singleton beans...
		for (String beanName : beanNames) {
			RootBeanDefinition bd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
			if (!bd.isAbstract() && bd.isSingleton() && !bd.isLazyInit()) {
				if (isFactoryBean(beanName)) {
					Object bean = getBean(FACTORY_BEAN_PREFIX + beanName);
					if (bean instanceof SmartFactoryBean<?> smartFactoryBean && smartFactoryBean.isEagerInit()) {
				else {
					// 此处就是初始化bean的方法

		// Trigger post-initialization callback for all applicable beans...
		for (String beanName : beanNames) {
			// 此处就是解决循环依赖的代码
			Object singletonInstance = getSingleton(beanName);
			if (singletonInstance instanceof SmartInitializingSingleton smartSingleton) {
				StartupStep smartInitialize = this.getApplicationStartup().start("")
						.tag("beanName", beanName);
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Kod untuk menyelesaikan kebergantungan bulat adalah seperti berikut:

protected Object getSingleton(String beanName, boolean allowEarlyReference) {
// 尝试从缓存中获取成品的目标对象,如果存在,则直接返回
  Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
  // 如果缓存中不存在目标对象,则判断当前对象是否已经处于创建过程中,在前面的讲解中,第一次尝试获取A对象
  // 的实例之后,就会将A对象标记为正在创建中,因而最后再尝试获取A对象的时候,这里的if判断就会为true
  if (singletonObject == null && isSingletonCurrentlyInCreation(beanName)) {
    synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
      singletonObject = this.earlySingletonObjects.get(beanName);
      if (singletonObject == null && allowEarlyReference) {
        // 这里的singletonFactories是一个Map,其key是bean的名称,而值是一个ObjectFactory类型的
        // 对象,这里对于A和B而言,调用图其getObject()方法返回的就是A和B对象的实例,无论是否是半成品
        ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory = this.singletonFactories.get(beanName);
        if (singletonFactory != null) {
          // 获取目标对象的实例
          singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject();
          this.earlySingletonObjects.put(beanName, singletonObject);
  return singletonObject;
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  • Cache Tahap 1, singletonObjects singleton cache, menyimpan instantiated singleton beans.

  • Cache tahap 2, cache singleton earlySingletonObjects terdedah terlebih dahulu Kacang yang disimpan di sini baru sahaja dibina, tetapi kacang juga akan disuntik melalui atribut.

  • Cache Tahap 3, cache kilang singletonFactories untuk pengeluaran singleton, kilang penyimpanan.

Prinsip penyelesaian adalah seperti berikut:

  • Di lapisan pertama, mula-mula dapatkan Bean of A. Jika anda mendapati tiada Bean, bersedia untuk mencipta satu, dan kemudian Letakkan kilang proksi A ke dalam "cache tiga peringkat" (A ini sebenarnya adalah produk separuh siap, dan atribut di dalamnya belum disuntik lagi), tetapi jika A bergantung pada penciptaan daripada B, anda mesti mencipta B terlebih dahulu;

  • Dalam lapisan kedua, bersedia untuk mencipta B, dan mendapati bahawa B bergantung pada A. Anda perlu mencipta A terlebih dahulu, kerana lapisan pertama telah pun mencipta kilang proksi A, terus daripada "Cache Tahap 3" "Dapatkan kilang proksi A, dapatkan objek proksi A, masukkannya ke dalam "cache peringkat kedua", dan kosongkan "cache peringkat ketiga" ;

  • Dengan objek proksi A, Pergantungan pada A diselesaikan dengan sempurna (A di sini masih merupakan produk separuh siap), dan B berjaya dimulakan. Selepas B berjaya dimulakan, suntikan sifat objek A selesai, dan kemudian sifat lain A diisi, serta langkah lain A (termasuk AOP), untuk melengkapkan fungsi permulaan lengkap A (A di sini ialah Kacang lengkap).

  • Masukkan A ke dalam "cache tahap satu".

4.SpringApplication#run()=> SpringApplication#refreshContext(context)=> SpringApplication#refresh(context)=>ConfigurableApplicationContext#refresh()=>AbstractApplicationContext#refresh()=>AbstractApplicationContext#finishBeanFactoryInitialization()=>ConfigurableListableBeanFactory#preInstantiateSingletons()=>DefaultListableBeanFactory#preInstantiateSingletons()=>AbstractBeanFactory#getBean() => AbstractBeanFactory#doGetBean()=>AbstractBeanFactory#createBean()=>AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#createBean()=>AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#doCreateBean()

Kitaran hayat kacang:

1 Panggil InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor# postProcessBeforeInstantiation
Follow up doCreate.

protected Object createBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args)  
      throws BeanCreationException {  
   if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {  
      logger.trace("Creating instance of bean &#39;" + beanName + "&#39;");  
   RootBeanDefinition mbdToUse = mbd;  
   // Make sure bean class is actually resolved at this point, and  
   // clone the bean definition in case of a dynamically resolved Class   // which cannot be stored in the shared merged bean definition.   Class<?> resolvedClass = resolveBeanClass(mbd, beanName);  
   if (resolvedClass != null && !mbd.hasBeanClass() && mbd.getBeanClassName() != null) {  
      mbdToUse = new RootBeanDefinition(mbd);  
   // Prepare method overrides.  
   try {  
   catch (BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {  
      throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(),  
            beanName, "Validation of method overrides failed", ex);  
   try {  
      // 1.调用InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor# postProcessBeforeInstantiation
      Object bean = resolveBeforeInstantiation(beanName, mbdToUse);  
      if (bean != null) {  
         return bean;  
   catch (Throwable ex) {  
      throw new BeanCreationException(mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(), beanName,  
            "BeanPostProcessor before instantiation of bean failed", ex);  
   try {  
	  // 跟进doCreateBean()
      Object beanInstance = doCreateBean(beanName, mbdToUse, args);  
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {  
         logger.trace("Finished creating instance of bean &#39;" + beanName + "&#39;");  
      return beanInstance;  
   catch (BeanCreationException | ImplicitlyAppearedSingletonException ex) {  
      // A previously detected exception with proper bean creation context already,  
      // or illegal singleton state to be communicated up to DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.      throw ex;  
   catch (Throwable ex) {  
      throw new BeanCreationException(  
            mbdToUse.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Unexpected exception during bean creation", ex);  
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2. Buat instance bean

Ikuti populateBean()

Ikuti initializeBean()

protected Object doCreateBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args)  
      throws BeanCreationException {  
   // Instantiate the bean.  
   BeanWrapper instanceWrapper = null;  
   if (mbd.isSingleton()) {  
      instanceWrapper = this.factoryBeanInstanceCache.remove(beanName);  
   if (instanceWrapper == null) { 
	  // 2.创建bean实例 
      instanceWrapper = createBeanInstance(beanName, mbd, args);  
   Object bean = instanceWrapper.getWrappedInstance();  
   Class<?> beanType = instanceWrapper.getWrappedClass();  
   if (beanType != NullBean.class) {  
      mbd.resolvedTargetType = beanType;  
   // Allow post-processors to modify the merged bean definition.  
   synchronized (mbd.postProcessingLock) {  
      if (!mbd.postProcessed) {  
         try {
            applyMergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessors(mbd, beanType, beanName);  
         catch (Throwable ex) {  
            throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,  
                  "Post-processing of merged bean definition failed", ex);  
   // Eagerly cache singletons to be able to resolve circular references  
   // even when triggered by lifecycle interfaces like BeanFactoryAware.   boolean earlySingletonExposure = (mbd.isSingleton() && this.allowCircularReferences &&  
   if (earlySingletonExposure) {  
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {  
         logger.trace("Eagerly caching bean &#39;" + beanName +  
               "&#39; to allow for resolving potential circular references");  
      addSingletonFactory(beanName, () -> getEarlyBeanReference(beanName, mbd, bean));  
   // Initialize the bean instance.  
   Object exposedObject = bean;  
   try {
	  // 跟进populateBean()
      populateBean(beanName, mbd, instanceWrapper); 
      // 跟进initializeBean() 
      exposedObject = initializeBean(beanName, exposedObject, mbd);  
   catch (Throwable ex) {  
      if (ex instanceof BeanCreationException bce && beanName.equals(bce.getBeanName())) {  
         throw bce;  
      else {  
         throw new BeanCreationException(mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, ex.getMessage(), ex);  
   if (earlySingletonExposure) {  
      Object earlySingletonReference = getSingleton(beanName, false);  
      if (earlySingletonReference != null) {  
         if (exposedObject == bean) {  
            exposedObject = earlySingletonReference;  
         else if (!this.allowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping && hasDependentBean(beanName)) {  
            String[] dependentBeans = getDependentBeans(beanName);  
            Set<String> actualDependentBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>(dependentBeans.length);  
            for (String dependentBean : dependentBeans) {  
               if (!removeSingletonIfCreatedForTypeCheckOnly(dependentBean)) {  
            if (!actualDependentBeans.isEmpty()) {  
               throw new BeanCurrentlyInCreationException(beanName,  
                     "Bean with name &#39;" + beanName + "&#39; has been injected into other beans [" +  
                     StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString(actualDependentBeans) +  
                     "] in its raw version as part of a circular reference, but has eventually been " +  
                     "wrapped. This means that said other beans do not use the final version of the " +  
                     "bean. This is often the result of over-eager type matching - consider using " +  
                     "&#39;getBeanNamesForType&#39; with the &#39;allowEagerInit&#39; flag turned off, for example.");  
   // Register bean as disposable.  
   try {  
      registerDisposableBeanIfNecessary(beanName, bean, mbd);  
   catch (BeanDefinitionValidationException ex) {  
      throw new BeanCreationException(  
            mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Invalid destruction signature", ex);  
   return exposedObject;  
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3. Panggil InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor# postProcessAfterInstantiation.><🎜 atribut kacang

protected void populateBean(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable BeanWrapper bw) {  
   if (bw == null) {  
      if (mbd.hasPropertyValues()) {  
         throw new BeanCreationException(  
               mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Cannot apply property values to null instance");  
      else {  
         // Skip property population phase for null instance.  
   if (bw.getWrappedClass().isRecord()) {  
      if (mbd.hasPropertyValues()) {  
         throw new BeanCreationException(  
               mbd.getResourceDescription(), beanName, "Cannot apply property values to a record");  
      else {  
         // Skip property population phase for records since they are immutable.  
      // 3.调用InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor# postProcessAfterInstantiation
      for (InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessorCache().instantiationAware) {  
         if (!bp.postProcessAfterInstantiation(bw.getWrappedInstance(), beanName)) {  
   PropertyValues pvs = (mbd.hasPropertyValues() ? mbd.getPropertyValues() : null);  
   int resolvedAutowireMode = mbd.getResolvedAutowireMode();  
   if (resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME || resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE) {  
      MutablePropertyValues newPvs = new MutablePropertyValues(pvs);  
      // Add property values based on autowire by name if applicable.  
      if (resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME) {  
         autowireByName(beanName, mbd, bw, newPvs);  
      // Add property values based on autowire by type if applicable.  
      if (resolvedAutowireMode == AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE) {  
         autowireByType(beanName, mbd, bw, newPvs);  
      pvs = newPvs;  
   if (hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors()) {  
      if (pvs == null) { 
         pvs = mbd.getPropertyValues();  
      for (InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor bp : getBeanPostProcessorCache().instantiationAware) {  
         PropertyValues pvsToUse = bp.postProcessProperties(pvs, bw.getWrappedInstance(), beanName);  
         if (pvsToUse == null) {  
         pvs = pvsToUse;  
   boolean needsDepCheck = (mbd.getDependencyCheck() != AbstractBeanDefinition.DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE);  
   if (needsDepCheck) {  
      PropertyDescriptor[] filteredPds = filterPropertyDescriptorsForDependencyCheck(bw, mbd.allowCaching);  
      checkDependencies(beanName, mbd, filteredPds, pvs);  
   if (pvs != null) {
	  // 4.注入属性  
      applyPropertyValues(beanName, mbd, bw, pvs);  
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5 Tetapkan atribut antara muka Aware

6 Panggil kaedah pra-pemulaan BeanPostProcessor

7. afterPropertiesSet( ), dan kemudian panggil kaedah kaedah init untuk melaksanakan operasi pemula

8. Panggil kaedah pasca permulaan bagi BeanPostProcessor

protected Object initializeBean(String beanName, Object bean, @Nullable RootBeanDefinition mbd) {
    // 5.设置Aware接口的属性
   invokeAwareMethods(beanName, bean);  
   Object wrappedBean = bean;  
   if (mbd == null || !mbd.isSynthetic()) {
	  // 5.调用BeanPostProcessor的初始化前置方法  
      wrappedBean = applyBeanPostProcessorsBeforeInitialization(wrappedBean, beanName);  
   try {
	  // 6.调用init-method方法,进行初始化操作  
      invokeInitMethods(beanName, wrappedBean, mbd);  
   catch (Throwable ex) {  
      throw new BeanCreationException(  
            (mbd != null ? mbd.getResourceDescription() : null), beanName, ex.getMessage(), ex);  
   if (mbd == null || !mbd.isSynthetic()) { 
      // 7. 调用BeanPostProcessor的初始化后置方法
      wrappedBean = applyBeanPostProcessorsAfterInitialization(wrappedBean, beanName);  
   return wrappedBean;  
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