Rumah > pangkalan data > tutorial mysql > Mycat(6):聊天消息表,按月分表java客户端跨月查询数据_MySQL


Lepaskan: 2016-06-01 12:58:56
2297 orang telah melayarinya



首先是mycat的,mycat正式版本是1.3.0.3-release,但是这个不包括PartitionByMonth这个类,其次PartitionByMonth 这个类的输入参数是日期也不好按月进行分表。


<code class="hljs vala">#打包类io.mycat.route.function.PartitionByMonth。
jar -cvf Mycat-server-PartitionByMonth.jar *</code>
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PartitionByMonth这个类非常简单,对比下日期然后返回分区的序号。<br /> 如果业务复杂不是一个月一个月的分区可以直接写死逻辑然后打包使用,比如按季度分区,半个月一分区,或者在2015-06月以前是一个表以后是按月分区等等。

<code class="hljs vala"><code class="hljs cs">public class PartitionByMonth  {
    private String sBeginDate;
    private String dateFormat;
    private Calendar beginDate;

    public void init() {
        try {
            beginDate = Calendar.getInstance();
            beginDate.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat)
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(e);
//通过时间计算返回分区号 0-n
    public Integer calculate(String columnValue) {
        try {
            Calendar curTime = Calendar.getInstance();
            curTime.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).parse(columnValue));
            return (curTime.get(Calendar.YEAR) - beginDate.get(Calendar.YEAR))
                    * 12 + curTime.get(Calendar.MONTH)
                    - beginDate.get(Calendar.MONTH);

        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(e);
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<code class="hljs cs">2,mycat 配置

<code class="hljs cs">首先创建数据库,默认分4个表,所有创建4个数据库,同理可以直接创建好一年的12个表,这里只是举例子。

<code class="hljs vala"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs sql">CREATE DATABASE msg_201501 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
CREATE DATABASE msg_201504 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;</code></code></code>
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<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs sql">在这4个数据库中创建表,表做10个分区(具体分区数可根据业务量划定,每个月的mysql分区可以不一样),按照gid做分区。

<code class="hljs vala"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs sql">CREATE TABLE `msg` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `gid` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT &#39;群id,mysql分区字段&#39;,
  `content` varchar(4000),
  `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT &#39;创建时间&#39;,
  `create_month` int(6) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT &#39;按月分表字段,如201501,不能为空。&#39;,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`,`gid`)
PARTITIONS 10;</code></code></code></code>
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<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs sql">配置mycat 的rule.xml,这里用到了一个小技巧。month的格式化是

<code class="hljs vala"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs xml"><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->

<mycat:rule xmlns:mycat="http://org.opencloudb/">
    <!--msg 分区配置,按照自然月进行分区,分区字段是create_date-->

    <tablerule name="sharding-by-month"> <rule>
                sharding-by-month</algorithm> </rule>
        <function class="org.opencloudb.route.function.PartitionByMonth" name="sharding-by-month">
                <property name="dateFormat">yyyyMM</property> 
                <property name="sBeginDate">201501</property>
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<code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs xml">schema.xml配置:

<code class="hljs vala"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs sql"><code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs xml"><!--?xml version="1.0"?-->

<mycat:schema xmlns:mycat="http://org.opencloudb/">

        <schema checksqlschema="false" name="msg" sqlmaxlimit="100">
            <datanode database="msg_201501" datahost="dataHost01" name="nodeMsg201501">
        <datanode database="msg_201502" datahost="dataHost01" name="nodeMsg201502">

        <datanode database="msg_201503" datahost="dataHost01" name="nodeMsg201503">
        <datanode database="msg_201504" datahost="dataHost01" name="nodeMsg201504">

        <!-- 可以一直按月分区下去。 -->

        <datahost balance="0" dbdriver="native" dbtype="mysql" maxcon="5" mincon="10" name="dataHost01" writetype="0">
                <heartbeat>select 1</heartbeat>
        <writehost host="hostPriestMaster01" password="priest" url="" user="priest">
        </datahost><p>server.xml配置:</p><pre class="prebrush"><code class="hljs xml"><!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->

<mycat:server xmlns:mycat="http://org.opencloudb/">
                <property name="defaultSqlParser">druidparser</property>
        <user name="msg">
                <property name="password">msg</property>
                <property name="schemas">msg</property>
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3,mysql 客户端测试


<code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs asciidoc"># mysql -umsg -pmsg -P8066 -h
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2
Server version: 5.5.8-mycat-1.3 MyCat Server (OpenCloundDB)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type &#39;help;&#39; or &#39;\h&#39; for help. Type &#39;\c&#39; to clear the current input statement.

mysql> use msg;
mysql> insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(1,1,&#39;java&#39;,now(),201501);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(2,1,&#39;oracle&#39;,now(),201501);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(1,2,&#39;ibm&#39;,now(),201501);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(2,2,&#39;mysql&#39;,now(),201501);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(1,1,&#39;zhangsan&#39;,now(),201502);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(1,1,&#39;lisi&#39;,now(),201503);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(1,1,&#39;wangwu&#39;,now(),201504);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from msg where gid = 1 and create_month = 201501;
| id | gid | content | create_time         | create_month |
|  1 |   1 | java    | 2015-07-24 13:21:41 |       201501 |
|  2 |   1 | oracle  | 2015-07-24 13:21:41 |       201501 |
2 rows in set (0.19 sec)

mysql> select * from msg where gid = 1 and create_month = 201502;
| id | gid | content  | create_time         | create_month |
|  1 |   1 | zhangsan | 2015-07-24 13:21:42 |       201502 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from msg where gid = 1 and create_month = 201503;
| id | gid | content | create_time         | create_month |
|  1 |   1 | lisi    | 2015-07-24 13:21:42 |       201503 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from msg where gid = 1 and create_month = 201504;
| id | gid | content | create_time         | create_month |
|  1 |   1 | wangwu  | 2015-07-24 13:21:43 |       201504 |
1 row in set (0.13 sec)

mysql> select * from msg where gid = 2 and create_month = 201501;
| id | gid | content | create_time         | create_month |
|  1 |   2 | ibm     | 2015-07-24 13:21:41 |       201501 |
|  2 |   2 | mysql   | 2015-07-24 13:21:41 |       201501 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)</code></code>
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<code class="hljs asciidoc">4,java客户端调用测试

<code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs asciidoc"><code class="hljs cs">
import java.sql.*;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.util.*;

public class MycatTest {

    private static Connection connect = null;
    private static Statement statement = null;
    private static PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
    private static ResultSet resultSet = null;

    public static void init() {
        try {
            connect = DriverManager
                    .getConnection("jdbc:mysql://", "msg", "msg");
            statement = connect.createStatement();
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void close() {
        try {
            if (resultSet != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (statement != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            if (connect != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public static void testInsert() {

        for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
            try {
                int j = (i / 28) + 1;
                preparedStatement = connect
                        .prepareStatement("insert into msg(`id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month`) values(?,?,?,?,?)");
                preparedStatement.setInt(1, i);
                preparedStatement.setInt(2, 99);
                preparedStatement.setString(3, "test content " + i);
                preparedStatement.setDate(4, new java.sql.Date(2015, j - 1, i));
                preparedStatement.setInt(5, 201500 + j);

            } catch (Exception e) {

    static class Msg {
        private int id;
        private int gid;
        private String content;
        private java.util.Date createTime;
        private int createMonth;

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(int id) {
   = id;

        public int getGid() {
            return gid;

        public void setGid(int gid) {
            this.gid = gid;

        public String getContent() {
            return content;

        public void setContent(String content) {
            this.content = content;

        public java.util.Date getCreateTime() {
            return createTime;

        public void setCreateTime(java.util.Date createTime) {
            this.createTime = createTime;

        public int getCreateMonth() {
            return createMonth;

        public void setCreateMonth(int createMonth) {
            this.createMonth = createMonth;

        public String toString() {
            return "Msg{" +
                    "id=" + id +
                    ", gid=" + gid +
                    ", content=&#39;" + content + &#39;\&#39;&#39; +
                    ", createTime=" + createTime +
                    ", createMonth=" + createMonth +

    public static List<msg> selectByGidMonth(int gid, int month, int id, int limit) {
        List list = new ArrayList<msg>();
        try {
            //如果id == 0就是按照id倒叙查询。
            if (id == 0) {
                String sql = "select `id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month` from msg where gid = ? and create_month = ? order by id desc limit ? ";
                preparedStatement = connect
                preparedStatement.setInt(1, gid);
                preparedStatement.setInt(2, month);
                preparedStatement.setInt(3, limit);
            } else {//
                String sql = "select `id`,`gid`,`content`,`create_time`,`create_month` from msg where gid = ? and create_month = ? and id < ? order by id desc limit ? ";
                preparedStatement = connect
                preparedStatement.setInt(1, gid);
                preparedStatement.setInt(2, month);
                preparedStatement.setInt(3, id);
                preparedStatement.setInt(4, limit);

            resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();

            int lastId = id;
            while ( {

                int id2 = resultSet.getInt("id");
                lastId = id2;
                int gid2 = resultSet.getInt("gid");
                String content = resultSet.getString("content");
                java.util.Date create_time = resultSet.getDate("create_time");
                int create_month = resultSet.getInt("create_month");

                Msg msg = new Msg();

            //非常重要的,如果id > 1,且当月没有查询到数据,查询前一个月的数据,直到id = 1 为止。
            if (lastId > 1 && list.size() < limit && month >= 201501) {
                int remainSize = limit - list.size();
                //使用递归进行查询。month-1 是简单操作,实际应该用Date返回前一个月。
                List<msg> remainList = selectByGidMonth(gid, month - 1, lastId, remainSize);

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return list;

    private static void testSelect() {
        //假设分页是20 条记录。
        int page = 20;
        int lastId = 0;

        List<msg> list = selectByGidMonth(99, 201504, lastId, page);

        for (Msg msg : list) {
            lastId = msg.getId();

        list = selectByGidMonth(99, 201503, lastId, page);

        for (Msg msg : list) {
            lastId = msg.getId();

        list = selectByGidMonth(99, 201503, lastId, page);

        for (Msg msg : list) {
            lastId = msg.getId();

        list = selectByGidMonth(99, 201502, lastId, page);

        for (Msg msg : list) {
            lastId = msg.getId();

        list = selectByGidMonth(99, 201501, lastId, page);

        for (Msg msg : list) {
            lastId = msg.getId();


    public static void main(String[] args) {


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<code class="hljs asciidoc"><code class="hljs cs">java客户端调用说明,首先msg表的id是按照gid连续自增的,如果id > 1,且当月没有查询到数据,查询前一个月的数据,直到id = 1 为止。

<code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs asciidoc"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs php">            if (lastId > 1 && list.size() < limit && month >= 201501) {
                int remainSize = limit - list.size();
                //使用递归进行查询。month-1 是简单操作,实际应该用Date返回前一个月。
                List<msg> remainList = selectByGidMonth(gid, month - 1, lastId, remainSize);
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<code class="hljs asciidoc"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs php">使用递归函数往前一个月一个月查询数据,直到查询到id = 1 为止。查询结果如下,每次显示20条数据,插入的100 条 % 28 分别插入4个月数据。<br /> 查询结果可以跨月查询:

<code class="hljs xml"><code class="hljs asciidoc"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs php"><code class="hljs vala">Msg{id=99, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 99&#39;, createTime=3915-07-08, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=98, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 98&#39;, createTime=3915-07-07, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=97, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 97&#39;, createTime=3915-07-06, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=96, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 96&#39;, createTime=3915-07-05, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=95, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 95&#39;, createTime=3915-07-04, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=94, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 94&#39;, createTime=3915-07-03, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=93, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 93&#39;, createTime=3915-07-02, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=92, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 92&#39;, createTime=3915-07-01, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=91, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 91&#39;, createTime=3915-06-30, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=90, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 90&#39;, createTime=3915-06-29, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=89, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 89&#39;, createTime=3915-06-28, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=88, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 88&#39;, createTime=3915-06-27, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=87, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 87&#39;, createTime=3915-06-26, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=86, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 86&#39;, createTime=3915-06-25, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=85, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 85&#39;, createTime=3915-06-24, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=84, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 84&#39;, createTime=3915-06-23, createMonth=201504}
Msg{id=83, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 83&#39;, createTime=3915-05-22, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=82, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 82&#39;, createTime=3915-05-21, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=81, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 81&#39;, createTime=3915-05-20, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=80, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 80&#39;, createTime=3915-05-19, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=79, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 79&#39;, createTime=3915-05-18, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=78, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 78&#39;, createTime=3915-05-17, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=77, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 77&#39;, createTime=3915-05-16, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=76, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 76&#39;, createTime=3915-05-15, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=75, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 75&#39;, createTime=3915-05-14, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=74, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 74&#39;, createTime=3915-05-13, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=73, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 73&#39;, createTime=3915-05-12, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=72, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 72&#39;, createTime=3915-05-11, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=71, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 71&#39;, createTime=3915-05-10, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=70, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 70&#39;, createTime=3915-05-09, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=69, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 69&#39;, createTime=3915-05-08, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=68, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 68&#39;, createTime=3915-05-07, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=67, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 67&#39;, createTime=3915-05-06, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=66, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 66&#39;, createTime=3915-05-05, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=65, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 65&#39;, createTime=3915-05-04, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=64, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 64&#39;, createTime=3915-05-03, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=63, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 63&#39;, createTime=3915-05-02, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=62, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 62&#39;, createTime=3915-05-01, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=61, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 61&#39;, createTime=3915-04-30, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=60, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 60&#39;, createTime=3915-04-29, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=59, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 59&#39;, createTime=3915-04-28, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=58, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 58&#39;, createTime=3915-04-27, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=57, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 57&#39;, createTime=3915-04-26, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=56, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 56&#39;, createTime=3915-04-25, createMonth=201503}
Msg{id=55, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 55&#39;, createTime=3915-03-27, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=54, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 54&#39;, createTime=3915-03-26, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=53, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 53&#39;, createTime=3915-03-25, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=52, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 52&#39;, createTime=3915-03-24, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=51, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 51&#39;, createTime=3915-03-23, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=50, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 50&#39;, createTime=3915-03-22, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=49, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 49&#39;, createTime=3915-03-21, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=48, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 48&#39;, createTime=3915-03-20, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=47, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 47&#39;, createTime=3915-03-19, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=46, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 46&#39;, createTime=3915-03-18, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=45, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 45&#39;, createTime=3915-03-17, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=44, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 44&#39;, createTime=3915-03-16, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=43, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 43&#39;, createTime=3915-03-15, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=42, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 42&#39;, createTime=3915-03-14, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=41, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 41&#39;, createTime=3915-03-13, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=40, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 40&#39;, createTime=3915-03-12, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=39, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 39&#39;, createTime=3915-03-11, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=38, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 38&#39;, createTime=3915-03-10, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=37, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 37&#39;, createTime=3915-03-09, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=36, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 36&#39;, createTime=3915-03-08, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=35, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 35&#39;, createTime=3915-03-07, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=34, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 34&#39;, createTime=3915-03-06, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=33, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 33&#39;, createTime=3915-03-05, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=32, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 32&#39;, createTime=3915-03-04, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=31, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 31&#39;, createTime=3915-03-03, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=30, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 30&#39;, createTime=3915-03-02, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=29, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 29&#39;, createTime=3915-03-01, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=28, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 28&#39;, createTime=3915-02-28, createMonth=201502}
Msg{id=27, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 27&#39;, createTime=3915-01-27, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=26, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 26&#39;, createTime=3915-01-26, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=25, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 25&#39;, createTime=3915-01-25, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=24, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 24&#39;, createTime=3915-01-24, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=23, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 23&#39;, createTime=3915-01-23, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=22, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 22&#39;, createTime=3915-01-22, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=21, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 21&#39;, createTime=3915-01-21, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=20, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 20&#39;, createTime=3915-01-20, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=19, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 19&#39;, createTime=3915-01-19, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=18, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 18&#39;, createTime=3915-01-18, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=17, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 17&#39;, createTime=3915-01-17, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=16, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 16&#39;, createTime=3915-01-16, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=15, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 15&#39;, createTime=3915-01-15, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=14, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 14&#39;, createTime=3915-01-14, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=13, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 13&#39;, createTime=3915-01-13, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=12, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 12&#39;, createTime=3915-01-12, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=11, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 11&#39;, createTime=3915-01-11, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=10, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 10&#39;, createTime=3915-01-10, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=9, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 9&#39;, createTime=3915-01-09, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=8, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 8&#39;, createTime=3915-01-08, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=7, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 7&#39;, createTime=3915-01-07, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=6, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 6&#39;, createTime=3915-01-06, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=5, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 5&#39;, createTime=3915-01-05, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=4, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 4&#39;, createTime=3915-01-04, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=3, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 3&#39;, createTime=3915-01-03, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=2, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 2&#39;, createTime=3915-01-02, createMonth=201501}
Msg{id=1, gid=99, content=&#39;test content 1&#39;, createTime=3915-01-01, createMonth=201501}</code></code></code></code></code>
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<code class="hljs asciidoc"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs php"><code class="hljs vala">5,总结

<code class="hljs asciidoc"><code class="hljs cs"><code class="hljs php"><code class="hljs vala">mycat可以支持按月插入数据,但是查询起来要自己做好分月查询方案。<br /> 由于用户插入的数据有可能分散在多个月的数据表中,查询的时候需倒序一个月一个月的查询。<br /> 数据的存储可以按照年,500G数据放到一个磁盘,一年增加一个磁盘,新数据都写到新磁盘上面,保证数据随着时间增长只需要新增加数据库和磁盘即可,不需要进行数据迁移。

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