PharPHP打包工具 无 #!/usr/bin/env php?phpdefine("PHAR_BUILDER_VERSION", "0.1.0");function usage($self, $ln = PHP_EOL) { echo "Usage: {$self} phar [options]{$ln}"; echo "phar Path to an existing Phar archive or to-be-created archive.{$ln}";
Phar PHP 打包工具
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php define("PHAR_BUILDER_VERSION", "0.1.0"); function usage($self, $ln = PHP_EOL) { echo "Usage: {$self} phar [options]{$ln}"; echo "phar Path to an existing Phar archive or to-be-created archive.{$ln}"; echo " The file name's extension must contain .phar.{$ln}"; echo "options:{$ln}"; echo " --alias Alias with which this Phar archive{$ln}"; echo " should be referred to in calls to stream functionality.{$ln}"; echo " default value is basename(path).{$ln}"; echo " --path The full or relative path to the directory{$ln}"; echo " that contains all files to add to the archive.{$ln}"; echo " --filter An optional pcre regular expression that is used to filter the list of files.{$ln}"; echo " Only file paths matching the regular expression will be included in the archive.{$ln}"; echo " --files files that add to the archive, seperator is ','{$ln}"; echo " --compress gz or bz2{$ln}"; echo " --index Relative path within the phar archive to run if accessed on the command-line{$ln}"; echo " --webindex Relative path within the phar archive to run if accessed through a web browser{$ln}"; echo " --stub A string or file path handle to use as the executable stub for this phar archive.{$ln}"; echo "{$ln}"; exit(1); } function error($message, $ln = PHP_EOL) { echo "Error: {$message}{$ln}"; exit(1); } function info($message, $ln = PHP_EOL) { echo "{$message}{$ln}"; } /** * 解释参数,可以解释以下类型: * -p * -pVALUE * -p value * --param value * -p=value * --param=value * param=value * @param array $argv * @return array */ function args_parse($argv) { if (!is_array($argv) || empty($argv)) { return array(); } $argc = count($argv); $ret = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $argc; ++$i) { $arg = $argv[$i]; if (strpos($arg, '=') > 0) { // -p=value --param=value param=value list($arg_name, $arg_value) = explode('=', ltrim($arg, '-'), 2); $ret[$arg_name] = $arg_value; continue; } if ($arg{0} !== '-') { continue; } if (($arg{1} !== '-') && isset($arg{2})) {// -pVALUE $ret[$arg{1}] = substr($arg, 2); continue; } else if (isset($argv[$i + 1]) && ($argv[$i + 1]{0} !== '-') && (false === strpos($arg, '='))) { $ret[ltrim($arg, '-')] = $argv[$i + 1]; ++$i; } else { $ret[ltrim($arg, '-')] = true; } } return $ret; } info("Phar Builder " . PHAR_BUILDER_VERSION); if ('cli' !== PHP_SAPI) { error("Run for command line only."); } if (false === Phar::canWrite()) { error("Phar can not write, Set \"phar.readonly = Off\" in php.ini."); } $self = array_shift($argv); if (empty($argv[0])) { usage($self); } $path = array_shift($argv); $args = args_parse($argv); $stub = empty($args['stub']) ? '' : $args['stub']; $flags = 0; $files = empty($args['files']) ? '' : $args['files']; $alias = empty($args['alias']) ? basename($path) : $args['alias']; $regex = empty($args['filter']) ? null : $args['filter']; $base_dir = empty($args['path']) ? '' : $args['path']; $arg_compress = empty($args['compress']) ? '' : $args['compress']; $index = empty($args['index']) ? '' : $args['index']; $webindex = empty($args['webindex']) ? '' : $args['webindex']; switch ($arg_compress) { case 'gz': $compress = Phar::GZ; $compress_type = 'gz'; break; case 'bz2': $compress = Phar::BZ2; $compress_type = 'bz2'; break; default : $compress = Phar::NONE; $compress_type = 'none'; break; } if (!empty($base_dir) && !is_dir($base_dir)) { error("Dir not Exists!"); } try { $p = new Phar($path, $flags, $alias); $p->startBuffering(); $p->compress($compress); info("API Version: " . Phar::apiVersion()); info("File: {$path}"); info("Alias: {$alias}"); info("Compress: {$compress_type}"); if (!empty($base_dir)) { info("Build From: {$base_dir}"); if ($regex) { info("Filter: {$regex}"); } $p->buildFromDirectory($base_dir, $regex); } if (!empty($files)) { foreach (explode(',', $files) as $file) { info("Add File: {$file}"); $p->addFile($file, basename($file)); } } if ($index && $webindex) { info("Index: {$index}"); info("Web Index: {$webindex}"); $p->setDefaultStub($index, $webindex); } else if ($index) { info("Index: {$index}"); $p->setDefaultStub($index); } else if ($webindex) { info("Web Index: {$webindex}"); $p->setDefaultStub(null, $webindex); } if ($stub) { info("Stub: {$stub}"); if (is_file($stub)) { $stub = file_get_contents($stub); } $p->setStub($stub); } $p->stopBuffering(); info("Files: {$p->count()}"); } catch (\Exception $e) { error($e->getMessage()); }