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PHP Strict Standards:问题解决

Lepaskan: 2016-06-06 19:58:14
1339 orang telah melayarinya

cmseasy3.9版本 安装 提示: PHP Strict Standards:Declaration of announcement::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2467 PHP Strict Standards:Declaration


PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of announcement::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2467
PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of comment::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2492
PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of defind::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2502
PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of event::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2561
PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of friendlink::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2572
PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of guestbook::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2612
PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of linkword::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2626
PHP Strict Standards:  Declaration of usergroup::getcols() should be compatible with that of table::getcols() in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\tool\front_class.php on line 2676
PHP Fatal error:  Incompatible file format:  The encoded file has format major ID 3, whereas the Loader expects 4 in D:\web\php\CmsEasy\uploads\lib\table\run.php on line 0

Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Zend Technologies
    with Zend Guard Loader v3.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2010, by Zend Technologies

ini_set('display_errors', '0'); # don't show any errors...
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); # ...but do log them

在PHP5.3.3 中安装wordpress 3.0.1 ,在安装时出现错误:Strict Standards: PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of Walker.....的解决办法:

出现错误提示:Strict Standards: PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of Walker_Page::start_lvl() should be compatible with that of Walker::start_lvl() in E:\Webroot\wordpress\wp-includes\classes.php on line 1199 PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of Walker_Page::end_lvl() should be compatible with that of Walker::end_lvl() in E:\Webroot\wordpress\wp-includes\classes.php on line 1199 PHP Strict ........
这是由于 php 5.3版本后。要求继承类必须在父类之后定义。否则就会出现Strict Standards: PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of .... should be compatible with that of .... 的错误提示。也就是说必须父类在前,继承类在后。
错误参考页面。bugs点php点net/bug.php?id=46851  (不能发表带链接的网址) 上面清楚地解释了出现此类错误的具体原因。
解决办法:在wordpress3.0.1 文件中,找到 wp-admin\setup-config.php 文件。在require_once('../wp-includes/compat.php'); 上面添加一句:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~(E_STRICT | E_NOTICE));
这句话的意思是错误报告设置:显示所有错误,但是除了严格错检查或者错误报告。也就是说PHP5.3.3 不执行严格错误检查。也不显示错误提示。跳过严格错误检查。

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