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QRcode php生成二维码

Lepaskan: 2016-06-06 20:02:24
1773 orang telah melayarinya

QRcode 是二维码的一种。 QRcode 可以存储最多 4296 个字母数字类型的任意文本。这些文本可以是任何内容,例如,网址、联系信息、电话号码(具体科查看 二维码数据式 )。 QRcode 存储的信息可以被安装有适当软件的光学设备读

QRcode是二维码的一种。QRcode可以存储最多4296个字母数字类型的任意文本。这些文本可以是任何内容,例如,网址、联系信息、电话号码(具体科查看二维码数据格式)。QR code存储的信息可以被安装有适当软件的光学设备读取。这种设备既可以是专用的QR code读取器也可以是手机。

通过调用 Google Chart Tools / Image Charts  API ,我们可以很方便的生成QRcode

调用方式也很简单,只要向 传入适合的参数就可以了,参数如下:

1. cht=qr
这个是必需的,告诉 API ,你需要生成的是二维码。

2. chs=width>xheight>
这个同样是必需的,告诉 API ,你需要生成的二维码的尺寸。

3. chl=data>
这个还是必需的,用来告诉 API 二维码所包含的信息。可以是数字、字符数字、字符、二进制信息、汉字。不能混合数据类型。数据必须经过UTF-8 URL-encoded。如果需要传递的信息超过2K个字节,请使用POST方式。

4. choe=output_encoding>
终于来了个不是必须的,这个是用来声明生成的二维码所包含信息的编码,默认是 UTF-8 ;其他可选编码是 Shift_JIS 、 ISO-8859-1

5. chld=error_correction_level>|margin>
可选 纠错等级。QR码支持四个等级的纠错,用来恢复丢失的、读错的、模糊的、数据。下面是可选的值:L-(默认)可以识别已损失7%的数据;M-可以识别已损失15%的数据;Q-可以识别已损失25%的数据;H-可以识别已损失30%的数据。margin 是指生成的二维码离图片边框的距离。




以此类推 。

Chart API会根据你将存储的信息的大小来决定使用哪个等级的QR码。最棒的QR码阅读器可以读取等级为40QR码中存储的信息。然而通常来说移动设备最多可以读取等级为4QR码中存储的信息。

下面来介绍使用PHP调取Google Chart API 来生成二维码

<?php class qrcode
private $data;


 //creating text qr code

 public function text($text){

  $this->data = $text;



 //creating code with link mtadata

 public function link($url){

  if (preg_match('/^http:\/\//', $url) || preg_match('/^https:\/\//', $url)) 


   $this->data = $url;




   $this->data = "<a href="http://%22.%24url.%22">http://".$url."</a>";




 //creating code with bookmark metadata

 public function bookmark($title, $url){

  $this->data = "MEBKM:TITLE:".$title.";URL:".$url.";;";



 //creating code with email address metadata
public function email_address($email)
	$this->data= "<a href="mailto:%22.%24email.%22">MAILTO:".$email."</a>";

 //creating code with email metadata

 public function email($email, $subject, $message){

  $this->data = "MATMSG:TO:".$email.";SUB:".$subject.";BODY:".$message.";;";



  //creating code with phone 

 public function phone_number($phone){

  $this->data = "TEL:".$phone;



 //creating code with sms metadata

 public function sms($phone, $text){

  $this->data = "SMSTO:".$phone.":".$text;



 //creating code with mms metadata

 public function mms($phone, $text){

  $this->data = "MMSTO:".$phone.":".$text;



 //creating code with mecard metadata

 public function contact_info($name, $address, $phone, $email){

  $this->data = "MECARD:N:".$name.";ADR:".$address.";TEL:".$phone.";EMAIL:".$email.";;";



 //creating code with geo location metadata

 public function geo($lat, $lon, $height){

  $this->data = "GEO:".$lat.",".$lon.",".$height;



 //creating code with wifi configuration metadata

 public function wifi($type, $ssid, $pass){

  $this->data = "WIFI:T:".$type.";S".$ssid.";".$pass.";;";



 //creating code with i-appli activating meta data

 public function iappli($adf, $cmd, $param){

  $cur = current($param);

  $next = next($param);

  $param_str = "";

  foreach($cur as $key => $val)


   $param_str .= "PARAM:".$val.",".$next[$key].";";


  $this->data = "LAPL:ADFURL:".$adf.";CMD:".$cmd.";".$param_str.";";



 //creating code with gif or jpg image, or smf, MFi or ToruCa files as content

 public function content($type, $size, $content){

  $this->data = "CNTS:TYPE:".$type.";LNG:".$size.";BODY:".$content.";;";



 //getting image

 public function get_image($size = 150, $EC_level = 'L', $margin = '0'){

  $ch = curl_init();

  $this->data = urlencode($this->data); 

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'chs='.$size.'x'.$size.'&cht=qr&chld='.$EC_level.'|'.$margin.'&chl='.$this->data);

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);

  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);


  $response = curl_exec($ch);


  return $response;



 //getting link for image

 public function get_link($size = 150, $EC_level = 'L', $margin = '0'){

  $this->data = urlencode($this->data); 

  return ''.$size.'x'.$size.'&cht=qr&chld='.$EC_level.'|'.$margin.'&chl='.$this->data;



 //forsing image download

 public function download_image($file){


  header('Content-Description: File Transfer');

  header('Content-Type: image/png');

  header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=QRcode.png');

  header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');

  header('Expires: 0');

  header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');

  header('Pragma: public');

  header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));



  echo $file;



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使用上述二维码 php类的方法

<?php include("qrcode.php");
$qr = new qrcode();
$title = "标点符";
$url = "";
echo "<img  src="%22.%24qr->get_link().%22" alt="QRcode php生成二维码" >";
//here is the way to output image
//echo $qr->get_image();
//and here is the way to force image download
//$file = $qr->get_image();
Salin selepas log masuk

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