Dokumen ini menggunakan Manual laman web PHP Cina Lepaskan
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
ftp_rawlist — 返回指定目录下文件的详细列表
, string $directory
)ftp_rawlist() 函数将执行 FTP LIST 命令,并把结果做为一个数组返回。
FTP 连接资源。
如果此参数为 TRUE
,实际执行的命令将会为 LIST -R。
返回一个数组,数组的每个元素为返回文本的每一行,输出结构不会被解析。使用函数 ftp_systype() 可以用来判断 FTP 服务器的类型,从而可以用来判断返回列表的类型。
Example #1 ftp_rawlist() 例子
// set up basic connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect ( $ftp_server );
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login ( $conn_id , $ftp_user_name , $ftp_user_pass );
// get the file list for /
$buff = ftp_rawlist ( $conn_id , '/' );
// close the connection
ftp_close ( $conn_id );
// output the buffer
var_dump ( $buff );
array(3) { [0]=> string(65) "drwxr-x--- 3 vincent vincent 4096 Jul 12 12:16 public_ftp" [1]=> string(66) "drwxr-x--- 15 vincent vincent 4096 Nov 3 21:31 public_html" [2]=> string(73) "lrwxrwxrwx 1 vincent vincent 11 Jul 12 12:16 www -> public_html" }
版本 | 说明 |
4.3.0 |
增加 recursive 参数。
[#1] admin at proxy-list dot org [2014-04-29 17:34:17]
Please pay attention that ftp_rawlist() function returns empty result if there is a folder with space. You must backslash it with addcslashes() function.
IMPORTANT: at the same time any other function like ftp_delete() or ftp_rmdir() in opposite, will not be able to delete file/folder if folder name with space will be backslashes http://proxy-list.org/
[#2] nickman at freemail dot hu [2014-04-24 19:17:19]
The solution of fredvanetten at tinqle dot com is nice but needs further evaluation as because of the preg_split and static listing of the variables will produce different values: comparing a file of today or an older, from a previous year:
[time] => 2012
[day] => 11
[month] => Sep
[size] => 37262
[group] => group
[user] => owner
[number] => 1
[rights] => -rw-rw-rw-
[time] => 14:01
[day] => 23
[month] => Apr
[size] => 37262
[group] => group
[user] => owner
[number] => 1
[rights] => -rw-rw-rw-
[#3] mediaboat at gmail dot com [2014-03-14 10:55:01]
All parse_rawlist Functions here have one Problem.
when a file starts with a space character like " robots.txt ", it will be ignored.
Rename, delete will fail...
[#4] fredvanetten at tinqle dot com [2012-12-10 19:12:19]
Here's a simple function that'll parse the data returned by ftp_rawlist() into an associative array. I wrote it because some of the functions listed below are way to long, complex or won't work with file names that contain spaces.
function listDetailed($resource, $directory = '.') {
if (is_array($children = @ftp_rawlist($resource, $directory))) {
$items = array();
foreach ($children as $child) {
$chunks = preg_split("/\s+/", $child);
list($item['rights'], $item['number'], $item['user'], $item['group'], $item['size'], $item['month'], $item['day'], $item['time']) = $chunks;
$item['type'] = $chunks[0]{0} === 'd' ? 'directory' : 'file';
array_splice($chunks, 0, 8);
$items[implode(" ", $chunks)] = $item;
return $items;
// Throw exception or return false < up to you
[#5] not4rent at gmail dot com [2012-11-07 11:23:40]
The following function receives a $rawList generated by ftp_rawlist and returns a parsed array (all in single function).
private function parseRawList($rawList)
//if you want the dots (. & ..) set this variable to 0
$start = 2;
//specify the order of the contents here
//currently set to first directories "d"
//second links "l"
//and last the files "-"
//change it to your convenience but don't touch the value names!
$orderList = array("d", "l", "-");
//the name and the order of the columns
//change it to your convenience
//but don't increase/reduce the number of columns
$typeCol = "type";
$cols = array("permissions", "number", "owner", "group", "size", "month", "day", "time", "name");
foreach($rawList as $key=>$value)
$parser = null;
if($key >= $start) $parser = explode(" ", preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $value));
foreach($parser as $key=>$item)
$parser[$cols[$key]] = $item;
$parsedList[] = $parser;
foreach($orderList as $order)
foreach($parsedList as $key=>$parsedItem) {
$type = substr(current($parsedItem), 0, 1);
if($type == $order) {
$parsedItem[$typeCol] = $type;
$parsedList[] = $parsedItem;
return array_values($parsedList);
[#6] azakolyukin at gmail dot com [2012-03-10 19:48:22]
To avoid complicated parsing and sorting fetched data it's possible to use additional options. For example to sort files by date and display only name of files the following code can be used:
ftp_rawlist($ftpConnection, '-1t');
[#7] Johnny Doe [2010-11-24 06:18:22]
In case anybody wants to get a detailed listing using the MLSD command over a passive connection, the following function might be helpful as a starting point for your own implementation:
function ftp_mlsd($ftp, $directory) {
$ok = @ftp_chdir($ftp, $directory);
if (!$ok) {
return false;
$ret = ftp_raw($ftp, 'PASV');
if (preg_match(
$ret[0], $matches)) {
$controlIP = str_replace(',', '.', $matches[1]);
$controlPort = intval($matches[2])*256+intval($matches[3]);
$socket = fsockopen($controlIP, $controlPort);
ftp_raw($ftp, 'MLSD');
$s = '';
while (!feof($socket)) {
$s .= fread($socket, 4096);
$files = array();
foreach (explode("\n", $s) as $line) {
if (!$line) {
$file = array();
foreach (explode(';', $line) as $property) {
list($key, $value) = explode('=', $property);
if ($value) {
$file[$key] = $value;
} else {
$filename = trim($key);
$files[$filename] = $file;
return $files;
return false;
Please note that this function ignores the setting of ftp_pasv(). Making the function to work universally for both active and passive connections is left as an exercise to the reader ;-)
[#8] shaun at shaunfreeman dot co dot uk [2010-05-13 04:02:55]
Get a listing of all files including hidden files except '.' or '..' use:
ftp_chdir($connid, $dir);
ftp_rawlist($connid, "-A");
This had me dancing in circles for some time!
[#9] John [2010-05-02 16:46:46]
There are a couple of php-related reasons given here for ftp_rawlist returning an empty result. However be aware that ZoneAlarm (and possibly other) firewalls can block responses without giving any visible clue so be sure to check that first.
[#10] nospam at advancedonsite dot com [2009-11-03 08:02:09]
ftp_rawlist kept returning empty file listing, it would work on some machines but not others, it turned out to be ftp_pasv command was needed.
Very frustrating
[#11] ahmadmarafa at gmail dot com [2009-06-23 19:38:14]
this is function to check for dirs
function ftp_isdir($connect_id,$dir)
return true;
return false;
[#12] tmp at gmx dot de [2009-05-26 04:20:09]
To format the _recrusive_ result of this function I use this:
$conn_id = ftp_connect(FTP_SERVER);
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, FTP_USR, FTP_PASS);
$rawfiles = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, '/', true);
// here the magic begins!
$structure = array();
$arraypointer = &$structure;
foreach ($rawfiles as $rawfile) {
if ($rawfile[0] == '/') {
$paths = array_slice(explode('/', str_replace(':', '', $rawfile)), 1);
$arraypointer = &$structure;
foreach ($paths as $path) {
foreach ($arraypointer as $i => $file) {
if ($file['text'] == $path) {
$arraypointer = &$arraypointer[ $i ]['children'];
} elseif(!empty($rawfile)) {
$info = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $rawfile, 9);
$arraypointer[] = array(
'text' => $info[8],
'isDir' => $info[0]{0} == 'd',
'size' => byteconvert($info[4]),
'chmod' => chmodnum($info[0]),
'date' => strtotime($info[6] . ' ' . $info[5] . ' ' . $info[7]),
'raw' => $info
// the 'children' attribut is automatically added if the folder contains at least one file
// in $structure is all the data
// little helper functions
function byteconvert($bytes) {
$symbol = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB');
$exp = floor( log($bytes) / log(1024) );
return sprintf( '%.2f ' . $symbol[ $exp ], ($bytes / pow(1024, floor($exp))) );
function chmodnum($chmod) {
$trans = array('-' => '0', 'r' => '4', 'w' => '2', 'x' => '1');
$chmod = substr(strtr($chmod, $trans), 1);
$array = str_split($chmod, 3);
return array_sum(str_split($array[0])) . array_sum(str_split($array[1])) . array_sum(str_split($array[2]));
[#13] francois frao_o [2009-03-12 10:47:08]
Why not using POSIX regex to do the job here ? A preg_replace returns the information in an associative array with the following keys:
<type> * that's a bonus: it will tell you if the item is either a file or a directory
Code is shown below:
$list=@ftp_rawlist($con,$directory) ;
$items=array() ;
foreach($list as $_)
"owner"=>"$5", "group"=>"$7",
"mod_time"=>"$10 $12 $14:$15",
$_) ; # :p
[#14] www.bosssftp.com [2008-11-07 02:43:29]
Some FTP servers only allow you to get list of files under current working directory. So if you always get result as empty array (array(0){ }), try changing the cwd befor get the list:
function ftprawlist($connid, $dir) {
ftp_chdir($connid, $dir);
return ftp_rawlist($connid, "-a");
[#15] phpnet uschlaepfer ch [2008-11-03 08:56:17]
On my PC (XP and Apache installed) - ftp_rawlist (with Parameter true) does only print a folder list - no subfolders, no files.
So i created this recursive function that writes all filenames (incl. paths) to a array. I tested it on Mac, Linux and Windows - it works (as long as you don't use folders with spaces...).
If you need more information: feel free to set more split[x]-Options and write them to the $files-array.
# the directory where ftp_rawlist starts
$startdir = "example";
# optional Datatypefilter (leave blank if not needed)
$suffix = "gif,png,jpeg,pdf,php";
# ftp-login
$ftp_server = "";
$ftp_user = "";
$ftp_pw = "";
$ftp_mode = "";
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_pw) OR die("<br>ftp-login failed");
ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
# create filelist (recursiv)
$files = array(); # must be defined here
$files = raw_list("$startdir");
# print result
$i = 0; $count = count($files);
while ($i < $count):
echo "$files[$i]<br>";
# rawlist in recursive form (without parameter true!!!)
function raw_list($folder)
Global $conn_id;
Global $suffix;
Global $files;
$suffixes = explode(",", $suffix);
$list = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, $folder);
$anzlist = count($list);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $anzlist):
$split = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $list[$i], 9, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$ItemName = $split[8];
$endung = strtolower(substr(strrchr($ItemName,"."),1));
$path = "$folder/$ItemName";
if (substr($list[$i],0,1) === "d" AND substr($ItemName,0,1) != "."):
# array_push($files, $path); # write directory in array if desired
elseif (substr($ItemName,0,2) != "._" AND in_array($endung,$suffixes)):
array_push($files, $path);
return $files;
Ueli, Zurich
[#16] paul maybe at squirrel mail org [2008-04-24 05:13:58]
Regarding converting permissions from symbolic notation to octal, note that Hazem dot Khaled at gmail dot com's chmodnum function produces INCORRECT results. The resutls are base-10 numbers that only LOOK like they are octal numbers. The function also ignores setuid, setgid and sticky bits, and will produce incorrect numbers if such a file is encountered. Instead, this brute-force code works. Maybe there is something more slick, but this isn't too CPU-intensive (note that it assumes you've error-checked that you indeed have a 10-character string!):
$permissions = 'drwxr-xr-x'; // or whatever
$mode = 0;
if ($permissions[1] == 'r') $mode += 0400;
if ($permissions[2] == 'w') $mode += 0200;
if ($permissions[3] == 'x') $mode += 0100;
else if ($permissions[3] == 's') $mode += 04100;
else if ($permissions[3] == 'S') $mode += 04000;
if ($permissions[4] == 'r') $mode += 040;
if ($permissions[5] == 'w') $mode += 020;
if ($permissions[6] == 'x') $mode += 010;
else if ($permissions[6] == 's') $mode += 02010;
else if ($permissions[6] == 'S') $mode += 02000;
if ($permissions[7] == 'r') $mode += 04;
if ($permissions[8] == 'w') $mode += 02;
if ($permissions[9] == 'x') $mode += 01;
else if ($permissions[9] == 't') $mode += 01001;
else if ($permissions[9] == 'T') $mode += 01000;
printf('Mode is %d decimal and %o octal', $mode, $mode);
[#17] weltvolk [2008-01-04 06:17:21]
With this handy function based on functions presented here you get the file list in alphabetical order with all directories on top:
function rawlist_dump() {
global $ftp_connect;
$ftp_rawlist = ftp_rawlist($ftp_connect, ".");
foreach ($ftp_rawlist as $v) {
$info = array();
$vinfo = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $v, 9);
if ($vinfo[0] !== "total") {
$info['chmod'] = $vinfo[0];
$info['num'] = $vinfo[1];
$info['owner'] = $vinfo[2];
$info['group'] = $vinfo[3];
$info['size'] = $vinfo[4];
$info['month'] = $vinfo[5];
$info['day'] = $vinfo[6];
$info['time'] = $vinfo[7];
$info['name'] = $vinfo[8];
$rawlist[$info['name']] = $info;
$dir = array();
$file = array();
foreach ($rawlist as $k => $v) {
if ($v['chmod']{0} == "d") {
$dir[$k] = $v;
} elseif ($v['chmod']{0} == "-") {
$file[$k] = $v;
foreach ($dir as $dirname => $dirinfo) {
echo "[ $dirname ] " . $dirinfo['chmod'] . " | " . $dirinfo['owner'] . " | " . $dirinfo['group'] . " | " . $dirinfo['month'] . " " . $dirinfo['day'] . " " . $dirinfo['time'] . "<br>";
foreach ($file as $filename => $fileinfo) {
echo "$filename " . $fileinfo['chmod'] . " | " . $fileinfo['owner'] . " | " . $fileinfo['group'] . " | " . $fileinfo['size'] . " Byte | " . $fileinfo['month'] . " " . $fileinfo['day'] . " " . $fileinfo['time'] . "<br>";
[#18] Hazem dot Khaled at gmail dot com [2006-11-22 01:25:32]
that comment have 4 function
the 1st function "<b>get_files</b>" get the list of files by the full bath "/www/ex/"
and return 3 arrays
dir = the directories in this directory with the time ,date ,more ...
linke = the links in this directory with the time ,date ,more ...
file = the files in this directory with the time ,date ,more ...
the 2nd function "chmodnum" convert from "drwxrwxrwx" to "777"
* i found it in php.net manual
the 3rd function "get_size" convert from the byte to MB or GB or TB
the 4th function "get_type" return if this file or directory or link
the functions
function get_files($path = '')
if ($path == '' && !$_GET['path'])
$path = '/';
elseif ($path == '')
$path = $_GET['path'];
//$all_folders = ftp_nlist($this->conection, $_GET['path']);
$array = ftp_rawlist($this->conection, $path);
if (is_array($array))
foreach ($array as $folder)
$struc = array();
$current = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$folder,9);
$struc['perms'] = $current[0];
$struc['permsn']= chmodnum($current[0]);
$struc['number']= $current[1];
$struc['owner'] = $current[2];
$struc['group'] = $current[3];
$struc['size'] = get_size($current[4]);
$struc['month'] = $current[5];
$struc['day'] = $current[6];
$struc['time'] = $current[7];
$struc['name'] = str_replace('//','',$current[8]);
//$struc['raw'] = $folder;
if ($struc['name'] != '.' && $struc['name'] != '..' && get_type($struc['perms']) == "folder")
$folders[] = $struc;
elseif ($struc['name'] != '.' && $struc['name'] != '..' && get_type($struc['perms']) == "link")
$links[] = $struc;
elseif ($struc['name'] != '.' && $struc['name'] != '..')
$files[] = $struc;
return array($folders,$links,$files);
function chmodnum($mode) {
$realmode = "";
$legal = array("","w","r","x","-");
$attarray = preg_split("//",$mode);
if($key = array_search($attarray[$i],$legal)){
$realmode .= $legal[$key];
$mode = str_pad($realmode,9,'-');
$trans = array('-'=>'0','r'=>'4','w'=>'2','x'=>'1');
$mode = strtr($mode,$trans);
$newmode = '';
$newmode .= $mode[0]+$mode[1]+$mode[2];
$newmode .= $mode[3]+$mode[4]+$mode[5];
$newmode .= $mode[6]+$mode[7]+$mode[8];
return $newmode;
function get_size($size)
if ($size < 1024)
return round($size,2).' Byte';
elseif ($size < (1024*1024))
return round(($size/1024),2).' MB';
elseif ($size < (1024*1024*1024))
return round((($size/1024)/1024),2).' GB';
elseif ($size < (1024*1024*1024*1024))
return round(((($size/1024)/1024)/1024),2).' TB';
function get_type($perms)
if (substr($perms, 0, 1) == "d")
return 'folder';
elseif (substr($perms, 0, 1) == "l")
return 'link';
return 'file';
[#19] ari at bs-inc dot com [2006-10-17 01:24:24]
This is a little cleaner:
function parse_rawlist( $array )
foreach($array as $curraw)
$struc = array();
$current = preg_split("/[\s]+/",$curraw,9);
$struc['perms'] = $current[0];
$struc['number'] = $current[1];
$struc['owner'] = $current[2];
$struc['group'] = $current[3];
$struc['size'] = $current[4];
$struc['month'] = $current[5];
$struc['day'] = $current[6];
$struc['time'] = $current[7];
$struc['year'] = $current[8];
$struc['raw'] = $curraw;
$structure[$struc['name']] = $struc;
return $structure;
[#20] kerbpm [2006-09-15 02:31:09]
Your code is ok, just replace $i = 0 instead of 1
Thank you
function parse_rawlist( $array ) {
for ( $i = 1; $i < count($array); $i++ ) {
$current = $array[$i];
$structure[$i]['perms'] = substr($current, 0, 10);
$structure[$i]['number'] = trim(substr($current, 11, 3));
$structure[$i]['owner'] = trim(substr($current, 15, 8));
$structure[$i]['group'] = trim(substr($current, 24, 8));
$structure[$i]['size'] = trim(substr($current, 33, 8));
$structure[$i]['month'] = trim(substr($current, 42, 3));
$structure[$i]['day'] = trim(substr($current, 46, 2));
$structure[$i]['time'] = substr($current, 49, 5);
$structure[$i]['name'] = substr($current, 55, strlen($current) - 55);
return $structure;
[#21] MSpreij at GMail [2006-09-09 17:11:44]
The following was inspired by a few others here, ofcourse ;-)
Works for filenames with spaces (leading, trailing, consecutive and what not), formats the date a little taking year/time into account, leaves out items not in the $filetypes array below, and returns a nice nested assoc array:
$filetypes = array('-'=>'file', 'd'=>'directory', 'l'=>'link');
$c = ftp_connect('localhost');
ftp_login($c, 'jackcrow', 'banshee');
$data = ftp_rawlist($c, '/users/jackcrow');
foreach($data as $line) {
if (substr(strtolower($line), 0, 5) == 'total') continue; # first line, skip it
preg_match('/'. str_repeat('([^\s]+)\s+', 7) .'([^\s]+) (.*)/', $line, $matches); # Here be Dragons
list($permissions, $children, $owner, $group, $size, $month, $day, $time, $name) = array_slice($matches, 1);
# if it's not a file, directory or link, I don't really care to know about it :-) comment out the next line if you do
if (! in_array($permissions[0], array_keys($filetypes))) continue;
$type = $filetypes[$permissions[0]];
$date = date('d/m/y H:i', (strpos($time, ':') ? mktime(substr($time, 0, 2), substr($time, -2), 0, $month, $day) : mktime(0,0,0,$month, $day, $time) ) );
$files[$name] = array('type'=>$type, 'permissions'=>substr($permissions, 1), 'children'=>$children, 'owner'=>$owner, 'group'=>$group, 'size'=>$size, 'date'=>$date);
(I'm using a pretty simple regex pattern (non-space-stuff, whitespace, non-space-stuff etc), but amazingly /it still works!/ K.I.S.S.! The time part in the pattern is done separately to make sure only 1 space is taken out before the filename, which might start with spaces for all you know)
[#22] admin at mikeholloway dot co dot uk [2005-12-03 14:38:51]
I was having problems picking up the directories on a mac using cjacobsen at pge dot cl's (11-Jan-05) solution. Slight ammendment to the regexp works for me:
ereg("([-dl][rwxstST-]+).* ?([0-9 ]* )?([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)", $file, $regs)
[#23] d dot lloyd at tnw dot tudelft dot nl [2005-09-27 06:22:33]
One comment regaring the method tig3r uses to determine the listing type.
Windows servers can return a listing in unix format if the ftp server has been told to use unix formatting. The only robust solution I have is to try both ereg commands once and see which one successfully returns an array.
[#24] tig3r at poczta dot onet dot pl [2005-08-18 03:31:04]
Previous example (by davidknoll at o2 dot co dot uk) works well if ftp_systype() returned "UNIX", but sometimes I am experiencing "Windows_NT". Here is some improvement:
function parsed_listing($path)
$conn = ftp_connect(FTP_HOST);
ftp_login($conn, FTP_USER, FTP_PASS);
$systype = ftp_systype($conn_id);
$list = ftp_rawlist($conn, "-a ".FTP_BASE.$path);
$i = 0;
foreach ($list as $current) {
switch ($systype) {
case "Windows_NT":
ereg("([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) +([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(AM|PM) +([0-9]+|<DIR>) +(.+)",$current,$split);
if (is_array($split)) {
if ($split[3]<70) { $split[3]+=2000; } else { $split[3]+=1900; } // 4digit year fix
$parsed[$i]['isdir'] = ($split[7]=="<DIR>");
$parsed[$i]['size'] = $split[7];
$parsed[$i]['month'] = $split[1];
$parsed[$i]['day'] = $split[2];
$parsed[$i]['time/year'] = $split[3];
$parsed[$i]['name'] = $split[8];
case "UNIX":
// etc.
return $parsed;
[#25] davidknoll at o2 dot co dot uk [2005-07-14 04:00:22]
Well, this works for me:
function parsed_listing($path)
$conn = ftp_connect(FTP_HOST);
ftp_login($conn, FTP_USER, FTP_PASS);
$list = ftp_rawlist($conn, "-a ".FTP_BASE.$path);
$i = 0;
foreach ($list as $current) {
$split = preg_split("[ ]", $current, 9, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if ($split[0] != "total") {
$parsed[$i]['isdir'] = $split[0]{0} === "d";
$parsed[$i]['perms'] = $split[0];
$parsed[$i]['number'] = $split[1];
$parsed[$i]['owner'] = $split[2];
$parsed[$i]['group'] = $split[3];
$parsed[$i]['size'] = $split[4];
$parsed[$i]['month'] = $split[5];
$parsed[$i]['day'] = $split[6];
$parsed[$i]['time/year'] = $split[7];
$parsed[$i]['name'] = $split[8];
return $parsed;
[#26] nate at 8networks dot com [2005-05-07 12:41:25]
this snip fixes the date problem with the listing and sorts out the variables:
list($filedata['access_permissions'], $filedata['link_count'], $filedata['uid'], $filedata['gid'], $filedata['size'], $filedata['mod_date_month'], $filedata['mod_date_day'], $filedata['mod_time'], $filedata['name']) = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $value);
$filedata['type'] = $filedata['access_permissions']{0};
$filedata['access_permissions'] = substr($filedata['access_permissions'],1);
// now check the date to see if the last modifcation was this year or last.
if ( strrpos($filedata['mod_time'], ':') != 2 ) { $filedata['mod_date'] = $filedata['mod_date_month'] ." " . $filedata['mod_date_day'] . " " . $filedata['mod_time']; $filedata['mod_time'] = "00:00"; } else { $filedata['mod_date'] = $filedata['mod_date_month'] ." " . $filedata['mod_date_day'] . " " . date("Y"); }
[#27] john at nm-design dot com [2005-04-29 10:14:54]
I'm not a traditional programmer, so I often take a different approach then most programmers. Here's how I get file information from an FTP file list. It's very simple (which I like). Comments are welcome:
// make your FTP connection calls here, then ...
$contents = ftp_rawlist($ftp_id, ".");
echo '<TABLE>';
foreach ($contents as $key => $value) {
$info = explode(" ", $value);
$clean = array();
foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value)) { $clean[] = $value; }
} // end foreach loop 2
if ( ($clean[8] != ".") AND ($clean[8] != "..") AND ($clean[8] != "html") AND ($clean[8] != "logs") AND ($clean[8] != "protected") AND ($clean[8] != "sys") ) {
echo '<TR>';
print "<TD WIDTH=\"40%\">$clean[8]</TD>"; // name of file
print "<TD WIDTH=\"20%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">$clean[5] $clean[6] $clean[7]</TD>"; // date info
// prep size
$size = $clean[4];
$size = $size / 1000; $size = ceil($size); if ($size <= 0) { $size = 1; }
if ($size >= 1000) { $measure = "MB"; $size = $size / 1000; } else { $measure = "K"; }
print "<TD WIDTH=\"20%\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">$size $measure</TD>"; // size
echo '<TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#FFFFE6" CLASS="bodyBold">'; print "<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?Submit=DELETE&file=$clean[8]\">"; echo 'DELETE</A></TD>'; // link to delete file
echo '</TR>';
} // end if
} // end foreach loop 1
echo '</TABLE>';
[#28] marc dot peterlongo at francetelecom dot com [2005-02-03 02:57:58]
When you try:
$path = "directory pathname with spaces";
$list = ftp_rawlist($conn_id,$path);
It doesn't work
but when you try:
$path = "directory pathname with spaces";
$list = ftp_rawlist($conn_id,".");
It works
[#29] cjacobsen at pge dot cl [2005-01-11 05:44:11]
Excelent expresion, but don't match SUID, SGUI and Sticky flags when 'x' is disabled. Fix it with [rwxstST-].
function itemize_dir($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $file) {
if(ereg("([-dl][rwxstST-]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)", $file, $regs)) {
$type = (int) strpos("-dl", $regs[1]{0});
$tmp_array['line'] = $regs[0];
$tmp_array['type'] = $type;
$tmp_array['rights'] = $regs[1];
$tmp_array['number'] = $regs[2];
$tmp_array['user'] = $regs[3];
$tmp_array['group'] = $regs[4];
$tmp_array['size'] = $regs[5];
$tmp_array['date'] = date("m-d",strtotime($regs[6]));
$tmp_array['time'] = $regs[7];
$tmp_array['name'] = $regs[9];
$dir_list[] = $tmp_array;
return $dir_list;
$buff = ftp_rawlist($cid, "/");
$items = itemize_dir($buff);
[#30] greg at upsdn dot net [2004-12-19 23:58:46]
list all (including hidden files and dirs):
$contents = ftp_rawlist($conn_id, "-al ".$dir_name);
just as ftp command:
"-aF " is equal to '-al', please refer to "ls --help"
[#31] greg at upsdn dot net [2004-11-25 22:55:30]
The previous regular expression(by Jonathan Almarez,ergye at yahoo dot com and guru at virusas dot lt) is very good.But i found it does not take into account for directories(number>9)
Change [0-9] to [0-9]*
The code below not only parses:
drwxrwxr-x 9 msik ia 4096 Nov 5 14:19 Group3
It also parses:
drwxrwxr-x 19 msik ia 4096 Nov 5 14:19 Group3
drwxrwxr-x 119 msik ia 4096 Nov 5 14:19 Group3
0 = file
1 = directory
2 = simlink
function itemize_dir($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $file) {
if(ereg("([-dl][rwxst-]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)", $file, $regs)) {
$type = (int) strpos("-dl", $regs[1]{0});
$tmp_array['line'] = $regs[0];
$tmp_array['type'] = $type;
$tmp_array['rights'] = $regs[1];
$tmp_array['number'] = $regs[2];
$tmp_array['user'] = $regs[3];
$tmp_array['group'] = $regs[4];
$tmp_array['size'] = $regs[5];
$tmp_array['date'] = date("m-d",strtotime($regs[6]));
$tmp_array['time'] = $regs[7];
$tmp_array['name'] = $regs[9];
$dir_list[] = $tmp_array;
return $dir_list;
$buff = ftp_rawlist($cid, "/");
$items = itemize_dir($buff);
[#32] Jonathan Almarez [2004-11-24 15:16:06]
To make the latest correction to the parsing code:
"ergye at yahoo dot com" dosen't take into account for files or directories that are older than a year where instead of showing the time, it shows the year.
The code below not only parses:
drwxrwxr-x 2 503 503 4096 Dec 3 12:12 CVAR
It also parses:
drwxrwxr-x 2 503 503 4096 Dec 3 2003 CVAR
0 = file
1 = directory
2 = simlink
function itemize_dir($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $file) {
if(ereg("([-dl][rwxst-]+).* ([0-9]) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9])[ ]+(([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})|[0-9]{4}) (.+)", $file, $regs)) {
$type = (int) strpos("-dl", $regs[1]{0});
$tmp_array['line'] = $regs[0];
$tmp_array['type'] = $type;
$tmp_array['rights'] = $regs[1];
$tmp_array['number'] = $regs[2];
$tmp_array['user'] = $regs[3];
$tmp_array['group'] = $regs[4];
$tmp_array['size'] = $regs[5];
$tmp_array['date'] = date("m-d",strtotime($regs[6]));
$tmp_array['time'] = $regs[7];
$tmp_array['name'] = $regs[9];
$dir_list[] = $tmp_array;
return $dir_list;
$buff = ftp_rawlist($cid, "/");
$items = itemize_dir($buff);
[#33] [2004-10-22 19:53:46]
Note that there is no standard for the format, therefore don't be suprised when parsing routines for this work perfectly on some servers, and fail horribly on some.
[#34] ergye at yahoo dot com [2004-09-29 21:52:11]
The previous regular expression is super, but does not take simlinks into account. Change [-d] to [-dl] and instead of indicating directories we should indicate the type of the items:
0 = file
1 = directory
2 = simlink
function itemize_dir($contents) {
foreach ($contents as $file) {
if(ereg("([-dl][rwxst-]+).* ([0-9]) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9]) ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) (.+)", $file, $regs)) {
$type = (int) strpos("-dl", $regs[1]{0});
$tmp_array['line'] = $regs[0];
$tmp_array['type'] = $type;
$tmp_array['rights'] = $regs[1];
$tmp_array['number'] = $regs[2];
$tmp_array['user'] = $regs[3];
$tmp_array['group'] = $regs[4];
$tmp_array['size'] = $regs[5];
$tmp_array['date'] = date("m-d",strtotime($regs[6]));
$tmp_array['time'] = $regs[7];
$tmp_array['name'] = $regs[8];
$dir_list[] = $tmp_array;
return $dir_list;
$buff = ftp_rawlist($cid, "/");
$items = itemize_dir($buff);
[#35] guru at virusas dot lt [2004-09-03 03:31:30]
Lets say only one of these scripts can accept filenames with spaces, but that script doesn't return all info that we may need, so i have modified a little bit one of my script and added some more regexp from here:
$buff = ftp_rawlist($cid,"/");
foreach ($buff as $file)
if(ereg("([-d][rwxst-]+).* ([0-9]) ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([a-zA-Z0-9]+).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9]) ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) (.+)",$file,$regs))
if(substr($regs[1],0,1)=="d") $isdir=1; else $isdir=0;
The result is smth like that:
8 =>
'line' => '-rw-r--r-- 1 guru users 4 Sep 3 09:41 testas testas testas.txt'
'isdir' => 0
'rights' => '-rw-r--r--'
'number' => '1'
'user' => 'guru'
'group' => 'users'
'size' => '4'
'date' => '09-03'
'time' => '09:41'
'name' => 'testas testas testas.txt'
9 =>
'line' => 'drwxr-xr-x 3 guru users 4096 Aug 20 08:54 upload'
'isdir' => 1
'rights' => 'drwxr-xr-x'
'number' => '3'
'user' => 'guru'
'group' => 'users'
'size' => '4096'
'date' => '08-20'
'time' => '08:54'
'name' => 'upload'
Home this will help someone
[#36] eros at speedy dot com dot ar [2004-09-01 14:06:32]
The above examples are all wrong, the spaces given in array are not there "just because", its just a tabbed structure. In php we don't have structures like in c/cpp, but the following function will do the job.
function parse_rawlist( $array ) {
for ( $i = 1; $i < count($array); $i++ ) {
$current = $array[$i];
$structure[$i]['perms'] = substr($current, 0, 10);
$structure[$i]['number'] = trim(substr($current, 11, 3));
$structure[$i]['owner'] = trim(substr($current, 15, 8));
$structure[$i]['group'] = trim(substr($current, 24, 8));
$structure[$i]['size'] = trim(substr($current, 33, 8));
$structure[$i]['month'] = trim(substr($current, 42, 3));
$structure[$i]['day'] = trim(substr($current, 46, 2));
$structure[$i]['time'] = substr($current, 49, 5);
$structure[$i]['name'] = substr($current, 55, strlen($current) - 55);
return $structure;
[#37] soon7 at wanadoo dot fr [2004-07-14 14:17:29]
Hi all !
ther is a litlle mistake in the naivesong 's message .
Indeed , you stop to parse too early ...
I tried and fix it like this :
// getting the list
$list = ftp_rawlist ($ftp_stream, $ftp_directory);
$folders = array();
$files = array();
$links = array();
for ($i=0; $i<count($list); $i++)
//----convert tabs to blanks
//----delete multiple blanks
// Here begin my modifications
list ($permissions, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($number, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($owner, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($group, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($size, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($timeMonth,$list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($timeDay,$list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($timeTime,$list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
// by taking $filename in last position , it works even if there is some space in its name
//then we put it in the m array with the new things
//----ok, put all this into the related array
if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..")
$m = array();
$m["name"] = $filename;
$m["link"] = $filelink;
$m["size"] = afficherPoidsFichier($size);
$m["month"] = $timeMonth;
$m["day"] = $timeDay;
$m["time"] = $timeTime;
$m["owner"] = $owner;
$m["group"] = $group;
$m["permissions"] = $permissions;
if (substr($permissions, 0, 1) == "d")
$folders[count($folders)] = $m;
else if (substr($permissions, 0, 1) == "l")
$links[count($files)] = $m;
$files[count($files)] = $m;
// you can sort $folders , $files , $links after if u want
// afficherPoidsFichier($size) is a little function i found in this site at filesize() , works good !
// Just give the good size
function afficherPoidsFichier($size) {
$sizes = Array('o', 'Ko', 'Mo', 'Go');
$ext = $sizes[0];
for ($i=1; (($i < count($sizes)) && ($size >= 1024)); $i++) {
$size = $size / 1024;
$ext = $sizes[$i];
return round($size, 2).' '.$ext;
[#38] naivesong at matiasmoreno dot com dot ar [2004-03-25 08:53:30]
I'm afraid I forgot the "parsenext" function in my previous note. Here it is:
function parsenext ($s)
$k = strpos ($s, " ");
$m = array();
$m[0] = substr($s, 0, $k);
$m[1] = substr($s, $k+1);
return $m;
[#39] naivesong at matiasmoreno dot com dot ar [2004-03-24 22:41:57]
This script will properly handle FTP servers where the returned date/time differs from the generic mm-dd-YYYY hh:mm:ss format:
$list = ftp_rawlist ($ftp_stream, $ftp_directory);
$folders = array();
$files = array();
$links = array();
for ($i=0; $i<count($list); $i++)
//----convert tabs to blanks
$list[$i] = str_replace ("\t", " ", $list[$i]);
//----delete multiple blanks
while (($k = strpos($list[$i], " ")) !== FALSE)
$list[$i] = substr($list[$i],0,$k+1).trim(substr($list[$i],$k));
//----split link reference from filename where available
if (($k = strpos($list[$i], " -> ")) !== FALSE)
$filelink = substr($list[$i], $k+4);
$list[$i] = substr($list[$i], 0, $k);
$filelink = "";
//----parse filename
$k = strrpos($list[$i], " ");
$filename = substr($list[$i], $k+1);
$list[$i] = substr($list[$i], 0, $k);
//----parse the rest of info
list ($permissions, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($number, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($owner, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($group, $list[$i]) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
list ($size, $time) = parsenext ($list[$i]);
//----ok, put all this into the related array
if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..")
$m = array();
$m["name"] = $filename;
$m["link"] = $filelink;
$m["size"] = $size;
$m["time"] = $time;
$m["owner"] = $owner;
$m["group"] = $group;
$m["permissions"] = $permissions;
if (substr($permissions, 0, 1) == "d")
$folders[count($folders)] = $m;
else if (substr($permissions, 0, 1) == "l")
$links[count($files)] = $m;
$files[count($files)] = $m;
sort ($folders);
sort ($files);
sort ($links);
This script works fine on any raw list that complies with the following format:
permissions number owner group size time name [" -> " link_to]
where time may have whatever format the FTP server wants. ;-)
It also returns folders, files and links in separated sorted lists (got this idea from the note of "postmaster at alishomepage dot com" in this help page).
[#40] josh at snaphat dot com [2004-01-29 19:23:53]
I fixed jmv AT jmvware DOT com's script:
$dirline=ereg_replace(" +",' ',$dirline);
if (ereg('^d',$dirline)) $isdir=1;
,$size,$month,$day,$year_time,$name)=split(' ',$dirline);
//added the next lines:
$fix=explode(' ',$dirline);
if($fixsize > 8)
$name.=" " . $fix[$start];
[#41] [2004-01-06 03:40:40]
If you write
rawlist ($ftp, "-a");
The command will be "LIST -a", so the retuned list will also contain hidden files like ".htaccess".
In this case all files and folders of the current directory are contained.
To list another folder, you must change to it with "ftp_chdir".
[#42] moonglobe3739 [ A t ] hotmail .com [2003-11-01 16:16:20]
hope this helps someone:
$list = ftp_rawlist($ftp_stream,$dir);
$dirc = array();
foreach ($list as $file)
list($perms,$owner,$group,$size,$mtime,$fname) =
'([A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) (.*)$#',$file);
$dirc[$fname]['permissions'] = $perms;
$dirc[$fname]['owner'] = $owner;
$dirc[$fname]['group'] = $group;
$dirc[$fname]['size'] = $size;
$dirc[$fname]['modtime'] = $mtime;
[#43] postmaster at alishomepage dot com [2003-10-19 05:39:02]
Here we go for a 100% working code... :D
function cutspaces($str){
while(substr($str,0,1)==" "){$str=substr($str,1);}
return $str;}
list($permissions,$next)=split(" ",$list[$i],2);
list($num,$next)=split(" ",cutspaces($next),2);
list($owner,$next)=split(" ",cutspaces($next),2);
list($group,$next)=split(" ",cutspaces($next),2);
list($size,$next)=split(" ",cutspaces($next),2);
list($month,$next)=split(" ",cutspaces($next),2);
list($day,$next)=split(" ",cutspaces($next),2);
list($year_time,$filename)=split(" ",cutspaces($next),2);
if($filename!="." && $filename!=".."){
} else {
so this will simply "get" all the information WITHOUT being in any case interfered with some spaces, ... etc etc... It will even put files in a $files array and folders in a $folders array, and sort them, so you will be able of using all this later
and: the "folders" will NOT contain "." and ".." ;)
so you can use all this to make a beautiful FTP interface... later on you could for example put permissions and etc etc in other arrays to use them in your result... cute....
[#44] postmaster at alishomepage dot com [2003-10-19 05:05:39]
Another "formula" for decoding the rawlist: the ide is that normaly a "ls" contains info like below:
<file rights> <number> <owner> <group> <date> <time> <filename>
and: the "time" contains a ":" (which is NOT contained in any of the other infos -if we reversely read the array)
and, in the case the "time" would not exist, i have done a "protection script" that would try to find out using the year... Yet that may NOT always work since a user name or group name MAY contain an item like "1999" etc... (and i did not check the date format reversely -on the filename first- since a probability of presence is higher of a date is MUCH higher in a filename)
So here we go:
[... code ...]
[... code ...]
[... code ...]
and $elmt would *normally* contain the info we want... but i'm still working on it!
[#45] Svenne Burner [2003-08-01 18:12:12]
If you want to use explode, for all files in a dir, or something..
$rawlist[$i][$x] = ereg_replace( "([\x20]+)", "\x20", $rawlist[$i][$x]);
The output prints a different amount of spaces.
[#46] jmv AT jmvware DOT com [2003-05-14 14:27:38]
Seems it doesn't have to be so complicated:
$dirline=ereg_replace(" +",' ',$dirline);
if (ereg('^d',$dirline)) $isdir=1;
,$size,$month,$day,$year_time,$name)=split(' ',$dirline);
[#47] murasame at danzers dot org [2002-06-02 18:11:31]
I tweaked the regexp above and used it like this in a for-loop:
ereg("([-d])([rwxst-]{9}).* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]* [0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2}) (.+)", $raw[$i], $regs)
$out[] = array("is_dir" =>
($regs[1] == "d") ? true : false,
"mod" => $regs[2],
"size" => $regs[3],
"time" => $regs[4],
"name" => $regs[5],
"raw" => $regs[0]);
the previous version couldn't handle old dates which are in format 'M d Y' instead of 'M d H:i' correctly
[#48] maikdemaSPAM at yahooMAPS dot com [2002-03-28 03:27:53]
L8 ereg mask (directory?, size, name):
ereg("([-d])[rwxst-]{9}.* ([0-9]*) [a-zA-Z]+ [0-9: ]*[0-9]
I've tried this, and it works fine if the name of the file has not a number in the first letter. for example, if I have a file named "1file.exe", it shows "file.exe"; and if I've a file named "010102.exe" it shows ".exe" only.
I've improved it by doing this:
if(ereg("([-d])[rwxst-]{9}.* ([0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z]+[0-9: ]*[0-9]) ([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}) (.+)",$dirline,$regs))
if($regs[1]=="d") $dirinfo[0] = 1;
$dirinfo[1] = $regs[2];
$dirinfo[2] = $regs[3];
$dirinfo[3] = $regs[4];
$dirinfo[4] = $regs[5];
$dirinfo[0] => is a directory? (1=yes)
$dirinfo[1] => file size
$dirinfo[2] => file date
$dirinfo[3] => file time
$dirinfo[4] => file name
and now works with all filename formats!
[#49] ryan at wonko dot com [2002-03-20 19:32:19]
[[ Editors note: Seems it was fixed in PHP 4.3.0 ]]
A note to developers using PHP on Windows servers: as of PHP 4.1.2, ftp_rawlist() is broken in the Windows build of PHP. It will return nothing at all, even if the same code works fine on UNIX. So if you're going crazy trying to figure out why the function isn't returning anything, stop wasting your time, you're not doing anything wrong. Hopefully this will get fixed in future versions, although it's apparently been an issue since at least 4.0.6.
More info on this bug is at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=16057
[#50] cialdi at firenze dot net [2001-06-29 09:24:57]
the second parameter accepts also standard arguments of /bin/ls command like "-l" or "-t"
[#51] php at smintman dot com [2001-05-26 06:35:19]
An example script for rekursiv directory analysis ... interesting are the ereg functions for spliting the content based on the system type...
function analysedir($dirline)
global $systyp,$ftp_server,$stop;
if(ereg("([-dl])[rwxst-]{9}",substr($dirline,0,10))) {
$systyp = "UNIX";
if(substr($dirline,0,5) == "total") {
$dirinfo[0] = -1;
} elseif($systyp=="Windows_NT") {
if(ereg("[-0-9]+ *[0-9:]+[PA]?M? +<DIR> {10}(.*)",$dirline,$regs)) {
$dirinfo[0] = 1;
$dirinfo[1] = 0;
$dirinfo[2] = $regs[1];
} elseif(ereg("[-0-9]+ *[0-9:]+[PA]?M? +([0-9]+) (.*)",$dirline,$regs)) {
$dirinfo[0] = 0;
$dirinfo[1] = $regs[1];
$dirinfo[2] = $regs[2];
} elseif($systyp=="UNIX") {
if(ereg("([-d])[rwxst-]{9}.* ([0-9]*) [a-zA-Z]+ [0-9: ]*[0-9] (.+)",$dirline,$regs)) {
if($regs[1]=="d") $dirinfo[0] = 1;
$dirinfo[1] = $regs[2];
$dirinfo[2] = $regs[3];
if(($dirinfo[2]==".")||($dirinfo[2]=="..")) $dirinfo[0]=0;
// array -> 0 = switch, directory or not
// array -> 1 = filesize (if dir =0)
// array -> 2 = filename or dirname
return $dirinfo;
function rekdir($dir)
global $conn_id,$filetyps,$exectyps,$ftp_server,$banlist,$size,$ssize;
echo "<b>$dir</b><br>";
$dirlist = ftp_rawlist($conn_id,"");
for($i=0;$i<count($dirlist);$i++) {
$dirinfo = analysedir($dirlist[$i]);
if($dirinfo[0]==1) {
$newdir = "$dir/$dirinfo[2]";
if(($dirinfo[2]=="~")||(substr($dirinfo[2],0,1)==" "))
else $chdir=ftp_chdir($conn_id,$dirinfo[2]);
$stop = 0;
// for($k=0;($k<count($banlist))&&(!$stop);$k++) {
// if(strpos($newdir,$banlist[$k])!=0) $stop=1;
// }
if(!$stop && $chdir) {
if(!ftp_chdir($conn_id,$dir)) ftp_cdup($conn_id);
} elseif($dirinfo[0]==0) {
echo "$dirinfo[2]<br>";
$size += $dirinfo[1];
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
$login_result = @ftp_login($conn_id, $user, $password);
if ($login_result) {
$real_systyp = ftp_systype($conn_id);
$systyp = $real_systyp;
echo "scanning... $systyp<br>";