Dokumen ini menggunakan Manual laman web PHP Cina Lepaskan
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
ldap_get_entries — Get all result entries
, resource $result_identifier
)Reads multiple entries from the given result, and then reading the attributes and multiple values.
An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect() .
Returns a complete result information in a multi-dimensional array on
success and FALSE
on error.
The structure of the array is as follows. The attribute index is converted to lowercase. (Attributes are case-insensitive for directory servers, but not when used as array indices.)
return_value["count"] = number of entries in the result return_value[0] : refers to the details of first entryreturn_value[i]["dn"] = DN of the ith entry in the resultreturn_value[i]["count"] = number of attributes in ith entry return_value[i][j] = NAME of the jth attribute in the ith entry in the resultreturn_value[i]["attribute"]["count"] = number of values for attribute in ith entry return_value[i]["attribute"][j] = jth value of attribute in ith entry
[#1] tomas dot hampl at gmail dot com [2012-01-26 10:50:08]
It has been mentioned in the comments below, but the
<?php ldap_get_entries($connection,$result) ?>
always makes all attributes into lower-case. I found out the hard way that if I'm running an ldap query against the corporate AD and then want to display some results, nothing is actually displayed unless the attribute names area in lower-case.
// connect to AD
// limit attributes we want to look for
$attributes_ad = array("displayName","description","cn","givenName","sn","mail","co","mobile","company","displayName");
// define base
$base ="";
// in my script I search based on e-mail, $email variable is passed from the form
$result = ldap_search($conn, $base, "mail=$email*", $attributes_ad) or die ("Error in search
// put search results into the array ($conn variable is defined in the included 'ad_con.php')
$info = ldap_get_entries($conn, $result);
//Now, to display the results we want:
for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++)
// to show the attribute displayName (note the case!)
echo $info[$i]["displayname"][0]
[#2] Sebastien Troiani [2010-01-29 05:39:52]
Looks like there is a limit on returned objects - only 1000 items are placed in the array
[#3] plonky at gmail dot com [2009-04-07 09:09:30]
Hope this could help a bit others to print attribute and values on the same line. This is basic code of course
$ldap_con = ldap_connect($ldap_server) or die("Could not connect to server. Error is " . ldap_error($ldap_con));
$ldap_bd = ldap_bind($ldap_con, $root_dn, $root_pw) or die("Could not bind to server. Error is " .ldap_error($ldap_con));
$result = ldap_search($ldap_con, $personnel_base, "(uid=*)") or die ("Error in query");
$data = ldap_get_entries($ldap_con, $result);
for ($i=0; $i<=$data["count"];$i++) {
for ($j=0;$j<=$data[$i]["count"];$j++){
echo $data[$i][$j].": ".$data[$i][$data[$i][$j]][0]."\n";
[#4] chl [2009-03-11 08:20:29]
Recursive form of markus' function so it can take directly the result of ldap_get_entries :
function cleanUpEntry( $entry ) {
$retEntry = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < $entry['count']; $i++ ) {
if (is_array($entry[$i])) {
$subtree = $entry[$i];
//This condition should be superfluous so just take the recursive call
//adapted to your situation in order to increase perf.
if ( ! empty($subtree['dn']) and ! isset($retEntry[$subtree['dn']])) {
$retEntry[$subtree['dn']] = cleanUpEntry($subtree);
else {
$retEntry[] = cleanUpEntry($subtree);
else {
$attribute = $entry[$i];
if ( $entry[$attribute]['count'] == 1 ) {
$retEntry[$attribute] = $entry[$attribute][0];
} else {
for ( $j = 0; $j < $entry[$attribute]['count']; $j++ ) {
$retEntry[$attribute][] = $entry[$attribute][$j];
return $retEntry;
Result is of the form :
array(256) {
array(3) {
string(4) "doe"
string(14) "John Doe"
string(4) "1234"
[#5] asohn at aircanopy dot net [2007-09-21 14:48:42]
Some code I put together. Maybe yall can benefit from it.
function search_results($info) {
foreach ($info as $inf) {
if (is_array($inf)) {
foreach ($inf as $key => $in) {
if ((count($inf[$key]) - 1) > 0) {
if (is_array($in)) {
$results[$key] = $inf[$key];
$results["dn"] = explode(',', $info[0]["dn"]);
return $results;
$user = "asohn";
$ds = ldap_connect("ldap://DOMAIN.net");
if ($ds) {
$r = ldap_bind($ds);
$sr = ldap_search($ds, "ou=customers,dc=DOMAIN,dc=net", "uid=".$user);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
echo $info["count"]." Search Result(s) for \"".$user."\"\n";
$results = search_results($info);
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
echo " ".$key."\n";
if (is_array($result)){
foreach($result as $res){
echo " ".$res."\n";
[#6] markus dot schabel at tgm dot ac dot at [2006-02-21 00:20:28]
When you like to get the entry from LDAP in the same style as ldap_add(), then you can use the following function to convert this entry.
function cleanUpEntry( $entry ) {
$retEntry = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < $entry['count']; $i++ ) {
$attribute = $entry[$i];
if ( $entry[$attribute]['count'] == 1 ) {
$retEntry[$attribute] = $entry[$attribute][0];
} else {
for ( $j = 0; $j < $entry[$attribute]['count']; $j++ ) {
$retEntry[$attribute][] = $entry[$attribute][$j];
return $retEntry;
[#7] reuben dot helms at gmail dot com [2006-02-07 01:13:17]
Helmuts programming example is incorrect.
PHP arrays start from zero, so your first entry is $entry[0] and your last entry is $entry[$entry["count"] - 1].
$entry[$entry["count"]] will never exist, thus his usage of is_null.
Helmuts usage of is_null is not elegant, its just poor understanding of arrays.
Save some confusion and remove Helmuts entry and this one.
[#8] Jim Granger <tenor at jimgranger.com> [2005-06-24 14:27:03]
Another way of ignoring the last null entry would be to subtract one from the iteration count like this:
for($i = 0; $i < count($result_array) - 1; $i++)
Helmut's method is far more elegant on its own but what I do is combine the above with the null test that he suggested. It may seem like overkill, but better safe than sorry.
[#9] helmut dot patay at scandio dot de [2004-04-21 15:57:23]
If you loop over the entries, like
$entries = ldap_get_entries( $ds, $sr );
watch out!
you have to check with is_null the last entry
because you will get one entry more than the search found,
but the last one will be null
so you are safe if you do:
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $entries ); $i++ ) {
if ( is_null( $entries[ $i ] ) ) continue;
[#10] Ovidiu Geaboc <ogeaboc at rdanet.com> [2003-11-13 07:59:58]
I have found that ldap_get_entries() function doesn't handle binary data correctly. I had to write my own using ldap_get_values_len().
// will use ldap_get_values_len() instead and build the array
// note: it's similar with the array returned by
// ldap_get_entries() except it has no "count" elements
$entry = ldap_first_entry($this->conn, $this->srchRslt);
do {
$attributes = ldap_get_attributes($this->conn, $entry);
for($j=0; $j<$attributes['count']; $j++) {
$values = ldap_get_values_len($this->conn, $entry,$attributes[$j]);
$this->rawData[$i][$attributes[$j]] = $values;
while ($entry = ldap_next_entry($this->conn, $entry));
//we're done
return ($this->rawData);
[#11] mackstann / mack%at%incise%dot%org [2003-09-04 11:50:08]
I find the ["count"] items in these arrays highly annoying, so I made a function to remove them recursively:
function rCountRemover($arr) {
foreach($arr as $key=>$val) {
# (int)0 == "count", so we need to use ===
if($key === "count")
$arr[$key] = rCountRemover($arr[$key]);
return $arr;
[#12] reaper at sci dot fi [2003-06-18 06:09:35]
If you're dealing with Active Directory and need to get values like 'lastlogon', 'pwdlastset' or similar, you'll notice that AD gives the values as Windows FILETIME timestamps. That means, the values are 100-nanosecond units passed since 1.1.1600 00:00:00.
To convert these to unix timestamps which PHP's date functions understand, one easy way would be the following :
function win_filetime_to_timestamp ($filetime) {
$win_secs = substr($filetime,0,strlen($filetime)-7); // divide by 10 000 000 to get seconds
$unix_timestamp = ($win_secs - 11644473600); // 1.1.1600 -> 1.1.1970 difference in seconds
return $unix_timestamp;
[#13] pmichaud at pobox dot com [2002-02-09 18:43:46]
Actually, the fact that ldap_get_entries returns attribute names as lowercase is really annoying, because ldap_get_attributes apparently does not. This is really annoying, especially when having arrays of attribute names and having to worry about which call was used to retrieve entries from LDAP.
[#14] c dot green at its dot uq dot edu dot au [2001-08-17 04:25:06]
In response to the first message ldap_get_entries, I think there is some confusion with the dynamic typing of php.
If the result is a string doing $foo[0] will return the first character of the string.
In the case of an array $foo[0] will return the entire first element.
Its not to do with the 'dn' in particular, rather the fact that the dn is a scalar value (ie a string) rather than an array, and the indexing works differently in either case.
For debugging purposes I would recommend using something like :
$value = is_array($foo) ? $foo[0] : $foo;
$value = is_array($foo) ? implode($foo, $delimiter) : $foo;
[#15] oscara at hinux dot hin dot no [2001-05-15 09:51:53]
Note: ldap_get_entries returns true even if no results are found, like this:
echo $entries=ldap_get_entries(...);
will print Array.
You have to check for number of row in the Array like this:
if($entries["count"]==0) return false;
Hope this helped someone...
[#16] john at petbrain dot com [2000-12-20 10:24:46]
Just a note: an multidemnsional array is like an array with in an array.... you have myArray[2]-> can refer to something like dc=americas,dc=icm,dc=org
Basically you have more elements that are buried with in one element of the parent array[], myArray[2]
So, thats why you see myArray[1]["dn"][0] ... pulling out the first element in myArray[1] and rollover the first element in it.
[#17] cbrent at orix dot com dot au [2000-04-17 22:03:46]
Note that ldap_get_entries return an associative array with the attributes in lower case. So for example the givenName ldap attribute is associated with $ldap[0]["givenname"][0] (for the first given name for the first result) this is a little confusing at first.