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(PHP 4, PHP 5)
long2ip — Converts an long integer address into a string in (IPv4) Internet standard dotted format
)The function long2ip() generates an Internet address in dotted format (i.e.: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd) from the long integer representation.
A proper address representation in long integer.
Returns the Internet IP address as a string.
[#1] klawd at kamundo dot de [2012-01-25 10:34:24]
Use these two functions to convert from and to numbers compatible to MySQLs INET_ATON and INET_NTOA
function convertIpToString($ip)
$long = 4294967295 - ($ip - 1);
return long2ip(-$long);
function convertIpToLong($ip)
return sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip));
[#2] Anonymous [2011-08-05 09:38:39]
If you're running a 32 bit machine you can get wrong IPs. To prevent from this just cast to float e.g.
return long2ip((float)$ip);
[#3] php dot net at davidstockton dot com [2008-09-03 22:28:33]
Beware when processing values that are invalid, you may get values that are different based on the OS. For instance:
$ip = long2ip(pow(2,32)+1024);
On windows you get On linux it's
So it seems it would be important to make sure the long you're converting is in the correct range.
[#4] Gabriel Malca [2006-03-17 05:01:35]
If the function doesn't exist:
if (!function_exists("long2ip")) {
function long2ip($long) {
// Valid range: ->
if ($long < 0 || $long > 4294967295) return false;
$ip = "";
for ($i=3;$i>=0;$i--) {
$ip .= (int)($long / pow(256,$i));
$long -= (int)($long / pow(256,$i))*pow(256,$i);
if ($i>0) $ip .= ".";
return $ip;
[#5] flobee [2005-02-13 14:50:57]
when importing ip-ranges to a mysql database using an INT(10) field - NOTE: that you will get problems when using intval() function!
copied from "cleong" : 02-Oct-2001 02:21
intval() handles overflow differently depending on the type of the argument.
// intval('10000000000') = 2147483647
// intval(1e10) = 1410065408
[#6] Tom Crosley [2003-02-16 13:13:35]
I wanted to be able to pass an IP address in a URL always as an unsigned int. I then converted it back as shown below:
$ip_addr = ""; // example IP address that converts to neg #
$s32int = ip2long($ip_addr);
$us32str = sprintf("%u",$s32int); // convert to unsigned string
// display orig IP address, signed 32 bit version, unsigned 32 bit ver,
// finally converted back to IP addr
printf("%s ,%d, %s, %s", $ip_addr, $s32int, $us32str,
// tested on Linux/Apache PHP 4.1.2