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(PECL ssh2 >= 0.9.0)
ssh2_fetch_stream — Fetch an extended data stream
, int $streamid
Fetches an alternate substream associated with an SSH2 channel stream.
The SSH2 protocol currently defines only one substream, STDERR, which has
a substream ID of SSH2_STREAM_STDERR
(defined as 1).
An SSH2 channel stream.
Returns the requested stream resource.
Example #1 Opening a shell and retrieving the stderr stream associated with it
$connection = ssh2_connect ( 'shell.example.com' , 22 );
ssh2_auth_password ( $connection , 'username' , 'password' );
$stdio_stream = ssh2_shell ( $connection );
$stderr_stream = ssh2_fetch_stream ( $stdio_stream , SSH2_STREAM_STDERR );
[#1] hexer [2008-09-10 06:51:04]
I successfully used fgets in PHP4
$stderr = fgets(ssh2_fetch_stream($channel, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR), 8192);
$str = fgets(ssh2_fetch_stream($channel, SSH2_STREAM_STDIO), 8192);
[#2] Dennis K. [2007-01-24 04:28:51]
In addition to the last post from Ricardo Striquer:
Simple block the stream with stream_set_blocking(), and you dont have to sleep() the script...
stdout_stream = ssh2_exec($connection, "/bin/lssss -la /tmp");
$err_stream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stdout_stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);
$dio_stream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stdout_stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDDIO);
stream_set_blocking($err_stream, true);
stream_set_blocking($dio_stream, true);
$result_err = stream_get_contents($err_stream));
$result_dio = stream_get_contents($dio_stream));
[#3] Ricardo Striquer (ricardophp yohoocombr) [2006-12-18 07:41:33]
I got a friend using those functions and he was not able to use this ssh2_fetch_stream function. First of all I got the ssh2_shell sample by webmaster at spectreanime dot com, but this function does not work with his sample, i believe thats because he use fwrite instead of ssh2_shell or ssh2_exec to run the command.
This sample below is to run under a command line and is fully functional. note that i add the sleep as advised by webmaster at spectreanime dot com
echo "Connexion SSH ";
if (!($connection=@ssh2_connect("", 22))) {
echo "[FAILED]\n";
echo "[OK]\nAuthentification ";
if (!@ssh2_auth_password($connection,"root","YourPassword")) {
echo "[FAILED]\n";
echo "[OK]\n";
$stdout_stream = ssh2_exec($connection, "/bin/lssss -la /tmp");
$stderr_stream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stdout_stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);
echo "Erros encontrados!\n------------\n";
while($line = fgets($stderr_stream)) { flush(); echo $line."\n"; }
echo "------------\n";
while($line = fgets($stdout_stream)) { flush(); echo $line."\n";}