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(PHP 4, PHP 5)
session_save_path — 读取/设置当前会话的保存路径
] )session_save_path() 返回当前会话的保存路径。
指定会话数据保存的路径。 必须在调用 session_start() 函数之前调用 session_save_path() 函数。
在某些操作系统上,建议使用可以高效处理 大量小尺寸文件的文件系统上的路径来保存会话数据。 例如,在 Linux 平台上,对于会话数据保存的工作而言,reiserfs 文件系统会比 ext2fs 文件系统能够提供更好的性能。
[#1] hi at chintan dot pw [2014-09-21 14:39:48]
To Change the session path to a sub folder of your projects
ini_set('session.save_path',getcwd(). '/tmp');
saves the session in "tmp" folder.
[#2] mdibbets at outlook dot nospam [2013-10-03 07:45:28]
I made a folder next to the public html folder and placed these lines at the very first point in index.php
Location of session folder:
location of index.php
What I placed in index.php at line 0:
ini_set('session.save_path',realpath(dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . '/../session'));
This is the only solution that worked for me. Hope this helps someone.
[#3] branislav dot ristic at gmail dot com [2010-06-01 03:28:23]
After a lot of searches, tests and pain, the only one that worked for me was this:
session_save_path(realpath(dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . '/../session'));
[#4] alvaro at demogracia dot com [2010-05-26 03:42:32]
Debian does not use the default garbage collector for sessions. Instead, it sets session.gc_probability to zero and it runs a cron job to clean up old session data in the default directory.
As a result, if your site sets a custom location with session_save_path() you also need to set a value for session.gc_probability, e.g.:
ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
Otherwise, old files in '/home/example.com/sessions' will never get removed!
[#5] Matthias H. (DE) [2010-03-14 03:40:21]
Under PHP for Windows, you can improve the speed, when you store all session-files on ramdisk. A freeware-ramdisk you can download by http://www.techsnack.net/gavotte-ramdisk-free-virtual-hardisk .
A other alternativ is store you session-datas to apc-user-cache (see php-apc-extension).
[#6] TK [2010-02-22 17:29:43]
After a search for the cause of a issue causing users to have to login twice, I've found a call to session_save_path() was the culprit.
What was happening was: the session save path was set, a session was opened, some variables were set and the session was closed. This was resulting in an empty file in the specified session save path and of course no session data on the next page load. Oddly, on the second attempt the data was saved as expected.
I found that removing the call to session_save_path() resolved the issue. My final solution was to replace the call to session_save_path($path) with an equivalent call to ini_set('session.save_path', $path).
[#7] sampathperera at hotmail dot com - Sri Lanka [2008-02-05 23:25:07]
Session on clustered web servers !
We had problem in PHP session handling with 2 web server cluster. Problem was one servers session data was not available in other server.
So I made a simple configuration in both server php.ini file. Changed session.save_path default value to shared folder on both servers (/mnt/session/).
It works for me. :)
[#8] webmaster at gardenchemicals dot co dot uk [2004-09-16 07:59:57]
This is an absolute must if you have an important login on a shared server. Without it, other users of the server can do the following to bypass login:
* Visit login page, browse through cookies and grab the session id.
* Create a PHP script on their account that grabs and sets session variables for a given session id.
* Read and change any values for that session id (for example passwords or session keys), and therefore gain access to the protected area.
All users on web hosting should choose an dir below the HTTP directory struct, but within their user area to store the session files.
[#9] a9504778 at unet dot univie dot ac dot at [2001-01-14 15:09:56]
dont forget: if you use session_save_path on the page, that registers a variable, you have also to use session_save_path on all the pages, where you access the session-variable. under win32 you can use the double \\ to specify eg "c:\\temp\\"