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(PHP 4, PHP 5)
strrev — 反转字符串
返回 string
Example #1 使用 strrev() 反转字符串
echo strrev ( "Hello world!" ); // 输出 "!dlrow olleH"
[#1] Anonymous [2015-04-09 17:53:50]
My version
$var= "Hello, hello. ";
$length = strlen($var)-1;
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length+1) {
echo $var[$length-$i];
[#2] vsrikanth02 at gmail dot com [2014-04-21 10:55:59]
$string = 'srikanth';
$length = strlen($string);
for($i=$length-1;$i >=0;$i--){
echo $string[$i];
[#3] vsrikanth02 at gmail dot com [2014-04-21 10:54:50]
$string = 'srikanth';
$length = strlen($string);
for($i=$length-1;$i >=0;$i--){
echo $string[$i];
[#4] sheik dot ks at gmail dot com [2014-04-21 09:07:17]
$str = "sheik";
$arr1 = str_split($str);
while($i >= 0){
$revstr .= $arr1[$i];
echo $revstr;
[#5] dthawkins+php at gmail dot com [2014-04-08 18:18:35]
Reverse a string without using any functions
function reverse_string($s) {
$i = 0;
$rev = '';
while ( $s[$i] ) {
while ( $s[$i] ) {
$rev .= $s[$i];
return $rev;
[#6] manfred at werkzeugH dot at [2008-05-27 04:35:07]
here is my version for strings with utf8-characters represented as numerical entities (e.g. Ӓ)
function utf8_entities_strrev($str, $preserve_numbers = true)
//split string into string-portions (1 byte characters, numerical entitiesor numbers)
while ($str)
if ($preserve_numbers && preg_match('/^([0-9]+)(.*)$/',$str,$m))
// number-flow
elseif (preg_match('/^(\&#[0-9]+;)(.*)$/',$str,$m))
// numerical entity
return $str;
[#7] carmel.alex at gmail.com [2006-02-28 00:54:32]
This function support utf-8 encoding
function utf8_strrev($str){
preg_match_all('/./us', $str, $ar);
return join('',array_reverse($ar[0]));
[#8] MagicalTux at FF dot st [2005-05-12 06:20:23]
I will make Screend at hf dot webex dot com's comment more clear and understandable.
strrev only works for singlebyte character-sets. Multibytes charactersets are not compatibles with strrev.
US-ASCII and ISO-8859-* are compatible with strrev, however BIG5, SJIS, UTF-8 aren't.
There's no mb_strrev function in PHP, so you can't strrev() a multibyte string. Try to convert it to something else with iconv() if it can be represented in a singlebyte character set.