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(PHP 5)
ReflectionMethod::__construct — ReflectionMethod 的构造函数
, string $name
)构造一个新的 ReflectionMethod
类名称和方法名称,之间使用 :: 分隔
如果指定的方法不存在,那么抛出一个 ReflectionException
Example #1 ReflectionMethod::__construct() example
class Counter
private static $c = 0 ;
final public static function increment ()
return ++ self :: $c ;
// Create an instance of the ReflectionMethod class
$method = new ReflectionMethod ( 'Counter' , 'increment' );
// Print out basic information
printf (
"===> The %s%s%s%s%s%s%s method '%s' (which is %s)\n" .
" declared in %s\n" .
" lines %d to %d\n" .
" having the modifiers %d[%s]\n" ,
$method -> isInternal () ? 'internal' : 'user-defined' ,
$method -> isAbstract () ? ' abstract' : '' ,
$method -> isFinal () ? ' final' : '' ,
$method -> isPublic () ? ' public' : '' ,
$method -> isPrivate () ? ' private' : '' ,
$method -> isProtected () ? ' protected' : '' ,
$method -> isStatic () ? ' static' : '' ,
$method -> getName (),
$method -> isConstructor () ? 'the constructor' : 'a regular method' ,
$method -> getFileName (),
$method -> getStartLine (),
$method -> getEndline (),
$method -> getModifiers (),
implode ( ' ' , Reflection :: getModifierNames ( $method -> getModifiers ()))
// 打印注释文档
printf ( "---> Documentation:\n %s\n" , var_export ( $method -> getDocComment (), 1 ));
// 打印存在的静态变量
if ( $statics = $method -> getStaticVariables ()) {
printf ( "---> Static variables: %s\n" , var_export ( $statics , 1 ));
// 执行方法
printf ( "---> Invocation results in: " );
var_dump ( $method -> invoke ( NULL ));
===> The user-defined final public static method 'increment' (which is a regular method) declared in /Users/philip/cvs/phpdoc/test.php lines 14 to 17 having the modifiers 261[final public static] ---> Documentation: '' ---> Invocation results in: int(1)