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(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5)
xmlrpc_server_call_method — 解析 XML 请求同时调用方法
, string $xml
, mixed $user_data
[, array $output_options
] )此函数是实验性的。此函数的表象,包括名称及其相关文档都可能在未来的 PHP 发布版本中未通知就被修改。使用本函数风险自担 。
[#1] marco.buratto at tiscali punto it [2006-12-28 08:15:24]
xmlrpc_server_call_method() with class methods
require_once ('Connections/adodb_mysql_connection.php');
// Instantiating my own class
$my_report = new external_report($db_connection);
// Setting up the XML-RPC "server"
$xmlrpc_server_handler = xmlrpc_server_create();
xmlrpc_server_register_method($xmlrpc_server_handler, "external_method", array(&$my_report, "export"));
// Creating XML return data
if ($response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($xmlrpc_server_handler, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, null))
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo $response;
// **************** class definition ****************
class external_report
protected $db_connection;
public function __construct($db_connection_pointer)
if (method_exists($db_connection_pointer, "Execute")) $this->db_connection = $db_connection_pointer;
else die("...");
public function export($method_name, $params_array)
$id_dir = (int)$params_array[0];
$id_usr = (int)$params_array[1]; // not used, just an example
// We have to add arguments' validating code here and NOT inside the constructor (as usual)
// because arguments are passed directly by xmlrpc_server_call_method (?!!)
$myexport = array();
$dirs_query = "SELECT documento_id FROM tabella_cartelle WHERE cartella_id = ".$id_dir;
$dirs_result = $this->db_connection->Execute($dirs_query) or die("...");
$index = 0;
$docs_query = "SELECT codice, titolo FROM tabella_documenti WHERE id_documento = ".$dirs_result->Fields('documento_id');
$docs_result = $this->db_connection->Execute($docs_query) or die("...");
$myexport[$index]['codice'] = $docs_result->Fields('codice');
$myexport[$index]['titolo'] = $docs_result->Fields('titolo');
return $myexport;
[#2] nyvsld at gmail dot com [2005-11-27 05:08:27]
function impl($method_name,$params,$user_data){
return array_sum($params);
echo 'fault!';