Dokumen ini menggunakan Manual laman web PHP Cina Lepaskan
Example #1 创建一个 Zip 归档
$zip = new ZipArchive ();
$filename = "./test112.zip" ;
if ( $zip -> open ( $filename , ZIPARCHIVE :: CREATE )!== TRUE ) {
exit( "cannot open < $filename >\n" );
$zip -> addFromString ( "testfilephp.txt" . time (), "#1 This is a test string added as testfilephp.txt.\n" );
$zip -> addFromString ( "testfilephp2.txt" . time (), "#2 This is a test string added as testfilephp2.txt.\n" );
$zip -> addFile ( $thisdir . "/too.php" , "/testfromfile.php" );
echo "numfiles: " . $zip -> numFiles . "\n" ;
echo "status:" . $zip -> status . "\n" ;
$zip -> close ();
Example #2 输出文档细节和列表
$za = new ZipArchive ();
$za -> open ( 'test_with_comment.zip' );
print_r ( $za );
var_dump ( $za );
echo "numFiles: " . $za -> numFiles . "\n" ;
echo "status: " . $za -> status . "\n" ;
echo "statusSys: " . $za -> statusSys . "\n" ;
echo "filename: " . $za -> filename . "\n" ;
echo "comment: " . $za -> comment . "\n" ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $za -> numFiles ; $i ++) {
echo "index: $i \n" ;
print_r ( $za -> statIndex ( $i ));
echo "numFile:" . $za -> numFiles . "\n" ;
Example #3 Zip 流封装,读取一个 OpenOffice 文件的元信息
$reader = new XMLReader ();
$reader -> open ( 'zip://' . dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/test.odt#meta.xml' );
$odt_meta = array();
while ( $reader -> read ()) {
if ( $reader -> nodeType == XMLREADER :: ELEMENT ) {
$elm = $reader -> name ;
} else {
if ( $reader -> nodeType == XMLREADER :: END_ELEMENT && $reader -> name == 'office:meta' ) {
if (! trim ( $reader -> value )) {
$odt_meta [ $elm ] = $reader -> value ;
print_r ( $odt_meta );
此例使用了旧的 API(PHP 4),它打开了一个 ZIP 文件归档,读取归档里的每个文件,并输出文件内容。此例用到的 test2.zip 文档是 ZZIPlib 源分布里测试文档中的一个。
Example #4 Zip 使用范例
$zip = zip_open ( "/tmp/test2.zip" );
if ( $zip ) {
while ( $zip_entry = zip_read ( $zip )) {
echo "Name: " . zip_entry_name ( $zip_entry ) . "\n" ;
echo "Actual Filesize: " . zip_entry_filesize ( $zip_entry ) . "\n" ;
echo "Compressed Size: " . zip_entry_compressedsize ( $zip_entry ) . "\n" ;
echo "Compression Method: " . zip_entry_compressionmethod ( $zip_entry ) . "\n" ;
if ( zip_entry_open ( $zip , $zip_entry , "r" )) {
echo "File Contents:\n" ;
$buf = zip_entry_read ( $zip_entry , zip_entry_filesize ( $zip_entry ));
echo " $buf \n" ;
zip_entry_close ( $zip_entry );
echo "\n" ;
zip_close ( $zip );
[#1] webmaster @ anonymous [2013-06-27 04:38:12]
you can use this code for reading JAR files (java archives)
JAR files use the same ZIP format, so can be easily read
$zf = zip_open(realpath('D:/lucene/allinone/lucene-core.jar')); $i=1;
while($zf && $ze = zip_read($zf)) {
$zi[$i]['zip entry name']= zip_entry_name($ze);
$zi[$i]['zip entry filesize']= zip_entry_filesize($ze);
$zi[$i]['zip entry compressed size']= zip_entry_compressedsize($ze);
$zi[$i]['zip entry compression method']= zip_entry_compressionmethod($ze);
$zi[$i]['zip entry open status'] = zip_entry_open($zf,$ze);
//$zi[$i]['zip entry file contents'] = zip_entry_read($ze,100);
[#2] Jonathan [2010-01-19 10:29:51]
If you find your zip file not being created make sure every file you are adding to the zip is valid. If even one file is not available when zip->close is called then the archive will fail and your zip file won't be created.
[#3] Stefano Di Paolo [2008-10-04 07:13:57]
1) If you want to add files to a ZIP archive but you don't know if the ZiP file exists or not, you MUST check: this changes the way you open it !.
2) you can not append multiple flags, can use only one (or none).
If the zip does not exists, open it with:
$ziph->open($archiveFile, ZIPARCHIVE::CM_PKWARE_IMPLODE)
(or a different compression method)
If the zip already exists, open it with:
$ziph->open($archiveFile, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS)
Example: make backup files every hour and ZIP them all in a daily ZIP archive, so you want to get only one ZIP per day, each ZIP containing 24 files:
function archivebackup($archiveFile, $file, &$errMsg)
$ziph = new ZipArchive();
if($ziph->open($archiveFile, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS) !== TRUE)
$errMsg = "Unable to Open $archiveFile";
return 1;
if($ziph->open($archiveFile, ZIPARCHIVE::CM_PKWARE_IMPLODE) !== TRUE)
$errMsg = "Could not Create $archiveFile";
return 1;
$errMsg = "error archiving $file in $archiveFile";
return 2;
return 0;
[#4] info at peterhofer dot ch [2008-09-13 09:03:48]
All these examples will not work if the php script has no write access within the folder.
Although you may say this is obvious, I found that in this case, $zip->open("name", ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) doesn't return an error as it might not try to access the file system but rather allocates memory.
It is only $zip->close() that returns the error. This might cause you seeking at the wrong end.
[#5] geandjay at gmail dot com [2008-04-17 09:25:57]
$zip = new ZipArchive;
echo "Ok!";