Dokumen ini menggunakan Manual laman web PHP Cina Lepaskan
(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)
maxdb_stmt_errno -- maxdb_stmt::errno — Returns the error code for the most recent statement call
For the statement specified by stmt, maxdb_stmt_errno() returns the error code for the most recently invoked statement function that can succeed or fail.
For possible error codes see documentation of SQLDBC: » http://maxdb.sap.com/documentation/.
An error code value. Zero means no error occurred.
Example #1 面向对象风格
$maxdb = new maxdb ( "localhost" , "MONA" , "RED" , "DEMODB" );
if ( maxdb_connect_errno ()) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" , maxdb_connect_error ());
$maxdb -> query ( "CREATE TABLE temp.mycity LIKE hotel.city" );
$maxdb -> query ( "INSERT INTO temp.mycity SELECT * FROM hotel.city" );
$query = "SELECT name, zip FROM temp.mycity ORDER BY name" ;
if ( $stmt = $maxdb -> prepare ( $query )) {
$maxdb -> query ( "DROP TABLE temp.mycity" );
$stmt -> execute ();
printf ( "Error: %d.\n" , $stmt -> errno );
$stmt -> close ();
$maxdb -> close ();
Example #2 过程化风格
$link = maxdb_connect ( "localhost" , "MONA" , "RED" , "DEMODB" );
if ( maxdb_connect_errno ()) {
printf ( "Connect failed: %s\n" , maxdb_connect_error ());
maxdb_query ( $link , "CREATE TABLE temp.mycity LIKE hotel.city" );
maxdb_query ( $link , "INSERT INTO temp.mycity SELECT * FROM hotel.city" );
$query = "SELECT name, zip FROM temp.mycity ORDER BY name" ;
if ( $stmt = maxdb_prepare ( $link , $query )) {
maxdb_query ( $link , "DROP TABLE temp.mycity" );
maxdb_stmt_execute ( $stmt );
printf ( "Error: %d.\n" , maxdb_stmt_errno ( $stmt ));
maxdb_stmt_close ( $stmt );
maxdb_close ( $link );
Warning: maxdb_stmt_execute(): -4004 POS(23) Unknown table name:MYCITY [42000] <...> Error: -4004.