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(mongodb >=1.0.0)
MongoDB\Driver\CursorId::__toString — String representation of the cursor ID
Returns the string representation of the cursor ID.
Returns the string representation of the cursor ID.
Example #1 MongoDB\Driver\CursorId::__toString() example
$manager = new MongoDB \ Driver \ Manager ( "mongodb://localhost:27017" );
$query = new MongoDB \ Driver \ Query ([], [ 'batchSize' => 2 ]);
$bulk = new MongoDB \ Driver \ BulkWrite ;
$bulk -> insert ([ 'x' => 1 ]);
$bulk -> insert ([ 'x' => 2 ]);
$bulk -> insert ([ 'x' => 3 ]);
$manager -> executeBulkWrite ( 'db.collection' , $bulk );
$cursor = $manager -> executeQuery ( 'db.collection' , $query );
var_dump ((string) $cursor -> getId ());
string(11) "98061641158"