Dokumen ini menggunakan Manual laman web PHP Cina Lepaskan
(PHP 4, PHP 5)
mysql_fetch_field — 从结果集中取得列信息并作为对象返回
[, int $field_offset
] )返回一个包含字段信息的对象。
mysql_fetch_field() 可以用来从某个查询结果中取得字段的信息。如果没有指定字段偏移量,则下一个尚未被 mysql_fetch_field() 取得的字段被提取。
Note: 此函数返回的字段名大小写敏感。
Example #1 mysql_fetch_field()
mysql_connect ( 'localhost:3306' , $user , $password )
or die( "Could not connect: " . mysql_error ());
mysql_select_db ( "database" );
$result = mysql_query ( "select * from table" )
or die( "Query failed: " . mysql_error ());
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i < mysql_num_fields ( $result )) {
echo "Information for column $i :<br />\n" ;
$meta = mysql_fetch_field ( $result );
if (! $meta ) {
echo "No information available<br />\n" ;
echo "<pre>
blob: $meta -> blob
max_length: $meta -> max_length
multiple_key: $meta -> multiple_key
name: $meta -> name
not_null: $meta -> not_null
numeric: $meta -> numeric
primary_key: $meta -> primary_key
table: $meta -> table
type: $meta -> type
unique_key: $meta -> unique_key
unsigned: $meta -> unsigned
zerofill: $meta -> zerofill
</pre>" ;
$i ++;
mysql_free_result ( $result );
参见 mysql_field_seek() 。
resource 型的结果集。此结果集来自对 mysql_query() 的调用。
The numerical field offset. If the field offset is not specified, the
next field that was not yet retrieved by this function is retrieved.
The field_offset
starts at 0.
Returns an object containing field information. The properties of the object are:
Example #2 mysql_fetch_field() example
$conn = mysql_connect ( 'localhost' , 'mysql_user' , 'mysql_password' );
if (! $conn ) {
die( 'Could not connect: ' . mysql_error ());
mysql_select_db ( 'database' );
$result = mysql_query ( 'select * from table' );
if (! $result ) {
die( 'Query failed: ' . mysql_error ());
$i = 0 ;
while ( $i < mysql_num_fields ( $result )) {
echo "Information for column $i :<br />\n" ;
$meta = mysql_fetch_field ( $result , $i );
if (! $meta ) {
echo "No information available<br />\n" ;
echo "<pre>
blob: $meta -> blob
max_length: $meta -> max_length
multiple_key: $meta -> multiple_key
name: $meta -> name
not_null: $meta -> not_null
numeric: $meta -> numeric
primary_key: $meta -> primary_key
table: $meta -> table
type: $meta -> type
unique_key: $meta -> unique_key
unsigned: $meta -> unsigned
zerofill: $meta -> zerofill
</pre>" ;
$i ++;
mysql_free_result ( $result );
Note: 此函数返回的字段名大小写敏感。
[#1] mwwaygoo AT hotmail DOT com [2012-05-30 10:20:02]
Using mysql_fetch_field you can produce a more robust version of mysql_fetch_assoc.
When querying 2 tables with the same field names, generally you would need to use mysql_fetch_row to get an integer key'ed array rather than an associated key'ed array. This is because fields of the same name in the second table will over-write the data returned from the first table.
However this simple function will insert the table name prior to the field name for the key and prevent cross-overs.
ie SELECT *, 'test' AS test 4 FROM table AS T_1, table AS T_2 WHERE T_1.a=T_2.b
could produce:
mysql_fetch_assoc() returns
mysql_fetch_table_assoc() returns
'T_1.index' =>1,
function mysql_fetch_table_assoc($resource)
// function to get all data from a query, without over-writing the same field
// by using the table name and the field name as the index
// get data first
if(!$data) return $data; // end of data
// get field info
$meta=mysql_fetch_field($resource, $index);
// if no field info then just use index number by default
// deal with field aliases - ie no table name (SELECT T_1.a AS temp)
if(!empty($meta->table)) $fields[$index]=$meta->table.'.';
// deal with raw data - ie no field name (SELECT 1)
if(!empty($meta->name)) $fields[$index].=$meta->name; else $fields[$index].=$index;
$assoc_data=array_combine($fields, $data);
return $assoc_data;
[#2] Daniel B [2012-03-26 02:56:15]
Simple function to display all data in a query...
function dumpquery($query) {
$numfields = mysql_num_fields($query);
echo '<table border="1" bgcolor="white"><tr>';
for ($i = 0; $i<$numfields; $i += 1) {
$field = mysql_fetch_field($query, $i);
echo '<th>' . $field->name . '</th>';
echo '</tr>';
while ($fielddata = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
echo '<tr>';
for ($i = 0; $i<$numfields; $i += 1) {
$field = mysql_fetch_field($query, $i);
echo '<td>' . $fielddata[$field->name] . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
[#3] lucien at ocia dot nl [2012-02-04 13:08:11]
Performance Notes!
I used this script for testing, the table has 26 colums.
$t_start = microtime(true);
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `table` LIMIT 1") or trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_WARNING);
for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($sql); $i++) {
$meta = mysql_fetch_field($sql, $i);
echo "Information for column ".$meta->name.":\n";
"\tblob: $meta->blob
\tmax_length: $meta->max_length
\tmultiple_key: $meta->multiple_key
\tname: $meta->name
\tnot_null: $meta->not_null
\tnumeric: $meta->numeric
\tprimary_key: $meta->primary_key
\ttable: $meta->table
\ttype: $meta->type
\tunique_key: $meta->unique_key
\tunsigned: $meta->unsigned
\tzerofill: $meta->zerofill
$t_stop = microtime(true);
$t_proc = $t_stop - $t_start;
echo "processing time query 1: ".number_format($t_proc * 1000, 3)." ms\n";
$t_start = microtime(true);
$sql = mysql_query("DESCRIBE `table`");
while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$t_stop = microtime(true);
$t_proc = $t_stop - $t_start;
echo "processing time query 2: ".number_format($t_proc * 1000, 3)." ms\n";
Query 1 => 0.444 ms
Query 2 => 1.146 ms
So for easy usage, Query 2 is advised... But if your a performance-geek, you should use Query 1.
[#4] eviltofu at gmail dot com [2011-07-08 17:58:35]
MYSQLI_TYPE_BLOB indicates the field is a BLOB or a TEXT. I think you would need to check the blob value. If its true then it's a BLOB, otherwise it's a TEXT. Can someone confirm?
[#5] Jonathan [2010-07-30 17:45:35]
It should be noted that the primary_key member variable is only set to 1 if the primary key on the table is only on that 1 field. If you have a table that has a multiple column primary key, then you will not get what you might expect.
For example:
CREATE TABLE `line_item_table` (
`liForeignKey1` int(11) unsigned not null,
`liForeignKey2` int(11) unsigned not null,
PRIMARY KEY (`liForeignKey1`, `liForeignKey2`)
While you might expect that primary_key == 1 for both columns; var_dump() will show you that you get the following for both fields:
This is as of PHP 5.2.13 and MySQL 5.0.51
[#6] TALU [2009-02-04 08:16:14]
XML generation.
Bit of a security risk allowing parameters to select db and table on live server (unless user is restricted or replace the $_GET with fixed value.)
Outputs xml with standard format for <config> part to generate forms in flash.
// makeXML.php?db=dbname&table=tablename
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$password = "root";
$database = $_GET['db'];
$table = $_GET['table'];
@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$querytext="SELECT * FROM ".$table;
if ($result){
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo "<?xml version='1.0'?>
if ($num > 0){
<?php echo $table?>
// Display number of fields
echo "<numFields>".mysql_num_fields($result)."</numFields>";
$i = 0;
$primaryKey = "";
$nameArray = array();
$maxLengthArray = array();
$typeArray = array();
while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)) {
$meta = mysql_fetch_field($result, $i);
$nameArray[$i] = $meta->name;
$maxLengthArray[$i] = $meta->max_length;
$typeArray[$i] = $meta->type;
if ($meta->primary_key){
$primaryKey = $meta->name;
$i = 0;
echo "<fieldNames>";
while ($i < count($nameArray)) {
echo "<field".$i.">".$nameArray[$i]."</field".$i.">";
echo "</fieldNames>";
$i = 0;
echo "<fieldMaxLength>";
while ($i < count($maxLengthArray)) {
echo "<field".$i.">".$maxLengthArray[$i]."</field".$i.">";
echo "</fieldMaxLength>";
$i = 0;
echo "<fieldType>";
while ($i < count($typeArray)) {
echo "<field".$i.">".$typeArray[$i]."</field".$i.">";
echo "</fieldType>";
<?php echo $primaryKey?>
<?php echo $num?>
while ($i < $num) {
<?php echo $ID?>
<?php echo $value?>
<?php echo $title?>
<?php echo $description?>
$i = $i + 1;
<?php echo $table?#=#>>
[#7] php [spat] hm2k.org [2008-11-04 15:22:32]
An improvement on the earlier mysql_column_exists function.
function mysql_column_exists($table_name, $column_name, $link=false) {
$result = @mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table_name LIKE '$column_name'", $link);
return (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0);
[#8] jorachim at geemail dot com [2008-09-25 13:09:38]
If you want the fields in a table, a simple DESCRIBE query will work:
$query ="DESCRIBE Users";
$result = mysql_query($query);
echo "<ul>";
while($i = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
echo "<li>{$i['Field']}</li>";
echo "</ul>";
Should do the trick.
[#9] david at vitam dot be [2008-06-10 05:57:22]
A little function to help coders to distinct the tablename from a multiselect query where some fields has the same name in differents tables.
public function sql($sql) {
while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)) {
$fields[]=mysql_fetch_field($result, $i);
while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
for($i=0;$i<count($row); $i++) {
$new_row[ $fields[$i]->table][$fields[$i]->name]=$row[$i];
return $T_Return;
[#10] dheep [2008-06-03 20:56:46]
Simple PHP script for displaying the field names. Presuming the database is seleected already.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$i = 0;
echo $i.".".$meta->name."<br />";
2.due date
hope this is useful.
[#11] Nick Baicoianu [2005-09-15 11:18:20]
Be sure to note that $max_length is the length of the longest value for that field in the returned dataset, NOT the maximum length of data that column is designed to hold.
[#12] php at brayra dot com [2002-03-21 16:09:30]
I needed to get the field information and the enum/set values. Here is the function I created to expand the object returned by mysql_fetch_field. I also, decided to return all the fields for a table in an array of field objects by "name" and position much like mysql_fetch_array does.
You could test it by using:
$myfields = GetFieldInfo('test_table');
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
The field objects now have 'len', 'values' and 'flags' parameters.
NOTE: 'values' only has data for set and enum fields.
//This assumes an open database connection
//I also use a constant DB_DB for current database.
function GetFieldInfo($table)
if($table == '') return false;
$fields = mysql_list_fields(DB_DB, $table);
$columns = mysql_query('show columns from ' . $table);
$num = mysql_num_fields($fields);
for($i=0; $i < $num; ++$i){
$column = mysql_fetch_array($columns);
$field = mysql_fetch_field($fields, $i);
$flags = mysql_field_flags($fields, $i);
if($flags == '') $flags=array();
else $flags = explode(' ',$flags);
if (ereg('enum.(.*).',$column['Type'],$match))
$field->values = explode(',',$match[1]);
if (ereg('set.(.*).',$column['Type'],$match))
$field->values = explode(',',$match[1]);
if(!$field->values) $field->values = array();
$field->flags = $flags;
$field->len = mysql_field_len($fields, $i);
$result_fields[$field->name] = $field;
$result_fields[$i] = $field;
return $result_fields;
return false;
hope someone else finds this useful.
[#13] krang at krang dot org dot uk [2002-03-10 06:12:38]
The field type returns what PHP classifies the data found in the field, not how it is stored in the database; use the following example to retrieve the MySQL information about the field....
mysql_connect('localhost', $USERNAME, $PASSWORD)
or die ("Could not connect");
$result = mysql_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM $DATABASE.$TABLE_NAME");
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo $row['Field'] . ' ' . $row['Type'];