Dokumen ini menggunakan Manual laman web PHP Cina Lepaskan
Foundation 可以很简单的创建一个提醒框:
提醒框可以使用 .alert-box
类创建, 可以添加可选的类: .secondary
, .success
, .info
, .warning
<div data-alert class="alert-box"> This is a default alert box. </div> <div data-alert class="alert-box secondary"> This is a secondary alert box. </div> <div data-alert class="alert-box success"> <strong>Success!</strong> This alert box indicates a successful or positive action. </div> <div data-alert class="alert-box info"> <strong>Info!</strong> This alert box indicates a neutral informative change or action. </div> <div data-alert class="alert-box warning"> <strong>Warning!</strong> This alert box indicates a warning that might need attention. </div> <div data-alert class="alert-box alert"> <strong>Alert!</strong> This alert box indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action. </div>实例预览 »
提醒框的宽度为容器的 100%。 |
和 .round
<div data-alert class="alert-box success radius"> <strong>Success!</strong> Alert box with a radius. </div> <div data-alert class="alert-box info round"> <strong>Info!</strong> Alert box that is rounded. </div>实例预览 »
要关闭提醒框,可以在连接或按钮元素上添加 class="close"
类,并初始化 Foundation JS:
<div data-alert class="alert-box"> This is a default alert box with closing functionality. <a href="#" class="close">×</a> </div> <script> // Initialize Foundation JS For Functionality $(document).ready(function() { $(document).foundation(); }) </script>实例预览 »
× (×) 是一个 HTML 字符实体表示一个关闭按钮的图标,而不是字母 "x"。 |
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